... head start to applying them to your startup, instead of cargo-culting what others do.2 Let’s start with the components of this Startup Law, the first one being the problem (Figure 2-2) the Problem ... 7, to the degree these startups solve the problem, they create value, and that creates at least the opportunity to generate revenue the Problem the Your Startup’s Value Figure 2-3 Your startup’s ... you that? Don: Well, because they are the source, the funding source for all these great startups And I get out there and see as many of them as I can But the fact is there are hundreds and hundreds...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 04:21
... head start to applying them to your startup, instead of cargo-culting what others do.2 Let’s start with the components of this Startup Law, the first one being the problem (Figure 2-2) the Problem ... 7, to the degree these startups solve the problem, they create value, and that creates at least the opportunity to generate revenue the Problem the Your Startup’s Value Figure 2-3 Your startup’s ... from other programmers and developers who haven’t something cool they can show off They can also be the starting point for any one of the other kinds of startups Think of it as a proto-startup...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 22:20
the art of scalability scalable web architecture processes and organizations for the modern enterprise phần 1 pdf
... business needs to grow These guys have been there on the front lines of some of the most successful Internet companies of our time, and they share the good, the bad, and the ugly about how to ... have the right person in the right job at the right time and with the right behaviors The VC firm backing AllScale has a saying amongst its partners that the “fish rots from the head.” Although the ... splits of the database supporting the customer contact management system Both architects believe they are empowered to make the appropriate decisions without the help of the other architect as they...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 17:21
the art of scalability scalable web architecture processes and organizations for the modern enterprise phần 2 pps
... of the product or the back office systems that run the company These people need to be consulted because the systems that the CTO creates and runs are the lifeblood of the business units and the ... someone other than the CEO approve his or her scalability vision or scalability plan Consultants to the scalability vision are the CTO’s peers the people who rely on the CTO for either the availability ... out along the y or vertical axis of the matrix and the individual contributors or organizations are spelled out on the x-axis of the matrix The intersection of the activity (y-axis) and the organization...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 17:21
the art of scalability scalable web architecture processes and organizations for the modern enterprise phần 3 potx
... company (or the behaviors to which your company aspires) • Gather after the interview and discuss the responses to the questions and the feelings of the team It is as important to make the right ... reaching out to them and inviting them to spend the night alongside you as you release the next version of the product or patch bug fixes As they come in the next morning from being up late, they will ... Cs The idea is that the more stakes they have in the projects the more they will be interested and support you Another way to get the business executives involved is asking them to mentor your...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 17:21
the art of scalability scalable web architecture processes and organizations for the modern enterprise phần 4 pps
... of the change, and the contact information of the person making the change • The intent of change management is to limit the impact of changes by controlling them through their release into the ... future development The teams are then to affix the sticky notes on their own copy of the Venn diagrams placed around the room At the end of several hours, each of the teams presents their Venn diagram ... communicating them, generating hypotheses, and quickly proving or disproving those hypotheses The teams should be able to communicate with the other domains’ teams either through the crisis management team...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 17:21
the art of scalability scalable web architecture processes and organizations for the modern enterprise phần 5 pptx
... factor such as the difficulty of the task, the amount of effort required for the task (the more effort generally the higher the risk), the interaction of this component with others (the more connected ... approve the feature to move forward to the development phase They brought Sam and Mark back into the room and shared the good news with them, congratulating them on being the first to present to the ... features The three of them worked the rest of the afternoon to rough out the process, including who should be permanent members of the board (the three of them) and who should be revolving (the engineering...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 17:21
