they are looking at photos on the computer

Giáo án tiếng anh lớp 6 theo chương trình thí điểm từ unit 7 đến unit 12

Giáo án tiếng anh lớp 6 theo chương trình thí điểm từ unit 7 đến unit 12

... explains the meaning and how to use the how to use the conjunctions correctly -Guide Ss, telling them that if they want to find the correct conjunctions for each statement, they have to read the statements ... be about Ex: * What sports and games you like to play / to watch on their spare time? * What you on their spare time? * Who you see in the picture? * Where are they? * What are they talking about? ... support their answer - Have sts look at the map - Ask ss ?How many continents are there in the world? ?What are they? - Ask ss to look at the pictures and names the continents - Ask them to translation...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2015, 15:09

105 8,8K 27
INDUSTRY SURVEY - What future animators say about what they are looking for in a school, and what professional animators say are the most important things to look for. ppt

INDUSTRY SURVEY - What future animators say about what they are looking for in a school, and what professional animators say are the most important things to look for. ppt

... animators about the type of education they got and what they thought was most important to getting started in their animation career Although professional animators got their education in a variety ... see what Animation Mentor students are working on and get the inside scoop on how they are creating animation CARLOS BAENA’S BLOG Animation Mentor cofounder and Pixar animator Carlos Baena shares ... their time to succeed in the working world At the end of the 18-month program, students leave with a professional demo reel they can use as their résumé to land jobs Upon graduation, Animation...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 15:20

14 465 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Influence of gestational age at exposure on the prenatal effects of gamma-radiation" pps

Báo cáo khoa học: "Influence of gestational age at exposure on the prenatal effects of gamma-radiation" pps

... Table Observations on the 18th day of mouse fetuses exposed to Gy gamma-radiation on different gestation days Observations No of mother No of implants No of embryonic death No of fetal death No of ... levels of ionizing radiation Biological effects of ionizing radiations Washington, National Academy Press, 1990 Brent, R D The effects of ionizing radiation, microwaves, and ultrasound on the developing ... Acta Radiol Oncol 1985, 24, 267-271 Committee on the biological effects of radiation The effects on populations of exposure to low levels of ionizing radiation, p 480, Washington, National Academy...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 14:23

6 368 0
báo cáo khoa học: "Why are we fat? Discussions on the socioeconomic dimensions and responses to obesity" pot

báo cáo khoa học: "Why are we fat? Discussions on the socioeconomic dimensions and responses to obesity" pot

... underlying the independent consumption decisions of millions of people, or are there other, less visible, but nevertheless real, explanatory factors at work? While individual consumer choice provides the ... Competing interests The authors declare that they have no competing interests Authors' contributions MG, LY, JRM and EL have written the summarised ideas of their contribution to the ESOF conference GR ... written the summarised ideas of his contribution to the ESOF conference and helped in the writing of the paper bringing all the ideas together MGRF organised the conference and led the writing of the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 14:21

5 273 0


... inter-rater reliability n: the number of rater who combines estimates from the final mark for the examiner rA,B: the correlation between the raters, or the average correlation among all rater if there ... They are usually written before the tests and then the test is written on the basis of the specifications After the test is written, the specification should be consulted again to see whether the ... what they have learnt and studied for the exam, others say that these test items are easy and relevant to what they have been taught Therefore finding out whether the tests are closely related...

Ngày tải lên: 10/04/2013, 14:46

64 1,1K 2
Looking at the label and beyond: the effects of calorie labels, health consciousness, and demographics on caloric intake in restaurants

Looking at the label and beyond: the effects of calorie labels, health consciousness, and demographics on caloric intake in restaurants

... but the caloric information differed across treatments Diners in the control menu treatment received no nutritional information, patrons in the calorie-only menu treatment were provided the number ... among hospital cafeteria patrons; however, there was no comparison with other labeling formats Alternatively, Ellison, Lusk, and Davis [11] compared the effectiveness of symbolic (also in the ... format will lead to the greatest calorie reductions for individuals who were less health conscious In the second portion of our analysis, we focused on answering the “who orders what” question...

Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2014, 18:33

9 420 0
Báo cáo y học: "Patients with cancer on the ICU: the times they are changing" pot

Báo cáo y học: "Patients with cancer on the ICU: the times they are changing" pot

... centers [8] The outcome after major oncological surgery may be mostly related to the surgical procedure, more than to the critical care on the ICU Only limited data are available about patients with ... these decisions should be based on the availability of treatment options, and on patients’ own preferences Unfortunately, current prognostic models for ICU patients, all based on data from the first ... have at least the same poor prognosis This has been demonstrated clearly for patients dying from chronic heart failure compared to patients with metastatic cancer [12] Over the past years the...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 15:21

2 209 0
An error analysis on the use ofcohesive devices in writing by freshmen majoring in English at thang long university

An error analysis on the use ofcohesive devices in writing by freshmen majoring in English at thang long university

