types of qualitative study designs

Báo cáo y học: "Electronic patient record use during ward rounds: a qualitative study of interaction between medical staff"

Báo cáo y học: "Electronic patient record use during ward rounds: a qualitative study of interaction between medical staff"

... EPR is used in place of a paper record? Given the complex nature of interaction of multidisciplinary communication in an ICU, we have chosen to triangulate three types of qualitative data: video-based ... doctors), one sister in charge of the nurses in the unit (head nurse), one senior nurse in charge of each of three clusters of patient beds, one nurse looking after each of the 25 patients, the intensive ... were shared with members of the implementation steering group – including the consultant videoed – months after deployment of the system, and the effects of the introduction of the EPR on group interaction...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:31

8 503 0
Tài liệu Voices of Fear and Safety¿ Women¿s ambivalence towards breast cancer and breast health: a qualitative study from Jordan pdf

Tài liệu Voices of Fear and Safety¿ Women¿s ambivalence towards breast cancer and breast health: a qualitative study from Jordan pdf

... Committee in 2009 The confidentiality and autonomy of the participants was insured They were informed of the purpose of the study, the voluntary nature of their participation, and their right to access ... his qualitative FGDs study with Arabic women in the United Arab Emirates [35] This is also consistent with the findings of Petro-Nustas (2001) who assessed the beliefs of a convenience sample of ... towards mammography screening The study showed that even though 76 % of the participants agreed about the benefits of mammography, half of them identified fear of discovering breast cancer as the...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 06:20

19 513 0
Tài liệu Gynecological cancer patients’ differentiated use of help from a nurse navigator: a qualitative study ppt

Tài liệu Gynecological cancer patients’ differentiated use of help from a nurse navigator: a qualitative study ppt

... Institute of Clinical Research, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark, Sdr Boulevard, Odense, Denmark 2Research Unit of Nursing, Institute of Clinical Research, Faculty of Health ... (suspicion of ) diagnosis (Table 1) Furthermore, some were financially well-off which gave them the possibility of buying recreational experiences, so that thoughts of cancer before start of treatment ... work of Brown, justifying his approach in the work of Schultz [45], the experience of the interaction between human beings is found to be crucial for the feeling of trust [42,45] In our study...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 06:20

11 695 0
Tài liệu RTehseaerc he axrtipcleerience of college students with pulmonary tuberculosis in Shaanxi, China: a qualitative study pptx

Tài liệu RTehseaerc he axrtipcleerience of college students with pulmonary tuberculosis in Shaanxi, China: a qualitative study pptx

... reported on it Using a qualitative approach, this study explored the experiences and psychological process of college students with PTB Methods Study design The study design was qualitative, using ... Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education of The People's Republic of China In this document, college students with PTB are required to be centrally managed According to the policy of convergence ... http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2334/10/174 Page of agreed to participate in Meanwhile, we balanced the undergraduates according to the year of study (3 freshmen, sophomores, juniors, seniors) According to the aim of the study, the...

Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 12:20

9 906 0
A Qualitative Study of Avid Cinema-goers : UK Film Council ppt

A Qualitative Study of Avid Cinema-goers : UK Film Council ppt

... are often interested in the business of film and may regard Hollywood as an interesting cultural phenomenon worthy of study Specialist avids tend to be the most obsessive, often dismissive of ... film is usually through a cinema viewing of a mainstream title Types of avids There are sub-divisions within the broad audience group ‘avids’ Three types of avids are discernible: summits, specialists ... piece of research aimed at producing a more detailed picture of the cinema-goer in terms of his/her motivations, propensity to be experimental, early experience of film, and general impression of...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 17:20

31 584 0
báo cáo sinh học:" Knowledge and communication needs assessment of community health workers in a developing country: a qualitative study" docx

báo cáo sinh học:" Knowledge and communication needs assessment of community health workers in a developing country: a qualitative study" docx

... therefore conducted this qualitative study in all provinces of Pakistan, to know the perceptions of health workers and supervisors on the communication capability of the LHW; adequacy of their knowledge; ... means of continuing education would help them improve their areas of weak knowledge They liked the idea of receiving a regular publication from the programme Out of the total, about 3% of the ... research explored the views of health workers and their supervisors qualitatively as well as quantitatively, which is the strength of this study However, as the respondents of both components were...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20

7 438 0
báo cáo sinh học:" "I won''''t be staying here for long": a qualitative study on the retention of migrant nurses in Ireland" ppt

báo cáo sinh học:" "I won''''t be staying here for long": a qualitative study on the retention of migrant nurses in Ireland" ppt

... impact of onward migration on the lives of individual migrant nurses and their families Methods Ethical approval for the study was granted by the Research Ethics Committee of the Royal College of ... home Onward migration also offered professional opportunities For instance, one respondent spoke of her delight at being offered the opportunity to work in her area of expertise in Canada, something ... of Sociology, University of Surrey; 2001 Morse J: Determining Sample Size Qualitative Health Research 2000, 10(3): Pope C, Ziebland S, Mays N: Qualitative Research in Health Care: Analysing Qualitative...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20

