uses of mother tongue in l2 acquisition

An investigation into teachers' and students' attitudes toward the use of mother tongue in English language classrooms at Hongai High school

An investigation into teachers' and students' attitudes toward the use of mother tongue in English language classrooms at Hongai High school

... order”(p.9) Since then, there has been a movement of promoting the use of the mother tongue in the language classroom Professionals in second language acquisition have become increasingly aware of the ... the history of the mother tongue used in EFL classroom Looking at the history of mother tongue (L1) used in the L2 classroom, it can be easily seen that the use of L1 keeps changing periodically ... meanings of words or sentences, explain grammar, organize class, maintain disciplines, gain contact with individual students and test Aurebach (1993: 21) includes the following in her lists of...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2015, 10:32

48 923 0
Refusals to invitations the use of vietnamese learners of english and the use of native speakers of english  a comparison

Refusals to invitations the use of vietnamese learners of english and the use of native speakers of english a comparison

... explanation Indirect – Statement of Alternative Indirect – Statement of Principle Indirect – Statement of philosophy Indirect – Let the interlocutor off the hook Indirect – Repetition of part of the invitation ... NSs of English, including delaying, showing regret, giving excuses, showing appreciation, blaming the partner, giving an alternative and mixing different ways Among these, mixing different ways ... Therefore, in interaction, people often cooperate to maintain each other’s face However, some acts, by their nature, make it difficult to maintain the face of the participants in an interaction...

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:31

44 1,2K 4
 Circuit theory of finance and the role of incentives in financial sector reform

Circuit theory of finance and the role of incentives in financial sector reform

... establishment of financial institutions specialized in investment financing This route has been followed to date in the industrialized countries and 15 in an increasing number of emerging economies Investment ... explains production overfinancing, excessive risk taking by investors, and changes in investment funding decisions in terms of individual rational responses to economic incentives • By integrating ... profitability is declining The internalization of information within the same institution may thus enhance intra-circuit and inter-circuit stability by reducing the incentive to overfinancing...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2012, 09:33

55 666 0
Music cover, the effects of it and The attitudes of NEU’s students to Music cover in Vietnam

Music cover, the effects of it and The attitudes of NEU’s students to Music cover in Vietnam

... data: - Finding documents in the Internet and magazine Overview previous researches which have the same topic Surveying in 100 students in National Economics University Overview of the outline: 1) ... research is divided into three main parts: Part I includes ideas which are background information, rationale, scope of the study, research question, methodology and overview of outline Introduction ... like remaining the life for the song The cover music in Vietnam is the kind of music, which has Vietnamese lyric based on the melody of the song of other country Therefore, some people think the...

Ngày tải lên: 21/04/2013, 20:53

23 568 0
Identifying common errorss in written english of students of english at the intermediate level

Identifying common errorss in written english of students of english at the intermediate level

... mastery of doing many kinds of writing exercises - skill in expressing ideas smoothly - skill in management of writing activities - skill to use words, phrases and structures - skill in knowing about ... find down how a person learns a language * obtain information on common difficulties in language learning, as an aid in teaching or in the preparation of teaching materials 14 1.3.4 Causes of ... listening, speaking, reading and writing But what we have discussed in this thesis is about writing That is, identifying common errors in written English of students of English at the intermediate...

Ngày tải lên: 19/12/2013, 10:39

38 479 0
Some register features in agreement between the united states of america and the socialist republic of vietnam on trade relations = một số đặc điểm ngữ vực trong hiệp định thương mại việt   mỹ

Some register features in agreement between the united states of america and the socialist republic of vietnam on trade relations = một số đặc điểm ngữ vực trong hiệp định thương mại việt mỹ

... while analyzing and/or interpreting a text He points out that the really pressing question here is "which kinds of situational factor determined which kinds of selection in the linguistic system?" ... this study, the investigation focuses on analyzing the BTA In addition, due to the time constraints and within the framework of a graduation paper, this analysis of the BTA is confined to only some ... will condition many aspects of the language used, including, for example, its degree of formality, famility, and technicality of linguistics exchanges Another way of thinking about tenor is to consider...

