... is warm must include the time 3:00; however, the starting and ending points of the cake-frosting event need not coincide exactly with the starting and ending points of the interval at which ... during time to the main event: during(DuringEvent, MainEvent) is not sufficient, since Allen's "during" relation does not permit the DuringEvent to coincide with the beginning ... during(DuringEvent, MainEvent) OR starts(DuringEvent, MainEvent) OR ends(DuringEvent, MainEvent) 4. Passing the During Time: Rules for Temporal Interpretation In the previous section, we examined...
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 20:20
... immediate (future or past) IMP imperative INAN inanimate IND indicative INCE inceptive INCH inchoative INF in nitive INFL in ection INT intentive IO indirect object IPFV imperfective IRR irrealis ITR ... combinations of morphemes at TA and FV 278 6.4 Tense and aspect in Proto- or early Bantu 279 26 Tense and Aspect in Bantu Although the explicit targets of the book are tense and aspect, they interact ... tense and aspect are discrete categories forming an interlocking system; as an analytic tool they force the author and the analyst to think in a disciplined way in terms of patterns and holes; and...
Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 02:10
A contrastive analysis of metaphorical lexis and collocation in english and vietnamese economics discourse
Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 12:58
A study on syntactic and pragmatic features of asking and answering in english and vietnamese job interviews
Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:16
A study of modality expressed in terms of grammaticalization and lexicalization in english and vietnamese
Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:21
A study of linguistic features of proverbs expressing richness and poverty in english versus vietnamese
Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:23
A discourse anslysis of the linguistic features of the advertisements of food and drink in english versus vietnamese
Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:27
A cross cultural study of giving compliments and responses in english and vietnamese
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 00:41
... contingent of Englishmen involved in the planning and administration of settlements in Ireland, any legal rights or benefits that the inhabitants might have ideally had either to their own land ... series of English imitations, including Gervase Markham’s continuation of Sidney’s unfinished 1590 version, entitled The English Arcadia, Alluding his Beginning from Sir Philip Sidnes Ending (1607) and ... Conquest and English legal identity in Cymbeline 160 7 Love’s justice and the freedom of Brittany in Lady Mary Wroth’s Urania part I 187 Conclusion: English law and the early modern romance 219 Index...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 13:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Tense and Aspect Error Correction for ESL Learners Using Global Context" potx
... 2 Tense/ Aspect Error Corpus Developing a high-quality tense and aspect error correction system requires a large corpus annotated with tense/ aspect errors. However, existing anno- tated ... corrections. 5 The annotated tense/ aspect labels include 12 combinations of tense (past, present, future) and aspect (nothing, perfect, progressive, perfect progressive). 3 Error Correction Using Global Context As ... 1,072 (6.6%) contain tense/ aspect errors. We used Stan- ford Parser 1.6.9 8 for generating syntactic features and tense/ aspect tagging. 4.2 Classifiers Because we want to know the effect of using global context...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 18:20
A study on the sounds of vowels and consonants in English
... can be classified into 2 groups: Centring diphthongs (ending in /ə /) include /iə/, /eə/, /ʊə/. Closing diphthongs (ending in /i/) include /ei/,/ai/,/ɔi /(ending in /ʊ/) include /əʊ/& /aʊ/. ... begins just above the larynx. It is about 7 cm long in woman and about 8 cm in men, and at its top end it is divided into 2, one part being the back of the mouth and the other being the beginning ... phonetic unit in a language that is capable of conveying a distinction in meaning, as the /m/ of “mat” and the /b/ of “bat” in English (Jones: 1950) “Phoneme_ the smallest sound unit in a language...
Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2014, 01:26
... Greeting and Offering Help 2. Asking for Information 3. Describing Problems 4. Complaining and Showing Sympathy 5. Giving Advice and Instructions 6. Giving Directions 7. Explaining ... listening and speaking skills in the following functions: 1) greeting and offering help, 2) asking personal details, problems and wants, 3) giving information about accommodation, tourist information, ... Language Teaching and Testing. London: Routledge. LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1 The Needs in English Listening and Speaking Skills 36 2 The Problems in English Listening and Speaking Skills...
Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 05:20
an investigation into conceptual metaphors used for describing happiness and sadness in english and vietnamese
... expressions describing happiness and sadness were collected from English and Vietnamese poems on the Internet, in newspapers and in publication printings. Basic emotions introduced in Kovecses [10] ... describing “happiness and sadness” in English and Vietnamese poems. c. To make some suggestions for teaching, learning, and translating conceptual metaphors. 10 CHAPTER 4 FINDINGS AND ... describing happiness and sadness in English and Vietnamese has also shown us interesting knowledge about conceptual metaphors in English and Vietnamese poems, similarities and differences in expressions...
Ngày tải lên: 31/08/2014, 18:58
Common errors in the use of past tense and aspects in active voice by the 11th grade students Thanh Ba high school
Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2014, 16:26