... forget it Actually, that’s not true They forget it all the time in their dealings with their customer/creditors—us They act as if it s their money and they are doing us a favor by letting it sit ... collectively as the “shadow banking system,” and insofar as it has a capital, that capital is the City of London Taken together, what this led to was the City’s increasing dominance of British economic ... This institution, in and of itself, will generate activity in the rest of the economy The process is explained in Philip Coggan’s excellent primer on the City, The Money Machine: How the City...
Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2014, 10:13
... through the winds of good and evil, and of loneliness – Therefore the sand and sea await us No One Can Stem the Tide 10 The inland is not safe from sea; here where the meadows hold the day and tongues ... day No One Can Stem the Tide 26 birds in the orchard Now that it is over, I can see why it has gone and why it could not last In autumn we can pick the laden tree and know the purpose of the ... clears the filthiness and froth of men The Sea No One Can Stem the Tide The Sea not in these days Not now, but when it is too late for gladness will we remember these days of sunlight and the clear...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 08:20
Tài liệu What Is Micromanagement? And What You Can Do To Avoid It. docx
... workplace is because of bad management—notably, they feel their managers don’t trust or respect their abilities and, therefore, don’t empower them with enough responsibility and/ or micromanage them ... to and how to it versus “asking” them what they did and how it went • They believe that being a manager means that they have more knowledge and/ or skill than their employees • They believe they ... suffer from the “red pen” syndrome • They don’t allow their staff to learn from their mistakes • They get irritated if staff make decisions without consulting them • They spend an inordinate amount...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 09:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Local changes in the catalytic site of mammalian histidine decarboxylase can affect its global conformation and stability pptx
... green In (A) and (C), the white monomer is shown in the same position (B) is left-twisted around the z-axis with respect to (A) to show the localization of K308 and H197 within the monomer interface ... of the HDC reactions with the natural substrate histidine and the histidineanalogs HisOMe and a-FMH This scheme was built from the major forms for each step mentioned in the text deduced from the ... lowers its pKa in the unliganded enzyme and is crucial for the successive increase in the pKa during catalysis Biochemistry 37, 15076–15085 Guex, N & Peitsch, M.C (1997) SWISS-MODEL and the SWISSPDBVIEWER:...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 08:20
Leadership the Hard Way: Why Leadership Can’t Be Taught and How You Can Learn It Anyway
... When an organization is in a crisis, lack of resistance can itself be a big problem It can mean either that the change you are trying to create isn’t radical enough and is therefore unlikely to ... ruin their chances for getting their project approved In fact, the precise opposite turned out to be the case The more they surfaced the key risks and uncertainties, and the more we discussed them ... know how to manage the tension between, on the one hand, persevering in the face of opposition, and on the other, encouraging dissent and responding to it Leading against the current means not...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 21:03
the undercover economist exposing why the rich are rich the poor are poor--and why you can never buy a decent used car nov 2005
... and Debt, is not quite so competent: the brand is less trusted, the corporate culture is so-so It s not bad, but it s not great either A third bank, Cornelius’s Deposit Enterprises, is extremely ... settlers, it was not only the best land, it was also the “marginal” land because new farmers could use it Because the best land was the same as the marginal land, there was no rent, beyond the trivial ... year the difference • 11 • THE UNDERCOVER ECONOMIST in productivity between the meadowland and the marginal land (in this case, the scrubland) When Cornelius arrived, the grassland became the...
Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 02:14
How Our Actions Create our reality ... and how we can change it
... They lose the commitment, the sense of mission, and the excitement with which they started their careers We get damn little of their energy and almost none of their spirit." And surprisingly few ... thinking is the fifth discipline It is the discipline that integrates the disciplines, fusing them into a coherent body of theory and practice It keeps them from being separate gimmicks or the latest ... shelves not been empty at the end of the week Seems there's been a run on the beer: none of the stores in the area have it This beer is hot, and it' s apparently getting more popular all the time...
Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 18:20
Reputation Why it matters and how you can manage it
... on the other hand, are the opportunities you had in hand and lost by not acting on the known issues and problems within your organisation In those cases – which are management driven – the decisions ... record profits and has been the most successful firm on Wall Street in decades – and even as it has settled cases with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the United Kingdom ... gives each of its new hires 14 principles to follow which outline the firm’s best practices Yet the 15th, the one not written but openly discussed, is the one that drives the culture It is to ‘embrace...
