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Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 31 pdf

Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 31 pdf

... in the field of civil engineer- ing, and a number of design engineers who work daily in the field of civil engineering. These sources are cited in the Acknowledgments. When using any of the formulas ... 148 Water/Cementitious Materials Ratio / 148 Job Mix Concrete Volume / 149 Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete / 150 Tensile Strength of Concrete / 151 Reinforcing Steel / 151 Continuous Beams and One-Way ... with Fasteners / 236 Roof Slope to Prevent Ponding / 238 Bending and Axial Tension / 239 Bending and Axial Compression / 240 Chapter 7. Surveying Formulas 243 Units of Measurement / 244 Theory of Errors /...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 18:22

480 338 0
Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 30 ppsx

Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 30 ppsx

... recent earthquakes. 30.2 Damage as a Result of Problem Soils Liquefaction One of the most common causes of damage to structures is the result of liquefaction of the surrounding soil. When loose, saturated ... by CRC Press LLC (Figure 30.44). The distance from the top of the deck to the top of the tower is 58 m; from top of the footing to the soffit, 20 m. All the foundations are supported on driven piles. ... section drawings of the Dakkai Subway Station after the Kobe earthquake. (Courtesy of Japan Society of Civil Engineers [5].) FIGURE 30.53 Flexural damage to columns at lower-level of Dakkai Subway...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 18:22

36 324 0
Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 29 pot

Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 29 pot

... so important that they often dictate the very architecture and layout of the structure; certainly they dominate the design process and are the focus of this chapter. Many of the other factors also ... following modes of general collapse in addition to ovalizing: beam bending of the chord (in T-connection tests), beam shear (in the gap of K-connections), transverse crippling of the main member ... initial elastic distribution of load transfer across the weld in a tubular connection is highly non- uniform, as illustrated in Figure 29.3, with the peak line load often being a factor of two...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 18:22

16 322 0
Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 28 pptx

Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 28 pptx

... strength of angle E = Young’s modulus (= 29, 000 ksi) l t = length of top angle t t = thickness of top angle k t = k value of top angle g t = gauge of top angle(= 2.5 in., typical) W = width of nut ... bolt, W = 1.4375 in. for 7/8D bolt) d = depthofbeam l a = length of web angle t a = thickness of web angle k a = k value of web angle g a = gauge of web angle Note: (1) Top- and seat-angle connections ... design for the instability of the entire frame (for example, by adjustment of column effective length). Therefore, SSRCrecommends that,in designpractice, thetwo aspects, stability of separatemembers and...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 18:22

58 362 0
Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 27 docx

Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 27 docx

... discussion of passively or actively damped structures. 27.2.1 Single-Degree -of- Freedom Structural Systems Consider the lateral motion of the basic SDOF model, shown in Figure 27.2, consisting of a ... structure through cracking and the formation of plastic hinges. On the other hand, damage is minimal with the addition of a set of viscoelastic braced dampers. The energy response of the braced structure, due ... PassiveEnergyDissipationand ActiveControl T.T.Soongand G.F.Dargush DepartmentofCivilEngineering, StateUniversityofNewYork atBuffalo,Buffalo,NY 27.1Introduction 27.2BasicPrinciplesandMethodsofAnalysis Single-Degree -of- FreedomStructuralSystems ã Multi- Degree -of- FreedomStructuralSystems ã EnergyFormulations ã Energy-BasedDesign 27.3RecentDevelopmentandApplications PassiveEnergyDissipation ã ActiveControl 27.4CodeDevelopment 27.5ConcludingRemarks References 27.1...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 18:22

28 311 0
Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 26 pdf

Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 26 pdf

... class of distributions for reliability analysis isbasedonthe statistical theory of extreme values. Extreme value distributions are used to describe the distribution of the largest or smallest of ... information on the application of reliability theory to aspects of RBD. 26.6.2 Calibration and Selection of Tar get Reliabilities Calibration refers to the linking of new design procedures to previous ... probability of taking on some value in no way affects the probability of the other random variable taking on some value. One of the most significant consequences of this statement of independence...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 18:22

