thickness of parent material

An evaluation of the material “basic english iii” for the second year non- english major students at bac giang teachers’ training college

An evaluation of the material “basic english iii” for the second year non- english major students at bac giang teachers’ training college

... of the materials in language learning - teaching; and types of materials. The second sections presented major issues in materials evaluation: definitions of materials evaluation, purposes of ... evaluation of the material, which is based on an analysis of the teaching material, and the requirements of the course. Therefore document analysis of this study was the analysis of the course ... types of materials in language teaching and learning. and presents major issues in materials evaluation including definitions of materials evaluation, purposes for materials evaluation, types of...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:50

76 999 7
Chemistry of nanostructured materials

Chemistry of nanostructured materials

... mesoporous materials [11-13]. A number of reviews dealing with different types of periodic mesoporous materials such as aluminophosphates [14], non-silica materials [15-17], inclusion materials ... formation of these small structural units may have a substantial effect on the creation of extra-large pore materials. Figure 12. The three-dimensional framework of UCR-23 family of sulfides ... Robson R., Design and Construction of a New Class of Scaffolding-like Materials Comprising Infinite Polymeric Frameworks of 3D- Linked Molecular Rods. A Reappraisal of the Zn(CN) 2 and Cd(CN) 2 ...

Ngày tải lên: 23/04/2013, 14:23

386 576 1
The chemistry of nanostructured materials

The chemistry of nanostructured materials

... tetraphenylporphyrins with cobalt ions. Because of the presence of carboxylate groups, the framework of PIZA-1 is neutral. It is apparent that the ability of transition metals (Cu and Co) to exist ... frequently used term in the field of microporous materials is “molecular sieves” [5] that refers to a class of porous materials that can distinguish molecules on the basis of size and shape. This chapter ... Robson R., Design and Construction of a New Class of Scaffolding-like Materials Comprising Infinite Polymeric Frameworks of 3D- Linked Molecular Rods. A Reappraisal of the Zn(CN) 2 and Cd(CN) 2 ...

Ngày tải lên: 23/04/2013, 20:25

386 739 5
Machining of Hard Materials

Machining of Hard Materials

... Stellite and other exotic materials are clas- sified as hard-turned materials. Machining of Hard Materials 117 In the contact zone, the austenite temperature of the workpiece material is reached ... and the hardness of the work material used, and the cutting speed causes a substantial increase of the temperature [11, 22]. In a higher range of hardness, an increase of the material hardness ... possible to obtain a surface finish of Ra about 0.3 µm. Typical applications of HB include finishing of a variety of internal profiles such as prismatic internal profiles, internal gear flanks,...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 03:15

30 390 0
Static properties of granular materials Philippe Claudin

Static properties of granular materials Philippe Claudin

... probably one of the issues that has been at the origin of the interest of many physicists for granular materials [359]. The last point of this subsection will be dedicated to the study of the stress ... horizontal position of the apex of the pile – also, changing the sign of x changes that of the shear σ xz . More generally, the stress state of the jammed grain packing is assumed to be of the form σ xx = ... height of the order of few times its diameter. Pouring more grains than this, or even adding an overload Q on the top of the grains will hardly affect the apparent mass at the bottom. The top of...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 08:20

41 407 0
The thermodynamics of granular materials Sir Sam Edwards and Raphael Blumenfeld

The thermodynamics of granular materials Sir Sam Edwards and Raphael Blumenfeld

... thermodynamics of granular materials Fig. 13.2 An example of two states of a granular system that differ only by the positions of three particles confined to within a region, . The first rigorous theory of ... heap of hot sand will have many of the characteristics of a heap of cold sand) and we can write S = S th + S conf . (13.19) It is interesting to note that confirmation of this ‘thermodynamics’ of ... sketch of the density of granular matter in a vessel after being shaken at amplitude A. Adapted from [172, 173, 356]. Detailed studies of the density of shaken granular systems as a function of the number...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 08:20