... related in some way, in other words they are related in terms of their meaning There are two major categories of lexical cohesion: reiteration and collocation Reiteration includes repetition, ... was a synonym or near-synonym of the items they had mentioned earlier in the text They seem to forget to use definite article once they are caught in the flow of events or information they want ... indicate results The second type of errors is the incomplete application of the conjunctions as a result (of that) and in consequence (of that), the students paid attention only to the words that...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:12

62 2K 2
A study on the opportunities for and constraints on developing students’ oral skills at an upper-secondary school

A study on the opportunities for and constraints on developing students’ oral skills at an upper-secondary school

... of them not share the same ideas They consider that they like but not now because they are focusing on writing and reading skills to pass the exams Being asked which skills they are good at or ... learn these two skills most When the researcher asks them whether they are satisfied with their recent English speaking skill (Question 3), all of them but one respond that they are not because their ... interviewees respond that the speaking lessons are rather difficult; the contents of the speaking lessons are too long, compared to the allotted short time; some of the topics are out of teachers’...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:44

44 844 0
An action research on the use of continuous feedback to improve the first year students' pronunciation at the english department, college of foreign languages, vietnam national university, hanoi part 1

An action research on the use of continuous feedback to improve the first year students' pronunciation at the english department, college of foreign languages, vietnam national university, hanoi part 1

... week d There was no pronunciation lesson but the teacher taught the pronunciation of new words and corrected students’ pronunciation mistakes during the lesson (If yes, how long approximately? ... in the dictionary, what did you often do? a looked at its meaning only b looked at its pronunciation and meaning, then pronounced it in mind c looked at its pronunciation and meaning, then pronounced ... Attitude and problems with English pronunciation How important is pronunciation you think? a Not important b Important 10 What make pronunciation difficult for you? a There are sounds and phonetic...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:58

6 1,1K 2
An action research on the use of continuous feedback to improve the first year students' pronunciation at the english department, college of foreign languages, vietnam national university, hanoi part 2

An action research on the use of continuous feedback to improve the first year students' pronunciation at the english department, college of foreign languages, vietnam national university, hanoi part 2

... for pronunciation as they consider it a good way to show that they are competent of the language Once they have obtained adequate pronunciation competence, they gradually build up strong confidence ... Learners need to know at what level they are in pronunciation Tests allocated at appropriate times will serve as a strong motivation for students When they look at their marks, they have a clear ... their surprise, they passed it The truth was that they passed the exam thanks to their exceptionally high marks in mathematics and literature rather than in English Question 5-8: Pronunciation...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:58

76 1,1K 2
a study on the problems in teaching english speaking skills to the minority students at sonla ethnic boarding high school and so

a study on the problems in teaching english speaking skills to the minority students at sonla ethnic boarding high school and so

... situations and the order in which the components are likely to occur So, telephone conversation, interview conversations casual encounters, conversations at parties, lessons, radio or television ... evaluation The former includes description, narration, comparison and instruction The latter consists of explanation, prediction, justification, preference and decision Interaction routines are routines ... facilitator of the communication process Materials promote communicative language use; they are task- based and authentic It is thought that the definition contains aspects that are common to...

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:06

59 2,5K 9
A study on the reality of teaching speaking skill to non english majors at thai nguyen university college of technologyrelevan

A study on the reality of teaching speaking skill to non english majors at thai nguyen university college of technologyrelevan

... speaking, are called the oral skills due to the manners by which they are formed (they are related to articulator organs) The last two, reading and writing, are called the literacy skills as they connect ... in their language ability and use, the different skills are most often integrated with each other so that they are being used in coordination with each other In conversation, when one person ... to use their theoretical knowledge in purposeful communication They were not exposed to situations when they would be made to use whatever language they had at their disposal to convey their message...

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:06

73 1,4K 4
Notes on the TOEFL Exam - Registration, the Computer-Based Test, Scores, and Tips for Test Day

Notes on the TOEFL Exam - Registration, the Computer-Based Test, Scores, and Tips for Test Day

... registration and identification If you are taking the computer- based exam, you will be assigned a seat in a partitioned area, with a computer, a headphone set for listening to the audio material, ... book, two sections on the computer- based test are computer- adaptive A computer- adaptive test (CAT) is designed to adjust the level of difficulty of the questions to the performance of the test-taker ... with computers or not, concentrating your attention on the computer screen for hours requires practice Here are some things you can to improve your computer skills and performance on the computer- based...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 15:20

12 571 0


... main reasons: The first and also the leading reason is that they have no one to read and comment their writings (41.7% of the respondents); the second one is due to the difficulties they have ... write only when they know that their writings would be read and evaluated by their teachers, as the confession of 75.8% of the respondents Since students depend so much on the teachers, their ... detail, on each topic (6 in all) given by the teacher, there was a discussion with the participation of the whole class in order to generate the main ideas for the essay Then, basing on the generated...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 18:19

74 412 3