... is not activated), there were 5% dead cells with 10 lm stattic, (28% in SW480), 10% with 15 lm (35% in SW480), 25% with 30 lm (45% in SW480) and 35% with 40 lm (60% in SW480) The hairpin STAT3 ... SW480 cells were transfected with an IRF-1-luc plasmid, treated with IFN-c at 20 ngÆmL)1, and either not treated (no add.), treated with hpST3dODN (ODN) or treated with control ODN (contr.); after ... cells (A) Cells were either treated with lg of hpST3dODN or control ODN for h, with IFN-c alone or with ODN and IFN-c; after 48 h of culture, they were stained with trypan blue and counted (B) Cells...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 08:20
... incubated with [14C]arginine in 50 mM NaPO4 with or without partially purified ADF (37 lg) or fumarate (final concentration of 12.5 mM) as indicated The reaction products were treated with cation ... (Amersham) Assays with desalted extracts were supplied with ADF (1–5 lL) unless indicated otherwise Subsequently, the initial assay buffer was replaced with 50 mm NaPO4 buffer (pH 7.4) (i.e with no NOS ... incubated with desalted protein extracts from Arabidopsis leaves and partially purified ADF that was untreated or treated with fumarase as indicated Treated ADF (500 lL) was incubated with 50 U...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 05:20
Tài liệu Assembly Language Step-by-Step Programming with Linux ppt
... Assembly Language Step-by-Step Assembly Language Step-by-Step Programming with Linux® Third Edition Jeff Duntemann Wiley Publishing, Inc Assembly Language Step-by-Step ... Internals with the Bless Editor Interpreting Raw Data ‘‘Endianness’’ Text In, Code Out Assembly Language Comments Beware ‘‘Write-Only’’ Source Code! Object Code and Linkers Relocatability The Assembly ... 138 138 Taking a Trip Down Assembly Lane Installing the Software Step 1: Edit the Program in an Editor Step 2: Assemble the Program with NASM Step 3: Link the Program with LD Step 4: Test the Executable...
Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 17:15
... the Open dialog box, and click Open 11 Create a general view of the roller_link assembly Click , When prompted with the message for the CENTER POINT for the drawing view Pick an appropriate location ... proper location 22 23 CREATE A DRAWING FOR PIN LINK WITH BOM Repeat the same procedure as shown above to add the next sheet, and create the assembly drawing of pin link as shown below 24 CREATE ... dimensions as shown below To add a Bill of Materials (BOM) to the drawing, create a BOM file in Assembly mode by choosing From the Pro/ENGINEER Info pulldown menu, select Bill of Materials Click...
Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 11:17
Báo cáo khoa học: PA700, the regulatory complex of the 26S proteasome, interferes with a-synuclein assembly pptx
... interact with PA700 within stable soluble high molecular mass complexes The interaction of PA700 with WT and A53T a-synucleins was further documented using sedimentation analysis Aliquots were withdrawn ... interaction of native unfolded, assembly incompetent, a-synuclein with PA700, partially folded, assembly competent, a-synuclein may be produced This favors nucleation and assembly PA700 could therefore ... observed They coexist with the globular and the short curved oligomers observed at the earlier stages of assembly (Fig 3C and D) At late stages in WT and A53T a-synuclein assembly reactions (time...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 22:20
Báo cáo sinh học: "A Practical Two Stage MMSE based MIMO detector for Interference Mitigation with Non-Cooperative Interferers" pdf
... moments in time Interference mitigation algorithms that can operate with only these covariance estimates offer greater flexibility for communications systems dealing with non-cooperative interferences ... 2.1.3 Maximal signal to interference and noise ratio The Maximal Signal to Interference and Noise Ratio (MSINR) criterion seeks to maximize the signal power with respect to the interference + noise ... fare well when the interference gets weaker In fact, the performance is worse with these pre-filters than it is with no pre-filter at all This is an issue that we had first noted with synchronization...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Dual task interference during gait in patients with unilateral vestibular disorders" ppt
... out differences if any with an healthy control group Since gait and balance impairments increase with age, together with the need of attentional resources, causing more DT interferences [12], older ... head positioning test and audiometry Vestibular tests showed patients with right and with left hypofunction, with right and with left loss of vestibular function Brain MRI was also carried out ... included if their age was between 18 and 65 years and without other pathologies interfering with gait, balance and cognition 14 patients with unilateral vestibular impairment after vestibular...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20
báo cáo hóa học: " The possible link between the elevated serum levels of neurokinin A and anti-ribosomal P protein antibodies in children with autism" pot
