thermodynamic behaviour of an ideal bose gas

development of an ozone gas sensor using single - walled carbon nanotubes

development of an ozone gas sensor using single - walled carbon nanotubes

... recovery was obtained by degassing thechamber for 500 s. During the second cycle, with the same concentration of ozone and the same period of gas injection and degassing, the change of the sensor response ... mechanism of the resis- tance change of SWCNTs exposed to ozone gas is as follows: an O 3 molecule has one unpaired electron and is a strong oxidizer. Upon O 3 adsorption, electron transfer is ... pressure inside the gas chamber changes during an experiment. The tem- perature of our sensor can also vary during recovery because of the Fig. 4. Response of the SWCNT-based sensor to O 3 of 1 ppm without...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 16:47

5 441 0
static behaviour of natural gas andits flow in pipes

static behaviour of natural gas andits flow in pipes

... z-factor and compressibility of Nigerian Natural gas ’, Advances in Materials and Systems Technologies, Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Laubisrtistr. 24, Stafa – Zurich, Switzerland 12. Ouyang, I and ... / Day and g  is in centipoises. Ohirhian and Abu (2008) have presented a formula for the calculation of the viscosity of natural gas. The natural gas can contain impurities of CO 2 and H 2 S. ... / Day and g  is in centipoises. Ohirhian and Abu (2008) have presented a formula for the calculation of the viscosity of natural gas. The natural gas can contain impurities of CO 2 and H 2 S....

Ngày tải lên: 27/07/2014, 23:44

33 1,1K 0
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Modelling the biomechanical behaviour of growing trees at the forest stand scale. Part I: Development of an Incremental Transfer Matrix Method and application to simplified tree structures" pptx

Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Modelling the biomechanical behaviour of growing trees at the forest stand scale. Part I: Development of an Incremental Transfer Matrix Method and application to simplified tree structures" pptx

... 365–374. [30] Morgan J., Cannell M.G.R., Support cost of different branch designs: effects of position, number, angle and deflection of laterals, Tree Physiol. 4 (1988) 303–313. [31] Morgan J., Cannell ... relationship between tree architecture and biomechanical behaviour to be analysed [20]. However, this software is not adapted to calcu- late the biomechanical behaviour of a large number of growing trees due to ... numerical analysis of growing stem biomechanical behaviour [2]. The Transfer Matrix Method was already used so as to analyse the static shape and stresses in tree shoots/trunks and branches [6,...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 01:22

13 377 0
Báo cáo y học: " Derivation and preliminary validation of an administrative claims-based algorithm for the effectiveness of medications for rheumatoid arthritis"

Báo cáo y học: " Derivation and preliminary validation of an administrative claims-based algorithm for the effectiveness of medications for rheumatoid arthritis"

... made substantial contributions to conception and design, and to the analysis and interpretation of the data. TRM and GWC handled acquisition of data. All authors contributed to the manuscript ... 41:1845-1850. 26. van Gestel AM, Prevoo ML, van 't Hof MA, van Rijswijk MH, van de Putte LB, van Riel PL: Development and validation of the European League Against Rheumatism response criteria ... Race / Ethnicity Caucasian, not Hispanic 159 (81%) 248(81%) Non-Caucasian Hispanic 7 (4%) 8(3%) Black, not Hispanic 27 (14%) 45(15%) American Indian or Pacific Islander 4 (2%) 4(1%) RA...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:45

29 582 0
Báo cáo y học: "Effect of Acute Administration of an Herbal Preparation on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate in Humans"

Báo cáo y học: "Effect of Acute Administration of an Herbal Preparation on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate in Humans"

... min after capsule in- gestion. Three analyses of the data were performed using 2 x 2 analysis of variance (ANOVA). For the first data analysis, treatment and time were the independent factors ... tyramine and caffeine. So African Med J. 2008; 98: 372-373. 22. Sander LC, Putzbach K, Nelson BC, et al. Certification of standard reference materials containing bitter orange. Analyt Bioanalyt ... decongestants and is not a constituent of C. aurantium. Because of the known cardiovascular effects of nor-epinephrine and ephedrine, it has generally been assumed that consumption of p-synephrine...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:10

6 491 0
Báo cáo y học: "Mechanical behaviour of standardized, endoskeleton-including hip spacers implanted into composite femurs"

Báo cáo y học: "Mechanical behaviour of standardized, endoskeleton-including hip spacers implanted into composite femurs"

... element model of spacer and femur was developed to analyze stresses. The analysis was performed using ANSYS, a FEA software (ANSYS Inc., Canonsburg, United States). The standardized femur ... porosity and wettability of gentamicin-loaded bone cements and their anti- biotic release. Biomaterials. 2000; 21(19):1981–1987. 26. Picknell B, Mizen L, Sutherland R. Antibacterial activity of antibiotics ... spacers by means of a moulding form gives the possibility of customizing the antibiotic contained in the cement and insert an adapted endoskeleton. Present clinical experience and mechanical studies...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 09:53

