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Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 31 pdf

Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 31 pdf

... offered help and advice when needed. Specific publications consulted during the preparation of this text include: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Of cials (AASHTO) “Standard ... for Reinforced Con- crete”; American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) “Manual of Steel Construction,” “Code of Standard Prac- tice,” and “Load and Resistance Factor Design Specifica- tions ... 149 Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete / 150 Tensile Strength of Concrete / 151 Reinforcing Steel / 151 Continuous Beams and One-Way Slabs / 151 Design Methods for Beams, Columns, and Other Members...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 18:22

480 338 0
Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 26 pdf

Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 26 pdf

... capacity, M cap , is a random variable with mean of 20 ft-kips and standard deviation of 4 ft-kips. The load, P , is a random var iable with mean of 4 kips and standard deviation of 1 kip. Compute ... which F i (Ã) and f i (Ã) are the non-normal CDF and PDF, respectively, φ(·) = standard normal PDF, and  −1 (·) = inverse standard normal CDF. Once the equivalent normal mean and standard deviation ... (·) = the standard normal CDF, and λ y and ξ y are the lognormal distribution parameters related to à y = mean of random variable Y and V y = coefficient of variation (COV) of random variable...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 18:22

41 468 0
Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 30 ppsx

Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 30 ppsx

... 260+00200+00 Rock, sand, and rubble fill Very soft to soft silty clay to clay Loose to dense clayey sands and bedded silts, sands, and gravels Very stiff clay Slightly compact to compact clayey silts and silts Slightly ... silts Slightly compact to compact clayey silts, sandy silts, sands, and gravels Dense to very dense silty sand Silts, sands, and gravel Clayey silt, silty clay, and clay © 2001 by CRC Press LLC collapse. ... in 1949, and construction was completed in 1957. The pins and hinges were used to simplify the FIGURE 30.23 Aerial view of Lower San Fernando Dam and San Fernando Valley. (Courtesy of Steinbrugge...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 18:22

36 324 0
Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 29 pot

Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 29 pot

... so important that they often dictate the very architecture and layout of the structure; certainly they dominate the design process and are the focus of this chapter. Many of the other factors also ... modes of general collapse in addition to ovalizing: beam bending of the chord (in T-connection tests), beam shear (in the gap of K-connections), transverse crippling of the main member sidewall, and ... load often being a factor of two higher than that indicated on the basis of nominal sections, geometry, and statics. Some local yielding is required for tubular connections to redistribute this and...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 18:22

16 322 0
Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 28 pptx

Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 28 pptx

... bolt) d = depthofbeam l a = length of web angle t a = thickness of web angle k a = k value of web angle g a = gauge of web angle Note: (1) Top- and seat-angle connections need lines 1 and 2 for input ... the end of e very load increment. The sign conventions for loads and displacements should follow the frame degrees of freedom, as shown in Figures 28.34 and 28.35. FIGURE 28.34: Degrees of freedom ... area, moment of inertia, and length of beam-column element E = modulus of elasticity. c  1999 by CRC Press LLC doubly andsingly symmetric members, including W, WT ,and HPshapes, pipe, and structural...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 18:22

58 362 0
Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 27 docx

Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 27 docx

... PassiveEnergyDissipationand ActiveControl T.T.Soongand G.F.Dargush DepartmentofCivilEngineering, StateUniversityofNewYork atBuffalo,Buffalo,NY 27.1Introduction 27.2BasicPrinciplesandMethodsofAnalysis Single-Degree -of- FreedomStructuralSystems ã Multi- Degree -of- FreedomStructuralSystems ã EnergyFormulations ã Energy-BasedDesign 27.3RecentDevelopmentandApplications PassiveEnergyDissipation ã ActiveControl 27.4CodeDevelopment 27.5ConcludingRemarks References 27.1 ... that are of primary importance in understanding, analyzing, and designing structures that incorporate structur al protective systems. In what follows, a simple single-degree -of- freedom (SDOF) structural ... applications, and code-related activities in this excitingand fast expandingfield. Whilesignificant st rides havebeenmadein terms of implementation of these concepts to structural design and retrofit,...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 18:22

28 311 0
Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 25 pps

Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 25 pps

... expressions of Equation 25.10 and the handling requirement of Equation 25.9 with FF limited to a maximum value of 0.033. Assume a value of k of 0.26. Also, the minimum specified yield (f y ) and ultimate ... Timoshenko, S. and J.N. Goodier. 1951. Theory of Elasticity. McGraw-Hill, New York. [42] Watkins, R.K. and M.G. Spangler. 1958. Some Characteristics of the Modulus of Passive Resis- tance of Soil: ... stiffness of the pipe wall itself and by the effect of the passive pressure. It is significant to note that in the sizes of steel pipes often encountered, the ratio of the two components of resistance...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 18:22

23 449 0
Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 24 ppt

Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 24 ppt

... by the combination of a lack -of- fusion defect and the unfused edge of the backing bar. On a cross-section at the deepest point of the lack -of- fusion defect, the total depth of the notch, including the ... fatigue testing. Two types of tests are performed: (1) fatigue testing of the strand and (2) testing of relatively short lengths of the assembled cable with anchorages. The recommended test of the system ... nominal stress is usually obtained from standard design equations for bending and axial stress and does not include the effect of stress concentrations of welds and attachments. Usually, the nominal...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 18:22