24 369 0
Tài liệu Mechanical Properties of Engineered Materials P2 pptx

Tài liệu Mechanical Properties of Engineered Materials P2 pptx

... Inc. Æ À1 ¼1=5boundaryisoneinwhich1in5ofthegrainboundaryatoms match,asshowninFig.2.8(c). Twinboundariesmayformwithincrystals.Suchboundarieslieacross deformationtwinplanes,asshowninFig.2.8(d).Notethattheatomson eithersideofthetwinplanesaremirrorimages.Stackingfaultsmayalsobe formedwhentheperfectstackinginthecrystallinestackingsequenceis disturbed,Figs2.8(e)and2.8(f).Thesemaybethoughtofastheabsence ofaplaneofatoms(intrinsicstackingfaults)ortheinsertionofrowsof atomsthatdisturbthearrangementofatoms(extrinsicstackingfaults). IntrinsicandextrinsicstackingfaultsareillustratedschematicallyinFigs 2.8(e)and2.8(f),respectively.NotehowtheperfectABCABCstackingof atomsisdisturbedbytheinsertionorabsenceofrowsofatoms. 2.3.4VolumeDefects Volumedefectsareimperfectionssuchasvoids,bubble/gasentrapments, porosity,inclusions,precipitates,andcracks.Theymaybeintroducedintoa solidduringprocessingorfabricationprocesses.Anexampleofvolume defectsispresentedinFig.2.9.ThisshowsMnSinclusionsinanA707 steel.AnotherexampleofavolumedefectispresentedinFig.1.16(d). This ... lead to the growth of grains in a polycrystalline material. 2.3.2 Line Defects Line defects consist primarily of dislocations, typically at the edges of patches where part of a crystallographic ... picture of nucleation and growth presented above is gen- erally observed in most crystalline metallic materials. However, the rate of nucleation is generally enhanced by the presence of pre-existing...

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 00:15

10 510 0
Tài liệu Mechanical Properties of Engineered Materials P1 pptx

Tài liệu Mechanical Properties of Engineered Materials P1 pptx

... macroscopic level of understanding of structure [Figs 16(a)–(d)]. They are often unaware of the atomic and micro- structural constituents that can affect the mechanical behavior of materials and of the ... types/ classes of materials. Following a brief introduction to materials science and basic strength of materials, the fundamentals of elasticity and plasticity are presented, prior to a discussion of strengthening ... treatment of the fundamen- tals of the mechanical behavior of materials. The text provides a rigorous review of the fundamental mechanics aspects of the mechanical behavior of materials. Shackleford,...

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 00:15

40 476 0
Tài liệu Supply and stock of raw materials pptx

Tài liệu Supply and stock of raw materials pptx

... Supply and stock of raw materials Issed by Date of release Version Page Hr. Bauer 00 5/5 Applicable documents Factory regulations Handling dangerous materials Filling raw material tanks ... and stock of raw materials Issed by Date of release Version Page Hr. Bauer 00 1/5 Process owner: Hr. Bauer Process purpose and target: Transfer and storage of conformal material for ... stock of raw materials Issed by Date of release Version Page Hr. Bauer 00 4/5 Check of delivery documents The delivery note transferred by the driver is compared with the specification of...

Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 00:20

5 380 0
A study of using english songs as a type of supplementary material in teaching listening for first year non major students of english at phuong dong university

A study of using english songs as a type of supplementary material in teaching listening for first year non major students of english at phuong dong university

... median of five which is fairly corresponding to the mean. The standard deviation of 1.56433 and 1.59921 shows a very small spread of scores which implies a narrow range of ability in students of ... half of them tried to catch the key words of the songs and 30% of them tried to remember the content of the songs during the time they were listening to them. Especially, there were13.3% of them ... deviation of 1.62912 and 1.23596 shows that though there is a shift in the mark range, the range of ability among students of both classes is still narrow. In short, the better result of class...

Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 10:33

39 1,1K 3
Effect of raw material and processing factors

Effect of raw material and processing factors

... Experimental design Effect of solvent on total phenolic content of extract Two kinds of solvent were studied in this experiment: water and 10% of 96% (v/v) ethanol in water. 5 g of dried artichoke ... weight of maltodextrin were smaller than those of dextrin, so that the solubility of maltodextrin was higher than that of dextrin. Therefore, 10% maltodextrin was chosen for spray-drying of artichoke ... of leaf, flower, stalk and root of dried artichoke, concentration of spray-drying solution, spray-drying temperature, spray-drying carrier, concentration of spray-drying carrier, proportion of...

Ngày tải lên: 27/02/2014, 22:28

17 680 0


... of material deformation and fracture. 1.2. Composite materials This book is devoted to composite materials that emerged in the middle of the 20th century as a promising class of engineering materials ... comprise a special class of man-made materials utilizing natural potentials of material strength and structure. Chapter 4 contains a description of typical composite layers made of unidirectional, fabric, ... majority of structural materials. However, under a relatively high level of stress or strain, materials exhibit nonlinear behavior. One of the existing models is the nonlinear elastic material...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 15:20

505 762 0

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