... Policy Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) [DHS] Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) [DHS] For Official Use Only (FOUO) [DOD] Computer Security ... 12/20/1999 SASI / Select Agent Sensitive Information HHS* CDC* SBU / Sensitive But Unclassified [CDC] SBU / Sensitive But Unclassified [State] SBU / Sensitive But Unclassified Building Info [GSA] SGI ... Memorandum request was 9-702 business days, and two requests are still pending over 750 business days later The range for the sensitive unclassified information requests was 6-186 business days, and...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 05:20
... Loans: Assumptions Underlying the 2012 Subsidy Estimates Table - Loan Guarantees: Assumptions Underlying the 2012 Subsidy Estimates 13 Table - Direct Loans: Assumptions Underlying ... GUARANTEES: ASSUMPTIONS UNDERLYING THE 2012 SUBSIDY ESTIMATES—Continued (In percentages, unless noted otherwise) Composition of Subsidy Agency, Bureau, Program and Risk Category Subsidy rate Defaults, ... LOANS: ASSUMPTIONS UNDERLYING THE 2013 SUBSIDY ESTIMATES—Continued (In percentages, unless noted otherwise) Composition of Subsidy Agency, Bureau, Program and Risk Category Subsidy rate Defaults,...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 03:20
Tài liệu Going Global- U.S. Government Policy and the Defense Aerospace Industry pdf
... Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) oversees proposed foreign mergers with and acquisitions of U. S businesses The National Industrial Security Program (NISP) governs U. S classified information ... foreign firms are insisting with increasing aggressiveness on more equal business relationships with U. S firms as well as on less restrictive U. S policies regarding access to the U. S market, technology ... greater use of commercial designs, subsystems, components, parts, technologies, and processes in weapon systems For a discussion and analysis of the broad literature on this subject, see Lorell...
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 11:20
Your Insured Funds - National Credit Union Administration, a U.S. Government Agency doc
... union in its usual course of business, including regular shares, share certificates, and share draft accounts are insured Investment products offered by a credit union to its members, such as ... unless it is insured by the NCUSIF 25 Can a state credit union terminate its NCUSIF share insurance? Yes A state-chartered credit union can terminate its NCUSIF share insurance in some states, ... trust assets when the last owner dies For example: A husband and wife are coowners of a living trust The trust states that upon the death of one spouse the assets will pass to the surviving spouse,...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 07:20
... primarily during the postpartum period; sepsis; unsafe abortion; eclampsia; and obstructed labor (see Figure B-1).2 Sometimes diseases, such as pre-existing conditions or diseases that develop during ... crisis and budget pressures in the U. S specifically could affect the level of investment in MNCH.21 The confluence of these factors presents significant opportunities for the U. S but also raises ... which has specific targets (see Figure 2) Numerous indicators are used to assess MNCH, including several used to measure progress toward MDGs and 5: maternal mortality ratio, lifetime risk of maternal...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 05:20
... is also critical to the success of a robust pension system When underfunded plans terminate, PBGC assumes responsibility for paying the insured benefits PBGC is responsible for paying current ... FISCAL YEAR 2013 great personal sacrifice; they deserve our respect and gratitude But just as families and businesses across the country are tightening their belts, so too must the Federal Government ... systems In addition, DOD has instituted a number of acquisition management best practices: applying lessons learned from past acquisitions; establishing process teams to review qualifications...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 00:20
CAN INFORMATION SYSTEMS SAVE U.S STEEL (Liệu hệ thống thông tin có thể cứu nguy cho công ty Thép Hoa Kỳ hay không).docx
... c u nguy cho công ty U. S Steel không? U. S Steel (USS) xem nhà s n xuất thép lớn Bắc Mỹ lớn Hoa Kỳ Trụ s Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, s n xuất khoảng 27 tri u năm Arcelor Ch u u công ty s n xuất ... Cụ thể nội dung nghiên c u “ Li u hệ thống thông tin c u nguy cho công ty Thép Hoa Kì (U. S Steel) hay không?” GIỚI THI U CHUNG VỀ U. S STEEL: Tổng công ty thép Hoa Kì U. S. Steel (USS) thành lập ... U. S Steel s n xuất khoảng 27 tri u thép, Arcelor Ch u u công ty s n xuất thép lớn giới, s n xuất 40 tri u năm, lớn thứ hai công ty POSCO Hàn Quốc, hàng năm công ty s n xuất khoảng 30 tri u USS...
Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 17:09
... Securities Commissions (IOSCO) agreed on a list of accounting issues that needed to be addressed by any set of standards seeking IOSCO s endorsement for cross-border offerings and listings The ensuing ... proxies for information asymmetry as an additional robustness check Prior studies suggest the dispersion of analysts’ forecasts as a proxy for information asymmetry and the quality of firms’ disclosures ... differences in several proxies for information asymmetry, such as bid-ask spreads and share turnover I focus on these proxies because reducing information asymmetries and increasing market liquidity is...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 16:20
báo cáo khoa học: " Bundling occupational safety with harm reduction information as a feasible method for improving police receptiveness to syringe access programs: evidence from three U.S. cities" ppt
... behaviors associated with the injection process: multiperson use of drug injection equipment and paraphernalia in injection drug user networks Subst Use Misuse 1998, 33:2403-2423 Burris S, Finucane ... Ditzler A: State syringe and drug possession laws potentially influencing safe syringe disposal by injection drug users J Am Pharm Assoc (Wash) 2002, 42 :S9 4-98 Small D: Two cultures passing in the ... disease transmission among injection drug users (IDUs) [1,2] Many states and localities have implemented syringe access programs (SAPs) to reduce the sharing of syringes, including over the counter...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 18:20
the reputation of underwriters, the bonding hypothesis, and the impact on the information environment of u.s cross-listed firms
... value of firms sponsored by top underwriters is more sensitive to accuracy of analysts’ forecasts than the average This result helps understand one possible mechanism through which prestigious underwriters ... discusses the literature and derives the main hypotheses Section 2.3 describes the data, and Section 2.4 reports descriptive statistics and univariate tests In Section 2.5, I discuss the results ... hiring a reputable underwriter is stronger when these firms are simultaneously raising equity and cross-listing in the U. S Thus, I study cross-listed firms with IPOs (firms that were not publicly...
Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2014, 00:47
CO2e emissions from HVAC equipment and lifetime operation for common U.S. building types
... Heating Equipment” for the appropriate industry and sector categories Results and discussion The following section presents selected results from the study and provides discussion and analysis with ... energy systems His background and recent focus has been on industrial manufacturing process energy conservation, fossil-fuel based greenhouse emissions, HVAC&R equipment, insulating materials, and ... Deru s [23] “The Source Energy and Emission Factors for Energy Use in Buildings” were used in this study to account for the source emissions The rate of GHG emissions is different within these...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 15:28
U.S. Food and Drug Administration - Juice HACCP — The Final Rule
... Therefore, FDA issuance of CGMPs for juice would be an approach that could assist manufacturers in the production of safe juices FDA encourages the juice industry to use CGMPs to help ensure the safety ... generally, especially unpasteurized juices Labeling whether a product is pasteurized or unpasteurized is useful information, and the agency encourages processors to place such information on labels However, ... previous sections of this document is much greater than the conÞrmed number of illnesses PESTICIDES Pesticides are usually applied to plants to combat insects, plant diseases, and weed growth to assist...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 21:20
Tài liệu U.S.Sensor P3 pdf
... 1,379 1,344 43 1832 West Collins Avenue, Orange, CA 92867 • Tel (714) 639-1000 • Fax (714) 639-1220 • www.ussensor.com Resistance-Temperature Conversion Tables (Standard Curves) Curve Type Beta 0-50˚C ... 0.3361 44 1832 West Collins Avenue, Orange, CA 92867 • Tel (714) 639-1000 • Fax (714) 639-1220 • www.ussensor.com Resistance-Temperature Conversion Tables (Standard Curves) Curve Type Beta 0-50˚C ... 247.8 242.3 237.0 41 1832 West Collins Avenue, Orange, CA 92867 • Tel (714) 639-1000 • Fax (714) 639-1220 • www.ussensor.com Precision Interchangeable Thermistor Tables Beta 0-50˚C Temp ˚C -55...
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 05:15
Tài liệu U.S.Sensor P2 docx
... to design a probe assembly to best suit your use In addition to the products pictured in the previous pages, U. S Sensor manufactures numerous custom thermistor probes and assemblies Please contact ... thermistors U. S Sensor manufactures numerous thermistors with nonstandard characteristics to suit particular applications If you require a “Custom” resistance versus temperature characteristic, ... Leadless Top/Bottom Terminated Chip Thermistors U. S Sensor s leadless chip thermistor elements are designed for use on hybrid substrates, integrated circuits or printed circuit boards They have silver...
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 05:15
Tài liệu U.S.Sensor P1 doc
... • www.ussensor.com DO-41 Standard Glass Encapsulated Thermistors U. S Sensor s low cost glass encapsulated thermistors are manufactured using super stable NTC chips which are hermetically sealed ... controls Engine block temperature sensors Engine oil temperature sensors Intake air temperature sensors Oil level sensors Outside air temperature sensors Transmission oil temperature sensors Water ... effectiveness of the quality management system U. S Sensor Corp Company Overview U. S Sensor Corp U. S Sensor is a world class manufacturer of an extensive variety of the highest quality thermistors as...
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 05:15
... is discussed from several viewpoints and contains suggested time to allot, points to stress, daily quizzes, core materials for lecture, workshop/ discussion suggestions, group work exercises ... section of the main text is discussed from several viewpoints and contains suggested time to allot, points to stress, text discussion topics, core materials for lecture, workshop/discussion suggestions, ... Covers both single- and multivariable calculus Solution Builder www.thomsonedu.com/solutionbuilder The online Solution Builder lets instructors easily build and save personal solution sets either...
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 08:15