using generic methods and delegates

Tài liệu Anonymous Methods and Delegates pptx

Tài liệu Anonymous Methods and Delegates pptx

... anonymous methods are actually quite useful There might well be occassions when you have a block of code that you are never going to call directly, but you would like to be able to invoke using a ... adapter methods in an application—they start to clutter up the classes You can use an anonymous method anywhere that you can use a delegate You simply provide the code, enclosed in curly braces, and ... delegate, like this: control.Add(delegate { folder.StopFolding(0); } ); Features of Anonymous Methods Anonymous methods have several idiosyncracies that you should be aware of They include the following:...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 12:20

3 352 0
Exergoeconomic optimization and improvement of a cogeneration system modeled in a process simulator using direct search and evolutionary methods

Exergoeconomic optimization and improvement of a cogeneration system modeled in a process simulator using direct search and evolutionary methods

... transfer, subscripts F and P indicate system fuel and system product, respectively, NK is the number of system components, and NP and NF are the numbers of system products and fuels, respectively ... used, and their minimum and maximum allowable values In problem OP11, in addition to the evident consideration of the turbines and HRSGs, some decision variables associated with the condenser and ... function OF is the same, and the process steam and process hot water demands are assumed constant Here, the larger problem OP11 is considered for both mathematical optimization and exergoeconomic improvement...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:30

14 594 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Unsupervised Discovery of Generic Relationships Using Pattern Clusters and its Evaluation by Automatically Generated SAT Analogy Questions" pot

Báo cáo khoa học: "Unsupervised Discovery of Generic Relationships Using Pattern Clusters and its Evaluation by Automatically Generated SAT Analogy Questions" pot

... (Davidov and Rappoport, 2006; Widdows and Dorow, 2002) and meronymy (Berland and Charniak, 1999; Girju et al., 2006) Since named entities are very important in NLP, many studies define and discover ... 2004), meronymy (Berland and Charniak, 1999; Girju et al., 2006), synonymy (Widdows and Dorow, 2002; Davidov and Rappoport, 2006), and verb strength + verb happensbefore (Chklovski and Pantel, 2004) ... related work, and Section presents the pattern clustering and labeling algorithm Section describes the corpora we used and the algorithm’s parameters in detail Sections and Turney and Littman (2005)...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 17:20

9 390 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Isolation and identification of Escherichia coli O157:H7 using different detection methods and molecular determination by multiplex PCR and RAPD" docx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Isolation and identification of Escherichia coli O157:H7 using different detection methods and molecular determination by multiplex PCR and RAPD" docx

... Stx2, eaeA, and hlyA genes, and by flagellar H7 PCR After identification by motility and agglutination tests Table The detection rates of E coli O157:H7 by three different methods Methods Positive ... P010726-22, P010726-23, P010726-25, and O157-C-1-2), and 14 USA isolates; strains of ATCC (A1, A2, A3, and A4), strains of Cornell University (C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, and C6), and strains of Pennsylvania ... (18.2%), and tetracycline (18.2%), respectively (Table 4) Discussion This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of STEC in cattle, pigs, and chickens using different detection methods and...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 18:21

13 456 0
Báo cáo y học: "Statistical methods and software for the analysis of highthroughput reverse genetic assays using flow cytometry readouts" pps

Báo cáo y học: "Statistical methods and software for the analysis of highthroughput reverse genetic assays using flow cytometry readouts" pps

... approaches to analyze and rationally interpret the amount of data produced in highthroughput screens Here we describe methods and software to fulfill these requirements Results and discussion We ... morphologic parameters and two fluorescence intensities The morphologic parameters are forward light scatter (FSC) and sideward light scatter (SSC), and they measure cell size and cell granularity ... cells using the morphologic properties provided by the FSC and SSC parameters The joint distribution of FSC and SSC for transformed mammalian cells typically exhibits an elliptical shape, and most...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 17:22

12 425 0
fault diagnosis of induction motors using signal processing based methods and optimal feature selection

fault diagnosis of induction motors using signal processing based methods and optimal feature selection

... vibration data The classification methods can be divided into three groups: signal processing based methods, model based methods, and FFT based methods The FFT based methods are relied on the following ... Current Signature Analysis) method, the vibration-based methods, etc The purpose of these methods is to detect and diagnose faults in an early stage and therefore allow contingency plans to be put into ... signals and FFT spectrum, (a) normal, and (b) defective bearing Fig Frequency domain and time domain vibration signals of a rotor unbalance case in three directions Fig Frequency domain and time...

