... Galleria.loadTheme(' /themes/classic/galleria.classic.min.js'); The only parameter the loadTheme function takes is a string that is the relative path to the theme JavaScript file The second way to load the ... classic theme that comes with the Galleria source code How to it There are two ways by which we can load theme files into Galleria: The first is to use the Galleria API to load the theme JavaScript ... load the gallery Galleria then calls the theme JavaScript initialization code to generate additional HTML and JavaScript events that set up the gallery further Essentially, galleria.js provides the...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 02:20
... sequence data for the IF multigene family, they were grouped into the so-called sequence homology class V, thereby distinguishing them from the cytoplasmic class I acidic keratins, the class II basic ... [37,38], with the most gene-poor chromosomes found at the nuclear periphery abutting the nuclear lamina (Fig 2) It is as yet unclear whether the nonrandom spatial positioning of the genome within ... apposed to the inner membrane of the nuclear envelope, in the vast majority of cells the nuclear lamina cannot be resolved as such a distinct structure separating the chromatin from the nuclear...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 02:20
The ‘global health’ education framework: a conceptual guide for monitoring, evaluation and practice doc
... acknowledge that the ‘global’ is not a domain unto itself, separate from the regional, the national, the provincial, the local, the household [2] and the community As such, globality adds to the complexity ... issues in the domestic country of the student, as these issues are linked with SDH anywhere in the world by nature and/or impact According to our framework (Figure 2), the student is part of the health ... learn and think about the potentials and limits of operationalising the ‘health for all’ principles in their future professional work The panels summarise the essentials of the above proposed concept...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 22:21
The Future of the Internet: A Compendium of European Projects on ICT Research Supported by the EU 7th Framework Programme for RTD ppt
... further advancing the state of the art in computer networking and paving the road to the Network of the Future The MOMENT platform will provide the means to assess and report the quality of the ... for the different players The focus is the control functions of the Internet – the neck of the hourglass, but for control Main Objectives Despite the phenomenal growth of the Internet over the ... standardization among others has to be considered together and not after the design of the network These topics are covered in the third research activity The diagram summarizes the structure of the research...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 21:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "PEAS, the first instantiation of a comparative framework for evaluating parsers of French" potx
... both the questions and the huge set of candidate answers, the use of XML makes easier the selection of the paser for the task at hand Conclusion At the time of writing, we have developed all the ... relations, there is no reason to dismiss either approaches Nevertheless, we have to outline that the transcription of the parses will be more systematic for the relations than for the 97 constituents ... all the modifiers placed before a noun are included in the same nominal group as the noun itself And here again, the relations are used to express the links between the particular terms, as in the...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 22:20
The Capacity Development Results Framework - A strategic and results-oriented approach to learning for capacity development potx
... measurable The indicators express: The conduciveness of the sociopolitical environment to achievement of the goals The efficiency of the policy instruments and other formal means by which the society ... environment The program logic mapping out the development objective, the change process, the agents of change, and their roles These elements light the path toward change in the capacity factors ... the organization(s) involved, but also the particular group(s) within the organization, and the particular individuals within the group(s) How will the team ensure that the environment of the...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 01:20
The financial reporting framework may not provide specific guidance for inclusion or exclusion of a docx
... free-of-charge from the IFAC website: http://www.ifac.org The approved text is published in the English language The mission of IFAC is to serve the public interest, strengthen the worldwide accountancy ... Examples of Conditions or Events that may Indicate Risks of Material Misstatement of the Group Financial Statements These are examples of public sector related conditions in addition to the examples ... enable the group auditor to determine the nature, timing and extent of the work to be performed Consolidation Process P18 When considering the guidance in paragraph A56, in the context of the public...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 21:20
Báo cáo y học: "Association of the FCRL3 gene with rheumatoid arthritis: a further example of population specificity" ppsx
... Caucasians of Northern European descent and Far Eastern populations for the non-HLA RA susceptibility genes identified to date Hence, the aim of the current study was to assess whether the same FCRL3 ... of the total cohort; while in the second stage, only the SNP identified as the probable disease causal polymorphism in the Japanese study (FCRL3-169*C/T (fclr3_3, rs7528684)) was genotyped in the ... whether estimated using the EM algorithm in HelixTree software (Golden Helix Inc.) or the Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm in the PHASE program [13] No difference in the distribution of these...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 08:22
Báo cáo y học: "Improving benchmarking by using an explicit framework for the development of composite indicators: an example using pediatric quality of care" docx
... cell with other metrics, or may not exist for certain cells of the matrix; the latter measurement state clearly indicates the need for future metric development research For example, the absence ... of stay; SMR: standardized mortality ratio The italicized items are the eight core metrics in Pedi-QS report The other items were initially rejected either because of lack of evidence or difficulty ... metrics to the Joint Commission [33] In 2005, the Work Group recommended eight process and outcome quality metrics for use in the PICU, which we have placed into the matrix (see Table 3) The selection...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 05:21
