the usefulness of mean and median frequencies in electromyography analysis

The graphs below show the numbers of male and female workers in 1975 and 1995 in several employment sectors of the republic of Freedonia

The graphs below show the numbers of male and female workers in 1975 and 1995 in several employment sectors of the republic of Freedonia

... made gains in both the finance/banking industries and in the defence-related public sector Whereas some 125 000 women worked in finance and banking institutions in 1975, the number increased to ... worked in the communications sector Twenty years later, though the number of men remained unchanged, the number of women rose to 550 000 A similar situation was seen in the wholesale and retail ... answer: The two decades between 1975 and 1995 brought significant changes in the representation of women in Freedonia's work force, according to the graphs In 1975, for example, some 300 000 men and...

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 10:02

2 1.6K 2
Tài liệu Multiple Vulnerabilities qualitave data for the stydy of orpharns and vulnerable children in South Africa ppt

Tài liệu Multiple Vulnerabilities qualitave data for the stydy of orpharns and vulnerable children in South Africa ppt

... developed and the gold reserves in the mines are running out The collapse of the mining industry raises further problems, for example, most of the migrant labourers left the community when they lost their ... loss of the mother often means loss of the direct carer, while the loss of the father puts the household in a difficult financial situation HIV/AIDS stands out as a cause of orphanhood, in that ... Springfontein ja, I think it’s Springfontein number one And the reason for that is that in Springfontein you have, it’s on the N1, the Springfontein, you have trucks coming in and out the area...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 00:20

118 629 0
The Role of Small and Large Businesses in Economic Development doc

The Role of Small and Large Businesses in Economic Development doc

... growth from the second quarter of 2000 into job classes using beginning size of firm, mean size of firm over the period, and end size of firm If the beginning size of the firm is used to classify ... innovation Small firms are the great innovators in some industries, while large firms are the great innovators in others Moreover, small and large businesses interact in innovative activity The ... well They include constraints on the supply of labor and other inputs, upward pressure on wages and rents, congestion of infrastructure, and (if fiscal incentives are provided to the locating...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 19:20

25 660 0
The Role of Gestures and Facial Cues in Second Language Listening Comprehension pptx

The Role of Gestures and Facial Cues in Second Language Listening Comprehension pptx

... understand the meaning of the questions in this section Each session took 30 including instructions at the beginning, the listening comprehension task, and completion of the questionnaire The questionnaire ... placement in the IEP was determined on the basis of an in- house placement test of listening, reading, and writing skills (reliability coefficients for the listening and reading sections of this ... throw the clay Okay, that doesn’t mean you’re throwing the clay at each other It means you’re putting it on a spinning wheel and it will take the shape and form of what you want by using your hands...

Ngày tải lên: 10/03/2014, 05:20

39 920 2
Bringing the Hidden Giants to the Footlight: the Role of Savings and Retail Banks in Increasing the Level of Access to Financial Services docx

Bringing the Hidden Giants to the Footlight: the Role of Savings and Retail Banks in Increasing the Level of Access to Financial Services docx

... businesses, the traditional target client group of savings banks By capturing and channelling more of the remittances into the financial system and intermediating the flow of the resources, savings ... disbursing of loans and collecting loan repayments Another promising track for savings banks is to invest their savings deposits in microfinance institutions by specialising 18 Microfinance Information ... countries and in Latin America and Asia, the figures also remain well below the average requirement of the banking system The microcredit schemes of savings banks Although savings banks are savings...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 10:20

4 511 0
The Importance of Water and Water Quality in Brewing pptx

The Importance of Water and Water Quality in Brewing pptx

... by far the most influential mineral in the brewing process Calcium reacts with phosphates, forming precipitates that involve the release of hydrogen ions and in turn lowering the pH of the mash ... values, difficulties in wort filtration, and less efficient separation of protein and protein-tannin elements during the hot and cold breaks Nitrates and Nitrites Iron Nitrate, in and of itself, is ... remaining after the water has been boiled Permanent hardness results from calcium and magnesium salts of sulfates and chlorides remaining in the water Brewhouse Chemistry Alkalinity in the Brewhouse:...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 00:20

24 516 0
Impacts of nutrition and human services interventions on the health of elderly and disabled persons in public housing docx

Impacts of nutrition and human services interventions on the health of elderly and disabled persons in public housing docx

... acknowledges the involvement of the following individuals Without Paul Haas of Solid Ground and Dr Branden Born of the University of Washington, this study would not have been possible Cathy Moray of the ... coordinated with the delivery of supportive services, offers an innovative, proven, and cost-effective means of enabling temporarily disabled or handicapped individuals to maintain their dignity and ... residents around the city, including residents in the SHA’s LIPH program Neither could the study control for the enthusiasm and support offered by the SHA employees and City of Seattle Aging and Disability...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 17:20

