the nature of second language acquisition

(1) how learners approach learning, both in and out of classrooms, and (2) the kinds of strategies and cognitive processing they use in second language acquisition

(1) how learners approach learning, both in and out of classrooms, and (2) the kinds of strategies and cognitive processing they use in second language acquisition

... test at the end of the first year was one of the requirements from the university to make sure that students were qualified for the course and could continue with the next stage of the programme. ... approach. The present chapter offers detailed description of the research approaches, the participants, the specific methods of data collection, data analysis, as well as the specific procedure of the ... to the questionnaires and the low rate of questionnaire return, the researcher stayed engaged through out the process of data collection. The researcher spent around 45 minutes on the set of...

Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 00:23

83 624 0
Motivation as a Contributing Factor in Second Language Acquisition

Motivation as a Contributing Factor in Second Language Acquisition

... identify both the type and combination of motivation that assists in the successful acquisition of a second language. At the same time it is necessary to view motivation as one of a number of variables ... setting rather than a natural environment. His work focuses on the foreign language classroom. The model attempts to interrelate four features of second language acquisition. These include the social ... to them. Therefore, the focus of what is taught in secondary school is geared toward sitting such entrance examinations. These exams are a rigorous test of grammatical understanding of the...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 10:10

7 674 6
The Practice of English Language Teaching

The Practice of English Language Teaching

... a foreign language because they are attracted to the culture of one of the TLCs (see (c) above). They learn the language because they want to know more about the people who speak it, the places ... users of a language are proficient in a range of language skills, though not all of them have the same range of sub-skills. It will be our responsibility to see that the students' language ... as will other members of the student's community. Another factor affecting the attitude of students is their previous experiences as language learners. If they were successful then they may...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2013, 11:15

458 1,1K 8
Tài liệu The Art of Assembly Language Programming P1 ppt

Tài liệu The Art of Assembly Language Programming P1 ppt

... fixed amount of material in a course, then HLA would have the negative side-effect of reducing what the students learn in their course. However, the real purpose of HLA is to make the educational ... take an assembly language course is so they will be familiar with the low-level operation of their machine and so they can appreciate what the compiler is doing for them (and help them to write ... think in assembly language) . Of these two, the second activity is, by far, the more difficult. HLA, since it uses a high level language- like syntax, simplifies learning the assembly language syntax....

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 22:15

30 651 0
Tài liệu The Art of Assembly Language Programming P2 ppt

Tài liệu The Art of Assembly Language Programming P2 ppt

... (technically) the comma between the nl and the preceding string isn’t necessary. You’ll often see the above written as: stdout.put( “Hello, World of Assembly Language nl ); Notice the lack of a comma ... third location, you must load one of the memory operands into a register, add the second operand to the value in the register, and then store the register away in the destination memory location. ... containing these files. If you’re a MS VC++ user, instal- lation of VC++ should have set up the LIB path for you. If not, then locate these files (they are part of the MASM32 distribution) and copy them...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 19:17

20 665 0
Tài liệu Unit 5: The nature of things ppt

Tài liệu Unit 5: The nature of things ppt

... waterproof / / wc:tCpru:f / (a): waterproof clothes keep you dry because they do not let rain pass through them: không thm nc a waterproof jacket: áo ves-tông không thm nc IN THE KNOW: The ... KNOW: The penguins of Philip Island are very small, as can be seen in the photograph. They are also a tourist attraction. They walk along the same pathways from the sea to their nests every ... _________ in the headphones. 4. First, Soriah fed the cat. Then, she called her mother. Soriah _________ her mother after she _________ the cat. 5. First, Marie did her homework. Then, she...

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 10:16

8 852 1
modeling the prosody of vietnamese language for speech synthesis

modeling the prosody of vietnamese language for speech synthesis

... from the duration of the prerecorded segments in the case of concatenate synthesis. Another part is related to the accent. Another one, reflecting the linguistic function of the word in the ... research of Vu M. Q .et al [16], they found that the main part of differences in intonation is at the end of the sentence (zone located on Figure 2-14 after the vertical bar): the contour of the ... transcription and a description of the prosodic intent of the speaker. The starting point of intonation research is the time series of F0. But the interpretation of the F0 information diverges...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 08:58

105 565 2
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "The Nature of Affixing in Written English" docx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "The Nature of Affixing in Written English" docx

... A. The determination of stress patterns B. The determination of consonantal doubling rules in the inflection of English verbs C. The determination of word-breaking rules as used in end -of -the- line ... or later face the problem of unscrambling English affixes. The role of affixes is crucial in the study of word-breaking practice. In the automatic determination of the parts of speech (a central ... ( C'/C"VC) to be the collection of all words in the fixed corpus of the form YC'C"VC, where Y denotes an arbitrary string. With the aid of these sets, we make the following definitions:...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 19:20