báo cáo khoa học: " Implementing and evaluating a regional strategy to improve testing rates in VA patients at risk for HIV, utilizing the QUERI process as a guiding framework: QUERI Series" pptx
... clinical issue within the VA? The observation by the CDC that 25% of HIV-infected patients in the United States not know their status is of great relevance to the VA [1] because the VA treats more ... reinforce the importance of changing their practice regarding HIV testing, and further motivate them to so Social marketing entails the development of a shared buy-in to the overall goal of the behavior ... providers take more care than others in terms of informing patients of the benefits of knowing their HIV status Furthermore, the rates of resolving the HIV clinical reminder and the ratio of HIV test...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 05:22
báo cáo khoa học: " Improving benchmarking by using an explicit framework for the development of composite indicators: an example using pediatric quality of care" potx
... cell with other metrics, or may not exist for certain cells of the matrix; the latter measurement state clearly indicates the need for future metric development research For example, the absence ... of stay; SMR: standardized mortality ratio The italicized items are the eight core metrics in Pedi-QS report The other items were initially rejected either because of lack of evidence or difficulty ... metrics to the Joint Commission [33] In 2005, the Work Group recommended eight process and outcome quality metrics for use in the PICU, which we have placed into the matrix (see Table 3) The selection...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 16:20
báo cáo khoa học: " Implementing and evaluating a regional strategy to improve testing rates in VA patients at risk for HIV, utilizing the QUERI process as a guiding framework: QUERI Series" docx
... clinical issue within the VA? The observation by the CDC that 25% of HIV-infected patients in the United States not know their status is of great relevance to the VA [1] because the VA treats more ... reinforce the importance of changing their practice regarding HIV testing, and further motivate them to so Social marketing entails the development of a shared buy-in to the overall goal of the behavior ... providers take more care than others in terms of informing patients of the benefits of knowing their HIV status Furthermore, the rates of resolving the HIV clinical reminder and the ratio of HIV test...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 16:21
Báo cáo y học: "Is obesity a risk factor for low back pain? An example of using the evidence to answer a clinical question" ppsx
... at this time that the clinician is ready for the final step of applying the evidence In our example clinical data from the experimental literature may or may not indicate that there is a link between ... evidence summary should list the main author and year the paper was published This is in order to retrieve the data should anyone wish to examine the source As an example of an evidence summary ... research, if there is a causal link between obesity and the affliction of low back pain A secondary purpose of this review is to present the concepts of evidence-based practice to aid the chiropractor...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 13:22
Phát triển khách hàng sử dụng thẻ của ngân hàng Á Châu (ACB).DOC
... ngân hàng Có nhiều cách để phân loại thẻ toán: phân loại theo công nghệ sản xuất, phân loại theo chủ thể phát hành, theo tính chất toán thẻ, theo phạm vi lãnh thổ 15 Website: http://www.docs.vn ... lienhe@docs.vn Tel (: 0918.775.368 Bảng 2.6 : Phân chia khách hàng dùng thẻ theo độ tuổi trình độ học vấn Phân theo độ tuổi Phân theo trình độ học vấn Độ tuổi Tỷ lệ % Trình độ Tỷ lệ % Từ 18 đến 25 41,2 ... lienhe@docs.vn Tel (: 0918.775.368 Phân loại theo công nghệ sản xuất: Có loại: • Thẻ khắc chữ (EmbossingCard): dựa công nghệ khắc chữ nổi, thẻ sản xuất theo công nghệ Hiện loại thẻ không lưu hành...
Ngày tải lên: 02/09/2012, 12:23
phan tich cac loai the cua ngan hang a chau.doc
... để xin lại các giấy tờ cá nhân và/hoặc the mới 3.5- Bảo hiểm mua sắm Chủ thẻ sẽ bảo hiểm những vật dụng Chủ thẻ mua hoàn toàn bằng the tín dụng Chủ thẻ mà bị mất cắp và ... dụng đồng tiền an toàn, tiện lợi văn minh hiệu mang theo tiền người giúp khách hàng đảm bảo an toàn tài sản , tránh phiền hà rủi ro phải mang theo tiền mặt người, cần sử dụng việc tới máy gần rút ... tiến đáng kể Nhà nước ban hành hàng loạt văn pháp quy, theo hướng hoàn thiện dần, bảo đảm cho hoạt động toán nói chung toán thẻ nói riêng -Theo lộ trình đến cuối năm 2010 có khoản 20 triệu tài...
Ngày tải lên: 19/09/2012, 15:27
... transcended the immediate occasion All elegies honored the dead, but the manner in which they did so revealed the living for who they were and where they stood The American Puritan elegy The writing ... poems like these without either sealing them within their unfamiliar world or bending them to fit aesthetic categories emanating from our familiar world? How can these contrasting aesthetic horizons ... Ronald Hammond The hand of the Lord was upon me, and carried me out in the Spirit of the Lord, and set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones, And caused me to pass by them round...
Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 11:00
... when the Christian knights indulged in a horrible massacre in liberating the tomb of their saviour, who had urged all men to turn the other cheek when smitten.3 If the pious theologians of the ... illustration was the ‘taking of the auspices’, in which specialist priests, known as augurs, ascertained the view of the gods regarding the resort to war At the outset of the struggle, there was also ... tobacco, together with two blood-stained arrows and some eagle feathers, in the territory of the enemy (or in the house of the enemy chief, or in the enemy’s chief city or temple).50 Other methods...
Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 11:02
The effects of clay a m e n d m e n t and composting on metal speciation in digested sludge liang qiao
... humified the organic matter in the sludge releasing Ni from the bound sites on the organic matter The released Ni was likely to form complexes with the oxides surfaces in the red mud preventing the ... the three measurements, the sum of the five fractions in the sequential extraction 104% and moist samples 107% It should bt; noted that the total metal content data obtained from the sum of the ... with the finding for red mud MSW compost (Hofstede, 1994) The leachable Cu increased during the composting process following the thermophilic stage and was likely due to the release of the organically...
Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2012, 14:47
Chiến lược thâm nhập thị trường hộ kinh doanh cá thể của ngân hàng á Châu chi nhánh Cần Thơ.pdf
Ngày tải lên: 28/09/2012, 08:59