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 18:26

48 568 5
Tài liệu Organization-internal Transfer of Knowledge and the Role of Motivation: A Qualitative Case Study pptx

Tài liệu Organization-internal Transfer of Knowledge and the Role of Motivation: A Qualitative Case Study pptx

... some respondents indicated that their level of activity in terms of searching, absorbing and applying new methods was slightly declining ‘I haven’t been very active lately in checking which new ... team-building efforts, is one way of stimulating motivation A case study of this kind obviously has some limitations in terms of generalization to population Instead, we discuss findings in relation ... from In terms of future research, there ought to be plenty of opportunities, considering the increasing popularity of knowledge transfer and similar methods of learning Cases such as SCA Packaging...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 00:20

12 515 0
Tài liệu Types of pacemakers and the hemodynamics of pacing pptx

Tài liệu Types of pacemakers and the hemodynamics of pacing pptx

... atrium in these patients is of no value VVI pacing could be used in a patient with sick sinus syndrome as “backup pacing,”but during those times of pacing, AV synchrony would not be maintained ... Chronotropic incompetence is a common form of abnormal sinus node function in which appropriate increases in sinus rate not occur As noted above, the AAT and VVT modes are mainly of historic interest ... benefit of AV synchrony in terms of the patient's sense of well-being Those studies indicate that VVI pacing and heart block, with loss of AV synchrony, may be reasonable in a very elderly, inactive...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 01:20

11 415 0


... prevent an infringement of any intellectual property right, and in particular to prevent the entry into the channels of commerce in their jurisdiction of allegedly infringing goods, including imported ... the predominant use of which has been in the creation of the infringing goods be, without compensation of any sort, disposed of outside the channels of commerce in such a manner as to minimize ... experience and training of staff, and have the aim of strengthening the legislative and regulatory framework in the field of intellectual property law, strengthening the administration of intellectual...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 01:20

156 809 1
Expressing gratitude by native speakers of english and vietnamese learners of english

Expressing gratitude by native speakers of english and vietnamese learners of english

... appears in the form of Thanking + Complimenting + Expressing appreciation Thanking + Complimenting + Offering return Thanking + Expressing appreciation + Expressing indebtedness Expressing gratitude ... in the choice of promising to repay ES’s expressions of gratitude usually appear in the form of Thanking + Expressing indebtedness + Promising to repay + Complimenting Thanking + Expressing indebtedness ... appreciation Thanking + Complimenting + Expressing appreciation Thanking + Complementing + Offering return Thanking + Expressing appreciation + Expressing indebtedness Thanking + Expressing indebtedness...

Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 14:36

15 668 2
Tài liệu The Role of BCG Vaccine in the Prevention and Control of Tuberculosis in the United States: A Joint Statement by the Advisory Council for the Elimination of Tuberculosis and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices docx

Tài liệu The Role of BCG Vaccine in the Prevention and Control of Tuberculosis in the United States: A Joint Statement by the Advisory Council for the Elimination of Tuberculosis and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices docx

... boosted by administering a tuberculin skin test week to year after the initial postvaccination skin test; ongoing periodic skin testing also might prolong reactivity to tuberculin in vaccinated persons ... preventing pulmonary TB in adolescents and adults These studies also were not useful in determining a) the efficacy of BCG vaccine in HCWs or b) the effects on efficacy of the vaccine strain administered ... Tuberculin Skin Testing and Interpretation of Results After BCG Vaccination Postvaccination BCG-induced tuberculin reactivity ranges from no induration to an induration of 19 mm at the skin-test site...

Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 13:20

27 1,3K 3
Tài liệu Đề tài " On the K2 of degenerations of surfaces and the multiple point formula " pptx

Tài liệu Đề tài " On the K2 of degenerations of surfaces and the multiple point formula " pptx

... divisor of γ consisting of the double points of X along γ off the Zappatic singularities of X; • dγ = deg(Dγ ); • dX the total number of double points of X off the Zappatic singularities of X The main ... number of open n-faces of G, i.e the number of Rn -points of X, for n 3; • r:= n rn , the total number of Rn -points of X, for all n 3; • sn : the number of n-angles of G, i.e the number of Sn -points ... except for: • ordinary double points at points of the double locus of X, which are not the Zappatic singularities of X; • further singular points at the Zappatic singularities of X of type Tn , for...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 06:20

62 399 0
Tài liệu Regulating Deviance: The Redirection of Criminalisation and the Futures of Criminal Law pptx

Tài liệu Regulating Deviance: The Redirection of Criminalisation and the Futures of Criminal Law pptx

... conduct is in some way threatening Sexual offenders convicted of committing offences of an ‘abnormal’ kind are an obvious case in point, but the general rise of punishments of an indeterminate kind ... Gani in examining the construction of offences against the person in the Australian Criminal Code (Cth) He argues that the Model Criminal Law Officers Committee’s original choice of using such offences ... threats, raising profound questions about the liberal assumptions underpinning most criminal justice thinking In chapter four, Leslie Sebba argues that the main thrust of the expansion of criminalisation...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 12:20

