the work motivation of older employees

Occupational therapy interventions and physical activity interventions to promote the mental wellbeing of older people in primary care and residential care pdf

Occupational therapy interventions and physical activity interventions to promote the mental wellbeing of older people in primary care and residential care pdf

... (including older people from minority ethnic groups) How does the effectiveness of interventions depend on the characteristics of those delivering the intervention, the involvement of older people in their ... established as part of the scope They formed the starting point for the reviews of evidence and facilitated the development of recommendations by PHIAC The overarching question was: What are the most effective ... should be tailored to meet the needs of the participants, as opposed to the activities dictating the group The organisation of themes within the manual is 42 arbitrary; there is no set pattern for...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 18:20

50 743 0
báo cáo sinh học:" Measuring and managing the work environment of the mid-level provider – the neglected human resource" pdf

báo cáo sinh học:" Measuring and managing the work environment of the mid-level provider – the neglected human resource" pdf

... other health workers have good working relationships 81 Collaboration (joint practice) between different cadres of health workers 66 A lot of teamwork between the different cadres of health workers ... community as one of the main motivating factors [31] The mid-level providers were slightly more positive about their work relationships and the degree of control they have over their practice There are ... clear indication of the inadequacy of adopting a strategy of training and employing mid-level cadres in the absence of strategies to strengthen and improve other aspects of the health environment...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20

9 455 0
Báo cáo y học: "Can physical activity improve the mental health of older adults" pps

Báo cáo y học: "Can physical activity improve the mental health of older adults" pps

... effects of aging [12] Suggested effects of regular PA include the preservation of muscle mass, prevention of sarcopenia and reduction of the age-related decrease of metabolic rate [13] There is ... estimate of the number of kilocalories (kcal) expended per week or cityblocks ( = 160 m) walked per week [18] Women in the highest quartile of activity had an OR of 0.66 (95% CI: 0.54–0.82) of experiencing ... level of activity by incorporating any activity of at least moderate intensity into the day For older adults, the daily accumulation of PA (stair climbing, gardening, brisk walking, or housework)...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 20:23

5 544 0
Factors affecting to the job satisfaction of vietcombanks employees

Factors affecting to the job satisfaction of vietcombanks employees

... research The study made on the topic of Job Satisfaction will reveal the factors of feelings of employees This research is useful to the management of Vietcombank to know the satisfaction levels of employees ... addition, the findings of the study could:  Measure the employees s job satisfaction level in Vietcombank  Study the employees perception towards organization  Study the attitude of the employees ... 1.1.1 Motivation of the research 1.1.2 The research problem statement 10 1.1.3 Significance of the research 11 1.1.4 Purpose of the research 11 1.1.5 Scope of the...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2015, 00:11

97 494 2


... Although Barthes suggests that the emergence of the reader comes at the expense of the author, authors (and artists) did not die Instead, the author exists, in culture and in the perspectives of diverse ... focused on the seating areas, project images of the participants onto the opposing monitors Rather than facing each other directly, each person only sees the other’s face on the screen They figuratively ... a limited edition of 150,000 tiles, 30,000 anticipated annual visitors to the site, individual decisions of these members of the public, and the recycling of tiles placed in the grid, to determine...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 10:20

6 511 0
Older Persons in Cambodia: A Profile from the 2004 Survey of Elderly pot

Older Persons in Cambodia: A Profile from the 2004 Survey of Elderly pot

... questions about the value of money received and the value of food/clothes received during the past year The measure shown in the table indicates whether they received either money or food/clothes valued ... which the roof is made of thatch or other related natural material Differences in types of material used for roofs of the houses not differ much according to the sex, location, or age of the respondents ... policies and programs that address the needs of the older population and that harness their potential to contribute to the development of the society of which they and their families are part 32 References...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 18:20

82 435 0
The work of savings banks in microcredit in Europe (10 May 2011) Joint conference of the European Savings Banks Group (ESBG) and the European Microfinance Network (EMN) held in Brussels, Belgium pot

The work of savings banks in microcredit in Europe (10 May 2011) Joint conference of the European Savings Banks Group (ESBG) and the European Microfinance Network (EMN) held in Brussels, Belgium pot

... MFIs in the provision of microcredit The Commission sees the role of the savings banks as a complementary to non-banking financial institutions, since they often target different segments of the ... costs of serving such clients render them unattractive to the traditional banking sector Some of the challenges in the sector are developing a common definition of the terms used in the microfinance ... such as the JEREMIE and the JASMINE programmes Savings banks have a particular role to play in the development of microfinance, since they finance the local economy in the communities where they...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 10:20

7 434 0
Accounting for Changes in Social Support Among Married Older Adults: Insights From the MacArthur Studies of Successful Aging pptx

Accounting for Changes in Social Support Among Married Older Adults: Insights From the MacArthur Studies of Successful Aging pptx

... a sample of 439.1 Table summarizes the sociodemographic and psychological characteristics of the sample at the time of the first interview The majority of the sample was White (83%; the remainder ... in the composition of social networks over time could alter the relative availability and efficiency of different types of support because of changes in the availability of certain types of ties ... may change (e.g., according to the social convoy model), both theories lead us to the hypotheses that the quality of support in networks of older adults remain the same or actually increase over...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 15:20

