this rails application is the only application on earth

Tài liệu What is the research evidence on writing? Education Standards Research Team, Department for Education pot

Tài liệu What is the research evidence on writing? Education Standards Research Team, Department for Education pot

... spelling x There is little evidence on pupils’ performance in writing in studies of international comparisons Introduction This paper reports on the statistics and research evidence on writing ... to speak their thoughts or feelings aloud - just a few words This can be done by tapping each person on the shoulder In this strategy, a character is questioned by the group about his or her ... educational attainment In the United Kingdom, studies such as the Effective Provision of Pre-school, Primary and Secondary Education (EPPSE 3-16), the Avon Longitudinal study (ALSPAC) and the Millennium...

Ngày tải lên: 24/02/2014, 18:20

44 673 0
Tài liệu Ghost Wave - The Discovery of Cortes Bank and the Biggest Wave on Earth pptx

Tài liệu Ghost Wave - The Discovery of Cortes Bank and the Biggest Wave on Earth pptx

... written permission from the publisher Dixon, Chris, 1966Ghost wave : the discovery of Cortes bank and the biggest wave on earth / by Chris Dixon p cm Includes bibliographical references ISBN 978-0-8118-7628-5 ... troubled by the rumor that this phantom wave had once scuttled a huge ship somewhere near the surf zone; a wreck was listed right there on the chart What if some jagged piece of hull lay on the bottom? ... lines In addition to Bishop Rock, other shoal spots lay on Cortes Bank, one only nine fathoms deep Another nine-fathom bank called Tanner lay just to the northeast A few miles out, the ocean plunged...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 05:20

19 530 0
The coldest place on earth

The coldest place on earth

... But he is there, somewhere, under the snow and the wind, in the coldest, emptiest place on earth 40 The Coldest Place on Earth GLOSSARY alone if you are alone, you are the only person there awful ... feel them On February 16th, Edgar Evans died On the 17th they were past the mountains At the depot there they ate one of the dead ponies Then they went on - ten, eleven, twelve kilometres a day They ... boy They're very strong ponies, you know The best ponies on earth. ' Later that night, Oates wrote a letter to his mother There are nineteen ponies on the Terra Nova now, he wrote All the ponies...

Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2014, 16:11

25 418 1
the coldest place on earth

the coldest place on earth

... boy They're very strong ponies, you know The best ponies on earth. ' Later that night, Oates wrote a letter to his mother There are nineteen ponies on the Terra Nova now, he wrote All the ponies ... pulled the Norwegians' sledges They ran quickly over the snow and pulled the big sledges from the ship onto the ice The men ran beside them on skis They put a big wooden house on the ice The house ... food than this, Captain Scott! These ponies are going to work in the coldest place on earth - they need a lot of food more than this! ' Scott smiled quietly 'We can't take more food on this ship,...

Ngày tải lên: 08/06/2014, 16:52

62 194 0
Tài liệu Which Bank Is the “Central” Bank? An Application of Markov Theory to the Canadian Large Value Transfer System doc

Tài liệu Which Bank Is the “Central” Bank? An Application of Markov Theory to the Canadian Large Value Transfer System doc

... cash distribution and the stationary distribution) The second block is a random walk Metropolis-Hastings step to draw a realization 12 The precision is just the inverse of the variance 11 of the ... value (the former is measured on the horizontal axis and the latter is measured on the vertical axis) for a given bank on a given day Hence, there are 272 × 14 = 3808 points on the graph If the ... chain theory, known as the Perron-Frobenius theorem This theorem outlines conditions under which the transition probability matrix of a Markov chain has a stationary distribution In the present application, ...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 12:20

20 438 0
Testing application on the Web

Testing application on the Web

... 20:Testing Mobile Web Applications Page Various Types of Tests   Testing Web Applications Using an Emulation Environment Testing Web Applications Using the Physical Environment Powerpoint Templates ... Templates Chater 20:Testing Mobile Web Applications Page Other Testing Considerations      How the test devices manage their cache? Is it user-configurable?Are the parameters known? Memory-full ... Content:  Chater 20:Testing Mobile Web Applications      Testing Mobile versus Desktop Web Application Various Types of Tests Survey of Mobile Testing Support Tools Other Testing Considerations...