43 522 0
The Protection of Biodiversity and Traditional Knowledge in International Law of Intellectual Property pot

The Protection of Biodiversity and Traditional Knowledge in International Law of Intellectual Property pot

... the ordinary meanings of a treaty in another area Therefore the interpreter of the TRIPS Agreement cannot subordinate the norms of the CBD to those of TRIPS Excluding the CBD from the interpretation ... to the invention of the combustion engine, other uses of oil, gas, and mineral resources, and the advancement of fishing technology.27 The codification of the CBD marks the same tendency of defining ... above) consisting of the freedom of appropriation of GR and of TK on the part of the inventor on one side, while on the other the users in the country in question had to purchase the secondary...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 10:20

361 2.1K 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " What is traditional pastoral farming? The politics of heritage and ‘real values’ in Swedish summer farms (fäbodbruk)" ppt

Báo cáo hóa học: " What is traditional pastoral farming? The politics of heritage and ‘real values’ in Swedish summer farms (fäbodbruk)" ppt

... difficult task of assigning monetary values in the form of subsidies on heritage Since Sweden joined the EU in 1995, specific subsidies have been available for maintaining the practice of fäbodbruk, ... large-scale industrialised farms Therefore farming in these areas was to a large degree abandoned, and the few farms that remain continued to be small-scale The number of farmers using summer farms and ... area The remaining farmers practising forest pasturing are generally situated in mountainous or marginal areas of central and northern Sweden They are especially concentrated to the more mountainous...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 22:20

18 593 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article Automatic Speech Recognition Systems for the Evaluation of Voice and Speech Disorders in Head and Neck Cancer" pdf

báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article Automatic Speech Recognition Systems for the Evaluation of Voice and Speech Disorders in Head and Neck Cancer" pdf

... computed for each of the raters using the respective other raters as reference, that is, the mean of the four other raters for the LE group and the three other raters for the OC group For the comparison ... between the automatic speech recognition system and the expert ratings, the mean rating of all human raters was taken into account Table shows the results of the correlation analysis The inter-rater ... cancer group on the five-point scale and 2.5 ± 1.0 for the group of laryngectomees The effect of the language model is investigated in Table using the OC data With growing n-gram context, the recognition...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 20:20

7 567 0
Báo cáo nghiên cứu nông nghiệp " Enhancing the capacity of Vietnam to reduce the losses of grain and grain quality in storage through improved training " doc

Báo cáo nghiên cứu nông nghiệp " Enhancing the capacity of Vietnam to reduce the losses of grain and grain quality in storage through improved training " doc

... understanding of the complexities involved in maintaining commodity quality during storage Those involved in training also developed new skills in using CAL as an integral part of teaching Practicing ... enthusiastic in their appreciation and deployment of the technology and training provided by the project and sustainability of the process into the future is secure One issue that arose in the final ... detailed and rigorous Improving standards of storage and processing are also of great importance in developing and maintaining a good international trading reputation Arrival of infested or contaminated...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 13:20

14 310 0
Báo cáo sinh học: "Untangling the web of functional and physical interactions in yeast" pdf

Báo cáo sinh học: "Untangling the web of functional and physical interactions in yeast" pdf

... corresponds to one type of interaction data, and then assembles these motifs into ‘network themes’ consisting of overlapping motifs The network themes are further assembled into ‘thematic maps’ that ... other by synthetic lethal interactions and to other members of the complex by proteinprotein interactions The second genetic-interaction-based theme consists of two protein complexes internally ... between-pathway interpretation of a dense bundle of genetic interactions On the other hand, the network theme in which components of the same complex have genetic interactions with each other corresponds...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 18:21

4 365 0
Báo cáo toán học: "Improved bounds for the number of forests and acyclic orientations in the square lattice" doc

Báo cáo toán học: "Improved bounds for the number of forests and acyclic orientations in the square lattice" doc

... given in Fig Then the following lemma is clear, since from the knowledge of σ(B) we can update the number of components in the union B ∪ C In the example in Fig we have r(B) = 26, r(C) = and δ(B, ... corresponds to the edge set of a spanning forest of Lkp+1 i=0 The reason is the following Suppose there is a cycle C in B, then it would intersect some of the subgraphs Bi The cycle C cannot be inside ... ≤ n ≤ The values are shown in Table The values for f (7) and α(7) can be used to improve the upper bound given in [7] by using Theorem 6.1 and Theorem 5.4 from the same paper, obtaining the bounds...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 07:21

