tips on reducing cost in event management

Master Thesis in Economics: Stakeholder’s Perspectives on Integrating Sustainability in Project Management

Master Thesis in Economics: Stakeholder’s Perspectives on Integrating Sustainability in Project Management

... project management profession to “take responsibility for sustainability” (McKinlay, 2008), the consideration of the principles of sustainability in project management was still in its infancy ... 304 investors with US$22 trillion in assets under management having asked the world’s highest carbon emitting companies on reduction of its carbon emissions Also, there is an upward trend seen in ... involved in the decision making process (Bergmans, 2006, pp 117-125) In 2008 World Congress of the International Project Management Association (IPMA), the opening key-note presentation called upon

Ngày tải lên: 09/01/2020, 17:58

106 59 0
Master Thesis in Economics: Stakeholder’s Perspectives on Integrating Sustainability in Project Management

Master Thesis in Economics: Stakeholder’s Perspectives on Integrating Sustainability in Project Management

... project management profession to “take responsibility for sustainability” (McKinlay, 2008), the consideration of the principles of sustainability in project management was still in its infancy ... 304 investors with US$22 trillion in assets under management having asked the world’s highest carbon emitting companies on reduction of its carbon emissions Also, there is an upward trend seen in ... involved in the decision making process (Bergmans, 2006, pp 117-125) In 2008 World Congress of the International Project Management Association (IPMA), the opening key-note presentation called upon

Ngày tải lên: 15/01/2020, 20:45

106 15 0
Stakeholder’s perspectives on integrating sustainability in project management

Stakeholder’s perspectives on integrating sustainability in project management

... project management profession to “take responsibility for sustainability” (McKinlay, 2008), the consideration of the principles of sustainability in project management was still in its infancy ... 304 investors with US$22 trillion in assets under management having asked the world’s highest carbon emitting companies on reduction of its carbon emissions Also, there is an upward trend seen in ... involved in the decision making process (Bergmans, 2006, pp 117-125) In 2008 World Congress of the International Project Management Association (IPMA), the opening key-note presentation called upon

Ngày tải lên: 26/04/2020, 22:14

106 14 0
LUẬN văn THẠC sĩ (KINH tế) stakeholder’s perspectives on integrating sustainability in project management

LUẬN văn THẠC sĩ (KINH tế) stakeholder’s perspectives on integrating sustainability in project management

... project management profession to “take responsibility for sustainability” (McKinlay, 2008), the consideration of the principles of sustainability in project management was still in its infancy ... Data Collection Respondent Respondent Respondent Data Analysis and Findings Discussions Recommendations and Conclusions Figure Roadmap of dissertation Respondent 6.4 Scope and Limitations of the ... overview on sustainability and eventually its integration into project management The concept of sustainability can be first analyzed since it became a part of sustainable development in 1987 in a

Ngày tải lên: 04/05/2021, 19:27

20 9 0
Study of some species of mollusks living clung, perforated on the tree mangrove and management capabilities in reducing their harm

Study of some species of mollusks living clung, perforated on the tree mangrove and management capabilities in reducing their harm

... start forming clinging silk will find hosts clung on mangrove trees After clinging fixed to the host, where they will continue to grow and develop, continue to the next generation In the course ... the body, into the hindgut in the back position There siphon drainage and suction Unisexual reproductive system Gonads are in the body, surrounded by intestines Respiratory system included gill ... Classification is based on the classification system of Pham Hoang Ho combined evaluation and classification of experts • Distribution of the intertidal zone, based on the principle of division of

Ngày tải lên: 10/06/2016, 09:33

27 257 0
The incidence of earnings management on information asymmetry in an uncertain environment  some canadian evidence

The incidence of earnings management on information asymmetry in an uncertain environment some canadian evidence

... [...]... Conclusion In this paper, we examine the association between earnings management and information asymmetry considering environmental complexity and dynamism Our findings suggest ... suggest that investors have difficulty to detect earnings management in such contexts As expected, findings show that the association between earnings management and information asymmetry ... to be driven by the variation in the underlying economic of the firm In a context of environmental uncertainty where variations in firms’ specific economic factors are likely to be

Ngày tải lên: 12/06/2014, 19:36

13 354 0
Báo cáo y học: " Effect of chloroquine on reducing HIV-1 replication in vitro and the DC-SIGN mediated transfer of virus to CD4+ T-lymphocytes" pdf

Báo cáo y học: " Effect of chloroquine on reducing HIV-1 replication in vitro and the DC-SIGN mediated transfer of virus to CD4+ T-lymphocytes" pdf

