... helps to solve the tasks displayed The focus is on the library blocks which enable SMS-Sending and SMS-Receiving Downloads Content of the downloads Download Library description on the Configuration ... solution with SMS Entry ID: 25545680 Latest modification Startup-Code and library with the actual version counter V1.2 and the append ant documentations is now adapted to STEP V11 Additional search ... Example X25 (Documentation based on the Startup-Code) ConfigurationExampl e_S7-1200_SMS_DOKU_V12_e.pdf Startup-Code (Project file for STEP V11) Containing also the outdated project file based on...
Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 21:04
Outsourcing the Network II - Green IT and SAN
... router… Khả kết nối SAN • Thuộc lớp thấp: phần bao gồm kết nối thuộc tầng datalink network • Giao diện Ethernet: Ethernet thường sử dụng để kết nối máy chủ với máy chủ máy chủ với máy trạm • Fibre ... lưu phục hồi liệu Lưu trữ theo kiểu truyền thống SAN-đa lưu trữ theo cấp Dual-Fabric SAN Storage Consolidation Architecture Các công nghệ • Giao thức iCSI • FCoE • Infiniband • Ảo hóa • Phần mềm ... trữ() • Ba phương thức hợp lưu trữ phổ biến nay: – Network- Attached Storage (NAS) – Redundant array of independent disks (RAID) – Storage Area Network (SAN) Các công ty muốn từ kỹ thuật lưu trữ...
Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2012, 10:43
Network Security and The Cisco PIX Firewall P3
... hỗ trợ cổng 10/100 Ehthernet gia tốc VPN PIX Firewall 525 hỗ trợ cổng đơn cổng 10/100 Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet gia tốc VPN Dòng 535 hỗ trợ Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet gia tốc VPN PIX ... trợ giao diện Gigabit Ethernet Một giao diện Fast Ethernet cần cài đặt để sử dụng kiểm tra kiểu Nếu PIX Firewall 535 có giao diện Gigabit Ethernet, thêm giao diện Fast Ethernet với đơn vị sẵn ... Firewall cho card Gigabit Ethernet, bạn thay card card 10/100 Ethernet thứ tự card cấu hình bị thay đổi so với cấu hình ban đầu Ví dụ, bạn cấu hình ethernet0 cho card Gigabit Ethernet gán cho giao...
Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 00:15
Network Security and The Cisco PIX Firewall P2
... hệ thống máy tính Trần Giáo: Lớp K3D_Khoa CNTT_ĐHTN CHAPTER 2: Network Security and The Cisco PIX Firewall công ty Họ làm việc theo cách thức họ để vào mạng từ mạng Internet mạng quay số truy ... cập vào hệ thống mạng bạn dịch vụ khác 2.2.1 Tấn công theo kiểu thăm dò Trần Giáo: Lớp K3D_Khoa CNTT_ĐHTN CHAPTER 2: Network Security and The Cisco PIX Firewall Thăm dò hình thức tính toán, khám ... giảm công hệ thống 23 Trần Giáo: Lớp K3D_Khoa CNTT_ĐHTN CHAPTER 2: Network Security and The Cisco PIX Firewall Business impact and risk asessment (tác động kinh doanh đánh giá rủi do) – Liên quan...
Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 00:15
Network Security and The Cisco PIX Firewall P6
... 5.3(1) nameif ethernet0 outside security0 nameif ethernet1 inside security100 nameif ethernet2 dmz security50 nameif ethernet3 intf3 security15 nameif ethernet4 intf4 security20 nameif ethernet5 intf5 ... facility 20 interface ethernet0 100full interface ethernet1 100full interface ethernet2 100full interface ethernet3 auto shutdown interface ethernet4 auto shutdown interface ethernet5 auto shutdown ... Trần Giáo_Lớp K3D_Khoa CNTT_ĐH Thái Nguyên CHAPTER 6: CISCO PIX FIREWALL TRANSLATUONS Other Ways Through the PIX Firewall Phần mô tả cách khác qua PIX Firewall PAT Xlate PAT kết hợp địa IP số...
Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2013, 10:15
Network Security and The Cisco PIX Firewall P5
... nameif nameif ethernet0 outside security0 nameif ethernet1 inside security100 nameif ethernet2 dmz security50 nameif ethernet3 intf3 security15 nameif ethernet4 intf4 security20 nameif ethernet5 intf5 ... 5.3(1) nameif ethernet0 outside security0 nameif ethernet1 inside security100 nameif ethernet2 dmz security50 nameif ethernet3 intf3 security15 nameif ethernet4 intf4 security20 nameif ethernet5 intf5 ... queue 512 interface ethernet0 100full interface ethernet1 100full interface ethernet2 100full interface ethernet3 auto shutdown interface ethernet4 auto shutdown interface ethernet5 auto shutdown...
Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2013, 10:15
Network Security and The Cisco PIX Firewall P4
... 525: Fast Ethernet Fast Ethernet + VPN Accelerator Gigabit Ethernet Gigabit Ethernet + VPN Accelerator Gigabit Ethernet + VPN Accelerator 4-port Fast Ethernet 4-port Fast Ethernet + ... Interface Options): Fast Ethernet Fast Ethernet + VPN Accelerator Gigabit Ethernet Gigabit Ethernet + VPN Accelerator 4-Port Fast Ethernet 4-Port Fast Ethernet + VPN Accelerator Dưới ... dụng cổng Ethernet Ethernet 1, kết nối cáp mạng phía đến đầu nối đánh dấu Ethernet Ethernet cáp mạng phía lúc cổng Ethernet lại 14 Trần Giáo: Lớp K3D_Khoa CNTT_ĐHTN Chapter 4: indentify the cisco...
Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2013, 10:15
Tài liệu Network Security and The Cisco PIX Firewall P8 pdf
... đặc tính PIX Firewall’s DHCP server Bước 1: kích phải vào biểu tượng My Network Places chọn Properties Cửa sổ Network and Dial-up Connections mở Bước 2: nháy đúp vào Local Area Connection Local ... vụ – disable DHCP NT server Bước 1: kích phải vào biểu tượng My Network Places desktop Windows NT chọn Propertise Cửa sổ Network and Dial-up Connections mở Bước 2: nháy đúp vào biểu tượng Local ... 6: click Ok Bước 7: OK Bước 8: đóng cửa sổ Local Area Connection Status Bước 9: đóng cửa sổ Network and Dial-up Connections Bước 10: mở dấu nhắc lệnh Windows NT làm lại địa IP C:\> ipconfig /release...
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 02:15
Tài liệu Network Security and The Cisco PIX Firewall P7 ppt
... 5.3(1) nameif ethernet0 outside security0 nameif ethernet1 inside security100 nameif ethernet2 dmz security50 nameif ethernet3 intf3 security15 nameif ethernet4 intf4 security20 nameif ethernet5 intf5 ... logging standby no logging console no logging monitor no logging buffered no logging trap logging facility 20 logging queue 512 interface ethernet0 100full interface ethernet1 100full interface ethernet2 ... interface ethernet1 100full interface ethernet2 100full interface ethernet3 auto shutdown interface ethernet4 auto shutdown interface ethernet5 auto shutdown mtu outside 1500 mtu inside 1500 mtu dmz...
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 02:15
Tài liệu The illegal wildlife and timber trade network around Chu Yang Sin Nation Park, Dak Lak Province, Vietnam doc
... whom together with the owners of the largest wildlife meat restaurants, buy from the small-scale traders and arrange the export of live animals and their parts to elsewhere in the province and as ... embedded in a larger forested landscape The transition between these highlands and the lowland plain to the northwest, is a complex of rolling hills, narrow tablelands, and flat-bottomed valleys Lak ... enforcement in the surrounding area The study focuses on the stakeholders and processes employed in the wildlife and timber trade Nonetheless, the species and quantities of wildlife detected during the...
Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 23:15
Tài liệu Address Conversion Functions and The Domain Name System docx
... provide the mapping for a host outside it’s domain (and the mapping is not in the server cache): – The server finds a nameserver for the target domain – The server asks the nameserver to provide the ... labels that lead from the host (leaf node in the naming tree) to the top of the worldwide naming tree • A domain is a subtree of the worldwide naming tree Netprog: DNS and Top level domains • ... Netprog: DNS and NS CNAME MX HINFO 15 The Root DNS Server • The root server needs to know the address of 1st (and many 2nd) level domain nameservers edu rpi com org jp albany Netprog: DNS and 16 Server...
Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 06:17
Tài liệu Address Conversion Functions and The Domain Name System Refs doc
... is the sequence of labels that lead from the host (leaf node in the naming tree) to the top of the worldwide naming tree • A domain is a subtree of the worldwide naming tree Netprog: DNS and ... call to gethostbyname()is handled by a resolver (typically part of the client) • Most Unix workstations have the file /etc/resolv.conf that contains the local domain and the addresses of DNS servers ... workstations (dig and host are also DNS clients) Netprog: DNS and name lookups 12 DNS Servers • Servers handle requests for their domain directly • Servers handle requests for other domains by...
Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2014, 04:20
... of the line current, and the power delivered to the load Use MATLAB to solve for the line current and the power delivered to the load (c ) 6.3 Compare the results of parts (a) and (b) For the ... into the s-domain with s = jw Network analysis laws, theorems, and rules are used to solve for unknown currents and voltages in the frequency domain The solution is then converted into the time ... by converting the circuits into the frequency domain and by using the Kirchoff voltage and current laws The unknown voltages and currents are solved using matrix techniques Given a network function...
Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2014, 03:20
Tài liệu The Teredo Protocol: Tunneling Past Network Security and Other Security Implications pptx
... to the peer via the client’s server, and the peer responds back through the closest relay The server decapsulates the request and sends the ping directly over the IPv6 Internet to the peer The ... bubble to the address and port in the origin data (the relay) The encapsulated bubble is received by the NAT and forwarded to the relay The NAT now sees the relay as a recent peer and allows ... of the difficulty is due to the low address density enabled by the size of the host part of the addresses (the last 64 bits) In Teredo addresses, the network part of the address comes from the...
Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 08:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Branched N-glycans regulate the biological functions of integrins and cadherins doc
... form the integrin headpiece, which contains the extracellular matrix (ECM) binding site The C-terminal segments traverse the plasma membrane and mediate interactions with the cytoskeleton and ... atypical neurological phenotype [66] The data obtained in these studies suggest new roles for GnT-III and integrins in neuritogenesis On the other hand, the role of core fucosylation in a3b1-mediated ... Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan, and The Naito Foundation, Japan The authors are deeply indebted to the outstanding related papers, which have not been cited in the present article,...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 17:20
Women and Health Learning Package Developed by The Network: TUFH Women and Health Taskforce Second edition, September 2006 docx
... against the state and national government the Zapatista rebellion and the resulting conflict has worsened their living conditions, mainly affecting the health and nutritional status of the population ... Nutrition and Women’s Health www .the- network. tufh.org There is no doubt that the protection of women during pregnancy and lactation must be one of the major priorities of health systems and social ... promotion and education, gender studies, and women’s sexual and reproductive health She was the coordinator of the Research Unit on Education and Health, and is currently responsible for the project...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 15:20
Cisco Systems - Scaling the network with NAT and Pat pot
... Not Installed in the Translation Table? • Verify that: – The configuration is correct – There are not any inbound access lists denying the packets from entering the NAT router – The access list ... the NAT router – The access list referenced by the NAT command is permitting all necessary networks – There are enough addresses in the NAT pool – The router interfaces are appropriately defined ... to: • Describe the features and operation of NAT on Cisco routers • Use Cisco IOS commands to configure NAT, given a functioning router • Use show commands to identify anomalies in the NAT configuration,...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 15:20
... is broken down into the 5—7 and (5—6 and 7—8 for 1940, 1948, and 1952) on the basis of data provided in Current Population Report, and and the first part of 1952, 5—7 and thereafter — 24.6 8.3 ... 1, and still their relative incomes did not change greatly There appear to be four possible explanations of the phenomenon, three on the demand side and one on the supply side.36 On the demand ... 65 and unpaid family workers Education: sirtdlar to (1) Other variables: Machinery inputs, Land and buildings, Fertilizer, "Other", and time dummies All of the variables (except education and the...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 21:20