... cross-reactivity or interference was observed Measurement of serum anti -ribosomal P protein antibodies: Serum total IgG and IgM anti -ribosomal P protein antibodies were measured by ELISA using ribosomal ... Children with severe autism had significantly higher serum neurokinin A levels than patients with mild to moderate autism (P < 0.001) Increased serum levels of neurokinin A and anti -ribosomal ... had no significant correlations with the age of the children with autism (P = 0.68) The relationship between the elevated serum levels of neurokinin A and antiribosomal P protein antibodies in...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 22:20
báo cáo hóa học:" A Practical Two Stage MMSE based MIMO detector for Interference Mitigation with Non-Cooperative Interferers" doc
... moments in time Interference mitigation algorithms that can operate with only these covariance estimates offer greater flexibility for communications systems dealing with non-cooperative interferences ... 2.1.3 Maximal signal to interference and noise ratio The Maximal Signal to Interference and Noise Ratio (MSINR) criterion seeks to maximize the signal power with respect to the interference + noise ... fare well when the interference gets weaker In fact, the performance is worse with these pre-filters than it is with no pre-filter at all This is an issue that we had first noted with synchronization...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 04:20
Báo cáo toán học: " A practical two-stage MMSE based MIMO detector for interference mitigation with noncooperative interferers" docx
... moments in time Interference mitigation algorithms that can operate with only these covariance estimates offer greater exibility for communications systems dealing with non-cooperative interferences ... 2.1.3 Maximal signal to interference and noise ratio The Maximal Signal to Interference and Noise Ratio (MSINR) criterion seeks to maximize the signal power with respect to the interference + noise ... fare well when the interference gets weaker In fact, the performance is worse with these pre-filters than it is with no pre-filter at all This is an issue that we had first noted with synchronization...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Performance analysis for optimum transmission and comparison with maximal ratio transmission for MIMO systems with cochannel interference" pdf
... performance with (T, R) = (2, 2) becomes the best In other words, the receiver with (T, R) = (2, 2) has better ability to combat interference and can compensate for the reduced signal power when the interference ... precise CCI model is used, the BER with (T, R) = (3, 2) is slightly better than that with (T, R) = (2, 3), whereas the BER with (T, R) = (2, 4) is better than that with (T, R) = (4, 2) in our test ... model with reference to the interference model, in all cases Unlike the results of EGC presented in [10], we show that the Gaussian interference approach always overestimates the effect of interference...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 00:20
Báo cáo hóa học: "Research Article Multiple Interference Cancellation Performance for GPS Receivers with Dual-Polarized Antenna Arrays Jing Wang and Moe" ppt
... beamformers with two RHPC jammers where one is aligned with one of the GPS satellites (b) Array response of the adaptive multiple MVDR beamformers with two RHPC jammers where one is aligned with one ... that for a horizontally polarized interference, aiV = (i = 1, 2, , N), whereas for a vertically polarized interference, aiH = (i = 1, 2, , N), and for LHCP interference, aiV = ja1H (i = 1, ... Abs(wH (k)Rw(k)) 4.4 40 A RHCP jammer aligned with the direction of one GPS satellite Figure 6(a) represents the RHCP interference cancellation performance with adaptive multiple MVDR beamforming method...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 22:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Analysis of Coded FHSS Systems with Multiple Access Interference over Generalized Fading Channels" ppt
... users, the PEP of coded FHSS systems over Rician fading channels with imperfect CSI is given by (24) with Λ(k) being replaced with Λ(k) RESULTS AND DISCUSSION To illustrate the results, we consider ... fading versus the number of users K with perfect CSI for m = 1, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 and SIR = dB For example, a coded FHSS system with m = 64 can achieve a Pb = 10−5 with an SNR of 12 dB when only ... number of users increases This agrees with the observation made in Figures and 4, where it was concluded that the performance loss due to interference increases with increasing the hop length of...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 23:20
Báo cáo hóa học: "Research Article Decentralized Utility Maximization in Heterogeneous Multicell Scenarios with Interference Limited and Orthogonal Air Interfaces" pot
