... combined within the regulatory agency giving this agency the exclusive right to apply independently the general competition law to the firms in industries regulated by the agency (2) As in (1) ... powers to the agency applying the law Competency in the sense of making laws is not discussed, although the agencies in charge of conducting policies might play an important role in designing the legal ... as there are reasons for maintaining the agency Only the instruments adopted have to be changed Another advantage of combined competencies is the possibility of synergies Within an agency, information
Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2020, 16:41
... combined within the regulatory agency giving this agency the exclusive right to apply independently the general competition law to the firms in industries regulated by the agency (2) As in (1) ... powers to the agency applying the law Competency in the sense of making laws is not discussed, although the agencies in charge of conducting policies might play an important role in designing the legal ... as there are reasons for maintaining the agency Only the instruments adopted have to be changed Another advantage of combined competencies is the possibility of synergies Within an agency, information
Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2020, 09:33
A New Large-Bodied Oviraptorosaurian Theropod Dinosaur from the Latest Cretaceous of Western North America
... Aguja Dinosaur Park Dinosaur Park Dinosaur Park Dinosaur Park Dinosaur Park Dinosaur Park Dinosaur Park? Dinosaur Park Dinosaur Park Dinosaur Park Dinosaur Park Dinosaur Park Dinosaur Park Dinosaur ... 1147 Formation and the Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary in the Northern Great 74 Lamanna et al., Supporting Information—74 1148 Plains: An Integrated Continental Record of the End of the Cretaceous 1149 ... Supporting Information—75 1171 Johnson, and D J Nichols (eds.), The Hell Creek Formation and the 1172 Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary in the Northern Great Plains: An Integrated 1173 Continental Record
Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2022, 02:56
The golden book picture atlas of the world book 1 north america
... from the northeast As the air blows in off the ocean it strikes the northern and eastern slopes of the mountains The air is forced to rise to get over the mountains As it rises, the air begins to ... fewer than nine out of every 100 persons in the world live in North America North America is still a young But even after so many years, the Indians were still few in number With the coming of Europeans, ... to- gether in narrow mountain valleys, or even on the steep slopes of the mountains themselves Few real roads lead into the heart mountain country Only narwind through the forests and over the
Ngày tải lên: 07/01/2017, 22:37
... plugging of the female epigynum and the loss of the paracymbial process of the male apparently occur invariably during mating These interesting devices appear to prevent further mating by the male, ... dissecting needle This material is obviously deposited during or immediately after insemination Usually imbedded in the material and inserted in the openings of the epigynum are found the two-pronged ... 01-^ NORTH AMERICA 433 Museum (Natural History), was examined and the drawings photographed These colored photographs are deposited in the Museum of Comparative Zoology The names pertaining to the
Ngày tải lên: 13/07/2019, 08:01
... plugging of the female epigynum and the loss of the paracymbial process of the male apparently occur invariably during mating These interesting devices appear to prevent further mating by the male, ... dissecting needle This material is obviously deposited during or immediately after insemination Usually imbedded in the material and inserted in the openings of the epigynum are found the two-pronged ... 01-^ NORTH AMERICA 433 Museum (Natural History), was examined and the drawings photographed These colored photographs are deposited in the Museum of Comparative Zoology The names pertaining to the
Ngày tải lên: 15/07/2019, 19:20
The forts of colonial north america
... discovered America for the benefit of Spain in 1492, King Henry VII of England sponsored another Italian mariner then living in Bristol, John Cabot, on a voyage of discovery in northern latitudes ... mutiny, and he perished in a shipwreck the following month (Print after Beatrice Home’s 1924 Peeps at the History of Canada) was back exploring the North American coast with two ships flying the ... by the Queen in January 1586 There was plenty of shipping in the area at that time Besides corsairs there were also pirates, including the famous Peter Easton who even had a fort built in the
Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2020, 17:11
Supplemental phylogenetic data for A new paravian dinosaur from the Late Jurassic of North America sheds light on avialan phylogeny and supports a late acquisition of avian flight
... previously used in matrices using the Theropod Working Group (TWiG) as their base through 2012 with the exception of Senter (2011) a baraminology paper which was recognized too late in the coding cycle ... 630 In both Turner's and Brusatte's cases, we've used the character numbers from the published versions instead of the theses Characters are for the most part listed in chronological order, then ... preserved specimens It is defined as the greatest distance between the jugal's ventral margin and the dorsal external margin of the orbit This character formulation excludes the composite variables
