theoretical and experimental issues

Cardiac Pacing and ICDs - Fourth Edition pptx

Cardiac Pacing and ICDs - Fourth Edition pptx

... progress in the experimental and theoretical investigations of electron–molecule collision processes [21] The experimental and theoretical investigations of the physical, physico-chemical, and chemical ... and photon interactions, such as radiation physics, radiation biochemistry, radiation biology, and applications to medical and engineering sciences and to radiation synthesis and processing and ... period of rapidly expanding technology enabling one to produce and accelerate electrons and ions and to explore new applications of radiation in science and industry Understanding of the interaction...

Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 11:20

858 5K 0
Simulation and Monte Carlo With applications in finance and MCMC pdf

Simulation and Monte Carlo With applications in finance and MCMC pdf

... interval t t + t it moves by amounts x = Z1 t and y = Z2 t along the x and y axes where Z1 and Z2 are independent standard normal random variables and and are specified positive constants The aim ... importance and stratified sampling I hope in Sections 6.4.2 and 6.5 that I have provided a more direct and accessible way of deriving and applying such variance reduction methods to Asian and basket ... independent times between starting at the point x0 y0 and landing in the treacle The function ‘stats[random,normald](1)’ creates a random standard normal deviate (b) Plot a histogram showing the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 15:20

349 4,2K 0
Spectral Theory and Nonlinear Analysis with Applications to Spatial Ecology pot

Spectral Theory and Nonlinear Analysis with Applications to Spatial Ecology pot

... the cases p = and p = 00 We refer to the papers by Jawerth and Milman [19] and Milman [22] Let me give an application of the case (ii) when p = and b = It is taken from the book [14] and refers ... Entropy and Lorentz-Marcinkiewicz operator ideals, Arkiv Mat 25 (1987) 211-219 F Cobos, Duality and Lorentz-Marcinkiewicz operator spaces, Math Scand 63 (1988) 261-267 F Cobos and D.L Fernandez, ... 3.3 of S Cano-Casanova and J L6pez-G6mez5) and with respect to the weight on the boundary (cf Proposition 3.5 of S Cano-Casanova and J L6pez-G6mez5), owing to Eq (12), and taking into account...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 01:20

288 435 0
Algorithms and data structures with applications to graphics and geometry

Algorithms and data structures with applications to graphics and geometry

... commands with distinct labels The labels serve merely to identify the commands and need not be arranged either consecutively or in increasing order Execution begins with the first command and ... throughout the entire course CHAPTER Algorithm Animation I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I and I understand A picture is worth a thousand words-the art of presenting information in visual form ... the information and the impact of animations, they may give the reader ideas to try out We select two standard algorithm animation topics (sorting and random number generation) and an example...

Ngày tải lên: 08/05/2014, 18:16

365 446 0
online storage systems and transportation problems with applications

online storage systems and transportation problems with applications

... Systems and Transportation Problems 28 LEMMA 2.15 After completing each step of algorithm the following holds: for any such that and for any type there exist at most two If then either and and and, ... online optimization and the competitive analysis for the batch pre-sorting problem Prof Dr Alexander Lavrov (ITWM Kaiserslautern and NTUU Kiev) - for his constant support and help during all ... Heidelberg) and Dr Anna Schreieck (BASF, Ludwigshafen) - for careful reading parts of this book And last but not least, my husband Josef Kallrath - for his positive spirit encouraging and supporting...

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 10:31

237 386 0
tom m  apostol calculus, vol  2 multi-variable calculus and linear algebra with applications  1969

tom m apostol calculus, vol 2 multi-variable calculus and linear algebra with applications 1969

... Ifax=ayanda#O, thenx=y ( f ) Ifax=bxandx#O,thena=b (g> -(x + y) = (-4 + C-y) = x - y (h) x + x = 2x, x + x +x = 3x, andingeneral, &x = nx 7 Exercises We shall prove (a), (b), and (c) and leave ... y1 and yZ in L(S) Then each is a scalar Dependent and independent sets in a linear space 11 multiple of x1, say y1 = clxl and yZ = cZxl, where c, and c2 are not both Multiplying y1 by c2 and ... two such representations, say (1.20) x=s+sl- and x=t+tl, 28 Linear spaces where s and t are in S, and sL and t’ are in S I We wish to prove that s = t and sL = t1 From (1.20), we have s - t = t1...

