tips and tricks for apple iphone 4s

iOS Recipes: Tips and Tricks for Awesome iPhone and iPad Apps docx

iOS Recipes: Tips and Tricks for Awesome iPhone and iPad Apps docx

... and landscape variants of your default image, and UIKit chooses the right one for you. However, your code has no way of knowing which image was used and therefore can’t choose the right one for ... the tireless effort of hundreds of gifted and passionate people in Cupertino over the better part of the past decade. I must thank my many friends and former colleagues at Apple for creating this ... solution so far performs a portrait-only transition, which is usually fine for most iPhone apps. iPad apps, on the other hand, are often expected to work in both portrait and landscape modes. Because...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 08:21

226 675 0
Tài liệu Tips and Tricks for Getting Vista Certified docx

Tài liệu Tips and Tricks for Getting Vista Certified docx

... seminar: Tips and Tricks on Getting Vista Certified For more information or to register, visit or call 1-800-COURSES to speak with a sales representative. Our courses and enhanced, ... that are trying to get certified and learn their tips and tricks. There is a user group for every Microsoft product in every language, so fire up your browser and join today. groups/en-us/default.aspx The ... They’ve had years of experience in deploying real networks, and are happy to pass on tips and tricks to increase your knowledge and understanding of Windows Vista. Each instructor who leads a Global...

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2013, 17:15

14 387 0
50 tips and tricks for mongodb developers

50 tips and tricks for mongodb developers

... Nutshell Handbook, the Nutshell Handbook logo, and the O’Reilly logo are registered trademarks of O’Reilly Media, Inc. 50 Tips and Tricks for MongoDB Developers, the image of a helmet cockatoo, and related ... attribution. An attribution usually includes the title, author, publisher, and ISBN. For example: “50 Tips and Tricks for MongoDB Devel- opers by Kristina Chodorow (O’Reilly). Copyright 2011 Kristina ... the information explicit in your document Generally, you should just make the information explicit in your document. Suppose you want to query for documents where the total number of apples and oranges...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 14:31

66 577 0
Stop worrrying and get on with it: Tips and tricks for designing the modern web

Stop worrrying and get on with it: Tips and tricks for designing the modern web

... across all browsers Rendering engines, operating systems, and user-specific variables like screen settings and resolution will always stand in the way So stop trying to reach the unreachable! ... across all browsers Rendering engines, operating systems, and user-specific variables like screen settings and resolution will always stand in the way ... broken. If it’s a real problem for older browsers, use universalie6.css, a warning message, or something similar But this visual treatment is integral to the brand! Then include it (if not,...

Ngày tải lên: 10/07/2014, 15:09

134 294 0
wiley ios 5 programming pushing the limits, advanced application development for apple iphone ipad and ipod touch (2012)

wiley ios 5 programming pushing the limits, advanced application development for apple iphone ipad and ipod touch (2012)

... support for developing apps that run on iPad, and universal apps that run on iPad (3.2) and iPhone (3.1.3). 3.2 was iPad only and didn’t run on iPhone or iPod touch devices. iPhone OS 4 (rebranded ... initWithFrame:frame])) { CGAffineTransform transform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(1, -1); CGAffineTransformTranslate(transform, 0, -self.bounds.size.height); self.transform = transform; self.backgroundColor ... book focuses on the iPhone 4 and iPad 2. Most topics here are applicable to the original iPad, iPod touch, iPhone 3GS, and Apple TV. At the time of writing the iPhone 5 and iPad 3 have not been...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 09:57

431 728 0
que ipad and iphone tips and tricks (2012)

que ipad and iphone tips and tricks (2012)

... and your iOS device, a new backup will be created. You can manually initiate this connection as often as you wish. ptg7481383 ii iPAD AND iPHONE TIPS AND TRICKS iPAD đ AND iPHONE đ TIPS AND ... your mobile device, and transform your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch into the most versatile, useful, and fun-to-use tool possible. ptg7481383 xii iPAD AND iPHONE TIPS AND TRICKS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Thanks ... you can use to obtain more information about a particular topic. ptg7481383 28 iPAD AND iPHONE TIPS AND TRICKS Many apps on your iPhone or iPad use the built-in GPS and Location Services capabilities...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 10:00

396 659 0
iphone and ios forensics investigation, analysis, and mobile security for apple iphone, ipad, and ios devices

iphone and ios forensics investigation, analysis, and mobile security for apple iphone, ipad, and ios devices

... Computer and Informa- tion Technology. Prior to working for viaForensics, she worked for 3 years in Infor- mation Security for a Fortune 500 company, handling firewall administration and assisting ... Cataloging-in-Publication Data Hoog, Andrew. iPhone and iOS forensics : investigation, analysis, and mobile security for Apple iPhone, iPad, and iOS devices / Andrew Hoog, Katie Strzempka. p. cm. Includes ... with viaForensics, a computer and mobile forensics firm. She performs forensic investigations, security audi ts and research, and has trained investigators around the world in mobile forensics....

Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2014, 01:10

327 1,4K 0
iPhone SDK 3 Programming Advanced Mobile Development for Apple iPhone and iPod touc phần 1 ppsx

iPhone SDK 3 Programming Advanced Mobile Development for Apple iPhone and iPod touc phần 1 ppsx

... question is: who is responsible for releasing this new object when you are no longer in need of it? iPhone SDK 3 Programming Advanced Mobile Development for Apple iPhone and iPod touch Maher Ali, ... using alloc) and puts that object in a pool for later release. When the time comes and you want to free up some memory, you release this pool and the pool will go over its content and send a release ... you for the type of project you want to create. Choose the default and create a window-based application. This is the most generic type of iPhone project and the one that can be customized for...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:20

68 280 0
iPhone SDK 3 Programming Advanced Mobile Development for Apple iPhone and iPod touc phần 2 potx

iPhone SDK 3 Programming Advanced Mobile Development for Apple iPhone and iPod touc phần 2 potx

... 96 iPhone SDK 3 Programming initWithName:@"Sun Kwon" andAddress:@"" andID:1]; Person *d = [[Person alloc] initWithName:@"Hurley Reyes" andAddress:@"" andID:2]; Person ... self and class object pointers. Figure 3.6 shows the state of the three array objects and their elements. Notice how the retain count of the array elements is now 4 (1 for each array and 1 for ... Austen" andAddress:@"" andID:5]; Person *b = [[Person alloc] initWithName:@"Sayid Jarrah" andAddress:@"" andID:4]; Person *c = [[Person alloc] 94 iPhone SDK...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:20

68 286 0
Part IV: Advanced Tips and Tricks

Part IV: Advanced Tips and Tricks

... buttons. 308 Part IV: Advanced Tips and Tricks 22_129869 ch15.qxp 11/29/07 12:03 PM Page 308 To use an action, simply highlight the action you wish to perform and click the Play button. The ... same, you don’t need to go through and adjust the options for each individual scan. Figure 15-17: The Consecutive Scanning dialog box. 318 Part IV: Advanced Tips and Tricks 22_129869 ch15.qxp 11/29/07 ... IV: Advanced Tips and Tricks 22_129869 ch15.qxp 11/29/07 12:03 PM Page 320 The expression mode of the layer you used to create the image for the pattern brush is the expression mode for your pattern....

Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2012, 14:31

39 820 0