the major parts of diesel engines

Fuel Injection Part 1 pptx

Fuel Injection Part 1 pptx

... injection of the life time of the vehicles pass in the urban driving, the owners of the vehicles prefer the vehicles of which the urban driving fuel economy is low At full load, as the GDI engine operate ... The fuel system components for GDI engines The fuel tank is used to store the fuel The fuel is delivered with the pressure of about 0,35 MPa from the tank to the high-pressure pump by means of ... systems in the gasoline engines In place of PFI engines where the fuel is injected through the port, in GDI engines, the fuel is injected directly into cylinders at a high pressure During the induction...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 01:20

20 207 0
An experimental investigation on hydrogen fuel injection in intake port and manifold with different EGR rates

An experimental investigation on hydrogen fuel injection in intake port and manifold with different EGR rates

... hydrogen in the fuel line during the engine shutoff time The other end of the two-way valve was connected to a selector switch, which will permit the supply of hydrogen to either the port fuel ... flow [18] The hydrogen from the flame arrestor was then passed to the flame trap, which consisted of wire mesh The wire mesh will prevent the penetration of flame to the hydrogen cylinder The flame ... monitor the hydrogen gas in the operating environment and also used to sense any leak of hydrogen through the pipeline during the operation of the engine The sensor works on the principle of electrochemical...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 15:28

28 367 0
Tài liệu Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI) system doc

Tài liệu Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI) system doc

... in the event of sudden impact, thus switching off the pump If the switch has been activated, the reset button will be in the raised position A fuel rail is bolted to the lower section of the ... Refitting is a reversal of removal, ensuring that the moulded side of the sensor faces the throttle housing, and that the flat on the sensor wiper engages with the flat on the throttle shaft 12 ... The volume of air drawn into the system depends on air pressure and density, throttle valve position, engine speed and the cleanliness of the air cleaner element The EEC IV module evaluates these...

Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 02:20

4 375 1
fuel injection system

fuel injection system

... turns off the transistor, thereby cutting off the flow of current to the L2 coil of the circuit opening relay As a result, the circuit opening relay opens turning off the fuel pump Note: The resistor ... of the EFI main relay, turning the relay on At the same time, current flows from the ST terminal of the ignition switch to the L3 coil of the circuit opening relay, turning it on to operate the ... the fuel pump switch is turned off This cuts off the flow of current to the L2 coil of the circuit-opening relay As a result, the circuit-opening relay goes off and the fuel pump stops operating...

Ngày tải lên: 28/05/2014, 14:24

23 313 0
Fuel Injection Part 2 pdf

Fuel Injection Part 2 pdf

... way The difference between them is due to the fact that with the incomplete sprays the disintegration of the surface of the spray begins at a certain distance from the point of the nozzle of the ... suggest that the velocity of the droplets at the tip is usually slower than in other regions of the spray, so the simple fact that the velocity of the droplets is slower than the velocity of penetration ... until they evaporate completely Spatial evolution of the size of the drops: the average size of the droplets tends to grow in relation to the increase of the distance between the drops and the...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 11:20

20 353 0
Fuel Injection Part 3 ppt

Fuel Injection Part 3 ppt

... in Diesel Engines 37 between the spray and the chamber wall Because of these, the necessity to measure the liquid penetration in diesel engines of direct injection emerges, motivating the use of ... capturing The main altered parameters where the injection pressure, orifice diameter of the nozzle, temperature and density of the working fluid in the inside of the chamber The investigation of the ... parameters and the thermodynamic variables have upon the penetration of a diesel spray in evaporative conditions The first developed study is based on the analysis of the penetration of the spray...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 11:20

20 213 0
Fuel Injection Part 5 pot

Fuel Injection Part 5 pot

... (particularly in the opening phase), hit the surface of the outlet hole This changed the direction of the flow, which caused variations in the position of the core in the cross-section of the spray The spray ... position the axis of the needle rotation was perpendicular to the ‘y’ direction The asymmetry of the core of the spray generated by the RSN sprayer may be explained by the change of the cross-sections ... in the case of the RSN sprayer, the apex angle of the spray was dependent not only on the time of the spray development, but also on the type of fuel It is significant that the largest values of...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 11:20

20 169 0
Fuel Injection Part 6 ppt

Fuel Injection Part 6 ppt

... Q is the net flow-rate coming into the chamber, (V/El )(dp/dt) the rate of increase of the fluid volume in the chamber due to the fluid compressibility and (dV/dt) the deformation rate of the chamber ... coefficient of the nozzle holes The model of the discharge coefficient of the nozzle holes is designed on the base of the unsteady coefficients reported in (Catania et al., 1994; 1997) These coefficients ... displacement, and ξ is the transition value of ξ between the sinusoidal and the linear trend The use of the variable ξ, rather than the needle lift, xn , emphasizes the fact that all the mechanical elements...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 11:20

20 403 0
Fuel Injection Part 7 pot

Fuel Injection Part 7 pot

... is the rate of change of Cv due to the interphase exchange The interphase source terms in the equations of conservation of momentum components are the components of the vector of the rate of ... diffusion, use is made of the Boussinesq hypothesis on the linear dependence of the components of the tensor of turbulent stresses on the components of the tensor of deformation rates of average motion ... from the solution of the equation of motion and heating of an individual droplet The technique of calculation of a two-phase flow is based on the solution of a conjugate problem of flow of the...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 11:20