6 602 0
Open Cultures and The Nature of Networks doc

Open Cultures and The Nature of Networks doc

... back to the Dada movement in the early 20 th Century. The second group of essays deal with character of the network form of organization, often referring to the concepts of the space of flows ... made audible the resonances between the blast of Dada at the end of WWI in Zurich and Berlin, the gust of the Situationists on the Rive Gauche in Paris in the 1960s, and the explosion of Punk Rock ... supporters of FOSS. For the time being, the low costs which increase its accessibility are offset by the still rather high barrier of technical expertise necessary to make use of the much of the software....

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 22:20

47 388 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "The use of formal language models in the typology of the morphology of Amerindian languages" potx

Báo cáo khoa học: "The use of formal language models in the typology of the morphology of Amerindian languages" potx

... some preliminary results of an investigation in course on the typology of the morphol- ogy of the native South American lan- guages from the point of view of the for- mal language theory. With this ... prefixes. In the next example the suffix- ation of the reflexive (−l  at) forces the use of the active person with prefixes of the voice medium class because the agent is affected by the action. Example ... enlarge the lexicon size. The resulting grammar, althought capable of modeling the morphology of the toba, would not work effectively. The effectiveness of a grammar is a measure of their productivity (Heintz,...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 22:20

6 439 0
The art of assembly language

The art of assembly language

... 1-6 shows the layout of the flags within the lower 16 bits of the EFLAGS register. Figure 1-6: Layout of the FLAGS register (lower 16 bits of EFLAGS) Of the eight flags that are of interest ... together, storing the sum into a third variable, you must load one of the variables into a register, add the second operand to the value in the register, and then store the register away in the ... PM PRAISE FOR THE FIRST EDITION OF THE ART OF ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE “My flat-out favorite book of 2003 was Randall Hyde’s The Art of Assembly Language. ” —S OFTWARE DEVELOPER TIMES “You...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 13:43

764 1,4K 0


... 1-6 shows the layout of the flags within the lower 16 bits of the EFLAGS register. Figure 1-6: Layout of the FLAGS register (lower 16 bits of EFLAGS) Of the eight flags that are of interest ... World of Assembly Language 21 If, during program execution, the expression evaluates true, then the code between the then and the endif executes. If the expression evaluates false, then the ... Note that the while loop, like its high-level -language counterpart, tests for loop termination at the top of the loop. Therefore, it is quite possible that the statements in the body of the loop...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 09:20

764 1,1K 1
The Nature of Disease: Pathology for the Health Professions_2 pot

The Nature of Disease: Pathology for the Health Professions_2 pot

... these people, one of the ducts usually drains only a small part of the pancreas and empties directly into the duode- num. The other duct drains most of the pancreas but is often too small for the job, ... 16-27 depicts the major causes. Gallstones are by far the most common cause of obstruction. Other causes include cancer of the head of the pancreas, pancreatitis, inflammatory disease of the ducts, ... pancreatic duct merges with the common bile duct, and together they pass through the head of the pancreas before emptying into the duodenum at the ampulla of Vater. The pancreas is exceptional...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 20:20

351 417 0
The Nature of Disease: Pathology for the Health Professions_1 doc

The Nature of Disease: Pathology for the Health Professions_1 doc

... 1-2 at the end of the chapter offers another example to think about. THE EFFECT OF DISEASE PREVALENCE ON TEST USEFULNESS The prevalence of a disease is the number of persons who have the disease ... to be synthesized by elements of the cytoplasm. RNA carries DNA messages from the nu- cleus into the cytoplasm, the fluid part of the cell sur- rounding the nucleus. DNA is constructed of building ... 275 Nomenclature of Blood Vessel Disease / 277 Atherosclerosis / 277 The Causes and Consequences of Atherosclerosis / 277 The Pathogenesis of Atherosclerosis / 278 Risk Factors for Atherosclerosis / 279 The...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 20:20

418 439 0
The Art of Assembly Language, 2nd Edition pot

The Art of Assembly Language, 2nd Edition pot

... 1-6 shows the layout of the flags within the lower 16 bits of the EFLAGS register. Figure 1-6: Layout of the FLAGS register (lower 16 bits of EFLAGS) Of the eight flags that are of interest ... World of Assembly Language 21 If, during program execution, the expression evaluates true, then the code between the then and the endif executes. If the expression evaluates false, then the ... together, storing the sum into a third variable, you must load one of the variables into a register, add the second operand to the value in the register, and then store the register away in the...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 05:23

764 2,3K 0

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