uncovering principles of virus host interaction and viral pathogenesis

Modulation of west nile virus capsid protein and viral RNA interaction through phosphorylation 1

Modulation of west nile virus capsid protein and viral RNA interaction through phosphorylation 1

... 6-8 Growth kinetics and virus titre of wild type (WT) and mutant viruses……………………………………………141 Figure 6-9 Growth kinetics and virus titre of viruses produced by co-transfection of infectious wild ... localisation of C protein for positive-stranded RNA virus is not unusual though The C protein of coronavirus, another group of positive-stranded RNA viruses, was also reported to localize in the nuclei of ... positive-stranded virus RNA are present xii LIST OF TABLES Table 2-1 Cells and media………………………………………………… 26 Table 2-2 List of genes and regions cloned……………………………….32 Table 2-3 List of the names of primers...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 10:04

44 304 0
Modulation of west nile virus capsid protein and viral RNA interaction through phosphorylation 2

Modulation of west nile virus capsid protein and viral RNA interaction through phosphorylation 2

... Infection of cells and purification of virus 2.2.1 Viruses The virus used in this study is the Sarafend strain of West Nile virus It was a kind gift from Emeritus Professor Edwin Westaway The virus ... 2880-3894 of viral RNA Synthesize fragment 3830-4839 of viral RNA Synthesize fragment 4790-5804 of viral RNA Synthesize fragment 5758-6772 of viral RNA Synthesize fragment 6728-7742 of viral RNA ... 7698-8702 of viral RNA Synthesize fragment 8655-9669 of viral RNA Synthesize fragment 9613-10617 of viral RNA Synthesize fragment 10053-11057 of viral RNA Synthesize ant-sense fragment 1- 1017 of viral...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 10:04

51 244 0
Modulation of west nile virus capsid protein and viral RNA interaction through phosphorylation 3

Modulation of west nile virus capsid protein and viral RNA interaction through phosphorylation 3

... significant amount of the negative-stranded WNV RNA of Fragment and 12 The difference in the amount of positive- and negative-stranded RNA being pulled down [region 1-1017 (Fragment and 13) on the ... cytoplasm of the cells were sites of viral RNA synthesis and at later time points (18 hr and 24 hr) viral RNA had begun to diffuse into the cytoplasm Because the RNA labelling kit also labels host ... co-localisation of viral RNA with C protein (B) Panels (i) and (iii) show the 3-dimenisonal rendering for panels (iv) and (v) in (A), respectively Panels (ii) and (iv) are blow ups of an area in (i) and...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 10:05

27 165 0
Modulation of west nile virus capsid protein and viral RNA interaction through phosphorylation 4

Modulation of west nile virus capsid protein and viral RNA interaction through phosphorylation 4

... Figure 6-8 Growth kinetics and virus titre of wild type (WT) and mutant viruses produced from the transfection of infectious viral RNA BHK cells were transfected with µg of infectious wild type ... medium and allowed to set overnight Virus supernatant was layered on top of 20 % Optiprep A representative plaque assay of the amount of virus in each section of the medium is shown on the right Viruses ... mutant viruses (Fig 6-6A) To quantify the average number of vacuoles in infected cells, ten cells infected with each of the different wild type and mutant viruses were selected at random and the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 10:05

47 214 0
Modulation of west nile virus capsid protein and viral RNA interaction through phosphorylation 5

Modulation of west nile virus capsid protein and viral RNA interaction through phosphorylation 5

... U & Wengler, G (1985) Sequence analysis of the viral core protein and the membrane-associated proteins V1 and NV2 of the flavivirus West Nile virus and of the genome sequence for these proteins ... protein and RNA interaction and how phosphorylation might affect this interaction in vitro, interaction between C protein and viral RNA needs to be characterized Although the delineation of RNA ... pool of wild type virus (Fig 6-14 A) In contrast, the ratio between the positive- and negative-strand RNA in the pool of mutant virus is almost 2:1 (Fig 6-14A) This means that almost 1/3 of the viruses...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 10:05

34 185 0
Báo cáo y học: " Open Access Quantification of the virus-host interaction in human T lymphotropic virus I infection" pdf

Báo cáo y học: " Open Access Quantification of the virus-host interaction in human T lymphotropic virus I infection" pdf

... rates of CTL lysis of infected cells) had different proviral loads It was found that the rate of Tax expression (high or low) was a significant predictor of proviral load (P = 0.005, 13% of proviral ... CTL -virus interaction is crucial to understanding the control of HTLV-I infection and the progression to HAM/TSP Although a high proviral load is associated with HAM/TSP there is large amount of ... directly associated with the amount of viral antigen rather than the amount of proviral DNA However, investigation of viral antigen is confounded by the presence of CD8+ cells which effectively kill...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:21

