transmitter or low tire pressure warning control unit

Hệ thống TPMS (Tire Pressure Monitoring System)

Hệ thống TPMS (Tire Pressure Monitoring System)

... ECU Warning Lamp Tire Pressure Sensor (4 ea.) Initiator (3 ea.) 1.2 So sánh thông số kỹ thuật Low- Line High-Line Tire Pressure Sensor Tire Pressure Sensor Tire Pressure Sensor TPMS ECU Tire Pressure ... TPMS ECU Tire Pressure Sensor Tire Pressure Sensor Initiator TPMS ECU Tire Pressure Sensor Tire Pressure Sensor Initiator Initiator Tire Pressure Sensor 1.3 So sánh chức Low- Line - Cảnh báo đèn ... Signal Power B+ Ground IGN1 FL Initiator FL Pressure Sensor FR Initiator FR Pressure Sensor RR Initiator RR Pressure Sensor Signal Tread Check the tire pressure FL Power FR Ground Receiver RL...

Ngày tải lên: 27/04/2013, 18:17

16 1,1K 15
Effects of longterm ingestion of cd polluted rice or low dose cd supplemented diet on the endogenous cop

Effects of longterm ingestion of cd polluted rice or low dose cd supplemented diet on the endogenous cop

... Cadmium, World Heath Organisation, Geneva 2) WHO (1992b) Environmental Health Criteria 135 Cadmium-Environmental Aspect, World Heath Organisation, Geneva 3) Friberg, L., Piscator, M., Nordberg, ... Statistical analyses were performed to evaluate differences between control and Cd-polluted rice or CdCl2-treated animals using the following methods.17) Data were analyzed for homogeneity of variance ... and 72% ordinary rice (unpolluted or Cd-polluted rice prepared by Oriental Yeast Co Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) Group I was fed a mixture of purified and ordinary rice and was used as a negative control...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 00:07

5 249 0
Security and Privacy Vulnerabilities of In-Car Wireless Networks: A Tire Pressure Monitoring System Case Study ppt

Security and Privacy Vulnerabilities of In-Car Wireless Networks: A Tire Pressure Monitoring System Case Study ppt

... other for decoding the FSK Eavesdropping range Boosted range Amplified noise floor Original range Indoor noise floor Outdoor noise floor (a) indoor vs outdoor (w/o LNA) Original noise floor (b) ... Keying) or FSK (Frequency Shift Keying) modulation Each tire pressure sensor carries an identifier (ID) Before the TPMS ECU can accept data reported by tire pressure sensors, IDs of the sensor and ... attacks To discover this bit we had to deflate one tire and observe the tire pressure sensors response Simply setting a low pressure bit or reporting low pressure values did not trigger any alert in...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 10:20

16 475 0
C200H-PID Control Unit Operation Manual W241 e1 2

C200H-PID Control Unit Operation Manual W241 e1 2

... Control Units PID Control Units Cam Positioner Unit Temperature Sensor Units Voice Unit Position Control Unit (NC211) units max units max units max units max Note When a combination of Units from ... Counter Units Position Control Units (NC111/112) ASCII Unit Analog I/O Units ID Sensor Units Fuzzy Logic Unit High-density and Mixed I/O Units Temperature Control Units Heat/Cool Temperature Control ... malfunction or electric shock • Mounting or dismounting I/O Units, CPU Units, Memory Units, or any other Units • Assembling the Units • Setting DIP switches or rotary switches • Connecting cables or wiring...

Ngày tải lên: 13/05/2014, 21:14

67 926 0
C200H-MC221 Motion Control Unit W315 e1 2

C200H-MC221 Motion Control Unit W315 e1 2

... no.) if the unit no is or less 20 words beginning with word n (400 + 10 x (unit no – 10)) if the unit no is 10 or larger DM area: words beginning with word m (1,000 + 100 x unit no.) The unit number ... Connecting or disconnecting the connectors ! Caution Failure to abide by the following precautions could lead to faulty operation or the MC Unit or the system or could damage the MC Units or PC Units ... motor is stopped or rotating clockwise Note A fatal error of the MC Unit will be indicated by the XCCW, YCCW, XCW, or YCW indicator Refer to 10-1 Error Indicators for details 1-3 Setting the Unit...