12 495 0
báo cáo sinh học:" Supervision of community peer counsellors for infant feeding in South Africa: an exploratory qualitative study" docx

báo cáo sinh học:" Supervision of community peer counsellors for infant feeding in South Africa: an exploratory qualitative study" docx

... describing the experiences of supervisors by their own account It is based on a set of qualitative individual interviews with each of the three supervisors employed as part of a CHW peer counselling ... social support grants This qualitative substudy forms part of the process evaluation of the larger RCT, with the intention that insights gained here will enhance understanding of the intervention process ... The content of the course included benefits of exclusive breastfeeding, dangers of mixed-feeding, safe preparation and storage of infant formula, breastfeeding management, management of common...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20

10 336 0
báo cáo sinh học:" Key factors leading to reduced recruitment and retention of health professionals in remote areas of Ghana: a qualitative study and proposed policy solutions" doc

báo cáo sinh học:" Key factors leading to reduced recruitment and retention of health professionals in remote areas of Ghana: a qualitative study and proposed policy solutions" doc

... [8,11], offering policy options beyond monetary incentives In a study of health worker motivation in Benin and Kenya, qualitative research underscored the importance of further education and professional ... Johnson, Mawuli Gyakobo of the University of Ghana, and Peter Agyei-Baffour of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, for assistance with the submission of this study for ethical review ... (one leader was traveling at the time of the study) The majority of participants were male (87%), ranging in age from 29 to 80 yrs, with a mean age of 36 Most of the doctors who were currently in...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20

11 707 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Health-related quality of life of patients following selected types of lumbar spinal surgery: A pilot study" ppt

báo cáo hóa học: " Health-related quality of life of patients following selected types of lumbar spinal surgery: A pilot study" ppt

... design of study, coordinated the study and drafted manuscript 16 SMP: Participated in the conception and design of study, edited manuscript 17 IA: Participated in the conception and design of study, ... patients with higher levels of education tend to have a decreased risk of developing low back pain [5] This finding may be related to type of work of patients with higher levels of education having less ... overall purpose of this study was to address this deficiency by examining Page of 11 (page number not for citation purposes) Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2007, 5:71 HRQOL of patients undergoing...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20

11 332 0
báo cáo hóa học:" When masculinity interferes with women’s treatment of HIV infection: a qualitative study about adherence to antiretroviral therapy in Zimbabwe" pdf

báo cáo hóa học:" When masculinity interferes with women’s treatment of HIV infection: a qualitative study about adherence to antiretroviral therapy in Zimbabwe" pdf

... ART, many of which related to their husbands’ fear of association with HIV Women who had gone to get tested and tested positive and knew of their husbands’ fear of HIV were often afraid of telling ... corroborate their views with those of nurses and other health staff, obtaining the views of health staff who dealt with cases of non-adherence at the time of this study To move beyond individual ... differences of experiences and that the sharing of experiences would enable them to articulate the nuances of their experiences We conducted 19 individual interviews and four FGDs with a total of 32...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 08:20

7 304 0
Báo cáo y học: "Food allergy management from the perspective of patients or caregivers, and allergists: a qualitative study" docx

Báo cáo y học: "Food allergy management from the perspective of patients or caregivers, and allergists: a qualitative study" docx

... food allergies in terms of restriction of social activities, increased fear and anxiety, lack of understanding by others, and feelings of isolation[5] To improve support of patients, physicians ... resources at academic and community offices To the best of our knowledge, there is no published study evaluating teaching resources at allergists’ offices Future study would be needed to clarify ... 2) Methods Study design This was a two-part study consisting of an anonymous self-administered questionnaire completed by patients with food allergy or their caregivers (Part A) and a qualitative...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 21:20

5 553 0
báo cáo khoa học: " Part II, Provider perspectives: should patients be activated to request evidence-based medicine? a qualitative study of the VA project to implement diuretics (VAPID)" potx

báo cáo khoa học: " Part II, Provider perspectives: should patients be activated to request evidence-based medicine? a qualitative study of the VA project to implement diuretics (VAPID)" potx

... design of this study and conceptualizing, editing, and revising the manuscript HSR oversaw the qualitative components of the parent study For this paper, she coordinated the design of the study; ... USA 2Division of General Internal Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, Iowa City, IA, USA 3Department of Psychology, University of Iowa, Iowa ... about certain aspects of the intervention, a majority of which were focused on the use of incentives Most reservations were expressed in the context of a positive opinion of the overall intervention...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 10:22

12 495 0
báo cáo khoa học: " Making sense of health information technology implementation: A qualitative study protocol" ppsx

báo cáo khoa học: " Making sense of health information technology implementation: A qualitative study protocol" ppsx