327 520 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Single phosphorylation of Tyr304 in the cytoplasmic tail of ephrin B2 confers high-affinity and bifunctional binding to both the SH2 domain of Grb4 and the PDZ domain of the PDZ-RGS3 protein ppt

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Single phosphorylation of Tyr304 in the cytoplasmic tail of ephrin B2 confers high-affinity and bifunctional binding to both the SH2 domain of Grb4 and the PDZ domain of the PDZ-RGS3 protein ppt

... the binding of the PDZ domain of PDZRGS3 affects binding of the Grb4 SH2 domain to phosphorylated peptides, through studies of ternary interactions among the PDZ domain, the phosphotyrosine peptide ... Tyr331, existed in all the peptides independent of phosphorylation (Fig 8A,B) Thus, the conformation of the PDZ binding domain of ephrinB2(301–333) is essentially independent of tyrosine phosphorylation ... N-terminal SH2 domain of p85; pYXXM for the C-terminal SH2 domain of p85; pYVIP, pYILI and pYILV for the C-terminal SH2 domain of PLC-r; pYELE, pYIDI and pYVDV for the N-terminal SH2 domain of PLC-r;...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 12:20

12 551 0
Tài liệu The Economic Promise of Investing in High-Quality Preschool: Using Early Education to Improve Economic Growth and the Fiscal Sustainability of States and the Nation pptx

Tài liệu The Economic Promise of Investing in High-Quality Preschool: Using Early Education to Improve Economic Growth and the Fiscal Sustainability of States and the Nation pptx

... slipped to ninth in the share of students enrolling in college.‡39 In short, the new global economy increasingly relies on information and innovation, both of which are highly knowledge intensive ... result of including the savings from reducing the victim cost of crime When only including the direct cost savings from reductions in criminal activity, the returns from Perry Preschool are more in ... rose rapidly in the 1970s and 1980s before leveling off in the 1990s, have given rise to an increasing number of single-parent families Today, 28 percent of children reside in single-parent families,...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 20:20

74 608 0
Tài liệu Growth and Decline of the Economies of Europe and the US docx

Tài liệu Growth and Decline of the Economies of Europe and the US docx

... working in Britain in 1743 Concrete was developed in 1756 using lime mortar The textile industry was mechanized in 1769 The steam engine was invented in 1775 Development of new techniques of making ... using coal instead of charcoal took place with the setting up of a blast furnace in 1709 Forges for making sections came up in1 785 The first iron bridge was built in 1778 Mechanical mining using ... Great Britain Spain took control of a large part of North America including Mexico, Florida in the United States, all of Central America and a great part of South America including Argentina, Peru,...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 14:20

90 483 0


... Whitening of Mechanical pulps Pulp screening and cleaning Secondary fibre operations, pulping Deinking, fractionation Finishing of pulps, lapping, drying and baling Unit Operations Of Papermaking ... Forming section and dewatering of the matt Pressing Drying, surface coating and sizing Calendering.Winding & Finishing.Wrapping, Packing and Despatch - 23 Paper Production, Properties And End Uses ... Continuous assessment Continuous assessment Examination Examination Examination Continuous assessment Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Continuous...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 09:20

28 489 0
Tài liệu Relationships of L1 and L2 Reading and Writing Skills doc

Tài liệu Relationships of L1 and L2 Reading and Writing Skills doc

... more proficient in L2 reading and writing skills Table Correlations for L1 and L2 Reading and Writing Assessments Variables All Levels L1 reading - L2 reading r = 258* L1 writing - L2 writing r ... language input from L1 and L2 reading, and L1 and L2 writing instruction, upon L2 writing skills compared to the relationships with L1 writing skills, administering a questionnaire and interviewing ... academic texts even in Japanese, including the tertiary level (Okabe, 2004) This lack of training in L1 writing indicates the lack of “cognitive/academic proficiency” (Cummins, 2005, p 4) which...

Ngày tải lên: 24/02/2014, 18:20

27 632 1
Government Incentivisation of Higher Education-Industry Research Partnerships in South Africa. An Audit of THRIP and the Innovation Fund pptx

Government Incentivisation of Higher Education-Industry Research Partnerships in South Africa. An Audit of THRIP and the Innovation Fund pptx

... represented in Figure Five sequential phases of data gathering and analysis included an environmental scan, the acquisition of THRIP baseline data, updating Innovation Fund baseline data, an industry ... the Innovation Fund; • The management of the HE-industry linkage; • The outputs of the HE-industry linkages; • The sustainability of the partnerships with HE institutions and SETIs A total of ... (52% as single authors and 39% as coauthors with industry partners) These findings support strongly the argument presented by Ping (1980), in suggesting that involvement in HE institution-industry...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 05:22

63 441 0