the state university of tuebingen

state university of new york press after lacan clinical practice and the subject of the unconscious oct 2002

state university of new york press after lacan clinical practice and the subject of the unconscious oct 2002

... the object of the desire of the Other, as well as the quest for the credible word of love that would quiet the jouissance of the Other, con- stitute the pathos of this subjective structure. The ... repair the inadequacy of the father—a role the pervert may feel privileged to play. Also, for the hysteric, the insufficiency of the signifier of the Father’s desire for the mother means that the ... to the abuse of the Other.This exposure to being used as the object of the Other, we learn, results from a failure of the paternal function to establish the law of the signifier, the law of universal...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:44

208 408 0
state university of new york press heideggers neglect of the body sep 2009

state university of new york press heideggers neglect of the body sep 2009

... opti- mism either, of course; for the darkening of the world, the fl ight of the gods, the destruction of the earth, the reduc- tion of human beings into a mass, the hatred and mistrust of everything ... body.” 7 While acknowledging the merits of these criticisms, the goal of this book is to address the question of why Heidegger may have bypassed an analysis of the body in the fi rst place and where ... “radical” beginning is the manner of being of the res cogitans, more precisely, the meaning of being of the “sum.” (BT, 46) Heidegger attempts to retrieve the forgotten question of being by investigating...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:44

195 531 0
state university of new york press kant on causation on the fivefold routes to the principle of causation dec 2003

state university of new york press kant on causation on the fivefold routes to the principle of causation dec 2003

... on the results of demonstrations can be found in a number of places. See for example the Abstract of the Treatise, 650, The beginning of Section IV of the Enquiry, the end of Section IV of the ... beyond) the concept of the subject. Whether or not the concept of the predicate is rightly applied to the concept of the subject cannot be determined by simply examining the content of either or ... that restrict the use of the analogies to experience, but it also reveals the source of the second relation. For the use of the schema in the analogies allows the three relations of items in sensible...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:44

191 564 0
state university of new york press the gathering of reason may 2005

state university of new york press the gathering of reason may 2005

... that of the soul, of the world, or of God, the actual gathering of the manifold falls short of the unity of the idea. Only in relation to this result does inversion come into view and open the ... openness. 8 THE GATHERING OF REASON It is, then, a matter of reflecting the Kantian problem of reason back into the original issue of ␭ó␥o␵ as gathering, of uncovering those traces of the original ... possibility that the giving may proceed from the side of the subject or from the side of the object. In the first case the subject would give itself the object; in the other case the object would give...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:44

217 683 0
state university of new york press aristotle on false reasoning language and the world in the sophistical refutations mar 2003

state university of new york press aristotle on false reasoning language and the world in the sophistical refutations mar 2003

... The Power of Names 17 priority between the activity of naming and that of being that help set up the S.E. 1 disanalogy. The limited number of names reflects the linguistic priority of their ... interpreters by the fourth century that the citation of the opening words was sufficient to communicate the entire problem. 30 Chapter 1 The Power of Names One of the primary sources of sophistical ... day, as the questioner and the answerer. The questioner was the person attempting to refute the answerer. 11 Contents xi List of Abbreviations The following are used to refer to the works of Aristotle: Cael....

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:45

265 804 0
state university of new york press the end of comparative philosophy and the task of comparative thinking heidegger derrida and daoism sep 2009

state university of new york press the end of comparative philosophy and the task of comparative thinking heidegger derrida and daoism sep 2009

... The experience of “Otherness” has pervaded the Self, which thereby becomes aware of the original unity of the Self and the Other, a unity which could be conceived 32 | The End of Comparative ... erent from the Other. The Auseinandersetzung is an encounter of the Self and the Other, and we must learn to let go of the assertively polemic connotations which often accompany the word “confrontation,” ... denominator. The same, by contrast, is the belonging together of what diff ers, through a gathering by way of the diff erence. We can only say the same” if we think diff erence. 48 Heidegger and the Other...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:45

241 565 0
state university of new york press the gods and technology a reading of heidegger jan 2006

state university of new york press the gods and technology a reading of heidegger jan 2006

... sense, then, they begin the war; they take the first step, and they are the source of all the motion which is the war. But in another sense, they take direction from their en- emies, and their ... merely undergoes the action of the other, the agent; it is the patient, that which suffers or undergoes the activity of the agent. The matter does not impose the form of a chalice onto itself. The matter ... forms of tech- nology, two theories of the essence of beings in general, namely, ancient technology and modern technology. The history of these theories, the gradual supplanting of the first by the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:45

258 703 0
state university of new york press the meaning of the dream in psychoanalysis apr 2002

state university of new york press the meaning of the dream in psychoanalysis apr 2002

