use solar energy instead of coal gas and oil

Volume 1 photovoltaic solar energy 1 16 – crystalline silicon solar cells state of the art and future developments

Volume 1 photovoltaic solar energy 1 16 – crystalline silicon solar cells state of the art and future developments

... elements of the solar cells The physics of the solar cell can be described well by a number of basic equations, partially being of differential type in time and space Thus, exact calculations of the ... widely used approach to simulate solar cells [46] A number of lumped parameters are used due to the one-dimensional characteristic of the simulator Table gives an overview of a standard set of parameters ... be used to describe and simulate a screen-printed mono-Si solar cell yielding an efficiency of 18.0% It is of specific interest to assess the impact of the variation of relevant parameters on solar...

Ngày tải lên: 30/12/2017, 13:07

35 242 0
DSpace at VNU: Sequence-specific synthesis of platinum-conjugated trichromophoric energy cascades of anthracene, tetracene, and pentacene and fluorescent "black chromophores"

DSpace at VNU: Sequence-specific synthesis of platinum-conjugated trichromophoric energy cascades of anthracene, tetracene, and pentacene and fluorescent "black chromophores"

... Figures and 3, and Figure UV−vis absorption spectra and colors of CH2Cl2 solutions of T-P-T (brown), T-P (pink), and A-P-T (blue) at room temperature Figure UV−vis absorption spectra and colors of ... Supporting Information * MALDI-TOF mass spectra of T-P-T, T-P, A-P-T, P-T-P, and P-T and emission and excitation spectra of P-T-P and P-T This material is available free of charge via the Internet ... presence of 12 and 10 signals for the rings in the spectra of the complexes, respectively Both spectra of A-T-P and A-P-T show 8, 10, and 12 signals for the anthracenyl, tetracenyl, and pentacenyl...

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2017, 08:19

9 72 0
Volume 1 photovoltaic solar energy 1 07 – finance mechanisms and incentives for photovoltaic technologies in developing countries

Volume 1 photovoltaic solar energy 1 07 – finance mechanisms and incentives for photovoltaic technologies in developing countries

... of RESCOs have been set up to provide the services of sale and installation and maintenance of household solar PV systems in China and India and also in concession schemes throughout Africa and ... for profitable and nonprofitable approach 134 Economics and Environment required for a nonprofit approach with NPV = and interest rate of 6% is between 0.3 and 0.5 € kWh−1 and for a profit approach ... value in case of payment failure A well-tailored microfinance scheme is adapted on the one hand to the current expenses of the end-users and on the other hand to the loss of value of the system...

Ngày tải lên: 30/12/2017, 12:55

31 318 0
A White Paper Describing Produced Water from Production of Crude Oil, Natural Gas, and Coal Bed Methane pot

A White Paper Describing Produced Water from Production of Crude Oil, Natural Gas, and Coal Bed Methane pot

... Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, the Groundwater Information Center at the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, the Utah Division of Oil, Gas, and Mining, and the Wyoming Oil and Gas ... production of oil and gas on federal lands In addition, the BLM approves and supervises most oil and gas operations on American Indian lands The BLM regulations governing onshore oil and gas operations ... volume of produced water and other wastes generated as a result of oil and gas E&P in the U.S and how those wastes were managed and disposed of Due to the differences between onshore and offshore...

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 01:20

87 562 0
Energy, exergy and environmental analysis of a hybrid combined cooling heating and power system utilizing biomass and solar energy

Energy, exergy and environmental analysis of a hybrid combined cooling heating and power system utilizing biomass and solar energy

... ð30Þ 0.47 0.45 where Rs and Rb are the solar energy and biomass energy ratios, respectively, and Qbio,n and Qsol,n are the nominal inputs of the biomass energy and solar energy at the design condition, ... Parameter Value Solar irradiance Solar collector area Mean temperature of solar collector Inlet temperature of exhaust gas Solar energy input Biomass consumption Heat of exhaust gas Heat of jacket ... performance, the proportions of the solar energy and biomass energy inputs play a crucial role on the energy efficiency and exergy efficiency Herein, the solar energy and biomass energy ratios are defined...

