this chapter covers all the common

Where Have All the Criminals Gone

Where Have All the Criminals Gone

... made the street-level dealers all the more desperate to advance. Many of them were willing to kill their rivals to do so, whether the rival belonged to the same gang or a different one. There ... the fall of crime. Then there is an opposite argument—that we need more guns on the street, but in the hands of the right people (like the high-school girl above, instead of her mugger). The ... to other ways of teaching graduate ma- terial.” Then there was the troubling allegation that Lott actually in- 121 Where Have All the Criminals Gone? percent. But a careful analysis of the...

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 18:20

28 298 0
Chapter 1: Choosing the Right Report Development Tool

Chapter 1: Choosing the Right Report Development Tool

... in this chapter are often known by other names within application areas of R/3. The names of the tools are usually customized to applications because of the data presented. For example, the ... tool. As the goal of this chapter is to help you decide which report development tool is most appropriate for your needs, we refine the core set to make the comparison easier. The table on the ... overview of the core report development tools. With the help of this table you can: < Learn some of the commonly used names for the core report development tools < Identify the access...

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2013, 12:15

14 504 0
Learning DebianGNU Linux-Chapter 6: Using the X Window System

Learning DebianGNU Linux-Chapter 6: Using the X Window System

... program to another, and perform other tasks. The panel normally contains the main menu, the pager, and two hide buttons. However, your panel may not initially display the pager. The panel can ... first mark the text. To do so, you move the mouse cursor to the beginning of the text, press the left mouse button, and drag the mouse across the text to be marked. X automatically copies the marked ... which uses small programs called applets to perform its functions, the GNOME control center uses small programs called capplets. However, the control center's user interface hides this detail...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 10:15

34 298 0
Tài liệu Chapter-17-Configuring the local network pdf

Tài liệu Chapter-17-Configuring the local network pdf

... on all UNIX systems. Although this entry specifies a single host, the net mask allows for 16,276,778 hosts. The other addresses aren’tused. • The second entry is for the local Ethernet. In this ...,but there’sagood chance that this name has been taken, so we called it instead. The old name livesonin the name of the route, route_freebie.Inthe case of,wehav e called the ... in the foot. But at the moment, the configuration file system is easier to check if you understand what’sgoing on.That’sthe reason for the rest of this chapter. In this section, we’ll look at the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 00:15

18 427 0
Tài liệu Creating Applications with Mozilla-Chapter 7. Extending the UI with XBL- P2 pptx

Tài liệu Creating Applications with Mozilla-Chapter 7. Extending the UI with XBL- P2 pptx

... and the event name is placed in the event attribute minus the "on" prefix. The handler in the code shown above places the focus in the inputfield when the mouse goes over it. See the ... with the exception of the constructor and destructor, of which there can be only zero or one. To use the method to print text to the command shell, call the name that is specified in the name ... thoroughly at the end of the chapter in the section Section 7.7 . At this point, you should be familiar with the pieces that make up a binding, which, at the top level, are the content, implementation,...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 12:15

11 391 0
Tài liệu Creating Applications with Mozilla-Chapter 7. Extending the UI with XBL- P3 docx

Tài liệu Creating Applications with Mozilla-Chapter 7. Extending the UI with XBL- P3 docx

... </property> The value of the search string is set to the value that has been given to the property: var q = val. This value is then added to the parameter list (SOAPParameter) for the SOAP call, along ... "chrome://mypackage/content/myBindings.xml#super"); Notice that the URL used to access the binding takes the same format as in the CSS property i.e., the path to the file and the id of the binding qualified by #. Neither addBinding nor ... apply. In the case of an inheritance chain (see the Section 7.5 section later in this chapter for more details), the bindings are destroyed from the bottom upwards. This means that if there is...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 12:15

12 353 0
Tài liệu Creating Applications with Mozilla-Chapter 7. Extending the UI with XBL- P4 pptx

Tài liệu Creating Applications with Mozilla-Chapter 7. Extending the UI with XBL- P4 pptx

... content. These children are marked up with the XBL-specific <children> tag. They can be either the content of the element using the binding or anonymous content generated by the base ... method with the same name. In this case, the most derived binding the one nested deepest in the inheritance chain is the one used. It is even possible for some common DOM functions used on the bound ... </xul:box> The element that inherits the attributes can be anywhere in the chain of anonymous content. In this case, it is on the top-level box. It assumes the value given to these attributes in the...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 12:15