20 230 0
Fuel Injection Part 8 ppt

Fuel Injection Part 8 ppt

... coupled to the optimization code, to identify the optimal design parameters or the injection strategies, to the aim of realizing the maximization of the engine performance, the reduction of the NOx ... orthogonal to the cylinder axis Integrated numerical procedures for the design, analysis and optimization of diesel engines 149 The results of the computations allow the determination of the discharge ... and mainly contribute to fill the cylinder with the fresh charge The velocity in correspondence of the other seven ports maintains lower The shape of the ports, with their surfaces positioned in...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 11:20

20 133 0
Fuel Injection Part 9 pot

Fuel Injection Part 9 pot

... 2009) the effect of the divergence angles of the posterior stages on the performance of the scramjet combustor is the most important, and the effect of the divergence angle on the first stage is the ... lower walls of the first and the second staged combustor The width of the slot is 1mm Assuming that the height of the isolator Hi is unit, the distance between the upstream forward face of the cavity ... dimensions of the scramjet combustor The primary geometry parameters of the cavity flameholder: the length of the cavity flameholder L=1.376, the height of the leading edge Du=0.275, the ratio of length-to-height...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 11:20

20 167 0
Fuel Injection Part 10 potx

Fuel Injection Part 10 potx

... divergent angle of 3.6° There is a clapboard between the entrance of the air and the entrance of hot gas, see Fig 9, and the length of the clapboard is 6mm All the dimensions used in the CFD model ... separation area in the vicinity of the upper wall of the combustor Because of the variation in the fuel injection location and the effect of the shock wave, small eddies are formed in both the upper and ... distance can be of much assistance in the optimization of the performance of the combustor, but the fuel injection location being excessively close to the entrance of the combustor can cause the interaction...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 11:20

20 281 0
Fuel Injection Part 12 pot

Fuel Injection Part 12 pot

... or MOHR, the inclination of the closing bell, the relative diameter of the bell and the hopper and the length of the bell, all influence the form of distribution of solid materials in the oven ... descent of the charge, slag and iron formation and casting at the bottom, as well as the release of gases at the top 216 Fuel Injection 2.4 The deadman The part of the furnace called the deadman, ... through the outlet valve During the entire formation and the dissociation runs of methane hydrate, the data thus as the temperature and the pressure in the vessel, the gas production, the amount of...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 11:20

20 174 0
Fuel Injection Part 13 pot

Fuel Injection Part 13 pot

... 13, the thermal efficiency and the energy ratio decrease with the increase of the temperature of injected hot water at the wt% salinity For the case of the injection of hot brine solution, the thermal ... transformation) processes of the hydrate still without the effect of the inhibitor The downward section is the cooling endothermal dissociation process of the hydrate on the effects of the hot water and ... production The process of the hydrate dissociation is a process of the temperature decrease in the presence of the brine solution The duration of the hydrate dissociation is shortened and the degree of...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 11:20

20 118 0


... from the fuel tank to the high pressure pump An electric fuel pump is used for this purpose in the CRFIS When the electric fuel pump is switched off, the supply of fuel is interrupted and the ... and the fuel is taken from the rail every time an injection takes place 4 .The ECU controls and monitors the complete injection system Using the signals from the sensors, the ECU calculates all the ... pressure in the high pressure accumulator (the rail) and to inject the fuel through the injectors into the engine’s combustion chambers The Common Rail Sub functions ECU and sensors The common...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 17:41

30 394 2
Fuel Injection Part 3 pdf

Fuel Injection Part 3 pdf

... in Diesel Engines 37 between the spray and the chamber wall Because of these, the necessity to measure the liquid penetration in diesel engines of direct injection emerges, motivating the use of ... capturing The main altered parameters where the injection pressure, orifice diameter of the nozzle, temperature and density of the working fluid in the inside of the chamber The investigation of the ... parameters and the thermodynamic variables have upon the penetration of a diesel spray in evaporative conditions The first developed study is based on the analysis of the penetration of the spray...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 01:20

20 92 0
Fuel Injection Part 9 doc

Fuel Injection Part 9 doc

... 2009) the effect of the divergence angles of the posterior stages on the performance of the scramjet combustor is the most important, and the effect of the divergence angle on the first stage is the ... lower walls of the first and the second staged combustor The width of the slot is 1mm Assuming that the height of the isolator Hi is unit, the distance between the upstream forward face of the cavity ... dimensions of the scramjet combustor The primary geometry parameters of the cavity flameholder: the length of the cavity flameholder L=1.376, the height of the leading edge Du=0.275, the ratio of length-to-height...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 01:20

20 101 0
Fuel Injection Part 11 potx

Fuel Injection Part 11 potx

... rate at the engine exit was 8,000 lpm, which is estimated to be 3,500 lpm at the end of the tail pipe due to the cooling of the ambient air The energy density therefore was calculated by the methane ... to the drastic decrease of plasma volume and the short residence time of contaminants The wavenumbers 910 and 1032 cm–1 on the horizontal line represent the signature of the NF3 species After the ... elimination experiment of the airborne biological warfare agents is very difficult because of the complexity of detecting the agents before and after the plasma flame treatment Spores of the biological...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 01:20

20 273 0