Ngày tải lên: 13/05/2014, 21:16

288 486 0
C200H-MC221 Motion Control Unit W128 e1 4

C200H-MC221 Motion Control Unit W128 e1 4

... in malfunction or electric shock • Mounting or dismounting Power Supply Units, I/O Units, CPU Units, Memory Units, or any other Units • Assembling the Units • Setting DIP switches or rotary switches ... Connector Used to connect the Position Control Unit to a stepping motor driver or servomotor driver Attach the enclosed connector to the proper cable Indicators Position Control Unit indicators ... connected to a motor driver, either for a stepping motor or for a servomotor (AC or DC) capable of receiving pulse train inputs The Unit is controlled by inputs from devices and /or a control panel...

Ngày tải lên: 13/05/2014, 21:16

185 433 0
C200H-TC emperature Control Units W225 e1 4

C200H-TC emperature Control Units W225 e1 4

... High-speed Counter Units Position Control Units (NC111/112) ASCII Unit Analog I/O Units ID Sensor Units Fuzzy Logic Unit units max C Position Control Unit (NC211) units max units max Note units max When ... in malfunction or electric shock • Mounting or dismounting I/O Units, CPU Units, Memory Units, Power Supply Units, or any other Units • Assembling the Units • Setting DIP switches or rotary switches ... Temperature Sensor Units Units Voice Unit Temperature Control Units Heat/Cool Temperature Control Units PID Control Units Cam Positioner Unit Section 1-2 Basic System Configuration Other Units can be...

Ngày tải lên: 13/05/2014, 21:17

82 343 0
C200H-TC emperature Control Units W124 e1 5

C200H-TC emperature Control Units W124 e1 5

... Sensor Units Maximum number of Position Control Units (NC211) Units Units Units Units Note When using a combination of Units, use the following formula: 3A+B+2C+6D≤12 and, A+B+C+D≤8 These Units ... malfunction or electric shock • Mounting or dismounting I/O Units, CPU Units, Memory Units, or any other Units • Assembling the Units • Setting DIP switches or rotary switches • Connecting cables or wiring ... errors during operation of the Temperature Sensor Unit, refer to the following table for corrective measures Error LED indicator RUN Input flag word n+5 IR BROKEN 05 01 to 04 00 WIRE Memory error...

Ngày tải lên: 13/05/2014, 21:17

51 363 0
báo cáo hóa học: "Personal customizing exercise with a wearable measurement and control unit" potx

báo cáo hóa học: "Personal customizing exercise with a wearable measurement and control unit" potx

... be more useful to them Information Technology to Support Wearable Units To continuously support the personally customized workload control without constraints on time and place, the wearable unit ... wearable unit to remotely transfer control signals Moreover, by taking advantage of the wearable unit, the requirements of exercise machines for the personally customized workload control decrease for ... provide the corresponding control function allowing the user to conveniently and easily follow the prescribed workload pattern However, most wearable unit studies only provide continuous monitoring...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 10:20

10 581 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Value of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein in low risk chest pain observation unit patients" doc

báo cáo hóa học: " Value of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein in low risk chest pain observation unit patients" doc

... cocaine or methamphetamine use, past medical history of diabetes, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, family history of myocardial infarction, tobacco use, prior history of CAD, and a normal electrocardiogram) ... risk factors for coronary artery disease, such as diabetes, and therefore this population may have increased CRP values when compared to a patient population that lacks these risk factors for cardiac ... cardiac marker elevation, or an abnormal confirmatory test indicating the presence of coronary artery disease (CAD) Lack of ACS was determined by negative diagnostic testing or absence of a cardiac...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 02:20

5 289 0
Tài liệu hướng dẫn sử dụng Micrologic control units 2.0 A, 5.0 A, 6.0 A and 7.0 A pps

Tài liệu hướng dẫn sử dụng Micrologic control units 2.0 A, 5.0 A, 6.0 A and 7.0 A pps

