use changes on surface water quality and quantity the sah

Báo cáo " Community based coastal resources management behind changes in surface water environment and land policy: A case study in the Tam Giang Lagoon, Central Vietnam " ppt

Báo cáo " Community based coastal resources management behind changes in surface water environment and land policy: A case study in the Tam Giang Lagoon, Central Vietnam " ppt

... exploitation and aquacultural activities in the lagoon Among them, about 900 households live on the lagoon’s water surface [9] Figure Location map of the study area; arrow indicates Phu An Commune The ... individuals because of changes in policies, regulations, and customary use It may lead to greater vulnerability for the poor who are strongly dependent on the lagoon resources and new conflicts among members ... affirmed that there was present of organic substances in the water environment in the Tam Giang Lagoon and the lagoon’s water has a polluted sign According to the authors’ survey, other reasons which...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 15:20

11 531 0
A real time optimal control approach for water quality and quantity management  marina reservoir case study

A real time optimal control approach for water quality and quantity management marina reservoir case study

... 1994)) The methods belonging to the second group are rather based on the introduction of some hypothesis concerning the regularity of the SDP optimal value function and the employment of continuous ... constraints on the potential release; • Water quality issues related to the runoff characteristics, tropical climatological conditions and the proximity to the sea The novelty of the evaluation ... AI and AII in Figure 4.4 51 Cross-section of the 3D images of the Pareto fronts obtained via simulation on the calibration and validation period Red dots and blue triangles correspond to the...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 21:24

158 362 0
QCVN 08MT:2015BTNMT National technical regulation on surface water quality

QCVN 08MT:2015BTNMT National technical regulation on surface water quality

... Resources and Environment National technical regulation on surface water quality GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1 Scope of regulation 1.1.1 This regulation stipulates maximum value of surface water quality ... application: - Assess and manage surface water quality, as a basis for the protection and use water properly - As a basis for the establishment, approval of water use planning according to the identified ... the identified uses - Assess the conformance of surface water quality for the approved water use planning - As a basis to control the reception of waste resources, ensure surface water sources...

Ngày tải lên: 18/05/2016, 15:05

13 2,1K 26
A study on applying Group work to increase quality and quantity of language use at High School for Gifted Students = Nghiên cứu về việc áp dụng hoạt động nhóm n

A study on applying Group work to increase quality and quantity of language use at High School for Gifted Students = Nghiên cứu về việc áp dụng hoạt động nhóm n

... person to start by being the interviewer The interviewer asks a question and takes notes on the answers given by the other student Then they switch roles and repeat the process Any questions ... class Then teacher calls on students randomly to answer the questions on the card If they don‟t know the answer, teacher should ask them to facilitate a short discussion with the class to get the ... interaction” and partly “interpersonal skills” In other words, these conducted Group work in classes only get the medium level in fostering cooperation among students The second feature of one effective...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 08:59

53 821 0
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Light-quality and -quantity effects on monoterpene-mediated photo-bleaching of conifer needles" pot

Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Light-quality and -quantity effects on monoterpene-mediated photo-bleaching of conifer needles" pot

... Results and Discussion The results are summarized in Table I The data on the non-fumigated seedlings show - a light-dependent accumulation of pigments, a well-known physiological adaptation (for ... light environments in continuous light or in 12:12 h cycles of light and dark at 298°K After fumigation, seedlings were combined for each sample and analyzed for their pigment content and a-tocopherol ... on a 3:1 mixture of quartzsand and vermiculite irrigated with tap water Cultivation took place in glass vessels in continuous white light (16 ) M W/ The incubators were placed for 48 h in the...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 04:20

3 261 0
Establishing a surface water quality monitoring network for the Mekong delta,Viet Nam

Establishing a surface water quality monitoring network for the Mekong delta,Viet Nam

... INTRODUCTION AND RATIONALE 1.1 The Mekong Delta and its main environmental problem Mekong River, the 11th largest river in the world, is the main water source for irrigation, fishery, and domestic use ... remain waterlogged and inundated for most of the rainy season In view of the limitations on land use imposed by excess water due to flooding and rain, the dry season is the main crop production season ... concentration of these materials, and the poor records of their use, no reliable data on the potential risks to the general inland environments can be calculated There is an urgent need for monitoring their...

Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2013, 20:15

26 578 0
The Communication on Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution and The Directive on “Ambient Air Quality and Cleaner Air for Europe” pdf

The Communication on Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution and The Directive on “Ambient Air Quality and Cleaner Air for Europe” pdf

... the implementation of current air quality legislation In addition, there was a two-month “non-expert” web-based public consultation on the content and objectives of the Thematic Strategy Of the ... modifications to existing legislation The WGPM was led by experts from the UK and Germany The WGI was convened by the Commission to gather and report on the implementation of existing air quality ... on human health and the environment, and there will be long-term monitoring under the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Monitoring, modelling, assessment and mapping will...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 14:20

170 401 0
The Assessment of Water Quality and Pollution in Tanzania pptx

The Assessment of Water Quality and Pollution in Tanzania pptx

... of water quality degradation and their impacts on the natural environment and on human health Studies have mainly focussed on nutrient loads and distribution, BOD and coliforms levels and other ... Zanzibar, the majority of water quality studies were carried out in the waters fronting the Stone Town in the Zanzibar Municipality These include both baseline and monitoring studies In Tanga, the ... a summary of the available information about water quality and pollution in Tanzania Water quality research in Tanzania Research in pollution and water quality does not have a long history in...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 21:20

18 553 0
Water quality and pollution status of Chambal river in National Chambal sanctuary, Madhya Pradesh pdf

Water quality and pollution status of Chambal river in National Chambal sanctuary, Madhya Pradesh pdf

... sec-1) at Station-C in the month of September The colour of river water was very much turbid in monsoon season and except for monsoon season, the colour of water was transparent The minimum depth ... Station-C in the month of August to 54.40 mgl-1 at Station-C in the month of June and potassium level from 2.10 mgl-1 at Station-C in the month of August to 6.30 mgl-1 at Station-B in the month ... to the methods of APHA (2005) and Trivedy and Goel (1984) Results and Discussion The physico-chemical characteristics provide a fair idea of the water quality in any water body The result of the...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 21:20

10 515 0
báo cáo hóa học:" New quality and quantity indices in science (NewQIS): the study protocol of an international project" docx

báo cáo hóa học:" New quality and quantity indices in science (NewQIS): the study protocol of an international project" docx

... References 10 Conclusion As a conclusion, the use of the presently described approach to assess research quantity and quality may be used to 1) establish an objective basis for the evaluation of science ... and questionable allocation policies have contributed to weakening the reputation of basic and applied research all over the globe There are numerous studies on research evaluation and policy ... in one-year steps (see additional file 1) and drafted and prepared the manuscript All authors read and approved the final manuscript Additional material Additional file Time-space distribution...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 00:20

4 376 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Studies on mastitis, milk quality and health risks associated with consumption of milk from pastoral herds in Dodoma and Morogoro regions, Tanzania" pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: "Studies on mastitis, milk quality and health risks associated with consumption of milk from pastoral herds in Dodoma and Morogoro regions, Tanzania" pdf

... )%0.04( )%3.72( sisolucrebuT )%6.82( )%6.36( htnimleH )%6.82( )%8.4( )%0.04( gnihguoC on deknaR on deknaR on deknaR on deknaR motpmys/esaesiD oremovM amodoD noitpmusnoc klim hguorht dettimsnart eb ... retrauq a ,stluser TMC roF selbairav yrotanalpxe tsniaga stluser esylana ot desu erew level mraf ta CCT dna CVT yb denifed ytilauq klim dna sititsam lacinilc ,slevel retrauq ro woc ta stluser erutluc ... detroper sa retaw dna erutsap hguone teg swoc nehw )yaM ot hcraM( sniar gnol eht gnirud rucco ot ylekil si noitcudorp klim devorpmi taht elbissop si tI erutsap hguone evah ton od saera eht fo tsom nehw...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 18:21

9 400 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Effect of desiccation during cold storage on planting stock quality and field performance in forest species" doc

Báo cáo khoa học: "Effect of desiccation during cold storage on planting stock quality and field performance in forest species" doc

