Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2013, 16:15
... test of economic performance and value creation. Both types of results, of course, depend on sound management of every aspect of the company, except that cash-flow based principles and tools ... Analysis: Tools and Techniques For many years the purpose and contribution of this book have been to help make financial/economic analysis a practical, understandable and usable process for managers and ... the choice of tools, and guid- ance of analytical effort leads to greater effectiveness not only in the manager’s ability to handle decisions large and small, but also, by virtue of the manager’s leadership,...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 00:20
financial analysis tools and techniques 2012 pot
... As a way of introducing the range of analytical concepts and tools contained in this book, we’ll attempt to characterize some of the key attributes of the “new economy” phenomenon and draw conclusions ... shareholder value analysis con- cepts and tools. Economic cash flow methodologies and trade-offs were at the heart of this reversal, and while they were expressed in new and advanced com- puter-aided ... financial problems and issues depend significantly on the points of view of the various par- ties involved, on the relative importance of the issue, and on the nature and relia- bility of the information...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 20:20
Miller puckette theory and techniques of electronic music
... frequency—has been heretofore used to control two separate aspects of the output: the period at which we start new copies of the waveform, and also the length of each individual copy. The idea of timbre stretching ... schemes are often used to increase the ac- curacy of table lookup. Here we will give a somewhat simplified account of the effects of table sizes and interpolation schemes on the result of table lookup. To ... both x[n] and y[n] are allowed to take negative and positive values and/ or to change quickly, the effect of multiplying them can’t be described as simply changing the amplitude of one of them;...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 12:54
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 04:21
Providing professionals with advanced tools and techniques to strategically execute projects, programs and portfolios docx
... requirements. Project Risk Management Learn tools and techniques for tracking and mitigating the broad range of risks and uncertainty inherent in the management of complex projects. ( Online Only) ... blend of cutting-edge Stanford University research and proven techniques from leading-practice companies that provides crucial insights and practical tools for managing projects, portfolios, and ... Certicate Program Providing professionals with advanced tools and techniques to strategically execute projects, programs and portfolios ONLINE I AT STANFORD I AT WORK Stanford...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 04:21
Knowledge Management Tools and Techniques Manual pot
... INTRODUCTION This Knowledge Management Tools and Techniques Manual is the rst release of a description of some of the key Knowledge Management (KM) methods, tools, technologies, and techniques to be considered ... the number of views, duration of viewing, etc. A Note on Facilitation The APO KM Methods and Tools wiki website is a good example of a knowledge base comprised of a categorized series of documents. ... KM methods and tools, and also to keep abreast of new developments. Aim The aim of this manual is to provide the KM consultant, KM practitioner, and those organizations, large and small, who...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 01:20
Building the Knowledge Management Network Best Practices, Tools, and Techniques for Putting Conversation to Work
... subsistence agriculture and home life—was concentrated in the halls of royalty, the count- ing rooms of merchants, and in the minds of priests and scribes who handed it down, through direct teaching and demonstration, ... understanding of horses, met- allurgy, and design, combined with hands-on expertise in the use of heat, iron, and tools, a line worker needed only perform the assembly procedures of a few premanufactured ... use of online tools and F2F interaction with the practical skills of facilitation and virtual teamwork. Group Jazz produced Mathweb 2000, a professional conference with sponsors such as PBS and...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 20:21
bypassing firewalls tools and techniques
... administra- tion of the system to be delegated to a number of different users, none of which have complete control of the system. Audit capability. Logging provides a way of to audit the operation of the ... client could instead use HTTP GET and encode the messages in the URL of the request. 3 3.1 Domains Carroll and Landwehr [9] argue that the key characteristic of secure systems is their ability ... scores of real examples—the reader will find many of these documented in the archives of bugtraq 4 and CERT 5 . To demonstrate a Trojan Horse attack, librsocket was used to build a special version of...
Ngày tải lên: 13/05/2014, 22:40
Ebook writing processes, tools and techniques
... consuming. Indeed, the analysis of verbalizations requires strong skills of the researcher and it is tedious Methods, Techniques, and Tools for the On-line Study of the Writing… 15 Alamargot, ... strategies and the sociocultural processes of written communication; rubric-referenced self-assessment and the quality of elementary and middle- school students' writing and self-efficacy and ... overview of these methods and tools in order to figure out how to conceptualize and design new experiments. In parallel, through the presentation of these methods and of the tools that are required...
Ngày tải lên: 07/06/2014, 17:30
modeling with data tools and techniques for scientific computing oct 2008
... un- derstand computing, the more you will be able to do with your data, and the faster you will be able to do it. The po litics of software All of the software in this book is free software , meaning ... better understanding of data handling, com- puting, and statistics. Ease of long-term use will follow therefrom. ã Level of c omputing abstraction: This book takes the fundamentals of computing seriously, ... 1980s and apply the techniques I learned from the scripting languages. gsl_stats July 10, 2008 30 CHAPTER 2 Arrays Much of the art of describing the real world consists of building aggregates of...
Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 13:32
... Analysis: Tools and Techniques For many years the purpose and contribution of this book have been to help make financial/economic analysis a practical, understandable and usable process for managers and ... the applicability and relevance of time-tested methodologies and tools in the years ahead. The New Economy Much has been written and said about the impact of new technologies, of the in- formation ... the cost of capital, financing choices, and valuation of secu- rities and businesses, while the final Chapter 12 returns to the systems context in an expanded discussion of the conceptual and analytical...
Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 08:20
TETeam-Fly financial analysis tools and techniques doc
... test of economic performance and value creation. Both types of results, of course, depend on sound management of every aspect of the company, except that cash-flow based principles and tools ... Analysis: Tools and Techniques For many years the purpose and contribution of this book have been to help make financial/economic analysis a practical, understandable and usable process for managers and ... financial problems and issues depend significantly on the points of view of the various par- ties involved, on the relative importance of the issue, and on the nature and relia- bility of the information...
Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 12:20
financial analysis tools and techniques potx
... Analysis: Tools and Techniques For many years the purpose and contribution of this book have been to help make financial/economic analysis a practical, understandable and usable process for managers and ... test of economic performance and value creation. Both types of results, of course, depend on sound management of every aspect of the company, except that cash-flow based principles and tools ... implications of financing choices, derive the value of a business or a security, and understand the role of analysis in achieving the goal of shareholder value creation. Every technique and measure...
Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 18:20