... overheating Control units with a thermal memory record the temperature rise caused by each overload Even very short overloads produce a temperature rise that is stored in the memory This information stored ... memory reduces the tripping time Micrologic control units and thermal memory All Micrologic control units are equipped as standard with a thermal memory c for all protection functions, prior ... Micrologic control units 2.0 A, 5.0 A, 6.0 A and 7.0 A Discovering your control unit Identifying your control unit Overview of functions Setting your control unit 10 Selecting the...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 10:20

31 3,3K 19
ABS ECU ( Antilock Bracking System Electronic Control Unit) pps

ABS ECU ( Antilock Bracking System Electronic Control Unit) pps

... tốc Các rãnh đĩa cắt ánh sáng từ đèn led đến phototransistor làm phototransistor đóng mở Có hai cặp đèn led phototransistor, transistor tắt bật, chia mức độ giảm tốc thành mức gửi tín hiệu ABS ... xe 4WD Cấu tạo: Cảm biến giảm tốc gồm có hai cặp đèn led (diode phát quang) phototransistor (transistor quang), đĩa xẻ rãnh mạch biến đổi tín hiệu Cảm biến giảm tốc nhận biết mức độ giảm tốc ... chức ABS ECU + Chức kiểm tra ban đầu Tín hiệu chức kiểm tra ban đầu ABS ECU kích hoạt van điện motor bơm theo thứ tự, để kiểm tra hệ thống điện ABS Chức hoạt động tốc độ xe lớn km/h đèn phanh tắt...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 14:20

6 872 6
Bộ điều khiển điện tử (ECU – Electronic Control Unit ) docx

Bộ điều khiển điện tử (ECU – Electronic Control Unit ) docx

... bày hình Hình 2: Sơ đồ khối cấu trúc ECU Bộ phận chủ yếu vi xử lý (Microprocessor) hay gọi CPU (Control Processing Unit) , CPU lựa chọn lệnh xử lý số liệu từ nhớ ROM RAM, chứa chương trình liệu ... regulator) Trong ECU thường có hai ổn áp 5V 12V Hình 9: Mạch điện ổn áp f) Mạch giao tiếp ngõ Tín hiệu điều khiển từ vi xử lý đưa đến transistor công suất điều khiển relay, solenoid, motor,…Các ... - ROM (Read Only Memory): Dùng trữ thông tin thường trực Bộ nhớ đọc thông tin từ ghi vào Thông tin cài đặt sẵn, ROM cung cấp thông tin cho vi xử lý - RAM (Random Access Memory): Bộ nhớ truy xuất...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 14:20

9 484 4
Báo cáo khoa học: "Endocrine Profiles, Haematology and Pregnancy Outcomes of Late Pregnant Holstein Dairy Heifers Sired by Bulls Giving a High or Low Incidence of Stillbirth" ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: "Endocrine Profiles, Haematology and Pregnancy Outcomes of Late Pregnant Holstein Dairy Heifers Sired by Bulls Giving a High or Low Incidence of Stillbirth" ppt

... behind stillbirth The shorter and the less variable calving process in the control group might indicate that the strength of labour or other factors of importance for a normal calving process might ... calving performance sorted by groups is presented in Table The post-mortem examination of the stillborn calves (from animals nos 145 and 465) revealed no pathological changes or malformation, while ... substrate supply This was reported to be a major factor of altered or reduced foetal growth in sheep (McMillen et al 2001) In addition, a number of hormones and growth factors including progesterone,...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 15:20

22 195 0
Báo cáo y học: "Is succinylcholine appropriate or obsolete in the intensive care unit" docx

Báo cáo y học: "Is succinylcholine appropriate or obsolete in the intensive care unit" docx

... nicotinic receptors in the autonomic ganglia (sympathetic and parasympathetic) and of cardiac muscarinic receptors [16] Furthermore, succinylcholine increases plasma noradrenaline (norepinephrine) ... Cardiothorac Anesth 1990, 4:31-37 Kopman AF, Klewicka MM, Kopman DJ, Neuman GG: Molar potency is predictive of the speed of onset of neuromuscular block for agents of intemediate, short, and ultrashort ... connected with depolarization In order to be useful for facilitating endotracheal intubation in the ICU, they must have an acceptable speed of onset, have a relatively short to intermediate duration...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 18:21

