... ungrammatical sentences cause a significant degradation in parsing accuracy when compared to in-domain data However, this is acceptable because we only use the parser for segmentation We first parse ... downstream summarization and semantic analysis, and also suggests intermediate applications For example, we can use review classification to filter or rank reviews as they are presented to future ... model RSA-MixHMM can be viewed as a mixture of HMMs where each state encodes both a segment label zj and an alignment variable aj Encoding an alignment problem as a sequence labeling problem was...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 18:20
... Plan Automated Tools Make it Easy • Click here: for an automated Balance Sheet template • Click here: for an automated Income Statement template • Click here: for an automated Cash Flow Statement ... statement is a valuable tool to monitor and project the financial performance of your company Click here to view an automated Cash Flow Statement Template Use the template to compose a projected cash ... and measure these financial statements are the balance sheet and income statement The cash flow statement is a monthly spread and simplistic variation of the income statement 23 Financial Management...
Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 18:20
A Cognitive Strategies Approach to Reading and Writing Instruction for English Language Learners in Secondary School pdf
... speak English as a second language and face a number of educational challenges Many teachers of struggling students and English language learners (ELLs) avoid teaching strategic reading and analytical ... APPLEBEE, A N., & LANGER, J A (1983) Instructional scaffolding: Reading and writing as natural language activities Language Arts, 60, 165-175 2/2/07, 11:22 AM OLSON AND L AND A Cognitive Strategies ... can receive as low as a (1+1) or as high as a 12 (6+6) An 11-point scale (2 to 12) roughly translates into A, A- , B+, B, B-, C+, and so forth Hence, a 1point gain is equivalent to one-half a...
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 19:20
choosing a target journal and using its instructions to authors
... Choosing a Target Journal and Using Its Instructions to Authors Barbara Gastel, MD, MPH Texas A& M University bgastel@cvm.tamu.edu Identifying a Target Journal • Decide early (before drafting the paper) ... paper and then look for a journal • Look for journals that have published work similar to yours • Consider journals that have published work you cite Some Factors to Consider • • • • • • • Audience ... Prestige Access Impact Publication time Quality of reproduction Likelihood of acceptance Journals’ Instructions to Authors • Usual locations: in the journal and on the journal’s Web site • A collection...
Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2014, 14:08
Báo cáo hóa học: " A biofeedback cycling training to improve locomotion: a case series study based on gait pattern classification of 153 chronic stroke patients" pdf
... ST ratio In particular, S2 was characterized by a slow gait speed and an asymmetrical gait pattern; S1 had a more symmetrical but still slow gait; S3 walked faster but his pattern was unbalanced ... intervention, thanks to its safety and low price, could really have an impact also as a home-rehabilitation treatment for chronic stroke patients Abbreviations ANOVA: analysis of variance; BF: biofeedback; ... writing; EA participated to study design, data collection and analysis, and manuscript definition; PR participated at data collection; EG participated at data collection; FM participated to recruitment...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20
Báo cáo y học: " Translating research in elder care: an introduction to a study protocol series" pps
... Canada, Provinces and Territories, Annual (Number) In CANSIM (database) Ottawa: Minister of Industry, Canada; 2009 Statistics Canada: Population of Canada, Provinces, Territories by Age Group and ... in Canada: What Is It and Do I Need It? Ottawa: Council on Aging of Ottawa; 2008 Statistics Canada: 2007 General Social Survey: Care Tables Ottawa: Minister of Industry, Canada; 2008 Catalogue ... of Alberta and Saskatchewan, Health Canada) Strategic dissemination: This will include dissemination of 'plain language' results and other information relevant to policy makers and organizations...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 05:21
Báo cáo y học: "Effectiveness of strategies to encourage general practitioners to accept an offer of free access to online evidence-based information: a randomised controlled trial" docx