19 312 0
Tài liệu Learning DebianGNU Linux-Chapter 13. Conquering the BASH Shell pptx

Tài liệu Learning DebianGNU Linux-Chapter 13. Conquering the BASH Shell pptx

... example, the command rm -i is aliased as rm. The effect is that the -i option appears whenever you issue the rm command, whether or not you type the option. The -i option specifies that the shell ... status is 0, the first set of commands is executed; otherwise the second set of commands is shift command, the shell variable $9 contains the value of the tenth argument. To access the eleventh ... To see this in action, consider how you might cause the echo command to produce the output $PATH. If you simply issue the command: echo $PATH the echo command will print the value of the PATH...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 13:15

61 357 0
Tài liệu Capitalize this- a guide to the proper care and feeding of capital letters doc

Tài liệu Capitalize this- a guide to the proper care and feeding of capital letters doc

... names of days of the week, months, and holidays. Don’t capitalize the names of seasons. Valentines Day, which is always on February 14, falls on Tuesday this year. Next fall, before the winter storms ... directions. My brother Charlie, who used to live in the Middle East and write books about the Old West, now lives in Hartford, Connecticut. They moved up north, to the southern shore of Lake ... conjunctions. In the Lake of the Woods War and Peace I Know This Much Is True A CAPITAL IDEA! The Uses and Rules of Capital Letters Capitalize the names of historical events. Capitalize the names of...

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 18:15

13 659 1
Tài liệu Chapter-32-Updating the system software pptx

Tài liệu Chapter-32-Updating the system software pptx

... speed of the machine, it may keep the computer busy for several hours. In general, you build and install the userland first, then you build and install the kernel. The traditional way to build the ... builds the rest of the system, with the exception of the kernel and the boot tools. • It installs everything. You can omit this stage by building the buildworld target instead of world. It does this ... install the files in /boot separately.Dothis with: # cd /usr/src/sys # make install It’spossible that this requirement will go awayinthe future. Upgrading the configuration files Currently ,the system...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 11:15

14 377 0
Tài liệu Chapter 6 - Addressing the Network – IPv4 pdf

Tài liệu Chapter 6 - Addressing the Network – IPv4 pdf

... actually a separate Layer 3 of the TCP/IP suite. • The types of ICMP messages - and the reasons why Học viện mạng Bách khoa - Website: 47 • The types of ICMP messages - and the ... Determine the network portion of the host address and explain the role of the subnet mask in dividing networks. • Given IPv4 addressing information and design criteria, calculate the appropriate ... Identify the historic method for assigning addresses and the issues associated with the method Học viện mạng Bách khoa - Website: 23 Testing the Network Layer • ICMP is the messaging...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 13:17

50 346 0
Tài liệu Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 2: Demystifying the Browser-P1 pdf

Tài liệu Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 2: Demystifying the Browser-P1 pdf

... document. The series of lines before the first blank line is called the response header, and the part after the first blank line is called the body or entity, or entity-body. Let's look at the ... running. In this case, the server is Apache version 1.1.1. 4. The fourth line (Content-type) tells the browser the type of the document. In this case, it is HTML. 5. The fifth line tells the client ... to the server to tell the client. The important thing to note here is that the HTML formatting and image rendering are done at the browser end. All the server does is return documents; the...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 07:20

15 525 1
Tài liệu Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 2: Demystifying the Browser-P2 doc

Tài liệu Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 2: Demystifying the Browser-P2 doc

... transmit to the client. Or the URL may actually be a program, the output of which is sent to the client. Finally, the last entry on the first line specifies the version of HTTP the client is ... format. The complete rundown of these transformations is covered in Appendix B. At this point, the server processes the request by forwarding this information on to the CGI program. The CGI ... Filling out the form In the server response, the general header and entity headers are the same as those used in the client request. The entity-body is like the one used in the client...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 07:20

18 474 0
Tài liệu All the Days of My Life: An Autobiography pdf

Tài liệu All the Days of My Life: An Autobiography pdf

... and the father of one was in the post office, the father of the other a supervisor in the excise, and the third girl was called "Peel," and was, or thought she was, a connection of the ... from all the towns around, and if the men and boys were busy in the cricket fields all day, they were sure to be in the chapel at night. There was also a chapel tea party the last afternoon of the ... threaping, the master would lose his temper, then I noticed he always got the best of the argument. In the room where this business took place there was a big pair of scales, and I usually sat in them,...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 09:20

296 508 0

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