... evaluate the effects of TQM in the performance of the organizations: + Impacts of TQM on the cost accounting methods + Impacts of the cost accounting methods on the plant characteristics + Impacts of ... hypotheses will be designed based on: + Impacts of TQM on the cost accounting methods + Impacts of the cost accounting methods on the plant characteristics + Impacts of TQM on the performance of ... method since the hierarchy is too small and the damages of failures can destroy them In the next part, the conversed conclusions will be delivered to the readers to provide another view of TQM 2.2.2...
Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2014, 14:20
... regardless of the strength of the vested interests involved The provocation came from his claims that the product of the first stage of the conversion was the equivalent of charcoal iron, the processes ... interest the British War Office in the idea led him to submit his design to the Emperor Napoleon III Trials made with the encouragement of the Emperor showed the inadequacy of the cast-iron guns of the ... as the world's largest producer of steel This study reviews the controversy as to the origin of the process which, for more than 35 years[1] provided the greater part of the steel production of...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 17:20
study the effect of welding joint location on the fatigue strength and fatigue life for steel weldment
... The aim and scope : The aim of this work is the study the effect of the location of welding joint on the fatigue life and fatigue strength of rotating steel shaft and finding the best location ... applied thermal cycle caused by the heat source movement which necessary to melt the material The effects of the thermal cycle diminish with distance from the fusion line Materials close to the weld ... the third group at (X=0.5L), and the fourth group (X=0.75L) The group of loads (60N, 80N, 100N, 120N, and 150N) applied downward at free end of sample of diameter (8mm), while the other end of...
Ngày tải lên: 24/05/2014, 20:35
Báo cáo y học: "The effect of refurbishing a UK steel plant on PM10 metal composition and ability to induce inflammation" ppsx
... mass during the closure period [4] Changes in total mass did not account for all of the variation in the biological effects of PM10 in the Utah valley between the closure of the steel mill, during ... from the acid digest of the filter and PM10 not removed by the aqueous extraction and hence represents mainly the insoluble metal components of the PM10 Iron was the most abundant of all the acid ... discussed below the metal content of the PM10 did impact directly on the potency of the sample instilled into each animal Data on the metal content of the PM10 showed that it was greatest in the 'reopened'...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 18:21
Building business strategies for Joint-Stock Steel Structure production company - VNECO.SSM during the period of 2010-2020
Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2015, 14:34
... của thép không gỉ hợp kim thấp low alloy duplex stainless steels (DSS) thường gọi thép lean duplex steel, làm tăng thêm tính đa dạng thép sử dụng gia cố bê tông Những loại DSS ... mòn lỗ, tính theo công thức: PREn = %Cr + 3,3x% Mo + 16x%N (1) Ngay thành lập chắn yếu tố hợp kim hiệu đóng vai trò quan trọng kháng ăn mòn rỗ DSS, người ta phải xem xét PREn biểu theo kinh nghiệm ... nhiều báo gần đây, Alvarez đồng nghiên cứu hoạt động ăn mòn hai loại tôn sóng lean duplex stainless steels (SAF 2001 2304) Thử nghiệm 2.1 Vật liệu Bốn DSS nạc khác với hai nồng độ khác Mo nghiên cứu...
Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 11:32
The effects of ZDDP and ashless antiwear additives on the friction and wear characteristics of tribological coatings on steel
... i Preface This thesis is submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore, under the supervision of Dr Christina ... carries the shaft load Using the Navier – Stokes theory of fluid mechanics, Reynolds created the basic formula for hydrodynamic lubrication The application of the Reynolds’ formula resulted in theoretical ... thorough review of literatures related to the investigation of the effects of antiwear additives, namely ZDDP and ashless TPPT, on the tribological characteristics of state -of -the- art surface...
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 11:31
Investigating the nature of passive films on austenitic stainless steels
... properties and also the advantage of Mo additions.9,10 The main aspiration of this thesis is a detail study of the passivation process of stainless steel considering the role of each of the major alloying ... reduction of the rate of oxidation of the metal occurs after the growth of the first monolayer, although the process does not stop there Once the metal is separated from its environment by forming the ... understand the mechanisms behind the passivity The observation of frequency dependent capacitance behaviour suggested the presence of a density of states localised within the bandgap of the passive...
Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 15:55
Analyzing the markets opportunity for a new product the case of thread deformed bar steel of vina kyoel steel company
... introduction for the current study through sections This chapter presents the problem of this research, the significance of the thesis, the scope and limitation of the thesis, objectives of the thesis, ... ANALYZING THE MARKET’S OPPORTUNITY FOR A NEW PRODUCT – THE CASE OF “THREAD DEFORMED BAR STEEL OF VINA KYOEI STEEL COMPANY In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS ... applied to the data of the main survey in order to conduct a primary test of the validity and reliability of the instrument The purpose of this test is to assess the scales used to measure the constructs,...
Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2015, 13:23
Chip formation in the machining of hardened steel
... chips were formed at the same speed and depth of cut when the feed was reduced to 0.100 mm/rev (0.004 ipr) Since the highest natural frequency of any of the components of the tool-work-machine ... slurface of chip t.o tool t.ip very Iit-tle evidence of plastic f l o w i n t.he "teeth' of the chip heavy plastic f l o w i n ?he region of the chip below the extent of gross cracks and along the ... that the stick-slig freauency of segment formation i s influenced i n a minor way by the stiffness of the tool-work machine tool system Saw T o o t h Chip F o r m a t i o n Still another type of...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2016, 08:55
The mechanism of chip formation with hard turning steel
... by coating the original surface of the work with soot and then producing a replica of the surface of the chip by pressing a soft plastic material into the back of the chip Valleys on the chip become ... fluctuation of the shear angle This causes the pitch of the “teeth” of the chip to be remarkably constant removing the effect of any slight variation in stress concentration in the original surface The ... Thinning of the microcracked region as the chip moves up the face of the tool (compare distance D1T with D2T in Fig 5b) A gradual approach to the final shape of the chip as it moves up the tool...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2016, 08:56
Analyzing and evaluating the results of the investment project for an phat steel structure factory
... 65-75% of the total capital of the project but not yet profitable The longer the investment period (about 60% of the time project) is, the more accumulation of capital is, the greater losses But the ... content of the study We should consider the firmness of the project under the impact of the uncertainties, or consider the impact to ensure effectiveness of project 1.2.2 The purpose of the feasibility ... need to estimate the basic parameters of the design capacity, the annual rate of production the annual inventory, the unit price of the product as well as the change of prices in the future Students:...
Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2016, 10:46