Ngày tải lên: 12/06/2014, 16:22

697 382 0
Matematik simulation and monte carlo with applications in finance and mcmc phần 1 pps

Matematik simulation and monte carlo with applications in finance and mcmc phần 1 pps

... interval t t + t it moves by amounts x = Z1 t and y = Z2 t along the x and y axes where Z1 and Z2 are independent standard normal random variables and and are specified positive constants The aim ... importance and stratified sampling I hope in Sections 6.4.2 and 6.5 that I have provided a more direct and accessible way of deriving and applying such variance reduction methods to Asian and basket ... independent times between starting at the point x0 y0 and landing in the treacle The function ‘stats[random,normald](1)’ creates a random standard normal deviate (b) Plot a histogram showing the...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:21

35 295 0
Matematik simulation and monte carlo with applications in finance and mcmc phần 2 pdf

Matematik simulation and monte carlo with applications in finance and mcmc phần 2 pdf

... ‘SUPER-DUPER’ random number suite (Marsaglia, 1972; Marsaglia et al., 1972) Its statistical properties are quite good and have been investigated by Anderson (1990) and Marsaglia and Zaman (1993) ... (12 microseconds) and ‘r2’ (16 microseconds), taking approximately 17 microseconds per random number The seed is set using the command ‘randomize(integer)’ before invoking ‘rand()’ Maple also ... investigation to be confined to the theoretical properties of type A and B generators only Theoretical tests use the values a c, and m to assess the quality 26 Uniform random numbers of the output of...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:21

35 388 0
Matematik simulation and monte carlo with applications in finance and mcmc phần 3 ppsx

Matematik simulation and monte carlo with applications in finance and mcmc phần 3 ppsx

... Generation of variates from standard distributions (a) Use the standard results for the mean and variance of a lognormally distributed random variable to show that the mean and standard deviation of X ... to implement and reasonably fast in execution We start by considering two independent standard normal random variables, X1 and X2 The joint density is fX1 X2 x1 x2 = − e Simulation and Monte Carlo: ... and continuous) 4 Generation of variates from standard distributions 4.1 Standard normal distribution The standard normal distribution is so frequently used that it has its own notation A random...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:21

35 250 0
Matematik simulation and monte carlo with applications in finance and mcmc phần 4 pptx

Matematik simulation and monte carlo with applications in finance and mcmc phần 4 pptx

... X ∼ N and where the distribution of the parameters and are independently N (100,16) and exponential, mean 4, respectively The company undertaking the project must pay £1000 for each day (and pro ... since is unknown The theory was developed by Black, Merton, and Scholes (Black and Scholes, 1973; Merton, 1973), and earned Merton and Scholes a Nobel prize in 1997 (Black died in 1993) The equation ... exp r − 2 h+ √ hZij for i = npath j = n, and where Xi = X and Zij are independent N random variables If Pi denotes the discounted payoff for the ith path and P the average of the Pi , then Var...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:21

35 348 0
Matematik simulation and monte carlo with applications in finance and mcmc phần 5 ppsx

Matematik simulation and monte carlo with applications in finance and mcmc phần 5 ppsx

... = and is the empty set Let N C and N E denote the number of randomly occuring points in C and E respectively Suppose there exists a positive constant , such that, for all such C and E N C and ... the jth jump, t0 = + − X tj = Yj X tj , and where Yj j = are identically and independently distributed positive random variables The sets Yj and B tj and the process N t t ≥ are mutually independent ... those by Banks et al (2005), Fishman (1978), Law and Kelton (2000), and Pidd (1998) Simulation and Monte Carlo: With applications in finance and MCMC © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd J S Dagpunar...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:21

35 276 0
Matematik simulation and monte carlo with applications in finance and mcmc phần 6 doc

Matematik simulation and monte carlo with applications in finance and mcmc phần 6 doc

... original study by Gaver and O’Muircheartaigh (1987) and also in several followup analyses of this data set, including those by Robert and Casella (2004, pp 385–7) and Gelfand and Smith (1990), an ... a random walk algorithm with Y = x+ 1/2 Z where 1/2 1/2 = and Z is a column of i.i.d standard normal random variables An independence sampler takes q y x = q y , so the distribution of the candidate ... hyperparameters, , and , is based upon the belief that the prior marginal expectation and standard deviation of any 170 Markov chain Monte Carlo prior and posterior densities prior and posterior densities...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:21

35 288 0
Matematik simulation and monte carlo with applications in finance and mcmc phần 7 ppt

Matematik simulation and monte carlo with applications in finance and mcmc phần 7 ppt

... > restart; > randomize(462695):#specify a seed > distance:=proc(n) local j,x1,x2,y1,y2,d; for j from to n do; 6 x1:=rand()/10^12; 6 y1:=rand()/10^12; 6 x2:=rand()/10^12; 6 y2:=rand()/10^12; 6 ... ¼ Z1 1 t and the y ¼ Z2 2 t along the x and y axes where Z1 and Z2 are independent standard normal random variables and 1 and 2 are specified positive constants The aim is to investigate ... independent times between starting at the point ðx0 ; y0 Þ and landing in the treacle The function stats [random,normald](1) creates a random standard normal deviate 215 216 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Appendices...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:21

35 389 0
Matematik simulation and monte carlo with applications in finance and mcmc phần 8 pot

Matematik simulation and monte carlo with applications in finance and mcmc phần 8 pot

