the social emotional aspects of pediatric practice

Nelson essentials of pediatrics , 7th edition

Nelson essentials of pediatrics , 7th edition

... led to the erosion of respect for the medical profession The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the American Board of Pediatrics (ABP), the American Board of Internal Medicine, the LCME, the ... recognition of a physician’s responsibility to put the interest of others ahead of self-interest The core of professionalism is embedded in the daily healing work of the physician and encompassed in the ... in Pediatrics Professor Department of Pediatrics Boston University School of Medicine Boston, Massachusetts The Profession of Pediatrics Paola A Palma Sisto, MD Associate Professor Department of...

Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2014, 19:08

779 4,6K 7
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the National Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) Programme on Infant HIV measured at Six Weeks Postpartum in South Africa pot

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the National Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) Programme on Infant HIV measured at Six Weeks Postpartum in South Africa pot

... Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the National Evaluation of the Effectiveness ofTransmission Prevention of Mother-to-Child the National Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission ... age of mother (range) Infant gender Education of mother Marital status of mother Main building material of house Main source of drinking water Type of toilet Main source of fuel Depletion of food ... breastfeeding The term is used because the immediate source of the infection is the mother, and does not imply blame on the mother MTCT rate Defined for this survey as a numerator of HIV-positive...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 05:20

80 416 0
báo cáo hóa học: " A psychometric evaluation of the PedsQL™ Family Impact Module in parents of children with sickle cell disease" pptx

báo cáo hóa học: " A psychometric evaluation of the PedsQL™ Family Impact Module in parents of children with sickle cell disease" pptx

... functioning, social functioning, and school functioning The total score is comprised of the average of all items in the questionnaire The psychosocial summary score is comprised of the average of the ... items in the emotional, social, and school functioning scales The physical health summary score is comprised of the average of items in the physical functioning scale and is the same score as the ... average of the responses to all items in the questionnaire The parent HRQL summary score is determined by averaging the responses to the 20 items that make up the physical, emotional, social and...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 18:20

11 552 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Development and validation of the WEll-being and Satisfaction of CAREgivers of Children with Diabetes Questionnaire (WE-CARE)" potx

báo cáo hóa học: " Development and validation of the WEll-being and Satisfaction of CAREgivers of Children with Diabetes Questionnaire (WE-CARE)" potx

... However, there has been a dearth of studies to quantitatively assess either the well-being of parents of children with type diabetes or their satisfaction with their child's diabetes regimen The paucity ... parents and their children were included in the study Approximately 90% of the parents/ caregivers were female, usually mothers, with a mean age of 37.1 years (Table 1) The majority of the subjects ... elements, and the other three cover various aspects of insulin treatment While related, these three factors measure different aspects of insulin treatment The distinct factor structure of WE-CARE...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20

9 478 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Development and preliminary evaluation of the participation in life activities scale for children and adolescents with asthma: an instrument development study" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Development and preliminary evaluation of the participation in life activities scale for children and adolescents with asthma: an instrument development study" pptx

... support for the qualitatively-derived theoretical underpinnings of the instrument The PLA contributes to the advancement of science by offering a tool to measure what is hypothesized to be the primary ... participation The amount of complete limitation from engaging in desired activities due to the condition Review of quality of life measures and domains of activity limitations The newly developed PLA offers ... measure more global constructs of quality of life Items contained in some of the instruments addressed domains of activity limitation The Pediatric Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire (PAQLQ)...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20

11 628 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Development and validation of the WEll-being and Satisfaction of CAREgivers of Children with Diabetes Questionnaire (WE-CARE)" pptx

báo cáo hóa học:" Development and validation of the WEll-being and Satisfaction of CAREgivers of Children with Diabetes Questionnaire (WE-CARE)" pptx

... However, there has been a dearth of studies to quantitatively assess either the well-being of parents of children with type diabetes or their satisfaction with their child's diabetes regimen The paucity ... parents and their children were included in the study Approximately 90% of the parents/ caregivers were female, usually mothers, with a mean age of 37.1 years (Table 1) The majority of the subjects ... elements, and the other three cover various aspects of insulin treatment While related, these three factors measure different aspects of insulin treatment The distinct factor structure of WE-CARE...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 16:20

9 402 0
An evaluation of the application of phonics software in an english course for children at thinh quang primary school

An evaluation of the application of phonics software in an english course for children at thinh quang primary school

... they are the character and then the typical actions of that character in the lesson Role – play: Children play the role of the character and sound like the character or act out the scene of the ... would bring them positive beliefs on the use of information technology in their class and school Finally, the study then informs to the designers of the children‟s perception of their software Accordingly, ... at the demographics of the population accessed in the course of gather data for the research It ends up with the implications based on the result findings 4.1 Result findings The purpose of this...

Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2016, 18:17

62 569 0
Báo cáo y học: "Evaluation of the Prevalence of Concomitant Idiopathic Cyclic Edema and Cellulit"

Báo cáo y học: "Evaluation of the Prevalence of Concomitant Idiopathic Cyclic Edema and Cellulit"

... early in the morning and swelling of the legs at the end of the day Participants were asked to weigh themselves using the same weighing scales at around a.m and p.m for three consecutive days They ... idea of the high prevalence of edema in the more advanced grades of cellulite The lack of specific clinical and laboratory studies hinders research on cyclic edema and the dissemination of information ... patients and the other (28%) required other types of treatments Aminaphtone was the first drug of choice but when treatment failed ginkgo biloba was prescribed For the patients treated with the ginkgo...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:51

3 463 1
An evaluation of the material “basic english iii” for the second year non- english major students at bac giang teachers’ training college

An evaluation of the material “basic english iii” for the second year non- english major students at bac giang teachers’ training college

... appropriateness of the material to the aims of the course, the author has based upon the analysis of the syllabus objectives and that of the material 3.1.1 Syllabus objectives analysis The course ... Results 3.2.1 The Suitability of the Material to the Aims of the Course 31 Results from teachers’ questionnaire (Questions 1-6) about the suitability of the material to the aims of the course are ... of the thesis There are three main parts in this thesis: introduction, development, and conclusion The introduction provides the rationale, the aims, the significance, the scope, and design of...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:50

76 999 7
Construction engineering students' evaluation of the esp programme at vinh university

Construction engineering students' evaluation of the esp programme at vinh university

... widened to include the aspects of a programme and it should be carried out at the end of the courses The aspect of the programme which is chosen to evaluate depends on the purpose of the evaluation ... of the ESP reading texts in the course are useful; 70.7% the learners think that the topics of the ESP reading texts in the course are useful and 13.4% the learners think that the topics of the ... half of the learners (65.2%) find the length of the ESP reading texts in the course suitable while over half of the learners (67.7%) complain about the length of the ESP reading texts in the course...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:54

44 505 0


... such as the port of entry, the names of the importer and exporter, a detailed description of the goods, the quantity of the goods, the value of the goods, the currency, and the country of origin ... France ,etc The major market of the company’s products is North Vietnam The area’s consumption accounted for up to 87% of the total sales of the company in 2011 The Central Vietnam and the others took ... develop their products in the local market At the early stage, the company had the start-up capital of 610 million VND and the labor force of only 12 people Up to present, the capital of the company...

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2013, 09:11

49 894 2
Evaluation of the Innovated Disinfection Process with High Dissolved CO2

Evaluation of the Innovated Disinfection Process with High Dissolved CO2

... uptake the CO2 dissolved in the water because of the existence of the CO2 concentration difference between the inside (low) and outside (high) of the cell When the water was discharged outside the ... point.) To be sure of the effect of SS in raw water, another experiment was conducted with the supernatant from the final settling tank of the WWTP (Ube City, Japan) with the same initial TC ... represent the data range.) CONCLUSION (1) The optimum operational condition of the device is a pressure of 0.3 MPa When a high-dissolved CO2 device is used for the disinfection of the effluent from the...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:15

8 421 0
Evaluation of the Characteristics of Microorganisms that Contribute to Denitrification in the Paddy Drainage Treatment Apparatus by Quinone Composition Measurement

Evaluation of the Characteristics of Microorganisms that Contribute to Denitrification in the Paddy Drainage Treatment Apparatus by Quinone Composition Measurement

... representation of the PCA analysis of DNR The X-axis is the first principal component (PC1) and Y-axis is the second principal component (PC2) The diameters of the circles indicate DNRs The plots ... Outline of the experimental field and the water treatment apparatus - 422 - Journal of Water and Environment Technology, Vol 8, No.4, 2010 Paddy field The characteristics of the paddy field and the ... important indicator of the stabilization of denitrification activity in the water treatment apparatus and will help with the water treatment apparatus improvement Furthermore, the types of quinone related...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:15

7 570 0
Evaluation of the Effects and the Programming of ‘Water Conservation Plan’ (WCP) for Total Water Resources Management in Tokyo

Evaluation of the Effects and the Programming of ‘Water Conservation Plan’ (WCP) for Total Water Resources Management in Tokyo

... Another major factor was the reduction of water use in the factory through the utilization of WWR and water conservation efforts mainly due to their cost consciousness after the introduction of ... proposed the necessity of city-wide recycling system and other measures The fluctuation of water consumption in this period reflects the people’s consideration on the WCP introduced The people ... where the water usage of 700 households was monitored for a period of time to review the consumption pattern However, according to TMG, the amount of reduction is not clear yet but they believe the...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:17

19 593 0
Evaluation of the conversion efficiency of the 180Nm3/h Johansson Biomass Gasifier™

Evaluation of the conversion efficiency of the 180Nm3/h Johansson Biomass Gasifier™

... cracking Figure shows the schematic diagram of the SJBG The SJBG consists of the gas producer, purification unit and the generator The gas producer is an 180Nm3/h gas production unit The purification ... efficiency of the gasifier without looking at the downstream processes and associated components Figure Schematic diagram of the system Johansson Biomass Gasifier Figure shows the photo of the 180Nm3/h ... rate of 2Nm3/h was assumed, which is the gas flow rate in the 180Nm3/h gasifier; and a wood heating value of 17.5MJ/kg was used because it is the average calorific value of the wood used during the...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:10

8 401 0
Reliability evaluation of the auxiliary electrical systems of power stations

Reliability evaluation of the auxiliary electrical systems of power stations

... t o the other material presentedin the paper, we offer the following comments and questions The cost of unreliability is mentioned in the paper but no cost estimateshavebeenassociatedwiththecalculatedreliabilityindices ... units in the station Some of the buses can be supplied from the station common bus or thebuses of other units For this reason, the whole auxiliary electrical system of the stationwill have to be ... performed by varying the R & M characteristics and thus the component indices used and by varying the configuration of the components The ability to assess objectively the impact of both aspects by evaluating...

Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:39

9 333 0