Ngày tải lên: 13/11/2014, 06:43

91 277 0
The development of acidic protein aptamers using capillary electrophoresis methods and their use in surface plasmon resonance

The development of acidic protein aptamers using capillary electrophoresis methods and their use in surface plasmon resonance

... bead and purified using PAGE DNA libraries consist of oligonucleotides with a constant region of about 20 bp at both the 5’ and 3’ ends and a 20-50 bp randomized region in the middle Shorter random ... mfold software using 100mM NaCl and 10mM MgCl2 for the ionic conditions 160 Figure a.4 Secondary structures of Lep and Lep 4T aptamer, analyzed on mfold software using 100mM NaCl and 10mM MgCl2 ... of aptamers CAT 1-4 using both the NECEEM and fluorescence intensity methods 80 Table 4.4 Binding affinities of lysozyme, trypsinogen, chymotrypsinogen A and myoglobin using fluorescence...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 09:22

205 284 0
Condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of induction machine using artificial intelligence methods and empirical mode decomposition

Condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of induction machine using artificial intelligence methods and empirical mode decomposition

... Bearing and raceway wear and tear present initially as general roughness and progresses to metal fatigue, and ultimately spall and chip on the surface of the rolling elements [93] Figure 2.4 and ... energy, magnetic energy, operational thermal stress and harsh environmental conditions e.g., humidity and chemical corrosion, causing wear and tear, and ultimately numerous types of fault may develop ... diagnostic scheme, and the rationale for condition monitoring using MCSA and vibration analysis, and sets the stage for stating the objectives of this research Fault statistics and literature survey...

Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2015, 21:57

180 655 0
Condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of induction machine using artificial intelligence methods and empirical mode decomposition

Condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of induction machine using artificial intelligence methods and empirical mode decomposition

... Bearing and raceway wear and tear present initially as general roughness and progresses to metal fatigue, and ultimately spall and chip on the surface of the rolling elements [93] Figure 2.4 and ... energy, magnetic energy, operational thermal stress and harsh environmental conditions e.g., humidity and chemical corrosion, causing wear and tear, and ultimately numerous types of fault may develop ... diagnostic scheme, and the rationale for condition monitoring using MCSA and vibration analysis, and sets the stage for stating the objectives of this research Fault statistics and literature survey...

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2015, 07:58

180 523 0
Glycoprotein Methods and Protocols - P1

Glycoprotein Methods and Protocols - P1

... a UV monitor and collect fractions using a fraction collector and subject to the appropriate carbohydrate and antibody analyses 3.6 Analysis of Mucins Methods for the detection and analysis of ... antibodies and lectins or coating methods such as the glycan detection method and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) All these techniques have advantages and disadvantages Solution methods ... the eluate on-line with an ultraviolet (UV) monitor and collect fractions using a fraction collector and subject to the appropriate carbohydrate and antibody analyses 3.4.2 Sephacryl S-500 Elute...

Ngày tải lên: 08/10/2012, 10:25

12 552 0
Glycoprotein Methods and Protocols - P2

Glycoprotein Methods and Protocols - P2

... mammary gland, defined by antibodies to cytokeratins J Cell Sci 75, 17–33 Kiernan, J A (1990) Histological and Histochemical Methods: Theory and Practice, Pergamon, Oxford, UK Andrew, S M and Jasani, ... M and Milton, J D (1986) Lectin Methods and Protocols, Humana, Totowa, NJ Liener, I E., Sharon, N., and Goldstein, I J (1998) The Lectins: Properties, Functions, and Applications in Biology and ... sialosyl Tn and Tn antigens within normal and malignant colorectal epithelium J Pathol 176, 143–149 Histological Methods for Detection of Mucin 43 21 Jass, J R and Smith, M (1992) Sialic acid and epithelial...