32 457 0
Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 23 ppsx

Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 23 ppsx

... [22], (Chapter 6 of [29]). The chapter begins with discussions of both the development of M-θ curves and the effect of PR connections on frame analysis and design. A clear understanding of these two ... yielding of the reinforcing bars, and not by some brittle or semi-ductile failure mode. Examples of these latter modes are shear of the bolts and local buckling of the bottom beam flange. Both modes of ... ofcompositeconnectionshavereceivedasimilarlevelof development: those between steel beams and concrete columns and those for composite end plates. An extensive treatment of the general topic of connection design is given in Chapter 6 of...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 18:22

30 346 0
Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 22 doc

Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 22 doc

... = area of flange connected by the weld y = distance from the neutral axis of the whole section to the center of gravity of the flange I = moment of inertia of the whole section n = number of welds ... moment of M = 1000 in kips, and a vertical shear of V = 20 kips. This example will be considered with several variations. Use A36 steel and E70 filler metal. The welding of the flanges and full ... Types Whenpiecesofsteelarebroughttogethertoforma joint, theywill assumeoneofthefiveconfigurations presented in Figure 22.1. Of the five, butt, tee, corner, and lap joints are common in construction. Coverplates...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 18:22

66 371 0
Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 21 pps

Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 21 pps

... energy) σ Y = yield strength of material I = moment of inertia of section L = length of member E = modulus of elasticity of material C = distance to outer fiber from neutral axis of section Figure 21.6 ... C.M. and Crede, C.E. 1976. Shock and Vibration Handbook, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York. [3] Potter, J.M. and McHenry, H.I. 1990. Fatigue and Fracture Testing of Weldments, ASTM STP 1058. [4] Sandor, ... J. Randolph. 1996. “Aluminum and Its Alloys”, Marks’ Standard Handbook for Me- chanical Engineers. 10th ed., pp. 6.53–6.60, McGraw-Hill, New York. [4] Manjoine, M.J. 1944. “Influence of Rate of...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 18:22

15 301 0
Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 20 docx

Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 20 docx

... guide strands of each cable, at the center of each of the five spans. 3. Calculate the “center -of- gravity” position for each guide-str and group in each span. 4. Adjust the sag of each strand to ... procedure each of three lower-layer “guide strands” of each cable (i.e., strands 1, 2, and 3) was accurately measured in the manufacturing shop under the simulated full-deadload tension, and circumferential ... the three guide strands for each cable “on the mark” at each of the four saddles and set normal shims at each of the two anchorages. 2. Under conditions of uniform temperature and no wind, measure...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 18:22

62 296 0
Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 19 doc

Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 19 doc

... Introduction Plateandboxgirdersareusedmostlyinbridgesandindustrialbuildings,wherelargeloadsand/or longspansarefrequentlyencountered.Thehightorsionalstrengthofboxgirdersmakesthemideal forgirderscurvedinplan.Recently,thinsteelplateshearwallshavebeeneffectivelyusedinbuildings. Suchwallsbehaveasverticalplategirderswiththebuildingcolumnsasangesandtheoorbeams asintermediatestiffeners.Althoughtraditionallysimplysupportedplateandboxgirdersarebuilt upto150ftspan,severalthree-spancontinuousgirderbridgeshavebeenbuiltintheU.S.withcenter spansexceeding400ft. InitssimplestformaplategirderismadeoftwoangeplatesweldedtoawebplatetoformanI section,andaboxgirderhastwoangesandtwowebsforasingle-cellboxandmorethantwowebsin multi-cellboxgirders(Figure19.1).Thedesignerhasthefreedominproportioningthecross-section ofthegirdertoachievethemosteconomicaldesignandtakingadvantageofavailablehigh-strength steels.Thelargerdimensionsofplateandboxgirdersresultintheuseofslenderwebsandanges, makingbucklingproblemsmorerelevantindesign.Bucklingofplatesthatareadequatelysupported alongtheirboundariesisnotsynonymouswithfailure,andtheseplatesexhibitpost-bucklingstrength thatcanbeseveraltimestheirbucklingstrength,dependingontheplateslenderness.Althoughplate c 1999byCRCPressLLC ... simply supported and free at its longitudinal edges; λ is equal to b f /2t f ;b f and t f are the ange width and thickness, respectively; and E and à are Young’s modulus of elasticity and the Poisson ... (b t /b l )(h/3a)I l (19.29) where b t and b l =projecting width of t ransverse and longitudinal stiffeners, respectively, and I t and I l = moment of inertia of t ransverse and longitudinal stiffeners,...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 18:22

25 379 0
Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 18 pot

Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 18 pot

... moment of inertia of the bottom chord by the parallel-axis value of A f ì d 2 f ,where A f designates the area of the bottom flange of the stub and d f is the distance between the centroids of the ... singly and distributed uniformly along the length of the top flange of each of the interior stubs. Considering the shear forces for the stub girder of Figures 18.5 and 18.7, the number of connectors for ... view of these observations, the most effective placement of the welds between the stubs and the bottom chord is to concentrate them across the ends of the stubs and along a short distance of both sides...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 18:22

25 310 0
Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 17 ppt

Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 17 ppt

... beams [36]. In these figures, I T and I B are the moment of inertia of the top and bottom beam, respectively; b and L are the length of beam and column, respectively; and γ is the tapering factor ... the modulus of elasticity of materials for the batten plates, I b is the moment inertia of all the battens in one panel in the buckling plane, and I f is the moment inertia of one side of the main components ... Duan and Lu[25] and for unbraced frames proposed by Kishi, Chen, and Goto [49]aregiveninTable17.1 and 17.2. In these tables, R kN and R kF are elastic spring constants at the near and far ends of...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 18:22

54 343 0

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