... expand on the SEEA to develop the System for Integrated Environmental and 10 Economic Accounting for the Fisheries (SEEAF) objectives: • • • • The SEEAF has several major Clarify the SNA and ... States) The handbook has been presented in several international workshops in the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific and in Southern Africa and has benefited from the advice ... result in the loss, or reduction, of the economic value of the goods and services provided by the aquatic ecosystems and a loss of biodiversity and genetic resources The main reason for the failure...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 21:20
... years the ABS has been pursuing the challenge of developing elements of environmental accounting as an integrated information system for Australia that links environmental and resource issues to the ... development) and so they were not included in the estimation for the coefficient The coefficient was determined for the business needs of the offices that run the property operators and developers ... physical accounting has arisen from the desire to assess the sustainability of economic activities and their interaction on the depletion and degradation of natural resources Environmental accounting...
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 10:20
Mitigating China’s Water Scarcity And Pollution: Environmental And Economic Accounting, Modelling And Pholicy Analysis
... Taxation State Council of the Chinese Government System of Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounts System of Environmental and Economic Accounting for Water State Environmental Protection ... challenges On the one hand, increasing water scarcity and pollution severely threaten economic development, food security and poverty reduction On the other hand, the rising water demand and the waste ... On the other hand, the rising water demand and the water emissions due to rapid economic development and urbanization are likely to increase the water deficit, environmental deterioration and...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2016, 15:29
The table below shows social and economic indicators for four countries in 1994
Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 10:02
... and Nuţă, Ienciu, Cenuşă, which present the environmental accounting as an system composed of three parts: the reporting, the management and the environmental audit Environmental management accounting ... The concept of environmental audit occurred in the USA at the beginning of the ’80 for evaluating ecological performances of some units in the oil field and chemical industry So as to avoid the ... social accounting In this period, the concepts of sustainability and environmental audit begin to interest the users There were a number of books and articles that dealt with the environmental accounting, ...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 14:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "An Online System for Corpus Management and Analysis in Support of Computing in the Humanities" pot
... Manager is the core of the desktop It allows to upload and download documents as well as sharing them with other users and groups It follows the look and feel of the Windows Explorer Documents and repositories ... to perform PoS tagging and has permission to read the document to be tagged The next step is to fetch the document from the Storage Handler as input to the PoS Tagger application module The tagger ... is handed over to the Storage Handler which decides how to store the resource Since the output of the tagger is a XML document it is stored as a XML Database Finally the information about the...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 20:20
brown - world on the edge; how to prevent environmental and economic collapse (2011)
... happening to them and their country The most intense heat in Russia's 130 years of record-keeping was taking a heavy economic toll The loss of standing forests and the projected cost of their restoration ... dust bowls are forming One is in the Asian heartland in northern and western China, western Mongolia, and central Asia The other is in central Africa in the Sahel the savannah-like ecosystem that ... sparse, and in many areas it is almost wholly absent Yet at one time, here lay the core, the heartland, the oldest urban, literate civilization in the world." For the Mayans, it was deforestation and...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2014, 19:05
Rice Land Designation Policy in Vietnam and the Implications of Policy Reform for Food Security and Economic Welfare
... However, the law also stipulates the formulation and enforcement of regular land use plans by different levels of government These plans explicitly specify the areas for rice land and for other crops ... suitability of the plot for other crops, and a number of other reasons The values reported for in Table for each of the first five regions are the proportions of rice land area for which farmers ... Second, there are many factors which may affect the land rental price These include land quality, the availability of irrigation, the distance between the land and residential areas, the relationship...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2015, 19:23
Accounting students’ need for important generic and technical accounting skills in university education and as accountants in the workplace
... to the standards demanded by their professional roles This has prompted reviews of the accounting courses offered in various countries (for example, the US, Australia, the UK and New Zealand), ... this area, so they can face challenges in their studies and their work in the future It is necessary to further explore the need for important generic and technical accounting skills and specific ... for problem solving skills to be incorporated into degree courses for accounting students On the other hand, Paisey and Paisey (2010) found that the accounting students themselves felt that the...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2016, 13:42
Climate change as environmental and economic hazard - phần 1.1
... communication, the author contemplates these actors’ framing strategies in ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS connection with the crises above and the way these are affected by the media, using the case study of the ... weighing the full gamut of risks, costs and benefits of handling these hazards using a multicriteria and systems approach towards the setting of policy priorities and resource sharing In addition to and ... risk management systems built into the corporate management structures for handling all kinds of risks, from financial to environmental At the macroeconomic level these include the state providing...
Ngày tải lên: 07/10/2012, 15:56
Climate change as environmental and economic hazard - phần 1.2
... insurance for CCA and DRR (e.g Kunreuther, 1996; Kunreuther and Michel-Kerjan, 2007) and insurance under uncertainty (e.g Kunreuther, 1976; Schoemaker and Kunreuther, 1979; Hogarth and Kunreuther, ... and Wandel (2006), vulnerability of the system to a particular hazard is reflective of the system s exposure, sensitivity to the hazard and its resilience to the hazard Adaptive capacity, or the ... reactive and proactive resilience In the former, a society aims to strengthen its status quo by promoting and enforcing the system s present characteristics In the latter, change is integrated...