... benefits of diversity Interpersonal interaction and diversity of team membership, therefore, are an important focuses of the proposed study; specifically, we focus on sensemaking processes of the ... date obtained, description of the document, date of event or contact associated with the document, significance of the document, and a brief summary of the contents Page of Participant demographic ... consent for use of demographic data will be obtained after we provide a review of the nature of the study, participant’s role, confidentiality, and the associated risk/benefits of participation...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 10:23

8 438 1
báo cáo khoa học: " Patient- and delivery-level factors related to acceptance of HIV counseling and testing services among tuberculosis patients in South Africa: a qualitative study with " pdf

báo cáo khoa học: " Patient- and delivery-level factors related to acceptance of HIV counseling and testing services among tuberculosis patients in South Africa: a qualitative study with " pdf

... in a 2008 study of 340 clinics in six of the poorest districts across four of the nine provinces: “The number of doctors was only 7% of that required, and while the total number of professional ... disclosure: a qualitative analysis of TB patients in South Africa Aids Care 2007, 19(4):572-577 Yawn BP: The impact of childhood asthma on daily life of the family - a qualitative study using recurrent ... confidentiality Page of 10 of their HIV test results, lack of appropriately trained healthcare personnel, limited availability of antiretroviral medications, poor monitoring of patient care, and...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 10:23

10 407 0
Báo cáo y học: "Barriers and supports to implementation of MDI/spacer use in nine Canadian pediatric emergency departments: a qualitative study" ppsx

Báo cáo y học: "Barriers and supports to implementation of MDI/spacer use in nine Canadian pediatric emergency departments: a qualitative study" ppsx

... to study the adoption of MDI/spacer, because various PEDs across the country are at different stages of adopting this method of treatment Focusing on the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of ... participants by profession and MDI/spacer adoption category Category # of physicians # of RNs # of RTs Total # of focus group interviews # of individual interviews Early adopters Hospitals A, B and C 23 ... 'take risks' was a characteristic of at least one of the early adopting sites Participants in adopter sites perceived that the presence of a professional (or professionals) within the department...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 05:21

10 308 0
Báo cáo y học: "Part II, Provider perspectives: should patients be activated to request evidence-based medicine? a qualitative study of the VA project to implement diuretics (VAPID)" ppsx

Báo cáo y học: "Part II, Provider perspectives: should patients be activated to request evidence-based medicine? a qualitative study of the VA project to implement diuretics (VAPID)" ppsx

... design of this study and conceptualizing, editing, and revising the manuscript HSR oversaw the qualitative components of the parent study For this paper, she coordinated the design of the study; ... USA 2Division of General Internal Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, Iowa City, IA, USA 3Department of Psychology, University of Iowa, Iowa ... about certain aspects of the intervention, a majority of which were focused on the use of incentives Most reservations were expressed in the context of a positive opinion of the overall intervention...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 05:21

12 348 0
báo cáo khoa học: " The use of telehealth for diabetes management: a qualitative study of telehealth provider perceptions" pot

báo cáo khoa học: " The use of telehealth for diabetes management: a qualitative study of telehealth provider perceptions" pot

... the use of this technology as a component of patient care Our selection of interview subjects was based on the identification of "typical cases" (clinicians who regularly used MMDs as part of their ... needed on the use of MMD systems to inform refinement of the MMD modules, including documentation of the length of time that patients actively use the MMD system, the number of MMD sessions completed ... Understanding the normalization of telemedicine services through qualitative evaluation J Am Inform Assoc 2003, 10:596-604 Coffey A, Atkinson P: Making sense of qualitative data: complementary...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 05:22

8 312 0
báo cáo khoa học: "Perceptions of short-term medical volunteer work: a qualitative study in Guatemala" pptx

báo cáo khoa học: "Perceptions of short-term medical volunteer work: a qualitative study in Guatemala" pptx

... information-rich cases whose study will illuminate the questions under study" [21] This necessarily included a mix of Guatemalans and foreigners Because the principal aim of this study was to assess Guatemalan ... end of the field research period, these summaries were uploaded into Atlas.ti 5.2 (Scientific Software Development GmbH, Berlin), a computer software program which assists in the analysis of qualitative ... teams only work on the tip of the iceberg when it comes to addressing the medical problems of this country The problems of Guatemala – corruption, lack of resources, lack of education – all come...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 14:21

13 368 0
báo cáo khoa học: " How is Telemedicine perceived? A qualitative study of perspectives from the UK and India" pps

báo cáo khoa học: " How is Telemedicine perceived? A qualitative study of perspectives from the UK and India" pps

... perceived? A qualitative study of perspectives from the UK and India Globalization and Health 2011 7:17 Author details Department of Global Health and Development, London School of Hygiene and ... Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, The Scottish Government, Department of Learning, Northern Ireland, Welsh Assembly, GSK, BP, SHELL and BAE for the benefit of the UK and ... messages Page of Methods A total of 19 interviews were carried out with stakeholders; of these, eight were from the UK and 11 from India (see table 1) The stakeholders that took part in the study were...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 14:21

7 338 0

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