the space cn euclidean spaces

Tài liệu Đề tài " The space of embedded minimal surfaces of fixed genus in a 3-manifold III; Planar domains " doc

Tài liệu Đề tài " The space of embedded minimal surfaces of fixed genus in a 3-manifold III; Planar domains " doc

... this, we see that the proof of Theorem 0.3 will also give (if ∈ Σ, then Σ0,t denotes the component of Bt ∩ Σ containing 0): Theorem 0.5 Given C, there exist C2 , C3 > 1, so that the following holds: ... Σ\Br0 then Area(Σ0,r0 ) ≤ C3 r0 The examples constructed in [CM13] show that the quadratic curvature bound (0.6) is necessary to get the area bound in Theorem 0.5 In [CM5] a strengthening of Theorem ... stable surface the desired multi-valued graph (The existence of the curves σ1 , γ1 , γ2 will be established in the next section.) First we need two lemmas The first of these is the following:...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 17:20

51 463 0
Đề tài " Axiom A maps are dense in the space of unimodal maps in the Ck topology " doc

Đề tài " Axiom A maps are dense in the space of unimodal maps in the Ck topology " doc

... component of the domain B Then the ratio |Akl +1 | |Akl | tends to exponentially fast, where |Ak | is the length of the real trace of the domain Ak Here the real trace of the domain is just the intersection ... enough) and because of the choice of T0 the interval f (T1 ) is much larger than the part of the interval T1 which is on the other side of the critical value Therefore, the pullback f −n(x) (Dφ ... of the rigidity theorem The homeomorphism H is normalized in the same way as hλ , so that by the measurable Riemann mapping theorem these homeomorphisms coincide From the very definition of the...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 23:20

44 413 0
Đề tài " The space of embedded minimal surfaces of fixed genus in a 3-manifold I; Estimates off the axis for disks " doc

Đề tài " The space of embedded minimal surfaces of fixed genus in a 3-manifold I; Estimates off the axis for disks " doc

... ∩ Σj → K ∩ F in the sense of graphs One half of Σ The other half S Figure 3: Theorem 0.2 — the singular set, S, and the two multi-valued graphs Theorem 0.2 (like many of the other results discussed ... completes the proof Many variations of Theorem I.0.8 hold with almost the same proof One of these is given in the following theorem: Theorem III.2.4 There exist d1 ≥ and d2 ≤ so that the following ... parallel planes The singular set S (the axis) then consists of removable singularities Before we proceed, let us briefly describe the strategy of the proof of Theorem 0.2 The proof has the following...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 22:20

43 410 0
The space invaders

The space invaders

Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2014, 16:20

34 221 0
On the Trail of the Space Pirates docx

On the Trail of the Space Pirates docx

... the hatch behind them, they waited until the pressure was built up again to equal that of the ship, and then they removed their helmets and space suits Leaving the air lock and walking down the ... instead The briefing was interrupted by the automatic warning beep from the tele-scanner informing them that they had passed the outer beacon on the approach to the municipal spaceport on the Moon The ... knew the train would rocket through a tunnel and then on the other side, in the center of a deep, wide valley, he would see Space Academy, the university of the planets and headquarters of the...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 00:20

147 398 0
scientific american   -  1996 06  -  the space station

scientific american - 1996 06 - the space station

... pattern,” they said ing through the War Room He will become the apotheosis of Our conference took several hours; by the time it was done, the stereotype, the archetype of the scientist run amok the ... to the rest of the Web lie more in the realm of databases than of prose The task of determining what consequences the directive will have lies in the hands of the EU’s members They must give the ... hairdresser and thereby gaining easy access to their wives.) Another generation later the yellow-stripes have become the most populous morph This change at the top, however, reopens the door for the now...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 15:08

86 419 0
classical microlocal analysis in the space of hyperfunctions

classical microlocal analysis in the space of hyperfunctions

... roles So we need the corresponding spaces to the Schwartz spaces S INTROD UCTION a n d s ~ F o r e E R w e p u t We introduce the topology to S~ in a standard way T h e n the dual space ge I of ... ~, respectively These spaces play a key role in our calculus The spaces S_~ and S~~ ( ~ > 0) include the space A' of analytic functionals We shall define the supports and the restrictions of functions ... in the framework of C °O and distributions Chapter Hyperfunctions In this chapter we shall introduce the function spaces S~ and S~' corresponding to the Schwartz spaces and ~, respectively These...

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 08:02

372 223 0
northwestern university press husserl heidegger and the space of meaning paths toward trancendental phenomenology apr 2001

northwestern university press husserl heidegger and the space of meaning paths toward trancendental phenomenology apr 2001

... the specific theme of philosophy from that of the empirical sciences of nature or the historical sciences In the tradition that informs the approach taken in the present volume, the space of meaning ... “concerns traditionally excluded from philosophy,” one emphasizes the attempt to clear a space for them in the discourse of the academy, then the very same passages will read differently, and one will ... be—that the transcendental project is part of Heidegger’s thinking from the 1912 essays to the publication of Being and Time in 1927, then it doesn’t matter whether the transcendental Ansätze in the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:54