18 337 0
Báo cáo y học: "4th meeting of the EU research network EUROME: From the identification of genes and cellular networks in murine models of arthritis to novel therapeutic intervention strategies in rheumatoid arthritis, London, UK, 9 March 2004" pot

Báo cáo y học: "4th meeting of the EU research network EUROME: From the identification of genes and cellular networks in murine models of arthritis to novel therapeutic intervention strategies in rheumatoid arthritis, London, UK, 9 March 2004" pot

... cells in the Tg197 hTNF+/– model) that suffice for the induction of arthritis In contrast, in all cases examined, the indispensable receptor for the arthritic process is TNF-R1 in recipient mice The ... the autoimmune process On the basis of the previous finding of a differential impact of Th1 and Th2 cells on the function of bone marrow-derived DCs (BMDCs), transcriptional changes induced in ... be involved in the regulation of Th cell polarization and the shaping of the immune response Dr Harald Illges (Biotechnology Institute Thurgau, Switzerland) described studies on the K/BxN murine...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 01:23

4 289 0
Báo cáo khoa học: " Neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy in the treatment of fixed and semi-fixed rectal tumors. Analysis of results and prognostic factors" pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: " Neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy in the treatment of fixed and semi-fixed rectal tumors. Analysis of results and prognostic factors" pptx

... according to the actuarial method of Kaplan and Meier [24] The calculation of OS, DFS and LC was performed from the date of diagnosis to the date of the event Survival was measured from the date of ... sphincter-sparing surgery is nowadays the main subject of controversy One of the most important controversies is whether the degree of downstaging warrants this type of surgery [1] Results of the ... treatment was temporarily interrupted The decision of performing this weekly CT schedule instead of during the first and last week of RT course had the objective of maximize the radiation effect Adjuvant...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 10:20

10 382 0
báo cáo khoa học: "Feedback GAP: study protocol for a clusterrandomized trial of goal setting and action plans to increase the effectiveness of audit and feedback interventions in primary care" pdf

báo cáo khoa học: "Feedback GAP: study protocol for a clusterrandomized trial of goal setting and action plans to increase the effectiveness of audit and feedback interventions in primary care" pdf

... review of the use of theory in the design of guideline dissemination and implementation strategies and interpretation of the results of rigorous evaluations Implement Sci 2010, 5:14 Dawson L, Zarin ... using EMR at all In addition, many of the clinics are involved in other quality improvement interventions Thus, these clinics may be more innovative and may also be achieving a higher level of ... tested in the trial Page of 10 Acknowledgements We would like to thank the physicians participating to date in EMRALD Funding for the study includes: The development and testing of the intervention...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 10:23

10 597 0
báo cáo khoa học: "Randomised controlled trial of tailored interventions to improve the management of anxiety and depressive disorders in primary care" pdf

báo cáo khoa học: "Randomised controlled trial of tailored interventions to improve the management of anxiety and depressive disorders in primary care" pdf

... the intervention group We evaluate the experiences of GPs in the intervention group, the GP Page of visitors and the experts with the tailoring process, the implemented changes in practice, and ... from the contacts between the GP and the interviewer Data about the experiences of participants in the tailoring process, the implemented changes in practice, and their ideas about influencing ... to the design of the study and coauthored the article BT contributed to the design of the study, participated in the training of GPs, and coauthored this article CM contributed to the design of...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 11:20

8 376 0
Báo cáo y học: " The impact of ADHD and conduct disorder in childhood on adult delinquency: A 30 years follow-up study using official crime records" potx

Báo cáo y học: " The impact of ADHD and conduct disorder in childhood on adult delinquency: A 30 years follow-up study using official crime records" potx

... behaviour in adolescence During the last decades, there has been a growing interest in the interplay between internalizing and externalizing problems, but there have been no clear findings about the ... and Inger Helene Vandvik for their participation in recoding hospital records and for their crucial role in initiating and supporting the accomplishment of the study Author details Division of ... entry into the register was recorded, together with a description of the offences committed The offences were classified into violent offences (all offences involving interpersonal aggression and...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 15:22

10 482 0
báo cáo khoa học: " Exploring ethical considerations for the use of biological and physiological markers in population-based surveys in less developed countries" docx

báo cáo khoa học: " Exploring ethical considerations for the use of biological and physiological markers in population-based surveys in less developed countries" docx

... Reporting Results The reporting of findings of individual biological and physical measurements to survey participants is determined, in part, by the nature of the parameter and the clinical meaning ... subjects and workers in survey, obtaining appropriate informed consent, confidentiality of information collected in the survey, the reporting of findings of the health examination to the participant, ... reporting of test results by reporting three categories: standard reporting, routine referral, and urgent referral The social meanings of a report of findings in a particular country context may influence...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 18:20

7 384 0