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Pro Android Media: Developing Graphics, Music, Video, and Rich Media Apps for Smartphones and Tablets docx

Pro Android Media: Developing Graphics, Music, Video, and Rich Media Apps for Smartphones and Tablets docx

... android. graphics.Bitmap; import android. graphics.BitmapFactory; import android. net.Uri; import android. os.Bundle; import android. os.Environment; import android. util.Log; import android. view.Display; import android. widget.ImageView; ... the form of a slideshow. package com.apress.proandroidmedia.ch1.mediastoregallery; import android. app.Activity; import android. database.Cursor; import android. graphics.Bitmap; import android. graphics.BitmapFactory; ... android. graphics.BitmapFactory; import android. os.Bundle; import android. provider.MediaStore; import android. provider.MediaStore.Images.Media; import android. util.Log; import android. view.View; import android. view.View.OnClickListener; import...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 06:20

321 2,9K 0
AndEngine for Android Game Development Cookbook docx

AndEngine for Android Game Development Cookbook docx

... from Elche (Spain). He works developing commercial web apps, and develops video games for Android in his free time. He likes to play video games since childhood. He started playing with his brother's ... likes to play video games. So he decided to put all his hobbies together and develop his rst video game for his favorite mobile platform Android. So far Sergio has released 3 games and he continues ... base your entire game& apos;s texture format on compressed textures, but for large quantities of subtle images, using compressed textures can add noticeable performance to your game. ...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 02:20

380 4K 4
apress pro android web apps, develop for android using html5 css3 and javascript (2011)

apress pro android web apps, develop for android using html5 css3 and javascript (2011)

... supporting tools to assist you in building web apps Understanding Android Platform Capabilities The Android operating system (OS) was designed as a generic OS for mobile devices (including smartphones ... an IDE that is tailored for Java development, and the Android team offers native Android development tools for Eclipse. If you are working with both web and native Android development, you ... situation where some Android devices support multitouch for web apps and others don’t. It will be important at least for the next couple of years to always code primarily for single-touch, and...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 11:50

382 1,6K 0
ASP NET 2 0 everyday apps for dummies

ASP NET 2 0 everyday apps for dummies

... the data exists for its own sake, or assuming that the database exists for the sake of the Information Technology (IT) department. Of course, the database exists for its users. Before designing ... Reference For Dummies, Networking For Dummies, 7th Edition, the Networking All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies, PowerPoint 2003 For Dummies, and the Word 2003 All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies. ... to create a separate table for the line items. The Line Items table uses a foreign key to relate each line item to an order. Second normal form (2NF) Second normal form applies only to tables...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2013, 18:15