10 449 0


... Coordination Unit; and (i) the Occupational Health Unit A Office of the Chief of Staff 29 The Office of the Chief of Staff is the operational cell within the Office of the Director General and ... oversight of activities to ensure compliance with strategic priorities set by the Director General The Office of the Director General is composed of: (a) the Office of the Chief of Staff; (b) the Office ... including the organization of the Council from to December 2011 and its high-level segment Furthermore, the Office of the Chief of Staff continued to lead the work of the IOM Task Force on the Prevention...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 16:20

83 396 0
The work of professional football doc

The work of professional football doc

... process of work, the end products of work, the prestige associated with the work of a particular occupation, the prestige of the social contexts within which work occurs, and the position that work ... the culture of work in professional football, the fragile and uncertain nature of playing careers, the ways in which the orientations of players to their work change over the course of their careers ... representations of these ‘sports stars’ as cultural icons The focus of much of this work is different from mine; even so, these studies neither deal with the realities of work for the players in...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 20:20

209 194 0
Writers’ Workshops & the Work of Making Things - Patterns, Poetry... potx

Writers’ Workshops & the Work of Making Things - Patterns, Poetry... potx

... act; the writers’ workshop is one of the few parts of the process in which the public the other in the guise of colleagues and strangers—is invited in For the writer new to the writers’ workshop, ... Writer’s Workshop Overview  page rather than at the intentions of the author or the historical and aesthetic context of the work Under this philosophy, the workshop doesn’t care much what the author ... doesn’t work or isn’t useful to the people who will use it The writers’ workshop itself is a release of the work Without a writers’ workshop or some other review mechanism, the maker of the work...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 21:20

288 344 0
The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC): An Employer Benefit for Hiring Job Seekers Most in Need of Employment pdf

The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC): An Employer Benefit for Hiring Job Seekers Most in Need of Employment pdf

... Certification Request for the Work Opportunity Credit, by the date of the job offer and page of IRS Form 8850 after the individual is hired; Complete one of the following U.S Department of Labor forms, ... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR (April 2012) How to Calculate the WOTC For most target groups, the WOTC is based on qualified wages paid to the employee for the first year of employment and the number of hours worked ... or for at least of the months ending on the hiring date in the case of a family member who ceased to be eligible for such assistance under Section 6(o) of the Food Stamp Act of 1977 18-39 year-old...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 20:20

6 262 0
Understanding High Performance Work Systems: The Joint Contribution of Economics and Human Resource Management pptx

Understanding High Performance Work Systems: The Joint Contribution of Economics and Human Resource Management pptx

... perform their tasks well In essence, the thinking and controlling part of work is separated from the doing of the work. ” (ibid.: 28) Workers at the lowest levels, especially those employed in the ... dimensions of the individual’s work environment: 1) the match between an individual and the characteristics of both the job and the organization, 2) the existing structure and supervision of the job, ... external control, by the principal Because of the prospect of the reward, generally involving the satisfaction of lower human needs away from work, the employee is willing to other than what he...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 08:20

22 614 0
The Gospels in the Second Century An Examination of the Critical Part of a Work Entitled ''''Supernatural Religion'''' pptx

The Gospels in the Second Century An Examination of the Critical Part of a Work Entitled ''''Supernatural Religion'''' pptx

... will then remain the specifying of Arabia as the home of the Magi, the phrase [Greek: kathezomenos] used of John on the banks of the Jordan, the two unparallelled sentences, and the cave of the ... be the adoration of the Magi, the slaughter of the innocents, the flight into Egypt, the conjunction of the foal with the ass in the entry into Jerusalem All these are strong evidence for the ... notices of the miracles in general, the healing of the lame and the paralytic, of the maimed and the dumb, and the raising of the dead not only did they include several discourses, such as the reply...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 15:20

162 496 0
A brief sketch of the work of Matthew ppt

A brief sketch of the work of Matthew ppt

... and caused the loss of fifty-eight of the A brief sketch of the work of Matthew by Richard L Maury ships, and the Secretary of the United States Navy to report to Congress in 1865 that the Confederates ... had their use become, especially during the last year A brief sketch of the work of Matthew by Richard L Maury 14 of the war, that the Secretary of the American Navy, in his annual report of December, ... were then thrown overboard, the guard lines on the triggers cut, the levers fitted and pinned, the A brief sketch of the work of Matthew by Richard L Maury trip line made fast to the bight at the...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 05:20

20 390 0
Care and compassion? Report of the Health Service Ombudsman on ten investigations into NHS care of older people pot

Care and compassion? Report of the Health Service Ombudsman on ten investigations into NHS care of older people pot

... even the I have collated this report because of the common most basic standards of care experiences of the patients concerned and the stark contrast between the reality of the care they The report ... may have of dignified, pain-free These stories illuminate the gulf between the principles and values of the NHS Constitution and the felt reality of being an older person in the care of the NHS ... population of work The essence of such standards is captured in health service users that is ageing There are now the opening words of the NHS Constitution: The 1.7 million more people over the age of...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 16:20

44 430 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Simulating the Behaviour of Older versus Younger Users when Interacting with Spoken Dialogue Systems" pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: "Simulating the Behaviour of Older versus Younger Users when Interacting with Spoken Dialogue Systems" pdf

... depending on the previous system prompt There are 389 distinct actions for older people and 125 for younger people The actions of the younger people are a subset of the actions of the older people ... divided by the number of users *: p

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 00:20

4 276 0