... excellent C compilers available for the Atmel AVR line. We have chosen the ImageCraft ICC AVR compiler for its short learning curve and ease of use. ATMEL AVR ARCHITECTURE OVERVIEW 13 microcontroller ... 0x20)==0x00) //wait for UDRE flag { ; } UDR = data; //load data to UDR for transmission } ATMEL AVR ARCHITECTURE OVERVIEW 3 1.1.3 ATmega1 6 Architecture Overview We have chosen the ATmega1 6 as a representative ... representative of the Atmel AVR line of microcontrollers. Lessons learned with the ATmega1 6 may be easily adapted to all other processors in the AVR line. A block diagram of the Atmel ATmega1 6’s architecture...
Ngày tải lên: 16/08/2012, 09:03
... cổng vào ra VI ĐIỀU KHIỂN AVR – ATmega 128 Lê Trung Thắng ĐH Khoa Học Tự Nhiên TP. Hồ Chí Minh - 2007 18 Chương III BỘ ĐỊNH THỜI CỦA ATmega1 28 ATmega1 28 có 4 bộ định thời , ... Timer/Counter Control Register TCCR2 ã Bit 7 FOC2: Force Output Compare ã Bit 6, 3 WGM21:0: Waveform Generation Mode VI ĐIỀU KHIỂN AVR – ATmega 128 Lê Trung Thắng ĐH Khoa Học Tự Nhiên ... nhớ EEPROM $000 $FFF Bảnđồ bộ nhớ ATmega1 28 VI ĐIỀU KHIỂN AVR – ATmega 128 Lê Trung Thắng ĐH Khoa Học Tự Nhiên TP. Hồ Chí Minh - 2007 10 EEPROM của ATmega1 28 có dung lượng 4 Kbyte =...
Ngày tải lên: 27/04/2013, 11:20
Atmel AVR Architecture Overview
... language for loading into the ATmega1 6. We use Atmel s AVR Studio to load the machine code into the ATmega1 6. 6 ATMEL AVR MICROCONTROLLER PRIMER: PROGRAMMING AND INTERFACING 1.3 PORT SYSTEM The Atmel ... PA1 ATMEL AVR ARCHITECTURE OVERVIEW 3 1.1.3 ATmega1 6 Architecture Overview We have chosen the ATmega1 6 as a representative of the Atmel AVR line of microcontrollers. Lessons learned with the ATmega1 6 ... background operations. 20 ATMEL AVR MICROCONTROLLER PRIMER: PROGRAMMING AND INTERFACING Hardware tools: We use Atmel s STK500 AVR Flash MCU Starter Kit (STK500) for programming the ATmega1 6. The STK500...
Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 20:20
... requirements for the project. We will retain the use of the ATmega8 in the example to illustrate the ease and transferring information from one microcontroller to another in the Atmel AVR line. ATMEL AVR ... Seven-Segment LED Displays To display numeric data, seven-segment LED displays are available as shown in Figure 6.6(b). Different numerals can be displayed by asserting the proper LED segments. For example, ... char putcommand(0x0C); //display on putcommand(0x01); //display clear-1.64 ms putcommand(0x06); //entry mode set putcommand(0x00); //clear display, cursor at home putcommand(0x00); //clear display, cursor...
Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 20:20
C programming for microcontrollers AVR
... thousands of AVRs for your next great invention. The AVR Studio will be used for two things: first, to download your software to the AVR Butterfly, and second, to simulate the ATMEGA1 69 running ... crazy On the CD you will find the ATMEL ATMEGA1 69 data book. At 364 pages, it is the comprehensive source of information for the microcontroller used on the AVR Butterfly board. Open it on your ... be manipulated as a data bit. Bytes T fo C Programming for Microcontrollers Featuring ATMEL s AVR Butterfly and the Free WinAVR Compiler Joe Pardue SmileyMicros.com Chapter...
Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2014, 00:02
High-performance, Low-power Atmel® AVR® 8-bit Microcontroller.
... Voltages – 2.7V - 5.5V for ATmega1 6L – 4.5V - 5.5V for ATmega1 6 ã Speed Grades 0 - 8 MHz for ATmega1 6L 0 - 16 MHz for ATmega1 6 ã Power Consumption @ 1 MHz, 3V, and 25°C for ATmega1 6L – Active: ... microcontroller is no longer guaranteed. The test is performed using BODLEVEL = 1 for ATmega1 6L and BODLEVEL = 0 for ATmega1 6. BODLEVEL = 1 is not applicable for ATmega1 6. Table 15. Reset Characteristics Symbol ... ADC6 INPUT ADC5 INPUT ADC4 INPUT 16 2466T AVR 07/10 ATmega1 6(L) AVR ATmega1 6 Memories This section describes the different memories in the ATmega1 6. The AVR architecture has two main memory spaces,...
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Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 21:20
Legacy Support for USB Keyboards and Mice and the Host Controller Driver
... RESUME signal from a USB device. 1 (R/W) USB Error Interrupt Set to 1 by host controller when completion of a USB transaction results in an error condition. 0 (R/W) USBINT Set to 1 by host ... value, then the platform // BIOS has legacy keyboard support code and legacy keyboard support is enabled for // the platform. If ((LEGSUP value) AND (0x00BF))!= 0 then Set USBBIOS flag in data ... to generate timing on the USB. (For more information, see section 2.1.6 of the Universal Host Controller Interface (UHCI) Design Guide, Revision 1.1.) Guidelines for modification of frame time...
Ngày tải lên: 07/10/2013, 00:20