... itself (e.g., the number 7, the concept of motherhood, or specifically of one’s mother) and the state of having the content, possessing the idea; for example, between the idea of mother and a fantasy ... hypothesis, Freud took the psychoanalytic study of neurosis out of the world of science into the world of the humanities, because a meaning is not the product of causes but the creation of a ... me the observer. This is the meaning to the observer. In the one, the content is determined in terms of the subject’s psychic context, and in the other in terms of the psychic context of the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:45

243 539 0
state university of new york press the perils and promise of global transparency why the information revolution may not lead to security democracy or peace oct 2006

state university of new york press the perils and promise of global transparency why the information revolution may not lead to security democracy or peace oct 2006

... Brother” instead of the other way around, unleashing “a virus of freedom for which there is no antidote” that will be “spread by electronic networks to the four corners of the earth.” 67 The ... understanding of whether the military strength of other states constitutes a threat. 22 Better information about other states’ intentions and preferences would allow decision makers to not always assume the ... transparency affects the lives of citizens around the globe. It affects the fundamental security of societies by influencing the likelihood of war and peace and influences the success of cooperative efforts...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:45

210 434 0
state university of new york press the philosophers voice philosophy politics and language in the nineteenth century oct 2002

state university of new york press the philosophers voice philosophy politics and language in the nineteenth century oct 2002

... need to account for the origin of their own process of thinking— leads them to be acutely aware of the use and abuse of rhetoric in philosophy. Moreover, their recognition of the historical and ... Kant, there were further developments of Rousseauian themes. Fichte’s explicit consideration of the problem of the origin of language finds its source in Rousseau’s Discourse on the Origin of Inequality. ... within the state both the sover- eign whom Hegel eventually leaves blithely dotting the “i’s” of state policy and the rabble and women who are excluded from state education. The fur- ther problem...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:45

325 521 0
state university of new york press the twenty-first century confronts its gods globalization technology and war nov 2004

state university of new york press the twenty-first century confronts its gods globalization technology and war nov 2004

... Augustus.” On the reverse side of the coin was an image of the emperor’s mother seated on the divine throne. The emperor was thus celebrated as the head of the pagan religion and as the divine son of divine ... from the medieval to the modern. Among them are the rise of the cities that eroded the feudal order and the concur- rent rise of national monarchies; the expansion of trade; the dissemination of ... could be described in the language of mathematics. As he put it, the Book of Nature was written in the language of mathematics, not in the language of theology. Thus, the mathematical laws operative...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:45

231 368 0
state university of new york press the unconscious abyss hegels anticipation of psychoanalysis aug 2002

state university of new york press the unconscious abyss hegels anticipation of psychoanalysis aug 2002

... from the divine, the law valid on earth from that of the nether world, the conscious from the unconscious, me- diation from immediacy—and equally returns whence it came. The power of the nether ... from the lair of the unknown and assimilated into the experience of the devout subject. “About the final ground of God one cannot be certain.” And: The final ground of God is Uncertainty.” In the ... for the universal. (PS Đ 450) The family is the locus of identification and the determinant stimulus for the in- ternalization of value the Ideal. As a result, it becomes the matrix affecting the 4...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:45

282 499 0
state university of new york press adorno the recovery of experience oct 2007

state university of new york press adorno the recovery of experience oct 2007

... as the decay of the indi- vidual—its “passing away” as the transition of history into nature. The suffer- ing of the individual gives the lie to the teleology of the self-realizing absolute. THE ... retrace the steps of the extinguishing of contextual meaning that makes the object accessible in the terms of static classification. Hence the sedimented history in the object is the history of what ... self-con- sciousness. The essential feature of the form of composition in question is spiritual experience. The point is to use the power of the subject to exca- vate the hidden dependence of the concept...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:47

248 298 0
state university of new york press karl popper and the social sciences feb 2006

state university of new york press karl popper and the social sciences feb 2006

... fundamentally, the natural and the social sciences both involve proposing hypotheses and testing them against empirical evidence— the bolder the hypotheses, the better .The most daring of such hypotheses, ... a conspiracy theory of society—for instance, they hold that the impoverishment of the working class is the 14 KARL POPPER AND THE SOCIAL SCIENCES despite the logical invalidity of induction, ... analysis. In the wake of the publication came a 1998 double-volume issue of Philosophy of the Social Sciences, the flagship journal of the field, devoted to situational analysis. A number of books...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:47

151 2K 0
state university of new york press the origins of om manipadme hum a study of the karandavyuha sutra jul 2002

state university of new york press the origins of om manipadme hum a study of the karandavyuha sutra jul 2002

... that record the many different epithets of the god. For example: . . . the creator of the universe, the sustainer of the universe, the eternal puru˚a, the stable one, the presiding deity of Dharma ... it is the last prayer of the dying and the hope of the living. It is the eternal melody of Tibet, which the faithful hears in the murmuring of brooks, in the thundering of waterfalls and in the ... renders the term vy£ha as the “magnificent display” of the wondrous qualities of the land of Sukhåvatƒ. 6 This meaning might easily be attached to the use of the term in the titles of other Mahåyåna...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:47

233 317 0