Ngày tải lên: 07/10/2012, 15:56
Climate change as environmental and economic hazard - phần 1.3
... dissolve and still retain the original function of the organization By enhancing the understanding of how these shadow systems and other institutional factors promote resilience, institutions and ... Geballe and the dedicated graduate students, who all helped to make this endeavour a success And finally, the Forum was made possible by the generous support of the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental ... The Leitner Family Fund, the Yale Council on Latin American and Iberian Studies, the Yale Council on South Asian Studies, the Global Institute on Sustainable Forestry, Yale Forest Forum and the...
Ngày tải lên: 07/10/2012, 15:56
Climate change as environmental and economic hazard - phần 1.4
... to the landfall data Figures 4a and 4b show these data Thus one need not invoke either the vagaries of chance or flawed data to explain the different statistics observed in the basin and for landfall ... the variability in landfalls 3.2 Landfall rates and proportion Table shows for three different periods – 1900 – 2008, 1951–2008 and 1979–2008 – the frequency of annual landfalls in the first and ... August for the current hurricane season, and in each case predicting landfall numbers to be above average For these three years the number of landfalls was well below the historical mean in 2006 and...
Ngày tải lên: 07/10/2012, 15:57
Climate change as environmental and economic hazard - phần 1.5
... hurricane landfalls and their impacts will be those who best match their decisions to what can and cannot be known about the uncertain future And such wisdom starts with understanding the historical ... historical record and why the scientific community cannot produce skilful forecasts of future landfalls and damage for the foreseeable future Acknowledgements Useful comments and suggestions were ... change risks, and discusses the analytical underpinnings of its recommendations The focus is on the two main recommendations of the report: the target for 2050, discussed in Section 2, and the first...
Ngày tải lên: 07/10/2012, 15:57
Climate change as environmental and economic hazard - phần 2.1
... objective and make an adequate early contribution to the 2050 target; and (3) the need for budgets that are ambitious but technically and economically feasible The distinction between an interim and ... technologies on the functioning of the electricity market There is also the question of how to tackle airline emissions and bring international aviation and shipping into the carbon budgeting system The ... the moment, for example ‘more radical new technology deployment and more significant lifestyle adjustments’ fuel poverty, the fiscal balance and for the devolved administrations It found that they...
Ngày tải lên: 07/10/2012, 15:57
Climate change as environmental and economic hazard - phần 2.2
... for several decades because of the lag in response time of the climate system caused, among others, by the past emissions that persist in the atmosphere for a very long time This highlights the ... as the location, age and type of buildings or land use The vulnerability component of the model quantifies the impact of the natural hazard on the properties at risk, which may be done by the ... in 1953 the Dutch built their famous Deltaworks; a series of dams, sluices, dikes and storm surge barriers constructed between 1958 and 1997 in the south-west of the Netherlands (Aerts and Botzen,...
Ngày tải lên: 07/10/2012, 15:57
Climate change as environmental and economic hazard - phần 2.3
... assessment for the Netherlands Natural Hazards, forthcoming Botzen, W J W., Bouwer, L M and van den Bergh, J C J M., 2009b Climate change and hailstorm damage: empirical evidence and implications for ... caused by climate change, for example, because of soil erosion and landslides resulting from more frequent and severe rains and floods The surface mass balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet may turn ... availability and use Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 9(2) 289 –301 Dlugolecki, A F., 2000 Climate change and the insurance industry The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance – Issues and Practice,...
Ngày tải lên: 07/10/2012, 15:57
Climate change as environmental and economic hazard - phần 2.4
... situation and when they did, they stressed the underlying risk for the whole ecosystem (emphasizing the need for swift action) However, in contrast to the government, they mentioned the desperate ... wetlands which perform essential hydrological, biological and chemical functions and which support and maintain the productivity and health of the river systems A number of the Basin wetlands ... actor groups the handling of the crisis with acute operational measures On the other hand, acknowledging the link implied the need for long-term system changes In relation to this, the government...
Ngày tải lên: 07/10/2012, 15:57
Climate change as environmental and economic hazard - phần 2.5
... the fact that Minister Penny Wong was the minister for climate change and water The Coorong Wetlands are one of the most important wetlands in Australia The wetland consists of ocean beach, the ... is separated from the Southern Ocean by a narrow sand dune peninsula Lakes Alexandrina and Albert form the mouth of the Murray River and are comprised of fresh to saline waters The Coorong’s fragile ... how other actors ought to frame the crisis One example was when the scientists urged the political actors to stop arguing over the link between the drought and climate change for fear that the...
Ngày tải lên: 07/10/2012, 15:57
Tài liệu Security+: The Foundation for Solid Network and Information Security pdf
... sales, and efficiency These intangibles have been the driving force to make the technology revolution the most important revolution during the existence of man Along with the social and economic ... have to learn the safe practices for their computers, their business networks, and the Internet The security basics of “what to do” and “what not to do” become the front-line defense for most businesses ... should it be treated that way The technologies and topics introduced throughout the course are the absolute foundations for all of the other disciplines mentioned above The beauty of this certification...
Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 06:18