the art of scalability scalable web architecture processes and organizations for the modern enterprise phần 6 ppsx
... 19.1, where the legs are speed, cost, and quality, whereas the area of the triangle is the scope of the project If the triangle is small, the scope of the project is small and thus the cost, time, ... calculations on them The formula is to multiply each score in the body of the matrix by the weight of each factor and then sum these products for each tradeoff producing the total score Using the Engineers ... happy with the results and the runtime of the application However, as the list of candidates grows, so does the list of companies for which the candidates have worked Additionally, given the growth...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 17:21
the art of scalability scalable web architecture processes and organizations for the modern enterprise phần 7 potx
... monolithic application The Z-Axis of the AKF Application Scale Cube The z-axis of the Application Scale Cube is a split based on a value that is “looked up” or determined at the time of the transaction; ... these tuples or entries are called tags and datum The tag specifies the identity of the datum, and the datum is the actual data being stored The data stored in the datum is an exact copy of the ... When the requesting application or user finds the data that it is asking for in the cache, this is called a cache-hit When the data is not present in the cache, the application must go to the...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 17:21
the art of scalability scalable web architecture processes and organizations for the modern enterprise phần 8 doc
... compared against the encrypted version in the database; then the session data must be updated marking the user as authenticated; then the welcome page must be generated; and finally the welcome page ... The input is a car at the intersection waiting on the light The output is determined by the current state of the light as well as the input If a car is waiting and the current state is red, the ... the data is not present in the cache, the application must go to the primary source to retrieve the data Not finding the data in the cache is called a cache-miss • The number of hits to requests...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 17:21
the art of scalability scalable web architecture processes and organizations for the modern enterprise phần 9 docx
... Although the per unit cost of power is higher than some other areas, and cooling demands are high in the summer, the efficiency of the HVAC systems through the course of the year and the low winter ... unless they expect to exit other facilities and close them over time The concerns of the hyper-growth company are more about staying well ahead of the demand for new space than ensuring that the space ... middle of a job, what data the host needs to perform the task, gathering the processed results back afterward, deleting the data from the host, and aggregating the results together This adds a lot...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 17:21
the art of scalability scalable web architecture processes and organizations for the modern enterprise phần 10 ppsx
... hypothesis and a null hypothesis The hypothesis would be that the means of the data sets (v3.1 to v3.0) are the same and the null or alternative hypothesis would be that they are not the same The ... for the Web servers There are also around 80 requests per second at peak for the application servers The reason for the difference is that there are a lot of preprocessed static pages on the Web ... beneath the availability of the adserving systems and the registration systems In other words, the device availability impacts the availability of these services, but the availability of the services...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 17:21
Bài toán trích xuất từ khoá cho trang web áp dụng phương pháp phân tích thẻ html và đồ thị web
... Việt, tiếng Anh Loại trang web ST T Địa trang web - Miêu tả trang web Kết theo phương pháp khác Dựa vào nội dung thẻ Dựa vào đồ thị Dựa vào HTML web Log 40 Các trang web Tiến g Việt http://suckhoecongdon ... dụng đồ thị web Định nghĩa đồ thị Web Các trang web đặc trưng hiển thị trình duyệt qua ngôn ngữ HTML mà chúng có liên kết, kết nối đến Chính liên kết tạo nên đồ thị web Đồ thị Web đồ thị ... chọn Đối với trang web, áp dụng phương pháp cách từ địa trang web cần lấy từ khóa Lần theo liên kết trang hạt giống (seed page) để lấy trang web khác phải thuộc domain Tập trang web tạo nên tập...
Ngày tải lên: 23/11/2012, 13:44
Bài toán trích xuất từ khóa cho trang web áp dụng phương pháp phân tích thẻ HTML và đồ thị web
... Hiện nay, trang web chuẩn theo W3C1 (World Wide Web Consortium) có chứa từ khóa trang thẻ với thuộc tính “keywords” Các từ khóa trang web đa số sinh thủ công người quản trị web Bài toán trích ... Đối với trang web, áp dụng phương pháp cách từ địa trang web cần lấy từ khóa Lần theo liên kết trang hạt giống (seed page) để lấy trang web khác phải thuộc domain[25] Tập trang web tạo nên tập ... dụng đồ thị web Định nghĩa đồ thị Web Các trang web đặc trưng hiển thị trình duyệt qua ngôn ngữ HTML mà chúng có liên kết, kết nối đến Chính liên kết tạo nên đồ thị web Đồ thị Web đồ thị...
Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2013, 11:51
... Hiện nay, trang web chuẩn theo W3C1 (World Wide Web Consortium) có chứa từ khóa trang thẻ với thuộc tính “keywords” Các từ khóa trang web đa số sinh thủ công người quản trị web Bài toán trích ... Đối với trang web, áp dụng phương pháp cách từ địa trang web cần lấy từ khóa Lần theo liên kết trang hạt giống (seed page) để lấy trang web khác phải thuộc domain[25] Tập trang web tạo nên tập ... dụng đồ thị web Định nghĩa đồ thị Web Các trang web đặc trưng hiển thị trình duyệt qua ngôn ngữ HTML mà chúng có liên kết, kết nối đến Chính liên kết tạo nên đồ thị web Đồ thị Web đồ thị...
Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2013, 16:14
Presenting the sample application
... directory of each of the web projects Most of the files related to the configuration of the timesheet example application are retained in the web application project, while the ones in the core project ... /timesheets-core/src/test/java/com/apress/timesheets/AppTest.java These represent the configuration of the project, an example application, and an example unit test for the application By far the most important of these is the pom.xml file containing the ... of the major components in the example application have corresponding unit tests, and Chapter 10 looks at how these are implemented The Web Application Not all Spring applications are web applications,...
Ngày tải lên: 08/10/2013, 21:20
Designing Microsoft® Exchange 2000 for the Enterprise
... with the command Type only the information within the brackets, not the brackets themselves {} In syntax statements, enclose required items Type only the information within the braces, not the ... for the Enterprise xi Trainer Materials Compact Disc Contents The Trainer Materials compact disc contains the following files and folders: !" Default.htm This file opens the Trainer Materials Web ... for the Enterprise Student Materials Compact Disc Contents The Student Materials compact disc contains the following files and folders: !" Default.htm This file opens the Student Materials Web...
Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2013, 12:15
Module 1: Introduction to Designing Exchange 2000 for the Enterprise
... Explain that the labs (except for module 1) are structured so that the student first reads the case study, then applies the applicable job aid to perform the design, and finally implements the design ... How the Classroom is Set Up ! Differences Between the Classroom Setup and the Northwind Traders Environment Lead-in There are some differences between the way the classroom is set up and the ... how the classroom is set up, and the differences between the classroom setup and the Northwind Traders environment Module 1: Introduction to Designing Exchange 2000 for the Enterprise 17 How the...
Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 16:15
Tôi có thể tự quản lý trang web của mình hay không? Có một số điều bạn cần
... trang web hút thiết kế Hãy bàn bạc đến đểm với nhà thiết kế trước bắt đầu trình thiết kế, câu trả lời giúp bạn xác định phương hướng thiết kế trang web Mục tiêu trang web gì? Hầu hết trang web ... trang web đáp ứng đầy đủ nhu cầu vượt trông đợi họ Trang web cần phải có nội dung gì? Nội dung trang web bạn nên chất công việc kinh doanh điều khiển Nếu bạn nhà kinh doanh bất động sản, trang web ... trang web bạn cần thiết kế đặc biệt nhằm thu hút đối tượng mục tiêu Hãy đặt vào vị trí họ (tức ngồi trước máy vi tính họ) Hãy hình dung trang web bạn mắt họ Nếu bạn truy cập vào trang web trang...
Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 18:15
The transference of meaning through class of words denoting parts of the human body in english and vietnames
... a lock The heart of a man - The heart of a matter 37 The tongue of a man - The tongue of a shoe The tooth of a person - The tooth of a comb The head of a person - The head of the page The scar ... Ankle 1 .The joint connecting the foot with the leg The thinner part of the leg between this joint and the calf 4) Arse The part of the body one sits on; the anus A person 5) Artery Any of the tubes ... of the hand 14 One's leg - The leg of a trip 15 One's brain - The brains of a family 16 The bosom of a person - The bosom of the church 17 The flank of a person - The flank of a mountain 18 The...
Ngày tải lên: 18/12/2013, 21:45