3 300 0
Báo cáo y học: "Conventional or physicochemical approach in intensive care unit patients with metabolic acidos" ppsx

Báo cáo y học: "Conventional or physicochemical approach in intensive care unit patients with metabolic acidos" ppsx

... the lactate-corrected and albumincorrected anion gap Calculation of the more time-consuming strong ion gap according to Stewart, although a gold standard, is therefore unnecessary for clinical ... the lactate-corrected and albumin-corrected anion gap Calculation of the more time-consuming strong ion gap according to Stewart is therefore unnecessary Available online ... unmeasured strong anions and was considered abnormal [8] Fluid resuscitation was performed with isotonic 0.9% NaCl or short acting starch products (chloride concentration, 154 mmol/l) Polygeline...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:22

5 192 0
Báo cáo y học: "Open lung approach associated with highfrequency oscillatory or low tidal volume mechanical ventilation improves respiratory function and minimizes lung injury in healthy and injured rats" ppt

Báo cáo y học: "Open lung approach associated with highfrequency oscillatory or low tidal volume mechanical ventilation improves respiratory function and minimizes lung injury in healthy and injured rats" ppt

... compliance with the Principles of Laboratory Animal Care formulated by the National Society for Medical Research and the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals prepared by the National ... of MV at low V T and zero end-expiratory pressure in uninjured rat lungs Our study is the first to report decreased PCIII mRNA expression after hours of low VT ventilation using low or “best” ... RM/PT, recruitment manoeuvre followed by decremental positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) trial; LP-CMV, controlled mechanical ventilation (CMV) with low PEEP; BP-CMV, controlled mechanical ventilation...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 21:21

14 330 0
Hidria  Air flow control units

Hidria Air flow control units

... designed for maintaining the preset pressure difference between two rooms or between indoors and outdoors Depending on its orientation, the louvre can support overpressure or underpressure It ... control dampers SOUND ATTENUATORS, SOUND ATTENUATING LOUVRES AIR FLOW CONTROL UNITS Volume control dampers RŽ-1/A and RŽ-1/B are available in all sizes 303 Volume control dampers Mechanism for ... Manual control B Power driven but without actuator Actuator LM24A / DAN 1.N Actuator LM230A / DAN 2.N Actuator LM 24A SR / DMN 1.2N Actuator NM 24A / DAS 1.N Actuator NM 230A / DAS 2.N Actuator NM...

Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2015, 08:11

42 469 0
Nghiên cứu chế tạo hệ thống theo dõi áp suất lốp (tire pressure monitoring system tpms)

Nghiên cứu chế tạo hệ thống theo dõi áp suất lốp (tire pressure monitoring system tpms)

... Dũng Từ hình 2.8 - 2.11 Tire Pressure Monitoring System ta thấy: + Hãng General Mortor: dùng TPMS loại gián dõi áp suất lốp xe báo cho ngư i lái biết " check left front tire pressure" phải kiểm tra ... chân PORTA input, ta set bit điều khiển tương ứng với chân ghi TRISA Thao tác hoàn toàn tương tự PORT ghi điều khiển tương ứng TRIS (đối với PORTA TRISA, PORTB TRISB, PORTC TRISC, PORTD TRISD PORTE ... Flash 8K x 13 words - Bộ nhớ SRAM 268 x bytes - Số port I/O 25 ports Kh - Khả ngắt lên đến 13 nguồn ngắt ngắt HVTH: Hàng Lê Anh Minh 29 HDKH: PGS.TS Đỗ Văn Dũng Tire Pressure Monitoring System...

Ngày tải lên: 18/11/2020, 14:00

69 645 6
Combination Motor Control Units

Combination Motor Control Units

... motor controller Motor Starters The motor starter is the heart of the combination motor control unit Motor starters consist of a contactor and an overload relay The contactor portion of a motor ... connection to the control unit Siemens incorporates a flat vertical bus bar to ensure positive connection between the stab and the bus bar Unit Supports Combination motor control units are supported in ... microprocessor-based motor control and protection device designed specifically for use in motor control centers SAMMS provides microprocessor-based control and protection for all NEMA-rated low- voltage...

Ngày tải lên: 28/12/2015, 17:03

18 231 0