41 468 0
Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 25 pps

Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 25 pps

... Row. [41] Timoshenko, S. and J.N. Goodier. 1951. Theory of Elasticity. McGraw-Hill, New York. [42] Watkins, R.K. and M.G. Spangler. 1958. Some Characteristics of the Modulus of Passive Resis- tance of ... 1-0.33 (h w /h) h = height of ground surface above top of pipe (ft) h w = height of groundwater surface above top of pipe (ft) D = diameter of pipe (in.) B  = coefficient of elastic support = 1 1+4e −0.065h E  = ... basis of the theory of elasticity. The effects of an arbitrary spatial distribution of surface load can be obtained by utilizing the well-known Boussinesq solution [41], for a point load on an elastic...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 18:22

23 449 0
Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 24 ppt

Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 24 ppt

... by the combination of a lack -of- fusion defect and the unfused edge of the backing bar. On a cross-section at the deepest point of the lack -of- fusion defect, the total depth of the notch, including the ... of the weld zone; (4) complex residual stresses; (5) high gradients of stress in the vicinity of the crack due to stress concentrations; and (6) the behavior of cracks in complex structures of ... machine parts, gives an overly optimistic assessment of the fatigue strength of structural details. There are many cases of failures of these types of structures, such as the crane in Figure24.1 or...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 18:22

32 457 0
Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 23 ppsx

Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 23 ppsx

... Introduction Thevastmajorityofsteelbuildingsbuilttodayincorporateafloorsystemconsistingofcomposite beams,compositejoistsortrusses,stubgirders,orsomecombinationthereof[29].Traditionally thestrengthandstiffnessofthefloorslabshaveonlybeenusedforthedesignofsimply-supported flexuralmembersundergravityloads,i.e.,formembersbentinsinglecurvatureaboutthestrongaxis ofthesection.Inthiscasethemembersareassumedtobepin-ended,thecross-sectionisassumedto beprismatic,andtheeffectivewidthoftheslabisapproximatedbysimplerules.Theseassumptions allowforamember-by-memberdesignprocedureandconsiderablysimplifythechecksneededfor strengthandserviceabilitylimitstates.Althoughmoststructuralengineersrecognizethatthereis somedegreeofcontinuityinthefloorsystembecauseofthepresenceofreinforcementtocontrol crackwidthsovercolumnlines,thiseffectisconsidereddifficulttoquantifyandthusignoredin design. Theeffectofthefloorslabshasalsobeenneglectedwhenassessingthestrengthandstiffnessof framessubjectedtolateralloadsforfourprincipalreasons.First,ithasbeenassumedthatneglecting theadditionalstrengthandstiffnessprovidedbythefloorslabsalwaysresultsinaconservativedesign. Second,asoundmethodologyfordeterminingtheM-θcurvesfortheseconnectionsisaprerequisite iftheireffectisgoingtobeincorporatedintotheanalysis.However,thereisscantdataavailable inordertoformulatereliablemoment-rotation(M-θ)curvesforcompositeconnections,whichfall typicallyintothepartiallyrestrained(PR)andpartialstrength(PS)category.Third,itisdifficult toincorporateintotheanalysisthenon-prismaticcompositecross-sectionthatresultswhenthe memberissubjectedtodoublecurvatureaswouldoccurunderlateralloads.Finally,thedegreeof compositeinteractioninfloormembersthatarepartoflateral-loadresistingsystemsinseismicareas islow,withmosthavingonlyenoughsheartransfercapacitytosatisfydiaphragmaction. Researchduringthepast10years[25]anddamagetosteelframesduringrecentearthquakes[22] havepointedout,however,thatthereisaneedtoreevaluatetheeffectofcompositeactioninmodern frames.Thelatterarecharacterizedbytheuseoffewbentstoresistlateralloads,withtheratio ofnumberofgravitytomoment-resistingcolumnsoftenashighas6ormore.Inthesecasesthe c  1999byCRCPressLLC ... extensive treatment of the general topic of connection design is given in Chapter 6 of Viest et al. [29]. The latest information on design of composite and PR connections can also be found in the proceedings of ... area of web angles resisting shear (in. 2 ) A sL = area of seat angle leg (in. 2 ) A rb = effective area of slab reinforcement (in. 2 ) d = depth of steel beam (in.) Y 3 = distance from top of...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 18:22

