Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 18:33
Developing a system of exercises to improve public speaking skill in interpreting for the 4th year students of english at vinh university
Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 20:21
Báo cáo y học: "Teaching child and adolescent psychiatry to undergraduate medical students - A survey in German-speaking countries"
... lends itself to being incorporated into such an approach in cooperation with general medicine, internal medicine, surgery, public health, and other departments. ◦ Normal development in relationship to ... teaching of skills was given the highest priority. Methods used to teach skills were role- plays, working with videotapes, interview training, and contact with real patients. To gain insight into ... AC, Reinhardt D, Frank R: Überbringen schlechter Nachrichten - videogestützte Trainingseinheit für Medizinstudenten [Breaking bad news - a video-based training unit for medical students]. Z Kinder...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:06
How to maximize part-time students ’ involvement in English speaking lessons at Hai Phong Foreign Languages Centre
... reluctant to speak in speaking lessons due to many reasons, and one of those is that topics are not interesting to learners. 1.3 Factors making learners reluctant to speak in speaking lessons ... make the learners unwilling to speak or affects their involvement in speaking lessons including: subjective factors from the learners themselves such as finding ideas, finding words, poor pronunciation ... Teachers talking time in speaking lessons’ The information obtained from Figure 6 indicates that teachers always take much time explaining in speaking lessons (70%). Only a small minority (10%)...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:50
Classroom activities to stimulate 10-form students’ presentation in english speaking lessons at marie curie high school, hai phong
... theoretical background including the definitions of presentation, factors that prevent students from presenting, and integrating skills needed to collect information in English speaking class. Then, ... think it’s time to stop. Thanks a lot. - Thank you for giving me time. - Thank you very much. That was very interesting. 3. Students work in pairs to do the interview. 4. Teacher walks around to ... Therefore, when doing speaking activities, they often cope with such problems as “inhibition”, “nothing to say”, “mother-tongue used”. Besides, the teaching and learning process focusing much on...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 15:01
Tài liệu Teaching Public Speaking in the United States Graduate Students docx
... comparing patterns in words, counting syllables in words, breaking words into sounds (segmenting), and blending the letter sounds. The children and I sing each morning (in tutorial, first grade in ... overlooked. Maintaining the students’ self-esteem is the key to their success. Speaking in a second language, especially in public settings, can be a very intimidating undertaking. Providing positive ... make a list of the top ten obstacles to teaching speaking “perfectly”. 4. With regarding to teaching speaking, can you think of problems related to the students’ ages? To their students’...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 05:15
Tài liệu Public Speaking Tips For Kids pptx
... Public Speaking Tips For Kids By: James Masterson Public speaking is one skill that kids should enhance. Aside from practice, public speaking for kids requires personal coaching. Personal coaching includes the development of self‐confidence and the effort on helping kids to improve their public speaking skills. For beginners it is important that they undergo this kind of learning to have a better public speaking approach. Kids have their own skills and abilities on how to deliver a presentation. It is up to the coach to bring out that natural skill in them. The kid only needs to listen and internalize all the things that the coach will teach. If you are the kid being trained, you will be introduced to an approach in public speaking that can be convenient to you. The coach will not attempt to change your style and be different to other speakers; although speakers seem to be more effective if the audience finds him unique in his public speaking. The coach will try to enhance your own skills and talents that are already present in you. You can expect comments and feedback from your coach during the training process. He will provide you the much needed guidance and specific knowledge for the coach is obliged to produce a better result in your training. Here are some reasons why you will need a personal coach: ‐ You may ask for a coach if you need help on a specific presentation that is very important to you. ‐If you want to concentrate on specific communication and speaking issues that are covered in general workshops and seminars. ‐If you have encountered sessions and workshops that progress slowly and are too standard or maybe do not get your interest. ‐When you are too busy to attend trainings because you cannot choose just one that can answer your needs. ‐If you are not comfortable in the team setting or you may feel that your speaking skills are on a much higher level. ... Public Speaking Tips For Kids By: James Masterson Public speaking is one skill that kids should enhance. Aside from practice, public speaking for kids requires personal coaching. Personal coaching includes the development of self‐confidence and the effort on helping kids to improve their public speaking skills. For beginners it is important that they undergo this kind of learning to have a better public speaking approach. Kids have their own skills and abilities on how to deliver a presentation. It is up to the coach to bring out that natural skill in them. The kid only needs to listen and internalize all the things that the coach will teach. If you are the kid being trained, you will be introduced to an approach in public speaking that can be convenient to you. The coach will not attempt to change your style and be different to other speakers; although speakers seem to be more effective if the audience finds him unique in his public speaking. The coach will try to enhance your own skills and talents that are already present in you. You can expect comments and feedback from your coach during the training process. He will provide you the much needed guidance and specific knowledge for the coach is obliged to produce a better result in your training. Here are some reasons why you will need a personal coach: ‐ You may ask for a coach if you need help on a specific presentation that is very important to you. ‐If you want to concentrate on specific communication and speaking issues