Ngày tải lên: 28/07/2014, 11:11

15 563 4
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "experiment on the effect of girdling and gibberellin application on flowering induction of 12 yr old seedlings of Douglas fir and Norway spruce" pptx

Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "experiment on the effect of girdling and gibberellin application on flowering induction of 12 yr old seedlings of Douglas fir and Norway spruce" pptx

... cones were counted the following spring on the entire branch Also, the total number of female cones on the entire tree was counted On each sampling branch, terminal and subterminal shoot elongation ... curiously, this was also true for male cones Bagging the shoot slightly reduced terminal elongation but had no effect on flowering Finally, all treatments differed significantly from the control for the ... effect on both male (only for injection of 100 mjj GA4/7) and female flowresults corresponding to ering (the injections of 50 mg GA4/7, (treatments and 3) This differential sexual response may...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 04:20

4 247 0
Báo cáo sinh học: " Enhanced individual selection for selecting fast growing fish: the “PROSPER” method, with application on brown trout (Salmo trutta fario)" docx

Báo cáo sinh học: " Enhanced individual selection for selecting fast growing fish: the “PROSPER” method, with application on brown trout (Salmo trutta fario)" docx

... jk is the condition coefficient of the kth fish in the jth replicate of the ith line, µ is the population mean, LWi jk is the natural logarithm of the weight of the fish, a is the regression coefficient ... account the fact that only half of the response is estimated in generations and by the contrast between the “Selected” and the “Control” genotype, since they are crossed on a synthetic line 653 654 ... at the 4th generation, was 24.6% of the control mean (6.2% per generation) The correlated response on weight was 86% of the control mean (21.5% per generation) The increase in response from the...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 13:22

19 270 0
agreement on interpretation and application of articles vi, xvi and xxiii of the general agreement on tariffs and trade

agreement on interpretation and application of articles vi, xvi and xxiii of the general agreement on tariffs and trade

... confidentiality is unwilling to disclose the information, such authorities may disregard such information unless it can otherwise be demonstrated to their satisfaction that the information is correct.11 The ... investigation and (b) thereafter during the course of the investigation, starting on a date not later than the earliest date on which in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement provisional ... accordance with the provisions of Part VI If any dispute arising under this Agreement is not resolved as a result of consultations or conciliations, the Committee shall, upon request, review the matter...

Ngày tải lên: 22/09/2014, 15:41

30 543 0


... There are different data gathering procedures that the researcher uses for this term paper In this study, the information gathered in this thesis is mainly based on the Secondary data which collected ... level in the chain and it reassures the continuous control of the product’s position and condition within it After the garments are tagged and packed, the shipment to the distribution center is performed ... those of the Germans This was one of the first known applications of RFID Since that time, the capabilities of Radio Frequency Identification have expanded exponentially In this chapter, the technology...

Ngày tải lên: 28/09/2014, 15:37

93 416 0
FASHION DESIGNING   it is the art of application of design to clothing and accessories

FASHION DESIGNING it is the art of application of design to clothing and accessories

... will • Fashion is the total outlook of an individual of today and only for today Though fashion evolves and some styles come back, it only apply for "now" Even the retro fashion is never the same ... generations, exaggerated onstructions, separates, and coordinates The category emphasize the look of the electronic and the Strong metallic computer age (gold, silver, The design etc.), concept is ... hype It is a creative alliance that exudes attitude and talent They were one of the first to display their creations at Harrods • FASHION SHOWS • A fashion show is an event put on by a fashion designer...

Ngày tải lên: 21/08/2015, 17:29

31 732 1
Tài liệu Research " The Dissertation Committee for Fang Yin Certifies that this is the approved version of the following dissertation: Business Value of Information Technology in the Internet Economy " doc

Tài liệu Research " The Dissertation Committee for Fang Yin Certifies that this is the approved version of the following dissertation: Business Value of Information Technology in the Internet Economy " doc

... is the output, xi is the level of input I, α i is the output elasticity of input I, A is a constant, and where N is the number of inputs The Cobb-Douglas production function is the most commonly ... dot coms This hypothesis is supported vi by a production economics based analysis based on data from publicly traded dot coms The second essay studies the transformation of the traditional companies ... increase the productivity of their operations through holistic digitization of their value chain processes The balance of this chapter is organized as follows: Section 1.2 discusses the sparse...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 11:20

163 732 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo Y học: The b-1,4-endogalactanase A gene from Aspergillus niger is specifically induced on arabinose and galacturonic acid and plays an important role in the degradation of pectic hairy regions pdf

Tài liệu Báo cáo Y học: The b-1,4-endogalactanase A gene from Aspergillus niger is specifically induced on arabinose and galacturonic acid and plays an important role in the degradation of pectic hairy regions pdf

... initially, but these disappear if the incubation is continued Another difference is that only with the latter substrate arabinose-substituted galacto-oligosaccharides are detected These disappear in ... effect on the activity of the other enzymes involved in the degradation of these side chains DISCUSSION A niger galA is highly similar to the b 1,4-endogalactanase encoding genes from A tubingensis ... (48.5 kDa) is higher than the molecular mass based on the amino acid sequence (37 kDa) This suggests that the putative N-glycosylation site identified in the sequence is indeed functional The determined...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 01:21

9 669 0
Báo cáo " Effects of biosolids application on soil chemical properties in peri-urban agricultural systems " doc