30 346 0
Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 22 doc

Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 22 doc

... = area of flange connected by the weld y = distance from the neutral axis of the whole section to the center of gravity of the flange I = moment of inertia of the whole section n = number of welds ... a twisting or bending load: A w =length of weld (in.), Z w = section modulus of weld (in. 2 ), J w = polar moment of inertia of weld (in. 3 ). (Courtesy of The Lincoln Electric Company. With permission.) can ... length of weld, rather than converted to stresses. This facilitates dealing with combined-stress problems. 4. Actual values of welds are given as force per unit length of weld instead of unit...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 18:22

66 371 0
Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 21 pps

Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 21 pps

... is E p = σ 2 Y IL 6EC 2 (21.1) where E p = maximum elastic capacity (max. absorbed potential energy) σ Y = yield strength of material I = moment of inertia of section L = length of member E = modulus of elasticity of material C ... = AV 1 δV n g (21.7) where m = mass of ore W = weight of ore t = time ore falls A = cross-sectional area of ore stream δ = density of ore g = acceleration of gravity V 1 = ore velocity prior ... measure of the resistance of a body to angular acceleration about a given axis that is equal to the sum of the products of each element of mass in the body and the square of the element’s distance...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 18:22

15 301 0
Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 20 docx

Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 20 docx

... price of some $30 million, including an allowance of $150,000, or about one-half of 1%, for construction engineering of the permanent steelwork (i.e., not including such matters as design of erection ... must rely heavily on the lessons of past experience in the profession. Some of this experience is embodied in professional papers describing erection processes, often (and particularly to young ... the center of each of the five spans. 3. Calculate the “center -of- gravity” position for each guide-str and group in each span. 4. Adjust the sag of each strand to bring it to the center -of- gravity...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 18:22

62 296 0
Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 19 doc

Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 19 doc

... L b /r T ;L b is the length of the unbraced segment of the beam; and r T is the radiusofgyration of the compression flange plus one-third of the compression portion of the web. The AISC specification ... presence of openings in plates subjected to in-plane loads is unavoidable in some cases, and the presence of openings affects the stability and ultimate strength of plates. 19.2 Stability of the ... absolute value of maximum moment in the unbraced beam segment M A = absolute value of moment at quarter point of the unbraced beam segment M B = absolute value of moment at centerline of the unbraced...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 18:22

25 379 0
Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 18 pot

Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 18 pot

... moment of inertia of the bottom chord by the parallel-axis value of A f ì d 2 f ,where A f designates the area of the bottom flange of the stub and d f is the distance between the centroids of the ... areas and moments of inertia are determined on the basis of the usual transformation from concrete to steel, using the modular ratio n = E/E c ,whereE is the modulus of elasticity of the steel and ... cross-section of stub with stiffeners. Depending on the number of vierendeel truss members that will represent the stub in the model, the bending stiffness of each is taken as a fraction of the value of...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 18:22

25 310 0
Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 17 ppt

Basic Theory of Plates and Elastic Stability - Part 17 ppt

... the modulus of elasticity of materials for the batten plates, I b is the moment inertia of all the battens in one panel in the buckling plane, and I f is the moment inertia of one side of the main components ... Introduction Theconceptoftheeffectivelengthfactorsofcolumnshasbeenwellestablishedandwidelyusedby practicingengineersandplaysanimportantroleincompressionmemberdesign.Themoststructural designcodesandspecicationshaveprovisionsconcerningtheeffectivelengthfactor.Theaimofthis chapteristopresentastate -of- the-artengineeringpracticeoftheeffectivelengthfactorforthedesign ofcolumnsinstructures.Intherstpartofthischapter,thebasicconceptoftheeffectivelength c 1999byCRCPressLLC ... + π 2 EI (KL) 2  d 3 A d E d ab 2 + b aA b E b  (17.95) where E b is the modulus of elasticity of the materials for battens and A b is the cross-sectional area of all battens in one panel. 17.9.4 Columns with Perforated...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 18:22

54 343 0

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