... one hand and between root water content and height variation (linear relationship) on the other hand (figure 4) In red oak, curvilinear relationships were found between root water content and ... Commission for having provided funds to conduct that research within contract FAIR No 95-0497 and the European partners for their collaborations The contribution of “Conseil Régional de Bourgogne” and ... seedling desiccation in three species 107 3.3 Relationships between field performance and root water content or RGP Among the various water status variables and REL, root water content was best...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 14:21

11 342 0
Surface water quality modeling

Surface water quality modeling

... Units and Conversions 37.2 Chemical Equilibria and the Law of Mass Action 37.3 Ionic Strength, Conductivity, and Activity 37.4 pH and the Ionization of Water 37.5 Equilibrium Calculations Problems ... 419 23.1 Nitrogen and Water Quality 23.2 Nitrification 23.3 Nitrogenous BOD Model 23.4 Modeling Nitrification 23.5 Nitrification and Organic Decomposition 23.6 Nitrate and Ammonia Toxicity Problems ... 353 355 CONTENTS xi 19.6 BOD Loadings, Concentrations, and Rates 19.7 Henry's Law and the Ideal Gas Law 19.8 Dissolved Oxygen Saturation Problems LECTURE20 Gas Transfer and Oxygen Reaeration 20.1...

Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 13:21

11 363 0
QCVN 09MT:2015BTNMT National technical regulation on ground water quality

QCVN 09MT:2015BTNMT National technical regulation on ground water quality

... Resources and Environment National technical regulation on ground water quality GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1 Scope of regulation 1.1.1 This regulation stipulates maximum value of ground water quality ... regulation applies to assess and supervise the quality of groundwater resources, as a basis to guide for the different purposes of water use 1.2 Terminology Ground water in this regulation is water ... Accept the guidance on analysis method of other national and international standards which is equivalent or higher than above standards in Section 3.1 IMPLEMENTATION 4.1 This regulation replaces...

Ngày tải lên: 18/05/2016, 15:05

10 1K 13
water quality zoning for the river basins

water quality zoning for the river basins

... software and there can therefore be used as background for monitoring the water environment and evaluating water use and pollution treatment in the years to come This is the first time the rivers and ... classification of the water environment in Hanoi city Based on results of water quality zoning and in combination with site study opinions from questionnaires and national standards and national technical ... B1: For watering and irrigation or other uses that have the same requirements of water quality as grade B2 - Grade B2: for waterway and other uses that need only water of poor quality The determination...

Ngày tải lên: 25/04/2013, 08:23

12 492 1
Assessment of Spatial Variation of Water Quality Parameters in the Most Polluted Branch of the  Anzali Wetland, Northern Iran

Assessment of Spatial Variation of Water Quality Parameters in the Most Polluted Branch of the Anzali Wetland, Northern Iran

... Land use, vegetation, and river network information was used to select stations for water sampling The water samples were collected along the Siahroud River during four consecutive seasons The ... addition, the presence of industrial sites in the middle reaches of the river is another major pollution source [17] Therefore, a study of the sources of water quality degradation in the Siahroud watershed, ... including the Siahroud basin as one of the major contributing subbasins to the sedimentation of the Anzali Wetland [8] The present erosion is 397 Assessment of Spatial Variation Table Average and standard...

Ngày tải lên: 28/05/2016, 11:28

9 259 0


... in the mixing of pond and lake waters, caused by the changing temperatures in surface waters during the shifting of seasons [19, 20] The density and weight of water change when temperature changes ... International Perspectives on Water Quality Management and Pollutant Control result is important because it displays the correlation between cyanobacteria and other phy‐ toplankton growth and the ... identification up to the species level In addition, flow cytometry was able to provide insight on the phytoplankton profile when used in conjunction with the other two methods The combination of the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 11:20

130 538 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Effect on Health-related Quality of Life of changes in mental health in children and adolescents" pot

báo cáo hóa học: " Effect on Health-related Quality of Life of changes in mental health in children and adolescents" pot

... populations or dimensions in which changes are most marked, and to confirm the results of cross-sectional studies Determining the association between changes in mental health status and changes ... JAPV, and EVO analyzed the data MH and LR participated in the drafting of the article All authors contributed to a critical revision of the manuscript and made a substantial contribution to its content, ... years than by the other factors included The study had some limitations Firstly, the response rate at follow-up was only 54% and there were some differences between participants and non-participants...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20

7 505 0