509 444 0
Free Software tools for embedded systems

Free Software tools for embedded systems

... 15 FreeSoftwaretoolsforembeddedsystems âCopyright2004ư2008,FreeElectrons CreativeCommonsAttributionưShareAlike2.5license http:/ /free Jan24,2008 FreeSoftwaretoolsforembeddedsystems GNU/Linuxworkstation Crossưcompilingtoolchains 9 FreeSoftwaretoolsforembeddedsystems âCopyright2004ư2008,FreeElectrons CreativeCommonsAttributionưShareAlike2.5license http:/ /free Jan24,2008 uClibc License:LGPL LightweightClibraryforsmallembeddedsystems,withmostfeatures though. ThewholeDebianWoodywasportedtoit ... 44 FreeSoftwaretoolsforembeddedsystems âCopyright2004ư2008,FreeElectrons CreativeCommonsAttributionưShareAlike2.5license http:/ /free Jan24,2008 Commercialtoolsets Caution:commercialdoesn'tmeanproprietary! VendorsplayfairwiththeGPLanddomaketheirsourcecode availabletotheirusers,andmostofthetime,tothecommunity. Aslongastheydistributethesourcestotheirusers,theGPL doesn'trequirevendorstosharetheirsourceswithanythirdparty. NoissuewithalltheGPLsourcesdevelopedbyorwiththe community. Graphicaltoolkitsdevelopedbythevendorslookproprietary.Their licensesarenotadvertisedontheirwebsites!Youhavetobea customertoknoworgetafreepreviewkittoknow. 35 FreeSoftwaretoolsforembeddedsystems âCopyright2004ư2008,FreeElectrons CreativeCommonsAttributionưShareAlike2.5license http:/ /free Jan24,2008 FreeSoftwaretoolsforembeddedsystems GNU/Linuxworkstation Varioustools ... 49 FreeSoftwaretoolsforembeddedsystems âCopyright2004ư2008,FreeElectrons CreativeCommonsAttributionưShareAlike2.5license http:/ /free Jan24,2008 SysgoưKoanSoftware ELinOSdevelopmenttoolset, inparticularbasedonEclipse andtheLinuxTraceToolkit. IncludesFreeToolBox,afreely downloadablecompilingandrootfs creatingtoolchain. Supportsi386,armandppc. Hardrealưtimesupportwiththeirown microkernel(PikeOS), anapproachsimilartoRTAI. MakersofKaeilOS (,aGPL embeddedLinuxdistributionforindustrial applications. KaeilOSsupportsi386andpopulararm platforms.Otherplatformssupportedupon request. Includesseveralgraphicaltoolkitsand supportshardrealưtime(RTAI,Xenomai, preemptionpatches). Unfortunately,KaeilOSisGPLbutnot availableforpublicdownload. 16 FreeSoftwaretoolsforembeddedsystems âCopyright2004ư2008,FreeElectrons CreativeCommonsAttributionưShareAlike2.5license http:/ /free Jan24,2008 Standalonetoolchainbuild Buildingacrossưcompilingtoolchainbyyourselfisadifficultandpainfultask! Cantakedaysorweeks! Lotsofdetailstolearn.Severalcomponentstobuild (buildinggcctwice:onceforgcc+onceforcompilersthatneedtheClibrary). Lotsofdecisionstomake (suchasClibraryversionandconfigurationforyourplatform) NeedkernelheadersandClibrarysources Needtobefamiliarwithcurrentgccissuesandpatchesonyourplatform Usefultobefamiliarwithbuildingandconfiguringtools canshowyouhowfunitcanbe! ...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 00:15

132 425 0
Java Game Programming for Dummies

Java Game Programming for Dummies

... moved off the table. Therefore, the code to draw the ball needs to check the current game state before it draws. One way of structuring all this is to define constants for every possible state and ... reserved. IDG Cheat Sheet $2.95 value. Item 0168-2. OOH  For more information about IDG Books, WORLDWIDE  call 1-800-762-2974. For Dummies: # 1 Computer Book Series for Beginners Commonly Overridden Applet Methods Applet ... ). void Clean up after the applet destroy() before it quits. Java Game Programming For Dummies 1cans used in This Book -e_ k The tip icon marks information that can save you time or keep you...

Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2013, 11:15

196 579 0
Tài liệu Game Programming for Teens, Seconnd Edition P2 pptx

Tài liệu Game Programming for Teens, Seconnd Edition P2 pptx

... the game, and it runs just before and during the end of the game. It closes all open files, deletes any running variables, and quits the game. The First Game: KONG 17 Figure 1.9 Compiling the game. ... called “Call for Help” on TechTV. I decided to demonstrate this game, KONG, on the show, because it was an easy to understand and play game. Turns out I made a bad choice. During the game, some ... of the loop is one frame of the game. Usually, there are at least 30 frames, or iterations, per second. See Figure 1.10 for a description of initialization, the game loop (also known as the main...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 04:15

20 392 0
Tài liệu Game Programming for Teens, Seconnd Edition P1 docx

Tài liệu Game Programming for Teens, Seconnd Edition P1 docx

... has taught game programming on TechTV’s Call for Help and at game programming conferences such as the XGDX. He is the author of Game Programming for Teens (First Edition) and Web Design for Teens, ... W elcome to the amazing world of game programming! This book will show you the ins and outs of video games and teach you to develop your own. Game programming is a huge topic, however, and we are going ... program! Feel free to examine the code; although it may seem very weird and hard to understand now, you will soon be able to figure out this code easily. Table 1.3 lists the keys you will use for this game. The...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 04:15

30 403 1