Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 16:17
300 câu tìm lỗi sai luyện thi bằng B Anh văn pps
... safety c. in order that d. accidents 126. I f everyone t a k e s care when c r o ssi n g the road, there will be m o r e traffic accidents. a. If b. takes c. crossing d. more 127. Coffee ... have to c an c e l our picnic. a. If b. will rain c. will d. cancel 50. He is v e r y w ea k to lift t h is suitcase. a. very b. weak c. to d. this 51. S u n weather can a ... field of sci e n t i f ic. a. Several b. to encourage c. in d. scientific 117. While he d e a lt with the deaf and i n v e sti g a ti n gthe science of acoustics, his studies...
Ngày tải lên: 12/07/2014, 03:21
Băng C anh văn 1 ppsx
... revolting c. revolution d. revolver > c 12. You have to be rich to send your child to a private school because the fees are a. astronomical b. aeronautical c. astrological d. atmospherical ... fall c. wrong d. caught > c 6. a. full b. push c. but d. put > c 7. a. deal b. heal c. stealth d. steal > c II. Find the mistakes: 8. At present, I am a student at the Local Technical ... Vitamin C to eat more fruit and vegetables. a. in b. of c. from d. for > a 24. Because I am terrified of spaces, I never go in lifts. a. contained b. compressed c. constricted d. confined ...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 00:22
Băng C anh văn 2 docx
... He can understand us. a. harder b. hard c. hardly d. difficult > c 46. I couldn't make coffee for everybody. There weren't a. cups enough b. enough cups c. cups too d. too cups ... airplane changed the arrangements at the last minute. a. was going b. had c. were going d. ought > c 12. A main clause is sometimes called a clause. a. principle b. principal c. principality d. ... childlike b. childish c. childly d. childless d 19. He’s a and so he always votes for the Labor Party. a. conservative b. liberal c. socialist d. socialism > c 20. The girl me this gift is...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 00:22
Băng C anh văn 3 pdf
... either c. too d. so b 33. My brother is much taller than I a. do b. did c. am d. was c 34. Police had to break the meeting a. out b. in c. off d. up d 35. The accused denied in the vicinity ... Made c. Making d. Having made > ;c 18. She has money that she can buy everything she wants. a. such b. so c. so much d. so many c 19. It’s time they promotion, in my view. a. get b. got c. ... shout c. tough d. houting c 3. a. pleasant b. reason c. creature d. feature a 4. a. word b. sword c. burn d. world b 5. a. main b. gain c. dairy d. laid c 6. a. guilty b. busy c. bury...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 00:22
... c. where d. whom a 33. The Vietnamese to American in search of a new life. a. intended b. emigrated 60 BÀI TEST ÔN THI CHỨNG CHỈ ANH VĂN QU C GIA ( BẰNG C) TEST 33 Pronunciation ... b. patch c. barn d. march > b 6. a. company b. compare c. cover d. glove > b 7. a. rubber b. butcher c. subtle d. shuttle > b c. immigrated d. detained c ... whom c. whose b. whom c. whose d. which c 49. With such a narrow profit margin, it’s difficult to keep our prices . a. eventual b. sensible c. competitive d. flexible c 50....
Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 23:15
... a. declaration b. convince c. principle d. coincidence c 26. I have some exercises I must finish tonight. a. who b. which 60 BÀI TEST ÔN THI CHỨNG CHỈ ANH VĂN QU C GIA ( BẰNG C) ... terminations c. running accounts d. criteria c 18. The car he is driving is very modern. a. which b. when c. who d. what a 45. Michael and Jack have to meet at the airport at 10 o’clock. ... 34 Pronunciation 1. a. great b. leak c. peak d. beach > a 2. a. person b. clerk c. certain d. sterling > b 3. a. pound b. loud c. cousin d. mouth > c 4. a....
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 18:15
... Congress passes it. a. chance of agreement b. doubt c. other choice d. mistake c 14. The peg she often hangs her coat is still new. a. in which b. on which c. to which 37. “How was your ... a. sick b. surely c. search d. send b 5. a. room b. gloomy c. poor d. wood c 6. a. know b. cow c. tower d. now a 7. a. doubt b. count c. bought d. cloud c ... reservation in you this company. a. recommending b. recruiting c. saying d. asking a 32. David, father is my uncle, has received a promotion. a. who b. whom c. whose d. which c 33....
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 19:15