9 383 0
Principles of Digital Communication Systems and Computer Networks

Principles of Digital Communication Systems and Computer Networks

... thức, entropy H = 4.07 bit/ký hiệu Lưu ý: Hãy xem xét câu sau: "I not knw wheter this is undrstandble." Mặc dù thực tế số chữ tích câu bạn làm câu văn Nói cách khác, có nhiều khả dự phòng văn ... hóa đặc biệt để khắc phục ảnh hưởng nhiễu Hai khía cạnh đưa Shannon báo “A Maththemathical Theroy of Communication” xuất năm 1948 Bell System Technical Journal - nơi đưa lý thuyết thông tin Shannon ... định lý quan trọng cho kỹ sư truyền thông Tài liệu tham khảo C E Shannon "A Mathematical Theory of Communication." Bell System Technical Journal, Vol 27, 1948 Tất kỹ sư truyền thông phải đọc báo...

Ngày tải lên: 18/09/2012, 10:13

15 949 1
Báo cáo y học: "Cancer control through principles of systems science, complexity, and chaos theory: A mode"

Báo cáo y học: "Cancer control through principles of systems science, complexity, and chaos theory: A mode"

... emergence of order…[allowed by] a constant flow of energy and matter through the system…[the] emergence of new structures and new forms of behavior…[which are] the hallmark of self-organization, [and] ... could, on one hand, shift the balance of system’s oscillations toward the outer edge of chaos and increase the potential for cancer growth, and on the other hand, it could choose the path of stability ... analogous to the movement of sperms prior to fertilization The systems’ evolutionary phase follows the completion of the initial state but prior to a stage of a of the zone of order and the fully-functioning...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 10:04

10 441 0
Tài liệu Principles of pacemaker—myocardial interaction doc

Tài liệu Principles of pacemaker—myocardial interaction doc

... threshold There are two types of analyzers: one measures voltage and current at the beginning of the pacemaker spike and the other measures voltage and current at the middle of the pacemaker spike Thus, ... coating of the exposed metal in the pacemaker leads Recharging is essentially invisible to the patient and the physician following the patient and is mentioned only as an example of one of the ... spike, the polarization of the ions has progressed, and the buildup of oppositely charged ions at the metal electrodes opposes the flow of electricity through the circuit and increases resistance...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 01:20

17 301 0
principles of chemical reactor analysis and design new tools for industrial chemical reactor operations

principles of chemical reactor analysis and design new tools for industrial chemical reactor operations

... reliability of predicting the flow patters, (ii) ease of incorporating of the chemical kinetics and adequacy of the physical and chemical representations, (iii) scale of resolution for the application and ... mechanism of heterogeneous catalytic reactions The rate of the reaction depends on the rates of these individual steps and the interactions between the catalytic site and the species, and the adsorption ... constant, and Deff is the effective diffusion coefficient in the particle (depending on the reactants and products, the size and size distribution of the pore, and the porosity of the pellet), and L...

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 10:36

494 853 0
principles of financial economics leroy and werne phần 7 pptx

principles of financial economics leroy and werne phần 7 pptx

... (18.11) The variance of rλ is and its standard deviation σ(rλ ) is the square root of var(rλ ) The expectations and standard deviations of frontier returns are shown in Figures 18.3 and 18.4 If the ... measure of risk (see Chapter 10), the analysis of expected returns and variances of returns plays an important role in the theory and applications of finance It leads to identification of returns ... functions and consumption sets the alternative definition of effectively complete markets is weaker than the definition of Section 16.3 The analysis of efficient allocation of risk in the case of LRT...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:22

28 438 0
principles of financial economics leroy and werne phần 9 doc

principles of financial economics leroy and werne phần 9 doc

... the importance of arbitrage is recognized are Ross [3], Black and Scholes [1] and Harrison and Kreps [2] Bibliography [1] Fischer Black and Myron Scholes The pricing of options and corporate ... Journal of Mathematical Economics, 19:1–38, 1990 [4] Michael Magill and Martine Quinzii Theory of Incomplete Markets MIT Press, 1996 [5] Roy Radner Existence of equilibrium of plans, prices and price ... dimension, inducing discontinuity of agents’ portfolio and consumption demands For an example of nonexistence of an equilibrium in multidate security markets see Magill and Quinzii [4] The nonexistence...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:22

28 411 0