... like to thank Anne Gibbs and Dr Martin Halperin, who assisted with ethics applications, the clinical audit activity applications to RACGP and ACRRM, initial questionnaire design and data collection ... Ethical approval Ethics approval was given by the Royal Australian Collage of General Practitioner's National Research and Evaluation Ethics Committee Results Age, gender, country of graduation, ... Gynaecology 2006, 108(5):1234-1245 Britt H, et al.: General practice activity in Australia 2002-03 AIHW Cat No GEP 14 Canberra: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (General Practice Series...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 05:21
báo cáo khoa học: " Translating research in elder care: an introduction to a study protocol series" doc
... Canada, Provinces and Territories, Annual (Number) In CANSIM (database) Ottawa: Minister of Industry, Canada; 2009 Statistics Canada: Population of Canada, Provinces, Territories by Age Group and ... in Canada: What Is It and Do I Need It? Ottawa: Council on Aging of Ottawa; 2008 Statistics Canada: 2007 General Social Survey: Care Tables Ottawa: Minister of Industry, Canada; 2008 Catalogue ... of Alberta and Saskatchewan, Health Canada) Strategic dissemination: This will include dissemination of 'plain language' results and other information relevant to policy makers and organizations...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 16:20
báo cáo khoa học: " Effectiveness of strategies to encourage general practitioners to accept an offer of free access to online evidence-based information: a randomised controlled trial" ppt
... like to thank Anne Gibbs and Dr Martin Halperin, who assisted with ethics applications, the clinical audit activity applications to RACGP and ACRRM, initial questionnaire design and data collection ... Ethical approval Ethics approval was given by the Royal Australian Collage of General Practitioner's National Research and Evaluation Ethics Committee Results Age, gender, country of graduation, ... Gynaecology 2006, 108(5):1234-1245 Britt H, et al.: General practice activity in Australia 2002-03 AIHW Cat No GEP 14 Canberra: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (General Practice Series...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 16:20
Báo cáo y học: " The working alliance in a randomized controlled trial comparing online with face-to-face cognitive-behavioral therapy for depression" pptx
... contributions B.W and A. M planned and initiated the study B.W and B.P carried out analysis and interpretation of data, and drafted the manuscript All authors read and approved the final manuscript Acknowledgements ... conclusion, an internet-based intervention has the potential to facilitate a working alliance that is comparable to that formed in face -to- face settings, though not as influential with respect to symptom ... online and the face -to- face group Patients and therapists were asked to evaluate the quality of the working alliance at post-treatment; patients additionally completed the Working Alliance Inventory...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 16:21
A representation theoretic approach to an eisenstein series
... NUMBER-THEORETIC APPROACH TO HR/2 Chapter Representation-theoretic approach to Hr/2 Gelbart showed in [5] that there is a bijection mapping between certain automorphic representation and the space of cusp ... smaller than a certain integer Furthermore, if a modular form is zero at infinity, it is called a cusp form Here “holomorphic at infinity” means an are zero for n < and “zero at infinity” means an ... methodology applies to a larger audience, including the Eisenstein series of half-integral weight The current writing will carry out this approach, with necessary adjustments, to establish a similar link...
Ngày tải lên: 26/09/2015, 09:48
Aspergillus Flavus và A. parasiticus sinh độc tố Aflatoxin
... sản phẩm A flavus, A parasiticus • Aflatoxin G1, G2 sản phẩm A parasiticus • Trong môi trường có A flavus A parasiticus M1, M2, B 2A, G 2A • Aflatoxin M1 M2 sản phẩm từ trình trao đổi aflatoxin B1 ... ngoài, sa ruột và chết Chính phủ Hoa Kỳ đề hàm lượng tối a Aflatoxin (M1) sư a : 0,5ppb Để giảm khả nhiễm Aflatoxin sư a, quan quản lý thực phẩm và dược phẩm Hoa Kỳ a ... đ a mức 20ppm đối với thức ăn cho bò sư a Cơ chế gây độc Cho đến nay, người ta tạm thời công nhận khả tác động lên tế bào gan cu a aflatoxin qua giai đoạn - Tác động qua lại...