Ngày tải lên: 29/07/2016, 14:01

12 428 0
FischerTropsch liquid fuel production by cogasification of coal and biomass in a solar hybrid dual fluidized bed gasifier

FischerTropsch liquid fuel production by cogasification of coal and biomass in a solar hybrid dual fluidized bed gasifier

... greenhouse gas gasification reactor higher heating value heat recovery and steam generate heating value of fuel, heat flow (J) mine to tank storage capacity (hours) solar hybrid coal- to-liquid solar ... the concept of solar hybrid dual fluidized bed (SDFB) gasifier is proposed It is suitable for biomass and low rank coal gasification and does not require an expensive ASU [8, 11] And the bed ... material can be used to store solar energy as sensible heat to response to the transient solar resources Guo et al [8] have conducted an assessment of the performance of a solar hybrid coal to liquid...

Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2016, 09:30

10 144 0
Analysis of a feasible trigeneration system taking solar energy and biomass as co-feeds

Analysis of a feasible trigeneration system taking solar energy and biomass as co-feeds

... collector land The cost of solar collector and related equipment is 1225 Yuan/m2; the area of solar collector land is three times that of the solar collector, and the cost of solar collector land is ... biomass gasification and solar thermal process is suggested and discussed In the proposed system, the mid -and- low temperature solar thermal energy is transformed into the chemical energy of bio -gas ... biomass energy, it consumes extra solar energy of 477 kW to provide the steam for biomass gasification process The input of solar energy reduces the consumption of biomass, which makes the solar...

Ngày tải lên: 02/08/2016, 09:36

11 385 0
Lithium-Ion Battery Systems: A Process Flow And Systems Framework Designed For Use In The Development Of A Lifecycle Energy Model

Lithium-Ion Battery Systems: A Process Flow And Systems Framework Designed For Use In The Development Of A Lifecycle Energy Model

... whereas NMC doesn’t use any Each chemistry has pros and cons and is used depending upon the requirements of the vehicle use and the conditions of the market The pros and cons of different chemistries ... The energy “normally wasted during coasting and braking” of the vehicle is converted and stored in the battery until that energy is “needed by the electric motor” (US Department of Energy and ... power source of wind, solar, nuclear, etc can further reduce emissions and burn cleaner than non-renewable source of coal From the political standpoint, the 10 domestic generation of energy from...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2016, 09:56

107 404 0
Volume 1 photovoltaic solar energy 1 05 – historical and future cost dynamics of photovoltaic technology

Volume 1 photovoltaic solar energy 1 05 – historical and future cost dynamics of photovoltaic technology

... level and in California The International Energy Agency relies on experience curves in its assessment of the least cost method for meeting greenhouse gas reduction targets and energy demand for ... through analysis of risk Because of the possibility of R&D failure, the benefits of subsidies stochastically dominate those of R&D In the event of R&D failure, subsidies make the costs of PV much lower ... The Review of Economic Statistics 47(1): 81–86 Smith A (1776) Of the division of labor In: An Inquiry into the Nature and the Causes of the Wealth of Nations Chapter London: Methuen and Co Wright...

Ngày tải lên: 30/12/2017, 12:53

26 264 0
Volume 1 photovoltaic solar energy 1 13 – prediction of solar irradiance and photovoltaic power

Volume 1 photovoltaic solar energy 1 13 – prediction of solar irradiance and photovoltaic power

... timescale of few minutes, forecasts of direct irradiance could be useful for the control of receivers in solar thermal power plants Further examples include the use of weather and solar energy forecasts ... values as input Other examples of preprocessing of input data are the use of wavelets [32] and the use of the logarithm of irradiance values [27] A comparison of ANNs and classical time series models ... forecasting of solar irradiance and solar electricity generation as a consequence of the need for precise and detailed forecast data in the energy sector We have presented a state -of- the-art review and...

Ngày tải lên: 30/12/2017, 13:02

54 245 0
Volume 1 photovoltaic solar energy 1 32 – design and components of photovoltaic systems

Volume 1 photovoltaic solar energy 1 32 – design and components of photovoltaic systems

... system on the Maldivian island Mandhoo and a large system in Abu Dhabi 1.32.2 PV Cells and Modules Solar Cells The performance of a solar cell, the building block of solar panels, is characterized ... system demands an area of 1.65 km2 and consists of 100 Sunny Central 1000 MV stations and 501 760 c-Si modules of 200 Wp For CdTe modules of 72.5 Wp each, in total 380 000 modules are used in 200 ... intercell and edge areas From van Sark WGJHM (2007) Teaching the relation between solar cell efficiency and annual energy yield European Journal of Physics 28: 415–427 [5] Design and Components of...

