... access point to an occupancy vector, and distributing the occupancy vector to all mobile stations in the hotspot 282 EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking Cod Parallel -to- serial ... to be implemented; (iv) when complying with a communications etiquette, it has to listen before talk as well as to prevent the disturbance of hidden stations; (v) in order to be fair it has to ... Mitola III and G Q Maguire, Cognitive radio: making software radios more personal,” IEEE Pers Commun., vol 6, no 4, pp 13–18, 1999 [11] J Mitola III, Cognitive radio: an integrated agent architecture...
Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2014, 00:20
... accept collision tolerable level σ Collision tolerable level is also collision probability constraint of the cognitive radio system Thus, the system must satisfy ≤ pc ≤ σ (6) Otherwise, too many collisions ... idle period is Pareto distribution or generalized Pareto distribution According to Corollary 4, the optimal OSA approach for Pareto distribution is that the secondary user starts to transmit at the ... both exceed the collision tolerable level This is problematic when the collision tolerable level is restrictive One way to solve this problem is to set smaller collision tolerable level In Figure...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 19:20
innovative approaches to spectrum selection, sensing, and sharing in cognitive radio networks
... + tOFF ) During the time duration C1 to tOFF (i), the vector PUtransmit [freqi , C2 ] is assigned to imply the idle time in the ith sub-band During the time duration C1 to tOFF (i), the vector ... used to describe a property of the mind that encompasses many related abilities, such as the capacities to reason, to plan, to solve problems, to think abstractly, to comprehend ideas, to use ... sub-bands for i = to M Initialize counters C1 and C2 to while C1 ≤ 250 Select the operating frequency freqi using Eq (2.5) for tON (i) = to L if C1 + tON (i) < time then 10 C2 = C1 + tON (i) 11 ith...
Ngày tải lên: 30/10/2014, 20:09
An Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communications
... Customers to Customers to Buy More Buy More Sales Sales Promotion Promotion Tie In Tie In Advertising & Advertising & Personal Selling Personal Selling Attract New Attract New Customers Customers ... Maintains Customer Customer Relationships Relationships American Airlines Encourages Customers to Do It All Online © 2003 McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., McGraw-Hill/Irwin + Sales Promotion Tools Coupons ... McGraw-Hill/Irwin + Using the Internet as an IMC Tool The The Internet Internet Educates or Educates or Informs Informs Customers Customers Obtains Obtains Customer Customer Database Database Information...
Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2013, 20:15
Lesson 23- Radio Communication Equipment-GMDSS
... Telecommunications Union) Liên hiệp Viễn thông Quốc tế Verbal Phrase and Collocations 1.subject to phải chịu 2.be required to fully comply with yêu cầu phải hoàn to n phù hợp với 3.be automatically ... equivalent of a radio call sign and uniquely identifies that coast or ship station It is important to recognize that the MMSI identifies the vessel and if more than one radio is carried they are to be ... Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB) may also be programmed with the same MMSI The selling agent can program the MMSI into radio equipment The MMSI is automatically included in all...
Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2013, 22:15
Tài liệu A Guide to Understanding Color Communication pdf
... be used to create those boundaries Additional tolerancing formulas, known as CMC and CIE94, produce ellipsoidal tolerances Figure 14: CIELAB tolerance box b* CIELAB Tolerancing When tolerancing ... Commercial factor (cf) of tolerances 17 Color Differences, Notation and Tolerancing continued CIE94 Tolerancing In 1994 the CIE released a new tolerance method called CIE94 Like CMC, the CIE94 tolerancing ... difference in hue Figure 13: Tolerance ellipsoid ∆E* = total color difference value Refer to Figure 11 on page 10 a* Visual Color and Tolerancing b* Standard As a result, our tolerance for an acceptable...
Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2014, 13:20
Tài liệu e-National Bank:How to Establish Effective Communication ppt
... indicators There are no any economical indicators at the first page 15 E-mail address to sand feedback to the web-masters (with mailto HTML tag) No, there is no address to sand feedback to the ... at the bottom of the site 14 Current economical indicators Yes, this information is on the left side of the web-page 15 E-mail address to sand feedback to the web-masters (with mailto HTML tag) ... the first page 14 Current economic indicators There are some current economic indicators 15 E-mail address to sand feedback to the web-masters (with mailto HTML tag) No e-mail address (see appendix...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 00:20
... COGNITIVE RADIO ARCHITECTURE The Engineering Foundations of Radio XML JOSEPH MITOLA III A JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC., PUBLICATION COGNITIVE RADIO ARCHITECTURE COGNITIVE RADIO ARCHITECTURE ... making radios so smart that they can autonomously discover how, when, and where to use radio spectrum to obtain information services without having previously been programmed to so Cognitive radio ... aware and adaptive radios toward cognitive radio, the AACR revolution AACR technology can also power increasingly autonomous cognitive wireless networks (CWNs) The cognitive radio architecture...
Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 17:20
Advances in Cognitive Radio Systems pptx
... Selection in Single-Hop Cognitive Radio Networks for Delay Sensitive Applications 65 Behrouz Jashni Chapter Adaptation from Transmission Security (TRANSEC) to Cognitive Radio Communication Chien-Hsing ... Advances in Cognitive Radio Systems frequency (its phase is conveniently set to zero) inserted at an appropriate node in the circuit in order to force the HB simulator to converge to the oscillating ... spectrum sensing capability to accommodate the needs of Cognitive Radio technology 22 Advances in Cognitive Radio Systems To that aim, Distributed Voltage Controlled Oscillators have been investigated...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 21:20
Module 3Introduction to Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) pdf
... The objective of Module • To improve the library staff to know about how to use ICts as computer including using internet … The level of student • Students who will come to study might have basic ... Module Introduction to Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) - Lesson 1: Why librarians need to know about ICTs and acquire skill in their use? -...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 20:20
One to Watc - Radio, New ICTs and Interactivity ppt
... a series of attempts to encourage the town’s radio stations to use its services Timbuktu’s four radio stations broadcast in a total of six languages to the townspeople and to villages within a ... It is too soon to claim victory and too soon to discard them, but not too soon to question whether they will be sustainable and benefit their communities after the external inputs withdraw Today, ... next to you I thought that I needed to have a superior intellect to be able to use it (Radio La Côtière; Joal, Senegal) Computers are considered to be complicated, inaccessible, and frightening tools...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 13:20
cognitive radio technology 2nd ed - b. fette (ap, 2009)
... radio nodes serve as repeaters to forward data packets toward their eventual destination in an ad hoc network topology All of these threads come together as we arrive today at the cognitive radio ... CHAPTER 1 History and Background of Cognitive Radio Technology radio, allowing the radio to provide network services and to be remotely controlled over the local Ethernet Some radios will also ... 1.5.1 Java Reflection in a Cognitive Radio Cognitive radios need to be able to tell other CRs what they are observing that may affect the performance of the radio communication channel The receiver...
Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 17:19
the mit press mind 2nd edition introduction to cognitive science apr 2005
... fields of cognitive science to understanding various important mental functions My goal in writing this book is to make it accessible to all students likely to enroll in an introduction to cognitive ... Attempts to understand the mind and its operation go back at least to the ancient Greeks, when philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle tried to explain the nature of human knowledge Plato thought ... contributed to the understanding of mind, but also with awareness that cognitive science has a long way to go The second part of the book discusses extensions to the basic assumptions of cognitive...
Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:48
Báo cáo sinh học: "Fair, efficient, and power-optimized spectrum sharing scheme for cognitive radio networks" pot
... saleem83@nrl.sejong.ac.kr Abstract The cognitive radio network (CRN) is a promising solution to the problem of spectrum scarcity To achieve efficient spectrum utilization, cognitive radio requires a robust ... becomes nearly double (5.9–11 s) when the total file size varies from 25 to 50 kb Similarly, when we increase the total file size to 75 kb, the required time to serve SUs becomes almost three times ... for a given PU activity The γ factor is very small as compared to the β factor, i.e., γ
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20
Báo cáo toán học: " Spectrum sensing for cognitive radio exploiting spectrum discontinuities detection" potx
... Giannakis, A wavelet approach to wideband spectrum sensing for cognitive radios, in IEEE 1st International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications, CROWNCOM, Mykonos, ... Giannakis, A wavelet approach to wideband spectrum sensing for cognitive radios, in 1st International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications, 2006, Greece, ... gradient estimators This approach is intended to enhance multiscale peaks due to edges, while suppressing noise Adopting this technique to our spectrum sensing problem and restricting to dyadic scales,...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20
Báo cáo toán học: " Decision making for cognitive radio equipment: analysis of the first 10 years of exploration" potx
... Mitola, GQ Maguire, Cognitive radio: making software radios more personal Pers Commun IEEE 6, 13–18 (1999) [6] J Mitola, Cognitive radio: An integrated agent architecture for software defined radio ... Forum Sdrf cognitive radio definitions, http://data.memberclicks.com/site/sdf/SDRF-06-R-0011-V1 0.pdf Accessed Nov 2007 [4] J Palicot, Radio Engineering: From Software Radio to Cognitive Radio (Wiley, ... concludes this analysis Cognitive radio 2.1 The rise of CR To fulfill the requirements to enable smart and autonomous equipment, Mitola and Maguire introduced the notion of cognitive cycle as described...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20
Báo cáo toán học: " Optimization of cooperative spectrum sensing with sensing user selection in cognitive radio networks" potx
... Mitola, GQ Maguire, Cognitive radio: making software radios more personal IEEE personal Commun J 6(4), 13–18 (1999) doi:10.1109/ 98.788210 S Haykin, Cognitive radio: brain-empowered wireless communications ... cooperative spectrum sensing for cognitive radio networks IEEE J Sel Top Signal Process 5(1), 77–86 (2011) KB Letaief, W Zhang, Cooperative communications for cognitive radio networks Proc IEEE 97(5), ... in cognitive radio networks in Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC ‘07), 27–32 (2007) G Ganesan, Y(G) Li, Cooperative spectrum sensing in cognitive radio, ...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Performance analysis of spectrum sharing mechanisms in cognitive radio networks" pptx
... Zhu, J Li, X Wang, Scheduling model for cognitive radio, in Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications 2008, Singapore, 1–6 (May ... References S Haykin, Cognitive radio: brain-empowered wireless communications IEEE J Sel Areas Commun 23(2), 201–220 (2005) PK Tang, YH Chew, LC Ong, MK Haldar, Performance of secondary radios in spectrum ... IEEE Conference on MILCOM 2006, Washington, DC, 1-7 (October 2006) YR Kondareddy, N Andrewa, P Agrawal, On the capacity of secondary users in a cognitive radio network, in Proceedings of IEEE...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 22:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Multistage Quadrature Sigma-Delta Modulators for Reconfigurable Multi-Band Analog-Digital Interface in Cognitive Radio Devices" pot
... IRRSTFTOT [ej2π f TS ] = 10log10 STFTOT [ej2π f TS ] / ISTFTOT [ej2π f TS ] IRRNTFTOT,1 [ej2π f TS ] = 10log10 NTFTOT,1 [ej2π f TS ] / INTFTOT,1 [ej2π f TS ] IRRNTFTOT,2 [ej2π f TS ] = 10log10 NTFTOT,2 ... [z])E∗ [z∗ ] 3 = STFTOT [z]U[z] + ISTFTOT [z]U∗ [z∗ ] + NTFTOT,1 [z]E1 [z] + INTFTOT,1 [z]E∗ [z∗ ] + NTFTOT,2 [z]E2 [z] + INTFTOT,2 [z]E∗ [z∗ ] + NTFTOT,3 [z]E3 [z] + INTFTOT,3 [z]E∗ [z∗ ] D ... noted that STFTOT[z]U[z] and NTFTOT,3[z]E3[z] correspond structurally to the ideal output given in (7) However, the responses of STFTOT[z] and NTFTOT,3[z] can be altered when compared to STFideal...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 22:20