7 362 0
A study oF An alternative approach to teaching essay writing to TOEFL learners Minor Thesis

A study oF An alternative approach to teaching essay writing to TOEFL learners Minor Thesis

... from frames, tables and other guides, and then produce an essay through answering a set of questions. Minor changes and substitutions of blank space, punctuation marks, and capitalization are ... practice of English Language Teaching, Longman handbooks for language teacher: Longman group, ltd. 15. Heaton, J. B.1989. Writing English test, Longman handbooks for language teacher: Longman group, ... checklists of 10 writing papers at the beginning of the course and the checklist of 10 writing papers at the end of 12 REFERENCES In Vietnamese 1. Canh, Le Van. 2004. Understanding Foreign language...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 10:35

48 603 1
A study oF An alternative approach to teaching essay writing to TOEFL learners Minor Thesis

A study oF An alternative approach to teaching essay writing to TOEFL learners Minor Thesis

... Parents are good so their children can follow Firstly, parents are old and experienced people. They know many things in life and what they know they want their kids can know. Moreover, they work, ... small, their parents can take care of them closely. But when they grow up, they go to school, have friends and teachers, so they can learn from their friend, their teacher and their books, too. ... career preparation. Many learners go to university or college want to get a good job in the future. Therefore they tried to learn most subjects at school meeting the demand of social. The second...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 10:35

4 480 0
An Ideal Husband

An Ideal Husband

... MASON. [Announcing guests from the top of the staircase.] Mr. and Lady Jane Barford. Lord Caversham. [Enter LORD CAVERSHAM, an old gentleman of seventy, wearing the riband and star of the Garter. ... mouth and chin contrast strikingly with the romantic expression in the deep-set eyes. The variance is suggestive of an almost complete separation of passion and intellect, as though thought and ... parted lips, is expectant, like the mouth of a child. She has the fascinating tyranny of youth, and the astonishing courage of innocence. To sane people she is not reminiscent of her movements...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 14:12

11 364 0
The Heart of an Assassin

The Heart of an Assassin

... Staten Island, and Long Island. Though much smaller than the Costellino family, they operated a lot more efficiently and had ties to one of the biggest crime families out of San Francisco. ... drugs, and the numbers rackets. They operated solely in Manhattan and the Bronx and were looking to expand into Giordano territory. They numbered over two hundred, but were not as efficiently managed ... third stack and extracted an identical number of items from the fourth stack. The stranger had entered the closet as Jack Ferrari and exited it as Tim Goldman. The Heart of an Assassin...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 14:13

18 374 0
Action research on students’ inactiveness in pre-writing group discussion of an essay-writing essay practice lesson at hong duc university,thanh hoa

Action research on students’ inactiveness in pre-writing group discussion of an essay-writing essay practice lesson at hong duc university,thanh hoa

... discussion) - effect of different tasks on groupwork. Like any kind of praxis, groupwork can lose its meaning if it is handled in an automatic and unthinking way: - The topic is boring or out of students' ... Development and Conclusion. Part 1: Introduction presents the rationale, the method of study, the scope of the study, the subject of the study, the significance of the study and the design of the ... correcting and/or marking at home (rest of time) In Step 1 in early stages the teacher should choose an interesting, easy and simple topic and make sure that all of his/her students understand and...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:31

45 857 1
Evaluating the Reliability and Validity of an English Achievement Test for Third-year Non- major students at the University of Technology, Ho Chi Minh National University and some suggestions for chan

Evaluating the Reliability and Validity of an English Achievement Test for Third-year Non- major students at the University of Technology, Ho Chi Minh National University and some suggestions for chan

... the list of numbers that occur most frequently. Thus, in this set of numbers, there are two modes, which are 6 and 7 Measures of Dispersion: the standard deviation (sd) and the range Range is ... coefficient, N: number of items, X: Mean of all scores, sd: standard deviation of the test) Rt is expressed as a number ranging between 0 and 1.00, with r = 0 revealing no reliability and r = 1.00 indicating ... coefficient (0.53) and low difficulty and discriminability index and is not valid enough with many weak items and unbalanced parts. These shortcomings can be improved through some changes as recommended...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 15:05

38 1,9K 15
Modeling the Statistical Time and Angle of Arrival Characteristics of an Indoor Multipath Channel

Modeling the Statistical Time and Angle of Arrival Characteristics of an Indoor Multipath Channel

... no moving transmitter or receiver as in figure 1.1. As can be seen in figure 1.2, multipaths in an indoor environment can come from a wide range of different angles. This can be an advantage because ... collect narrowband angle of arrival data and wideband time of arrival data, but did not collect any data in which the two were measured simultaneously. Wang, et al [14], used a rectangular array ... indoor channel using a multiple antenna system to evaluate antenna diversity performance. Rap- paport and Hawbaker [8] compared the path loss and delay spread performance of several different types of...

Ngày tải lên: 20/11/2012, 11:32

73 510 0