Báo cáo " Effects of biosolids application on soil chemical properties in peri-urban agricultural systems " doc

... where y is the concentration of elements, a is the intercept, b is the slope of yi against the corresponding value of yi, xi the biosolids dose, and eij is the random error effect Results 3.1 The ... biosolids, whereas the total concentrations of Cd and Pb were not clearly different from the control This was probably due to the shortterm nature of biosolids application (one occasion) and the relatively ... fractions of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn constituted only a small proportion of the EDTA-extracted fractions There were no significant differences between different biosolids and application rates The reason...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 16:20

11 406 0
look at the important information in this header.1look at the important information in this header.We encourage you to keep this file on your own disk, keeping an electronic path open for the next readers. Do not remove this. **Welcome To The World o doc

look at the important information in this header.1look at the important information in this header.We encourage you to keep this file on your own disk, keeping an electronic path open for the next readers. Do not remove this. **Welcome To The World o doc

... than the history of the heart, when it is a true history? The main thing is to write true history, and it is just that which is so difficult ." This declaration is rather surprising to any one ... exactly the reverse of what they appeared to the author and to contemporaries As a matter of fact, the only interesting person in all this is Colonel Delmare, or, at any rate, he is the only one ... where there is sincere love." According to this theory, the union of man and woman depends on love alone When love disappears, the union cannot continue Marriage is a human institution, but passion...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 23:21

94 671 0
Americans and Their Cars: Is the Romance on the Skids? pptx

Americans and Their Cars: Is the Romance on the Skids? pptx

... in the Pew survey said the former, while 28% said the latter When the “chore” respondents were asked why they felt this way, traffic congestion (23%) and “other drivers” (14%) topped the list ... who consider it a chore to have done this kind of recreational driving Gone for Joy Ride? Have you gone driving just for the fun of it in the past week, or haven’t you done this? Yes No Don’t ... reasons Just 3% cited the expense Among the still sizable majority who say they like to drive, the biggest reasons offered were the relaxation (21%), the scenery (19%), the freedom (14%) and the...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 12:20

18 264 0
The Causal Effect of Education on Health: What is the Role of Health Behaviors? pot

The Causal Effect of Education on Health: What is the Role of Health Behaviors? pot

... where health depends only on education The effect of education on health in the second equation is the education gradient (shortly, the gradient), i.e the total effect of education on health that results ... exercising and the body mass index - contribute to explaining the gradient The size of this contribution is larger when we consider the entire history of behaviors rather than only behaviors in the ... from the U.S National Institute on Aging and other national Funds The usual disclaimer applies 1 Introduction The relationship between education and health - the ”education gradient” - is widely...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 14:20

39 620 0
What is Health Literacy? Health literacy is the ability to read, understand, and act on health care information. pdf

What is Health Literacy? Health literacy is the ability to read, understand, and act on health care information. pdf

... of the medical information provided to them 8-11 • But none of these can document whether a particular patient understands the one form they need at the moment This leaves it up to the person ... reading level This level can reach the majority of those who need the information and is recommended for all health education materials • Difficult-to-read: For most of the population, this is anything ... it up to the person requesting the data, the provider conducting the procedure or writing the prescription, or the practitioner providing the instructions to ask the patient what s/he understands...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 15:21

18 878 0
What is the impact of microfinance on poor people? a sysTemaTic review of evidence from sub-saharan africa pptx

What is the impact of microfinance on poor people? a sysTemaTic review of evidence from sub-saharan africa pptx

... evaluation This decision is discussed further in section 5.4 what is the impact of microfinance on poor people? sy n thesis Synthesis results 4.1 Further details of studies included in the synthesis ... in the findings and discussion sections The medium quality studies include one randomised controlled trial, one controlled trial and nine case controls For the purpose of this review, we not distinguish ... abstract This initial screening process was done by only one researcher To minimise the risk of missing any relevant papers, we were over-inclusive in this round of screening – applying only the inclusion/exclusion...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:20

104 546 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Prediction of coenzyme specificity in dehydrogenases ⁄ reductases A hidden Markov model-based method and its application on complete genomes doc

Báo cáo khoa học: Prediction of coenzyme specificity in dehydrogenases ⁄ reductases A hidden Markov model-based method and its application on complete genomes doc

... region in MoeB is in contact with ATP, in PurT it is the substrate (glycinamide ribonucleotide) which is in contact with the corresponding region FtsZ is a GTPase and its coenzyme is in contact ... or during the classification Only two FAD-binding proteins are lost (false negatives): one is classified as NADP-binding and the other is classified as false, i.e nonRossmann fold Among the NAD-binding ... used in the development of the prediction method Table S3 Alignment of FAD-preferring enzymes used in the development of the prediction method This material is available as part of the online...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 10:21

8 481 0