that are covered in general workshops and seminars. ‐If you have encountered sessions and workshops that progress slowly and are too standard or maybe do not get your interest. ‐When you are too busy to attend trainings because you cannot choose just one that can answer your needs. ‐If you are not comfortable in the team setting or you may feel that your speaking skills are on a much higher level. ... Public Speaking Tips For Kids By: James Masterson Public speaking is one skill that kids should enhance. Aside from practice, public speaking for kids requires personal coaching. Personal coaching includes the development of self‐confidence and the effort on helping kids to improve their public speaking skills. For beginners it is important that they undergo this kind of learning to have a better public speaking approach. Kids have their own skills and abilities on how to deliver a presentation. It is up to the coach to bring out that natural skill in them. The kid only needs to listen and internalize all the things that the coach will teach. If you are the kid being trained, you will be introduced to an approach in public speaking that can be convenient to you. The coach will not attempt to change your style and be different to other speakers; although speakers seem to be more effective if the audience finds him unique in his public speaking. The coach will try to enhance your own skills and talents that are already present in you. You can expect comments and feedback from your coach during the training process. He will provide you the much needed guidance and specific knowledge for the coach is obliged to produce a better result in your training. Here are some reasons why you will need a personal coach: ‐ You may ask for a coach if you need help on a specific presentation that is very important to you. ‐If you want to concentrate on specific communication and speaking issues that are covered in general workshops and seminars. ‐If you have encountered sessions and workshops that progress slowly and are too standard or maybe do not get your interest. ‐When you are too busy to attend trainings because you cannot choose just one that can answer your needs. ‐If you are not comfortable in the team setting or you may feel that your speaking skills are on a much higher level. ...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 05:15
Tài liệu Tips, Tools, and General Guidance for Public Speaking pptx
... LWR: Tips, Tools, and General Guidance for Public Speaking, Page 26 TEN TIPS: What To Do In Public Speaking 1. When you are speaking informatively, think of how you became interested in ... likely to review ear- lier entries and continually integrate what you’re learning and improving into each and every speaking experience.) Adapt these public speaking journal pages to suit ... improvement in your speaking. These pages will also help you keep track of things you’d like to work on, tools you’d like to create and use, and, finally, by keeping a public speaking journal...
Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 23:15
Using dialogue and drama activities in teaching speaking skill to the 11th form students at nghen high scholl in ha tinh province
Ngày tải lên: 27/12/2013, 20:26
Tài liệu 1001 Tips for Thriving in the Speaking Business doc
... Your Business, Book/Product Authorship, Techno -Tips, Travel Tips, Media Tips, Personal Well-Being, and Convention/Workshop. Speaking Successfully: 1001 Tips for Thriving in the Speaking Business ... Falling off the Page - 15 Creative Marketing Techniques to Get Yourself Booked - Jeff Tobe (#31) ã How to Go from Zero to Six Figures in Two Years: 50 Things You Can Do to Get Your Speaking Business ... Leaving A Legacy of Love - Stephen Arterburn (#C) ã Visionary Selling: How to Sell Speaking, Training and Consulting Services to Executives - Barbara Geraghty (#4) ã Coloring Outside the Lines...
Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 22:20
... someone to do things in order to achieve something”. Harmer divides motivation into extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation is caused by such outside factors as ... roles in classroom activities. Teaching methods may play a decisive part in obtaining teaching goals, and in this case, increasing students’ involvement in oral activities. Besides teaching methods, ... related to success in second language learning. However, the success in second language learning may be a long term goal. In order to succeed in learning a foreign language; and in this case, to...
Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 14:35
Tài liệu A pocket guide to public speaking pptx
... INFORMATIVE 175 Fostering Audience Involvement Informative Topic Areas Presenting Information Reducing Confusion Arranging Main Points Sample Informative Speech John Kanzius and the Quest to Cure Cancer, ... begin your normal breathing pattern. Now begin to visualize the beginning of a day in which you are going to give an informative speech. See yourself get- ting up in the morning, full of energy, ... beginning in Part 7 contain guidelines for creating three of the most commonly assigned speeches in public speaking classes: informative, persuasive, and special occasion. For specific guidelines...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 22:20
Tài liệu Issues in Teaching Speaking Skills to Adult ESOL Learners ppt
... accomplishing those purposes are called speech acts. These utterances include seeking information, asking for help, ordering people to do things, complimenting, complaining, apologizing, inviting, ... (Lazaraton, 2001, p.105). IMPLICATIONS FOR TEACHING SPEAKING TO ADULT ESOL LEARNERS All of the foregoing information has implications for the teaching of speaking to adult ESOL students in the ... in writing. For adult ESOL learners, speaking English can be particularly diffi cult because, unlike reading or writing, speaking happens in “real time.” That is, the person we are talking to...
Ngày tải lên: 24/02/2014, 18:20
How to attract interests and involvement of the 9th graders in a speaking lessons at Minh Thanh secondary in Quang Ninh
... and involvements in speaking lessons. 3. Scope of the study Actually, attracting students‟ interests and involvements needs to be done in teaching all four basic skills (listening, speaking, ... students don‟t like speaking lesson but reading, writing or listening lessons in stead of. Therefore, to these students, speaking is not very interesting (5.4%), even not interesting. Nevertheless, ... speaking in general and teaching speaking in particular. In the Chapter 2, we will investigate how speaking lessons are dealt with by teachers and students in Minh Thanh secondary school in Quang...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 10:03