342 1K 0
the mit press conceptual spaces the geometry of thought mar 2000

the mit press conceptual spaces the geometry of thought mar 2000

... Chapter presents the basic theory of conceptual spaces and, in a rather informal manner, some of the underlying mathematical notions In chapter 2, representations in conceptual spaces are contrasted ... determine the number of dimensions in the underlying phenomenal space and the scaling of the space The goal is to obtain as high a correlation as possible between the similarity judgments of the subjects ... the empirical potency of the theory Conceptual spaces are static in the sense that they only describe the structure of representations A full model of cognitive mechanisms not only includes the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:58

398 224 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Nonlocal conditions for differential inclusions in the space of functions of bounded variations" ppt

báo cáo hóa học: " Nonlocal conditions for differential inclusions in the space of functions of bounded variations" ppt

... on the multifunction F, which is usually the case in the literature We refer the interested reader to the nice collection of papers in [17] and the references therein Theorem Assume that the ... supϕ∈F V(ϕ, I) ¯ In the next theorem we shall denote by U and ∂U the closure and the boundary of a set U Theorem ([[16], Theorem 3.4, p 34]) Let U be an open subset of a Banach space Z ¯ ¯ with ... alternative (b) in Theorem cannot hold due to (3) and the choice of Ω By Theorem the inclusion x ∈ Ax + Bx, has at least one solution in BV(I, X) This completes the proof of the theorem T For our...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 02:20

10 372 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article The Methods of Hilbert Spaces and Structure of the Fixed-Point Set of Lipschitzian Mapping" docx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article The Methods of Hilbert Spaces and Structure of the Fixed-Point Set of Lipschitzian Mapping" docx

... convex subset of l2 The validity of Lifshitz’s Theorem in a Hilbert space for remains open A more general approach was proposed by the present author using the methods of Hilbert spaces, asymptotic ... 2, 2.2 k then T has a fixed point in C This result generalizes Lifshitz’s Theorem in case of a Hilbert space and shows that the theorem admits certain perturbations in the behavior of the norm ... and using the continuity of δH , we conclude that 1 − δH ε0 R0 This contradiction proves the continuity of mapping A < 2.20 Fixed Point Theory and Applications The Methods of Hilbert Spaces Let...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 20:20

12 394 0
Equations of motion in the state and confiruration spaces pptx

Equations of motion in the state and confiruration spaces pptx

... m-dimensional space This space is usually referred to as the state space, because each point of this space corresponds to a given state of the system Remark A.3 The configuration space is a subspace of the ... not time-invariant The former is the free response of the system, the latter the response to the forcing function Consider the equation of motion written in the configuration space (A.2) As already ... pseudocoordinates The state space equation, made up of the six dynamic and the six kinematic equations, is then equation (A.101), simplified because in the present case neither the potential energy nor the...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 19:20

165 390 0
Báo cáo toán học: "The Weak Topology on the Space of Probability Capacities in Rd" pot

Báo cáo toán học: "The Weak Topology on the Space of Probability Capacities in Rd" pot

... max{−f (x), 0} (2.5) The Weak Topology on the Space of Probability Capacities in Rd 243 The Weak Topology on the Space of Probabilitiy Capacities Let B be a family of sets of the form B = {U(T ; ... and Le Xuan Son 248 and the proposition is proved ˜ The proof of the theorem is finished Thus, since C equipped with the weak topology is a metric space, we can define the notion of weak convergence ... (3.4) ˜ Let C denotes the space of all probability capacities in Rd equipped with the weak topology In this section we show that ˜ Theorem 3.2 C is separable and metrizable The Theorem will be proved...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 05:20

11 276 0
Báo cáo toán học: "Explicit Ramsey graphs and Erd˝s distance problems o over finite Euclidean and non-Euclidean spaces" ppt

Báo cáo toán học: "Explicit Ramsey graphs and Erd˝s distance problems o over finite Euclidean and non-Euclidean spaces" ppt

... of the Erd˝s distance problem in nono Euclidean spaces In order to make this paper concise, we will only consider the Erd˝s o distance problem in the finite non -Euclidean plane (or so-called the ... of the graph then |λ| 2q m 2.2 Finite non -Euclidean Graphs In order to keep this paper concise, we will restrict our discussion to the finite nonEuclidean graphs obtained from the action of the ... , At denotes the transpose of A and S is the matrix of the associated bilinear form of Q2m+1 Note that for m = then we have the finite analogue Hq of the upper half plane We define the graph Hq...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 15:22

18 252 0
Báo cáo toán học: "Using Lov´sz Local Lemma in the space of a random injections" pptx

Báo cáo toán học: "Using Lov´sz Local Lemma in the space of a random injections" pptx

... with every (i2 , j) The maximum degree in this graph is t − = o(n1/2 ) With the choice xij = 2/n these events satisfy (3) in the graph G, and therefore the graph G according to Theorem is a negative ... = (S, T , f ) then πρ (AS,T,f ) = AS,T ,f We establish a sufficient condition for negative dependency graphs for the space of random injections by showing the following theorem Theorem Let A1 ... from Lemma 4, this is the only result in the paper not using Theorem 1.) We say that the events A1 , A2 , , An are symmetric, if the probability of any boolean expression of these sets not change,...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 15:23

13 209 0