Ngày tải lên: 08/10/2012, 10:25

16 705 0
Glycoprotein Methods and Protocols - P3

Glycoprotein Methods and Protocols - P3

... core protein specificity), and lower sensitivity than slot-blot and immunoassay methods Chap- Detection and Quantitation of Mucins 47 ter (2) discusses these assays and they are mentioned here ... mucins, and two of the more popular are the anthrone assay (as both a manual and an automated procedure) (10) and the PAS reaction (11) In addition, manual and automated assays have been developed using ... acid and then detected using the Schiff reagent; for more details see ref 19 12 PAS-stained dot-slots or bands on Western blots can be readily quantitated using densitometry equipment, and the...

Ngày tải lên: 08/10/2012, 10:25

11 572 0
Glycoprotein Methods and Protocols - P4

Glycoprotein Methods and Protocols - P4

... mucus and measuring its thickness has been developed using in vivo microscopy in the anesthetized rat animal model (20–22) The GI mucosa is exteriorized, with its blood and nerve supply intact, and ... and held together by bolts tightened by hand Millipore filter paper to act as a backing for the mucosa during sectioning and subsequent manipulation of the section 2.2 Histological Staining and ... (w/v) poly-L-lysine for and dried at room temperature Methods 3.1 Observation and Measurement of Mucous Thickness on Unfixed Mucosal Sections (see Notes 1–4) This is a rapid and simple method for...

Ngày tải lên: 08/10/2012, 10:25

8 549 0
Glycoprotein Methods and Protocols - P6

Glycoprotein Methods and Protocols - P6

... a small gel, use 1.6 g of agarose and 160 mL of buffer, and for a large gel, use 2.8 g of agarose and 280 mL of buffer Leave to cool before pouring (hand hot) and insert well-forming comb (see ... by agarose gel electrophoresis and Western blots of the gels can be probed with lectins and antibodies Using this methodology, we have shown that with pooling and rechromatography it is possible ... PAS reagent) and for lectin and antibody reactivity (see ref for detailed procedures) 3.3.2 Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Electrophoresis is performed in 1% (w/v) agarose gels using a standard horizontal...

Ngày tải lên: 08/10/2012, 10:25

9 525 0
Glycoprotein Methods and Protocols - P7

Glycoprotein Methods and Protocols - P7

... Kadler, K E., and Chapman J A (1985) Mica sandwhich technique for preparing macromolecules for rotary shadowing J Ultrastruct Res 91, 66–76 14 Kawahara K and Tanford C (1966) Viscosity and density ... (Fullerton, CA) SW 40Ti swing-out rotor, and finally unloading and analysis of the tube contents Measure out 18 mL of M GuHCl into one chamber of the gradient maker and an equal volume of M GuHCl into ... into 0.5-mL fractions, and these were analyzed for reactivity with antisera for the MUC5AC (᭹) and MUC5B (᭺) mucins The MUC5B mucin is more polydisperse than the MUC5AC mucin and has molecules of...

Ngày tải lên: 08/10/2012, 10:25

10 620 0
Glycoprotein Methods and Protocols - P8

Glycoprotein Methods and Protocols - P8

... 114 Yan and Packer chromatography, and leads to a significantly lower recovery of all the amino acids, especially serine and threonine Strong acid, high temperature, and short time acid ... at least for pump and column equilibration with the initial composition of the mobile phase Figures and show typical chromatograms of the separation of amino acid standards and hydrolyzed bovine ... samples and Dr Andrew Gooley and Prof Keith Williams for their support References Yan, J X., Wilkins, M R., Ou, K., Gooley, A A., Williams, K L., Sanchez, J.-C., Golaz, O., Pasquali, C., and Hochstrasser,...

Ngày tải lên: 08/10/2012, 10:25

7 577 0
Glycoprotein Methods and Protocols - P10

Glycoprotein Methods and Protocols - P10

... specificity and permits identification of significant features of an epitope that may contribute to antibody recognition and binding (see Notes 10 and 11) 1.3 Purification of Antibodies Using Peptide ... Antibodies Using Peptide Affinity Chromatography (see Notes 12–15 and Fig 3) Prepare Sepharose-peptide affinity matrices and pack columns according to the manufacturer’s instructions (see Notes 12 and ... tandem repeat domain and overlapping each other by six amino acids (16), and the other used octamers overlapping each other by seven amino acids (17) Twelve antibodies were analyzed in total and...

Ngày tải lên: 08/10/2012, 10:25

13 737 0