... GENERATES A STANDARD RANDOM NORMAL 6 6 # DEVIATE, USING THE POLAR BOX MULLER METHOD 6 6 # SET i to ’ false’ ON FIRST CALL Note that i and 4 Appendix 4: Random variate generators (standard distributions) ... print("theta1_hat"=describe[mean](u)); 6 print("standard 6 error"=evalf(describe[standarddeviation[1]](u)/sqrt(m))); u; end proc: h Compute the estimate and estimated standard error for a sample size of 1000 > seed:=randomize(341): ... ‘standard error’ ¼ 0.02797125535 Now replace r by À r and theta1_hat by theta2_hat in the print statement of procedure ‘theta1_2’ and run the simulation again with the same seed > seed:=randomize(341):...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:21

35 269 0
Matematik simulation and monte carlo with applications in finance and mcmc phần 9 ppt

Matematik simulation and monte carlo with applications in finance and mcmc phần 9 ppt

... short:=short+t[1]–clock; randomize(seed2); seed2:=rand( ); r2:=evalf(1/1000000000000*seed2); t[1]:=clock+(–ln(r2))^b1/m; t:=sort(t); q:=0; end if; if q=1 and nocc=n and a

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:21

35 363 0
Matematik simulation and monte carlo with applications in finance and mcmc phần 10 potx

Matematik simulation and monte carlo with applications in finance and mcmc phần 10 potx

... iterations; for i from to k do; r1:=evalf(rand()/10^12);r2:=evalf(rand()/10^12);r3:=evalf (rand()/10^12);r4:=evalf(rand()/10^12); # Sample candidate point (ap,bp) and compute likelihood (L2)for (ap,bp); ... prior and posterior densities prior and posterior densities 2e2 1e2 6 lambda[1] lambda[2] 2 6 prior and posterior densities prior and posterior densities 1e2 1e2 6 lambda[3] lambda[4] 2 prior and ... densities prior and posterior densities 6 6 lambda[5] 0 lambda[6] 1 prior and posterior densities prior and posterior densities 6 6 lambda[7] lambda[8] 4 prior and posterior densities prior and posterior...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:21

34 318 0
Study on chemical constituents and biological activities of some plants of boerhaavia genus (nyctaginaceae)

Study on chemical constituents and biological activities of some plants of boerhaavia genus (nyctaginaceae)

... C23H24O12 + Na, 515.1165  H and 13C and spectra (CD3OD) (Appendix 22 and 23): see Table 3.1 and Table 3.2  COSY, HSQC and HMBC spectra (CD3OD) (Appendix 24, 25, and 26) Discussion of chemical ... for C18H14O7 + Na, 365.0637  H and 13C-NMR spectra (Acetone–d6) (Appendix 28 and 29): see Table 3.3 and Table 3.4  HSQC and HMBC spectra (Acetone–d6) (Appendix 30 and 31) Discussion of chemical ... splitting of signals and coupling constants of protons at δH 8.28, 7.01 and 6.94 demonstrated two ortho-coupled protons of H–1, H–2 and H–3 of the A ring and the splitting of signals and coupling constants...

Ngày tải lên: 24/08/2015, 12:40

145 430 0
Study on chemical constituents and biological activities of the lichen parmotrema Praesorediosum(NYL ) hale(parmeliaceaf)

Study on chemical constituents and biological activities of the lichen parmotrema Praesorediosum(NYL ) hale(parmeliaceaf)

... of PRAES-E11, PRAES-T4 and PRAES-E2 52 Figure 3.9 HMBC and NOESY correlations of PRAES-C22 54 Figure 3.10 HMBC and NOESY correlations of PRAES-C23 56 Figure 3.11 HMBC and NOESY correlations of ... 3.20 HMBC and ROESY correlations of PRAES-C16 80 Figure 3.21 HMBC and ROESY correlations of PRAES-C20 85 Figure 3.22 1H NMR data of PRAES-C18 and diphenyl ether 87 Figure 3.23 HMBC and ROESY ... 16-21: MS and NMR spectra of PRAES-C10 153 Appendices 22-26: MS and NMR spectra of PRAES-C11 156 Appendices 27-33: IR, MS and NMR spectra of PRAES-E19 159 Appendices 34-40: IR, MS and NMR spectra...

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2015, 15:22

293 409 0
Extreme value and related models with applications in engineering and science

Extreme value and related models with applications in engineering and science

... are Anderson and Coles (2002), Andra and Saul (1974, 1979), Arnold, Castillo, and Sarabia (1996), Batdorf (1982), Batdorf and Ghaffanian (1982), Birnbauni and Saunders (1958), Biihler and Schreiber ... Spindel, Board, and Haibach (1979), Takahashi and Sibuya (2002), Tide and van Horn (1966), Tierney (1982), Tilly and Moss (1982), Warner and Hulsbos (1966), Weibull (1959), and Yang, Tayfun, and Hsiao ... mean and variance of a Bernoulli random variable, with success probability p, are p = p and a2 = p ( l - p) 2.2 Show that the mean and variance of a B ( n , p ) random variable arc p = np and...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2016, 14:36

367 905 0