Ngày tải lên: 30/10/2012, 10:55
A study on some major factors affecting English learning of grade 6 ethnic minority students of a mountainous secondary school to help them learn better
... situation, etc “Learning strategies include both general approaches to studying language and specific techniques or study habit” (Chandrasegaran, A. , 1981) A learner’s approach to 10 language ... simplicity, ease or difficulty of learning, degree of important, elegance, social status, etc Attitudes towards a language may also show what people feel about the speakers of that language Language attitudes ... acquisition, where learners acquire a language with little formal training or teaching 2.3 Theoretical background of language learning factors “Many of us believe that learners have certain characteristics...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 15:04
Learning JavaScript A Hands-On Guide to the Fundamentals of Modern JavaScript
... adding all your CSS into the CSS file you created and adding all your JavaScript into the same JavaScript file will ensure that you have a maintainable site or application that has started on a path ... you apply style and in JavaScript you apply JavaScript and behavior And also like in CSS, there are a few ways you can apply JavaScript to an HTML document We’re going to talk about three ways: ... Numbers Boolean 82 83 84 Performance in Variables 84 81 68 xi xii Contents Arrays 85 Basic Array 85 Associative Array 87 Multidimensional Array 87 Pushing Data into an Array Working with Array Methods...
Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2013, 15:51
Tích vô hướng của hai véc tơ 1 thang 12 năm 2012
... số, kí hiệu :a b , xác định : a b = a bcos( a , b ) Kiến thức bản cần nhớ: • Góc giư a hai véc - tơ a b ( ) a Ob B 〈 rr a, b = A AOB • Bảng giá trị lượng giác cu a các góc đặc ... gãc gi a OO’ vµ F Kiến thức bản cần nhớ: • Góc giư a hai véc - tơ a b ( ) a Ob Cho hai vectơ a b khác vectơ Tích vô hướng hai vectơ a b B 〈 rr a, b = A 1) Định ngh a tích vô hướng hai vectơ ... thức bản cần nhớ: F • Góc giư a hai véc - tơ a b ( ) a Ob B O 〈 rr a, b = A AOB • Một xe goòng chuyển động từ O đến O’ dưới tác động • Bảng giá trị lượng giác cu a các góc...
Ngày tải lên: 05/01/2013, 09:47
Điểm nhìn của Ngô Tất Tố trong tác phẩm “Tắt đèn”
... Đêm khuya, chị Dậu phải bế hai bé, hết ngõ sang ngõ khác: “Trời khuya, canh vắng, ba mẹ thơ thẩn ôm đường, chị Dậu thấy người điên rồ Mấy lần chị toan quay Website: http://www.docs.vn Email : lienhe@docs.vn ... trống chèo dập dìu Lưu thuỷ giêng, hai, ba, đình đám! Ở bọn quan lại cường hào cạnh tranh nhau, tranh miếng phao câu, ngón tay xôi, cờ bạc, rượu chè, cô đầu, chia chấm nút cấu xé ruộng đất sưu thuế, ... giao tiếp Ngữ dụng học quan tâm đến hành động ngôn ngữ, miểu tả thao tác định vị chủ thể giao tiếp, định vị không gian định vị thời gian hành vi ngôn ngữ, xác định to độ chủ thể nói tình giao...
Ngày tải lên: 06/04/2013, 09:50
A teacher's guide to interference and other problems
... tends to use intonation Typical mistake: *That have I not seen 26 Speakers of Scandinavian languages Position of adverbs In the Scandinavian languages, mid-sentence adverbs are generally placed after ... to] the average taalgebruiker, men zou onze taal onmiddellijk tot kerntaak language user, one would our language immediately to core task uitroepen van een minister tot proclaim of a deugdzaamheid ... by about million native speakers and used as a lingua franca by about 15 million people in South Africa and Namibia, is now of®cially considered a separate language.) Introduction Dutch is a member...
Ngày tải lên: 17/08/2013, 08:35