Ngày tải lên: 08/02/2014, 18:11
Accountability for Learning: How Teachers and School Leaders Can Take Charge potx
... Accountability When accountability is the exclusive initiative of the legislature, the board of education, or the superintendent, the inevitable consequence is the perception that accountability is something ... accountability is simply a set of test scores Rather than wait for the legislature, the school board, or the superintendent to change, why not take the lead? Even in the most primitive accountability ... scant recognition in the prevailing accountability system—are the ones who will become the fiercest advocates of holistic accountability They know that the scores of the typical accountability...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 19:20
Ceylon; an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, and Topographical with Notices of Its Natural History, Antiquities and Productions, Volume doc
... Manuscripts, in the British Museum[1], has thrown an unexpected light over the fearful events of 1803, and the massacre of the English troops then in garrison at Kandy Hitherto the honour of the British ... connection without definite lines of demarcation between the soil and the laterite on the one hand, and the laterite and gneiss rock on the other.[2] [Footnote 1: From a paper read to the Royal ... connection with the fresh water found in the Coral Islands, and the rise and fall of the wells, and the flow and ebb of the tide He advances the theory propounded by Darwin of the retention of the river-water,...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 14:20
Unequal, Unfair, Ineffective and Inefficient Gender Inequity in Health: Why it exists and how we can change it pptx
... activists and their organisations Political leadership is critical but it can be catalysed by the mobilisation and commitment of women organising in and through civil society especially where there ... be at greater risk of poor health if they live alone (having outlived their older spouse and, for one reason or another, not living with one of their children) In Lebanon this is especially challenging ... this debate With the rise of the social movements of the 1960s on, hitherto unrecognized dimensions of inequality and inequity – gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, race, caste, and disability...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 12:20
weiner - so smart but..; how intelligent people lose credibility, and how they can get it back (2007)
... what they should focus on in their work with me In the center to emphasize its importance is management’s wish list, the middle zone represents the client’s personal wish list, and the outer zone ... has very little to with the overall impact of the message and your overall credibility After all, everyone wants to know what you think Isn’t it funny that no one criticizes the questioner for ... are not judged for the specific words you choose as much as you are for the way you look or the way you sound The totality of the message— the way it is organized and expressed is critical But the...
Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2014, 19:28
... predicted the monetary policy decisions of the ECB rather well However, the results not accept the hypothesis of perfect predictability To evaluate the magnitude of the deviations from this hypothesis, ... • November 2002 Executive Summary The objective of this paper is to examine the predictability of the monetary policy decisions of the Governing Council of the ECB and the transmission of the ... component of the monetary policy framework of a central bank One of these reasons is related to the notion of credibility Credibility is ultimately driven by the ability and track record of the...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 14:20
Báo cáo y học: "Percutaneous dilatation tracheostomy: which technique is the best for the critically ill patient, and how can we gather further scientific evidence" pptx
... forceps for blunt dissection of the pretracheal tissue), but it is unclear whether they controlled for the resulting effects in their data analysis and presentation 320 Thus, Fikkers and coworkers’ ... confounded the results, and therefore possible benefits of one technique over the other could have been obscured Finally, during the period of data collection the authors implemented a new step in the ... with respect to practicability and the specific risks involved for patients in the intensive care setting However, some drawbacks in their study design limit the ability to draw valuable evidence-based...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 20:20
marin - global pension crisis; unfunded liabilities and how we can fill the gap (2013)
... and your pension So enter ERISA No, that is not the name of some IBM supercomputer It stands for the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, and it was promulgated in 1974 and is perhaps the ... Exhibit 2.5 The march of the emerging markets and the fading of the OECD dominance is the obvious theme in Exhibit 2.5 The more dramatic demise of the European Union in this picture is not as ... 2013 Dimensioning the Problem 25 The other takeaways from this chart should be that the small conservative European neighbors like Switzerland and the Netherlands and the Anglophone countries in...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2014, 18:45
... his impressions to the friend to whom he is indebted for this pleasure, and his letter becomes a literary and philosophical criticism, full of sense, and like no other His familiarity is suited ... cannot be legitimately vindicated except where necessity clearly demands the subordination of one will to another, and within the limits in which it exists; that is, without ever involving the ... based on the equality of conditions; that without equality this institution is an anomaly and an impossibility: that equality alone can revive this ancient and mysterious keeping of the seventh...
Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 09:20
Tài liệu The Significance of German Savings Banks in regional Structural and Cohesion Policy: Can they avoid regional downward Spirals? pdf
... regional economic situation on the x-axis (measured with the described variables) and the banks economic success (measured here with return on equity, CIR and the operation profit) on the y-axis The ... banks and savings banks as a rule not compete within their own group 12 If one confronts reality with the new and traditional financial theories, the picture is even more complex: on the one hand, ... in Germany on the one hand tends to support the ‘Lisbon Agenda’ On the other hand it also contributes to the objective of ‘cohesion policy’ by reducing regional disparities The basis for a successful...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 10:20
Tài liệu Global imbalances and the financial crisis: Link or no link? docx
... side of the economy As long as the market rate coincides with this rate, therefore, the economy is in full equilibrium and there is no need to appeal explicitly to monetary factors The credit market ... imbalances, and the associated net capital flows, on the one hand, and financial conditions in deficit countries, world interest rates and, more recently, the financial crisis itself, on the other (see ... simply transfer real resources from one sector to the other The underlying economy is, in this sense, a real economy disguised as a monetary one Credit is just another real resource that households...
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 03:20