... rates of transmission, given the relative inefficiency of infection [35,36]. The effect of CQ on DC-SIGN binding in vivo remains to be determined, but if the DC-SIGN binding is indeed reduced than ... 2G12 binding [23], as well as an additional site in the V3 region of gp120 (data not shown). The PNG site expressing carbohydrates involved in 2G12 binding (397) is lost in the V4 region due ... reduction in the number of potential N-linked glycosylation sites in the V3 region as well as within the 2G12 Ab binding and neutralization epitope. We also demonstrate that HIV-1 produced in the

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20

12 316 0
Báo cáo y học: " Cost-consequence analysis of remifentanil-based analgo-sedation vs. conventional analgesia and sedation for patients on mechanical ventilation in the Netherlands" docx

Báo cáo y học: " Cost-consequence analysis of remifentanil-based analgo-sedation vs. conventional analgesia and sedation for patients on mechanical ventilation in the Netherlands" docx

... , we conducted a cost- consequence study comparing the costs of remife ntanil- based sedation (RS) versus conventional-based sedation (CS) in ICU patients requiring mechanical ventilation. Because ... Discussion This study showed that using a remifentanil-based seda- tion reduces costs compared to conventional sedation. The current economic evaluation is based on a model, allowing extrapolation ... of the increased costs and LOS due to VAP may have been implicitly included in our results. Conversely, inclusion of ICU acquired infections could also have a negative impact on the cost-consequences

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 21:21

10 264 0
law on employers right to labour management in vietnam

law on employers right to labour management in vietnam

... economic administration in a socialist-oriented market economy in the context of international integration in Vietnam 4.2 Proposals on amendments and supplementations of provisions on ... expand contents for agreement (eliminating provision on “working condition” The definition can be that "Labor contract is the agreement on rights and obligations in labor relation between ... legislation. Fourthly, interpreting the need and objective requirements on completion of the law on employer’s labor management right in the context of market economy and international integration

Ngày tải lên: 15/08/2014, 23:52

28 291 0
The Emergence of the “I” Reflections on the Use of Qualitative Research Methods in a Master´s Program in Educational Management and Leadership at the VNU University of Education

The Emergence of the “I” Reflections on the Use of Qualitative Research Methods in a Master´s Program in Educational Management and Leadership at the VNU University of Education

... evaluation procedures, convinced that current procedures an evaluation of one lesson once a year which is prepared in advance and evaluated only by the school principal - contributed nothing to ... slow in coming in both seminars and in the context of supervision, when involved in their thesis work the students took charge; they organized focus groups, conducted interviews, held seminars, ... a diagnosis, continue with the collection of data or action, and conclude with thesis writing or reflection xii The research context was to be considered a ´field´ as is common in anthropological

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2015, 10:21

14 337 0
Research on the correlation between forest management and climate change in bao thang district, lao cai province local peoples perception and potential uses of GIS technology

Research on the correlation between forest management and climate change in bao thang district, lao cai province local peoples perception and potential uses of GIS technology

... Recommending possible intervention... declining continuously and have global environmental implications He indicated the world wide consequences of deforestation as - change in the ... flooding and future erosion; reduced transpiration... will result in unfavorable conditions for the main forest- forming species In addition, the currently dominant species will continue ... grow in the changing conditions, but during the adaptation period their condition may also deteriorate According to annual report from Bao Thang Forest Protection Division in 2013,

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2016, 13:42

57 517 0
The current state management on unemployment insurance in vietnam

The current state management on unemployment insurance in vietnam

... employees participating in unemployment insurance - Improving regulations on the responsibility of the authorities in implementing the policy - Finalization of provisions on inspection, test and review ... participating in unemployment insurance - Improving regulations on the responsibility of the authorities in implementing the policy - Finalization of provisions on inspection, test ... the business cycle Secondly, the application of scientific and technical progress in the economy Thirdly, the increase in population, labor supply with the internationalization and integration processes

Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2016, 19:16

24 528 0
Impacts of quality management practices on competitive performance in manufacturing companies   experiences from the united states, japan, germany, italy, and korea

Impacts of quality management practices on competitive performance in manufacturing companies experiences from the united states, japan, germany, italy, and korea

... Training for Employees Our plant employees receive training and development in workplace skills on a regular basis (.87) Management at this plant believes that continual training and upgrading ... plant employees receive training and 759 development in workplace skills on a regular basis 821 Management at this plant believes that continual training and upgrading of employee skills is 677 ... Testing 174 7.5 Discussions and Conclusions 185 Chapter Conclusions 189 8.1 Limitations of the Research 189 8.2 Contributions to Academic Literature and Implications

Ngày tải lên: 26/07/2017, 22:22

219 320 0
The effects of empowerment and job enrichment on employee loyalty in a downsizing and reducing salary enviroment empirical evidence from the banking industry in vietnam

The effects of empowerment and job enrichment on employee loyalty in a downsizing and reducing salary enviroment empirical evidence from the banking industry in vietnam


Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2017, 21:10

102 384 0
The impacts of land certification on sustainable investments and land management in ethiopia the case of duna wereda, hadiya zone, SNNPR, ethiopia

The impacts of land certification on sustainable investments and land management in ethiopia the case of duna wereda, hadiya zone, SNNPR, ethiopia

... Three planting around farm land 2) Terracing on farm 3) Fodder trees/grasses/ planting on terracing and grazing land 81 17 Do you make sustainable investments on soil fertility management on your ... organizations in designing mechanisms to increase farmer‟s sustainable investment on land management Practices I confirm you that all data will be treated confidentially and only general and average information ... Pearson grasses/ planting on Correlation grazing land on on grazing 84 *Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2- tailed) 89 211 84 Appendix 7: Correlation Coefficient of Land Certification

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2017, 15:56

104 360 0
Assessment of farmers‘ perception on the status , classification and management practices of soil fertility in comparison to scientific practices in the case of ada‘a district, central highlands of ethiopia

Assessment of farmers‘ perception on the status , classification and management practices of soil fertility in comparison to scientific practices in the case of ada‘a district, central highlands of ethiopia

... and Environment Studies (Specialization in Land Resource Management) Assessment of Farmers‘ Perception on the Status , Classification and Management Practices of Soil Fertility in Comparison to ... Amelework Kindihun, entitled: ―Assessment of farmers‘ perception on the status of soil fertility,classification and management practices in comparison to scientific practices: in smallholders‘ farming ... facilitating administrative linkage with farmers for data collection and further support Finally, as it is not possible to mention all those who have helped me in writing this thesis, I am indebted

Ngày tải lên: 15/08/2017, 15:09

147 323 0
Studies on the management of maize weevil (sitophilus zeamais l ) using botanicals on maize grain in storage

Studies on the management of maize weevil (sitophilus zeamais l ) using botanicals on maize grain in storage

... Evaluation of Percent Weight loss 45 4.5 Evaluation of Percent seed damage 45 4.6 Effect of botanicals on germination of seeds 48 DISCUSSION 49 CONCLUSION ... macrostachys Hochst) at four concentrations against maize weevil (Sitophilus zeamais Motsch.) on stored maize grains under laboratory conditions For comparison, malathion 5% dust as a standard check and ... COLLEGE OF NATURAL AND COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCES GRADUATE PROGRAM Studies on the management of maize weevil (Sitophilus zeamais L.) using Botanicals on maize grain in storage BY YESHIWORK ALEMNEW

Ngày tải lên: 15/08/2017, 15:12

93 252 0
Impact of human resource management practices on organizational performance in small and medium enterprises in thai nguyen city

Impact of human resource management practices on organizational performance in small and medium enterprises in thai nguyen city

... Assessment of Respondents on HRM in Terms of Career Planning System 79 The Assessment of Respondents on HRM in Terms of Participation and Involvement 80 The Assessment of Respondents on HRM in Terms of ... Profile in Terms of Business Characteristics 76 The Assessment of Respondents on HRM in Terms of Recruitment and Selection 77 The Assessment of Respondents on HRM in Terms of Training and Development ... effectiveness of the training The organization has a system for calculating the cost and benefit of training T&D has helped reduce employee turnover in our organization T&D has resulted in higher employee

Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2017, 08:54

136 327 3
Management perception of the impact of corporate social responsibility on corporate reputation in Vietnam

Management perception of the impact of corporate social responsibility on corporate reputation in Vietnam

... of Economics We are conducting a Study on “management perception of the impact of CSR on financial performance and corporate reputation in Vietnam” We need your help by answering the following ... REPUTATION IN VIETNAM MASTER THESIS HO CHI MINH CITY – 2013 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY  BÙI THỊ DIỄM NGA MANAGEMENT PERCEPTION OF THE ... regression 58 4.5 Conclusion 58 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND IMPLICATION 60 5.2 Discussion of findings 60 5.2.1 The impact of CSR activities in term of employee responsibilities

Ngày tải lên: 10/01/2018, 15:59

97 296 0
Comparative Management Accounting – Literature Review on Similarities and Differences Between Management Accounting in Germanic and Anglophone Countries pot

Comparative Management Accounting – Literature Review on Similarities and Differences Between Management Accounting in Germanic and Anglophone Countries pot

... analysis Internal cost management Financial accounting Liquiditiy management External reporting Tax planning and administration Accounts receivable Insurance Internal auditing Computer applications % Germany U.S ... accounting 14 According to the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ACCOUNTING (1982: 24) in the U.S., the objectives of management accounting include ‘providing of information’ and ‘participating in the ... This is based on the notion that the Anglo-Saxon management accountant is, by definition, responsible for supporting and coordinating the decision-making processes in upper management (GRANLUND...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 22:20

39 730 0

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