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2022, 09:47
Moranz_2013_Effects of grassland management practices on ant functional groups in central North America
... belonging to the same functional group If the species within a functional group are similar in their response to disturbance, the greater abundance values obtained from pooling can increase the ... hypothesis for explaining this surprising result is that grazing, by reducing F montana abundance, reduced the negative competitive interactions experienced by generalist ants, increasing their ... and beneath these mounds (Henderson et al 1989) During the winter and early spring, F montana workers remove vegetation growing near the mounds, exposing the bare soil This increases the amount
Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2022, 04:10
fine scale assessment of genetic diversity of trembling aspen in northwestern north america
... group included the remaining 20 populations (ranging from Wisconsin and continuing a northwestwardly fashion into southern and central Alaska) forming the last group These results revealed that there ... southwestern USA, but nothing in Beringia Our study did not find any structuring in northwestern North America The historic dynamics of the populations vary from one species to another In conclusion, future ... zone The purpose of this study was to ascertain whether the origin of trembling aspen in western North America is reflected in the patterns of neutral genetic diversity and population structure In
Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2022, 10:30
Osprey warrior 088 british light infanfryman of the seven years war north america 1757 63
... With the landscape totally unsuitable for cavalry, the British heavy infantry (styled on the Prussian Mastering the terrain Light Infantry training in the rugged Adirondack Mountains under the ... army serving in North America were, henceforth, to be uniform in appearance The following instructions are worth quoting in full: The following order for the dress of the Light Infantry, as approved ... the Regt as the Commanding Officers like best The less they are seen in the Woods the better.’ The final development and standardisation of Light Infantry dress and appearance took place in the
Ngày tải lên: 25/07/2023, 23:50
... confusing to those wanting to use the structure for detennining species The terminal apophysis does not have to be removed for making determinations In N nautica the terminal apophysis is minute ... the overall pattern in Neoscona, especially as the clasping macrosetae not appear until the final molt Another possible hazard in using the tibial macrosetae to separate the species is that the ... South America, N neotheis is West Indian, N pratensis is found in the United States, outside the range of N oaxacensis Of the remaining North American species, Neoscona hentzii (east of the Rocky
Ngày tải lên: 15/07/2019, 19:15
Impacts of interannual ocean circulation variability on japanese eel larval migration in the western north pacific ocean
... the? ?oceanic thermocline to? ?the? ?east of? ?the? ?Philippines and Taiwan, forced by? ?the? ?corresponding oscillation? ?in? ?wind stress curls.? ?In? ?the positive PTO years,? ?the? ?thermocline rises to? ?the? ?east of? ?the? ?Philippines and deepens to? ?the? ?east of Taiwan. This thermocline seesaw ... A newly developed climate index known as? ?the? ?Philippines–Taiwan Oscillation (PTO, Fig 3; [23]) has been successfully used to explain? ?the? ?interannual variability of subtropical and tropical circulation? ?in? ?wNP.? ?The? ?PTO represents? ?the? ?interannual oscillation of the? ?oceanic thermocline to? ?the? ?east of? ?the? ?Philippines and Taiwan, forced by? ?the? ?corresponding oscillation? ?in? ?wind stress curls.? ?In? ?the ... eddy activity? ?in? ?STCC region, strengthened Kuroshio transport off Taiwan, and larger Luzon Strait intrusion into? ?the? ?South China Sea (Fig 3; [23]).? ?The? ?region affected by? ?the? ?PTO covers wNP, including? ?the? ?NEC,? ?the? ?Kuroshio, and? ?the? ?STCC eddy region, where the? ?eel larval migration routes are located
Ngày tải lên: 26/09/2019, 16:14
Báo cáo khoa học: "Macrogeographic and fine-scale genetic structure in a North American oak species, Quercus rubra" pptx
... Iowa east to southeastern Minnesota (Schopmeyer, 1974) In this paper, we present the results of studies examining macrogeographic and fine-scale genetic structure in the North American oak species ... were 10 locations situated in the midwestern United States (fig 1, table I) These sites include northern, southern and western limits of the distribution of Q rubra During June and July of 1990 ... quite comparable to the values reported for the macrogeographic survey (table I) Moreover, even within the microhabitats which are in the order of in area, northern red oak maintains a large amount...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 19:21
... authoritative in the Middle Ages called their authority into question When combined with the propaganda potential of the printing press to disseminate such findings, printing became a major force behind the ... through the ever-improving world of the printed text There, solitary practices of reading and research replaced the shared oral knowledge of the past, promoting the retreat into increasingly ‘private ... specifically in the context of the part played by the press in the political upheavals of the time The collection examines the relationship between newspapers and public opinion, and attempts to define their...
Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:58
Tài liệu GROWING UP in NORTH AMERICA: Child Health and Safety in Canada, the United States, and Mexico pptx
... • In Canada, 41 percent of grade 12 students in the province of Ontario report that there is great risk in drinking one or two drinks daily.9 In Canada, marijuana use has been increasing in the ... One of the most disturbing health trends in recent decades has been the increase in the prevalence of respiratory illness among children in North America In some regions of the continent there ... cut spending in other areas, or look more and more to private payers — including making people pay more out of their own pockets in order to maintain their existing health care system In Mexico,...
Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 12:20
The “Six Sins of GreenwashingTM” - A Study of Environmental Claims in North American Consumer Markets potx
... Avoiding the Sin of Fibbing a) Do tell the truth Always b) Always tell the truth The “Six Sins of GreenwashingTM” Sin of the Hidden Trade-Off Sin of No Proof Sin of Vagueness Sin of Irrelevance Sin ... Marketing Inc All Rights Reserved The Six Sins Of GreenwashingTM Research Methodology In the spring of 2007, TerraChoice sent research Sin of the Hidden Trade-Off – The Sin of the teams into ... The Sin of Fib bing 1% The Sin of N o Proof 26% The Sin of the H id den-Trad e O ff 57% The Sin of Irrelev ance 4% The Sin of Lesser of Tw o Ev ils 1% © 2007 TerraChoice Environmental Marketing...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 21:20
THE POLITICS OF HEALING Histories of Alternative Medicine in Twentieth- Century North America docx
... three cardinal principles: prescription of the medicine according to the doctrine of similars, the minimum dose, and the single remedy.9 In 1921, with homeopathic institutions in decline, Hahnemannians ... perceived the world of the laboratory, animal research, and the treatment clinic as a continuum.30 Vaccines did not, however, remain solely within the inner domain of the medical world Together with the ... figure in the world of research and immunology at the beginning of the twentieth century, promoted the theory of the opsonic index According to Wright, the body secretes material in coping with...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 09:20
Children’s Health and the Environment in North America ppt
... children’s health and the environment and now a consultant to the CEC, has coordinated the work of the Steering Group since its inception and was instrumental in getting the project off the ground Victor ... found in homes and other indoor environments due to the widespread past uses of lead in gasoline, paint, plumbing and building products and other consumer goods Indoor lead sources include lead in ... in the same year The leading cause of infant death in Canada in 1999 was birth defects, while unintentional injuries were the leading cause of death for children after the first year of life The...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 09:20
báo cáo hóa học: " Fatigue characteristics in multiple sclerosis: the North American Research Committee on Multiple Sclerosis (NARCOMS) survey" pot
... to determine odds ratio estimates of the strength of the association between each dichotomous independent variable and the fatigue score, after controlling for the other variables in the model ... in either severity or impact of fatigue This finding is inconsistent with a previous report where patients beginning therapy with IMA were evaluated for their fatigue levels after months of therapy, ... who were at all stages of using IMA, not just those within the first six months of beginning therapy In contrast, among respondents who reported changing IMA within the past six months, significantly...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20