Ngày tải lên: 30/12/2017, 13:05

17 214 0
Volume 1 photovoltaic solar energy 1 23 – application of micro  and nanotechnology in photovoltaics

Volume 1 photovoltaic solar energy 1 23 – application of micro and nanotechnology in photovoltaics

... performance of solar cells [5] The first is thermalization of high -energy photons that are excited by photons of energy higher than the band gap (Figure 1) These photons lose energy by emission of photons ... available materials Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 91: 238 Trupke T, Green M, and Würfel P (2002) Improving solar cell efficiencies by up-conversion of sub-band-gap light Journal of Applied Physics ... studies of KMgF3:Sm crystal and the effect of its wavelength conversion on CdS/CdTe solar cell Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 80: 417–432 [27] Klampaftis E, Ross D, McIntosh KR, and Richards...

Ngày tải lên: 30/12/2017, 13:06

17 188 0
Volume 3 solar thermal systems components and applications 3 03 – history of solar energy

Volume 3 solar thermal systems components and applications 3 03 – history of solar energy

... History of ISES and Its National Sections, vol 1, ch 17 Boulder, CO: American Solar Energy Society, Inc Delyannis E (2003) Historic background of desalination and renewable energy Solar Energy ... F., Direct Use of Solar Energy, 1964) Abbot CG (1943) Solar radiation as a power source Journal of the American Society of Naval Engineers 55: 381–388 Abbot CG (1931) 25 Years study of solar radiation ... on solar energy applications and proved that Archimedes’ experiment was realizable History of Solar Energy (a) 87 (b) Figure (a) Surya, the Sun God, surrounded by the Gods and Goddesses of the...

Ngày tải lên: 30/12/2017, 17:18

18 200 0
Impacts of Greenhouse Gas on Feed and Livestock Production

Impacts of Greenhouse Gas on Feed and Livestock Production

... greenhouse gas emissions Parameter Value Comments Livestock’s contribution climate change in CO2 equivalent 18percent Includingpasture degradation and assuming that two-thirds of land use change ... methane and (C2+C 4)/C ratio Source: Moss et al (2000) Effect of feeding characteristics on methane production • Digestible organic matter or energy • Residence time in the rumen and level of intake ... management • Methane inhibitors and rumen manipulation – Fats and oils – Ionophores, other chemical compounds and probiotics – Defaunation • Reusable methane source by using biogas technique Conclusion...

Ngày tải lên: 14/04/2013, 16:04

24 308 0


... (I-V) and (P-V) characteristics for a solar cell • PV light-to-electricity efficiency:10% to 15% light- toKhoa Điện-Điện Tử 2002 – 2007 Effects of temperature and insolation levels on silicons solar ... – 2007 Stand-alone PV system CHƯƠNG TRÌNH Đ ÀO TẠO KỸ SƯ CHẤT LƯỢNG CAO VIỆT-PHÁP PFIEV • Operate independent of the electric utility grid • designed and sized to supply certain DC and/ or AC ... applications: explore closedgridclosedloop control with estimated and monitored fast and accurated enough grid voltage and frequency, and synchronized the current with the grid voltage Khoa Điện-Điện...

Ngày tải lên: 26/04/2013, 08:26

20 492 2
University buildings in Greece: Energy analysis of heating and cooling demand

University buildings in Greece: Energy analysis of heating and cooling demand

... Dioxide (CO2) footprint Table Energy and environmental indices per building type and year of construction Building Type Classrooms Offices Offices Offices Offices Offices Theatres Laboratories ... Definition of the energy analysis parameters The energy analysis and simulation of buildings requires the definition of a number of parameters, related to construction characteristics (geometry and ... spaces The comparison of cooling energy demand profiles of classroom (Figure 5) and office buildings (Figure 3) reveals more enhanced differences Due to the increased number of occupants in the...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:10

10 559 0
Tài liệu Department of Conservation Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources docx

Tài liệu Department of Conservation Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources docx

... California Oil & Gas Corporation California Oil & Gas Corporation C & M Oil Co & Investments C & M Oil Co & Investments C & M Oil Co & Investments Hexadyne Energy Corporation Hexadyne Energy Corporation ... Medley Oil & Gas, LLC Los Angeles Unified School District Innex California, Inc Tetra Oil Company Tetra Oil Company Tetra Oil Company Tetra Oil Company Tetra Oil Company Medley Oil & Gas, LLC ... LLC OXY USA Inc Pine Creek Energy LLC Pine Creek Energy LLC West American Energy Corporation Incremental Oil and Gas, LLC Incremental Oil and Gas, LLC AA Production Services, Inc Sunset Exploration...

Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 13:20

26 400 0