... different RATs are orthogonal to each other and no intersystem interference takes place Users can be affected by intra- and intercell interference within one radio technology, however The set of users ... UMTS air interface with 42 BSs each The BSs of both RATs are arranged as indicated in Figure 1; on each site there are BSs with directional antennas of both RATs collocated with the distance between ... the pedestrian mobility model in [14] with km/h and randomly requesting services based on a Poisson process with exponentially distributed service duration with a mean of 120 seconds For voice...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 23:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " The Study of Quantum Interference in Metallic Photonic Crystals Doped with Four-Level Quantum Dots" pot
... made from metallic spheres of radius a with a frequency dependent refractive index n1(x), which are arranged periodically in a background dielectric material with a constant refractive index (n2) ... Density Matrix Equations In this section, the interaction between QDs doped within the PBG reservoir and a probe field with slowly varying amplitude is investigated The total semiclassical Hamiltonian ... 468 Conclusions In conclusion, we have studied the effect the quantum interference and DDI on the absorption of a MPC doped with an ensemble of four-level QDs, for both cases where DDI was neglected...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 00:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Multiple-Antenna Interference Cancellation for WLAN with MAC Interference Avoidance in Open Access Networks" pptx
... OAN scenarios with intra- and intersystem interference Conclusions are presented in Section interference structure, where interference bursts appear with random delays during the desired signal ... account, is as follows Objective B2 Interference Time Data burst Figure 6: Asynchronous interference model • OAN scenarios with HUs and VUs as well as external interference from a coexisting system ... the intrasystem interference scenario presented above This is because in the considered intermittent interference scenario, collisions that overlap with the training symbols occur with practically...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 19:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Performance of Selection Combining Diversity in Weibull Fading with Cochannel Interference" doc
... bandwidth with the desired user (assumed to be the 0th) Binary phaseshift keying (BPSK) with raised cosine pulse shaping is assumed for all the signals and all the receivers are equipped with an ... L} ∼ Weibull (mI , γI ), in contrast with the typical Rayleigh or Nakagami fading The shorthand X ∼ Weibull (m, γ) means that the RV X is Weibull distributed with parameters m and γ, for which ... calculated using (10) in conjunction with (11) and either (13) or (15) Maximum SIR criterion We now consider the scenario in which the receiver selects the branch with the maximum SIR Again, assuming...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 19:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Interference Cancellation Schemes for Single-Carrier Block Transmission with Insufficient Cyclic Prefix" potx
... Conventional FDE FDE FDE with IBI cncl FDE with replica signal generator and IBI cncl (TD1) Linear MMSE with IBI cncl FDE with replica signal generator and IBI cncl (TD2) Linear MMSE with sufficient GI ... conventional FDE (22) without the IBI canceller; (2) FDE: the proposed FDE (27) without the IBI canceller; (3) FDE with IBI cncl: the proposed FDE (27) with the IBI canceller; (4) FDE with replica signal ... MMSE with IBI cncl: the linear MMSE equalizer (26) with the IBI canceller; (7) Linear MMSE with Sufficient GI: the linear MMSE equalizer (26) (or equivalently the conventional MMSE FDE (22)) with...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 19:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Whispering gallery modes in photoluminescence and Raman spectra of a spherical microcavity with CdTe quantum dots: anti-Stokes emission and interference effects" ppt
... distribution within the rim of the microsphere in the volume determined by the WGM can be expected if the incident wave is resonant with a WGM In such a situation edge illumination with a focused ... k ð2Þ with A = 1.5656, B = 0.00785 and C = 0.000334 With these two equations, the expected wavelength-dependent spacing of the WGMs was calculated The calculations show a good agreement with the ... anti-Stokes excitation can be only efficient in samples with high 123 enough quantum yields [11, 12] The observation of ASPL from a PS microsphere with a single layer of CdTe QDs which have an order...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 22:20
Báo cáo hóa học: "Tunable self-assembly of one-dimensional nanostructures with orthogonal directions" docx
... h-BN phase with lower defect density, presumably due to the competition with the higher temperature boron phase (see below) If the borazine exposure, as described above, is conducted with the sample ... plots at the directions of nearest neighbors The interference of the emitted photoelectron waves with the waves scattered at neighboring atoms leads to interference rings centered at forward scattering ... Nanoscale Res Lett (2007) 2:94–99 Fig (a) Stripes with a periodicity of 1.26 nm are clearly visible in STM images of the h-BN phase (The image was taken with a bias voltage of VB = 1.8 V and a set...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 22:20