the little book on coffeescript pdf

The Little Book on CoffeeScript docx

The Little Book on CoffeeScript docx

... example, CoffeeScript has also stripped the trailing comma in array3, another common source of cross-browser errors. Flow Control The convention of optional parentheses continues with CoffeeScript s ... precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher and author assume no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information con- tained ... Navigate to http:/ /coffeescript. org and click on the Try CoffeeScript tab. The site uses a browser version of the CoffeeScript compiler, converting any CoffeeScript typed inside the left panel to...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 06:20

60 462 0
The Little Book on CoffeeScript doc

The Little Book on CoffeeScript doc

... this. One such helper is a variation on ->, the fat arrow function: => Using the fat arrow instead of the thin arrow ensures that the function context will be bound to the local one. For ... if @logPrefix console?.log(args ) Bear in mind though that CoffeeScript will automatically set the function invocation context to the object the function is being invoked on. In the example above, ... Navigate to http:/ /coffeescript. org and click on the Try CoffeeScript tab. The site uses a browser version of the CoffeeScript compiler, converting any CoffeeScript typed inside the left panel to...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 18:20

60 501 0
The Intelligent Investor: The Definitive Book On Value part 4 pdf

The Intelligent Investor: The Definitive Book On Value part 4 pdf

... increasingly attractive.” In 1965 the investor could obtain about 4 1 ⁄2% on high-grade tax- able bonds and 3 1 ⁄4% on good tax-free bonds. The dividend return on leading common stocks (with the DJIA at 892) was only about 3.2%. ... not consider specifically the possibility that the same might happen to the price of high-grade bonds. (Neither did anyone else that we know of.) We did warn (on p. 90) that “a long-term bond ... against the charge that it gave too wide scope to the concept of investment. Now our concern is of the opposite sort. We must prevent our readers from accepting the common jargon which applies the...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 15:20

10 303 0
Tài liệu luyện đọc tiếng anh qua các tác phẩm văn học--THE LITTLE PRINCESS Chapter 7 pdf

Tài liệu luyện đọc tiếng anh qua các tác phẩm văn học--THE LITTLE PRINCESS Chapter 7 pdf

... That young man had too much money. The dear friend was mad on the subject of the diamond mine. He put all his own money into it, and all Captain Crewe's. Then the dear friend ran away Captain ... not shake. THE LITTLE PRINCESS Chapter 7 7. The Diamond Mines Again When Sara entered the holly-hung schoolroom in the afternoon, she did so as the head of a sort of procession. Miss Minchin, ... out of the room and down the steps into the scullery, and there she sat down among her pots and kettles, and wept as if her heart would break. "It's exactly like the ones in the stories,"...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 07:16

33 865 1
Tài liệu luyện đọc tiếng anh qua các tác phẩm văn học--THE LITTLE PRINCESS Chapter 8 pdf

Tài liệu luyện đọc tiếng anh qua các tác phẩm văn học--THE LITTLE PRINCESS Chapter 8 pdf

... coldly. One of the most curious things in her new existence was her changed position among the pupils. Instead of being a sort of small royal personage among them, she no longer seemed to be one ... to buy groceries and carry them through the streets in a basket on her arm when the cook wanted them in a hurry, they felt rather as if, when they spoke to her, they were addressing an under ... spent in the garret, she had felt a vague comfort in knowing that on the other side of the wall in which the rats scuffled and squeaked there was another young human creature. And during the nights...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 07:16

17 818 4
Tài liệu luyện đọc tiếng anh qua các tác phẩm văn học--THE LITTLE PRINCESS Chapter 9 pdf

Tài liệu luyện đọc tiếng anh qua các tác phẩm văn học--THE LITTLE PRINCESS Chapter 9 pdf

... cushions to curl up on; and just over it could be a shelf full of books so that one could reach them easily; and there could be a fur rug before the fire, and hangings on the wall to cover up the ... black frock and came into the schoolroom only to teach instead of to sit in her place of honor and learn lessons herself. There had been much whispering among the little ones when it had been discovered ... window in the roof, and looked out. Anyone who has not done this does not know what a different world they saw. The slates spread out on either side of them and slanted down into the rain...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 07:16

18 738 3
Tài liệu luyện đọc tiếng anh qua các tác phẩm văn học--THE LITTLE PRINCESS Chapter 13 pdf

Tài liệu luyện đọc tiếng anh qua các tác phẩm văn học--THE LITTLE PRINCESS Chapter 13 pdf

... caution to watch what was going on. The attic had been very still all the day after Sara had left it in the early morning. The stillness had only been broken by the pattering of the rain upon ... perching on the arms of his seat or on his knees or leaning against them. This evening the swarm was about him, but he was not seated. On the contrary, there was a good deal of excitement going on. ... house is not one who remembers that another than herself may be cold." THE LITTLE PRINCESS Chapter 13 13. One of the Populace The winter was a wretched one. There were days on which Sara...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 07:16

25 725 1
Tài liệu luyện đọc tiếng anh qua các tác phẩm văn học--THE LITTLE PRINCESS Chapter 18 pdf

Tài liệu luyện đọc tiếng anh qua các tác phẩm văn học--THE LITTLE PRINCESS Chapter 18 pdf

... turned out that there were millions and millions of diamonds in the mines; and half of them belong to Sara; and they belonged to her when she was living in the attic with no one but Melchisedec ... and on inquiry had heard an astonishing thing. One of the housemaids had seen her steal out of the area with something hidden under her cloak, and had also seen her go up the steps of the next ... what, at the moment, seemed the most important and self- explaining thing. "There were diamond mines," she said stoutly; "there were!" Open mouths and open eyes confronted...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 13:20

22 429 1
The Little Book of SEMAPHORES (2nd Edition)-The Ins and Outs of Concurrency Control and Common Mistakes docx

The Little Book of SEMAPHORES (2nd Edition)-The Ins and Outs of Concurrency Control and Common Mistakes docx

... Semaphores along with one of the standard textbooks, and I taught Synchronization as a concurrent thread for the duration of the course. Each week I gave the students a few pages from the book, ending ... threads, then the processor can work on one for a while, then switch to another, and so on. In general the programmer has no control over when each thread runs; the operating system (specifically, the ... Storsjăo sent a correction to the generalized smokers problem. The Little Book of Semaphores Allen B. Downey Version 2.1.5 22 Basic synchronization patterns The synchronization requirement is that...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 11:20

291 3,3K 0
the little book that beats the market

the little book that beats the market

... the crummy 5 per- cent the bank was willing to pay you. There’s one little problem, though: If you buy a bond from one of these companies and something goes wrong THE LITTLE BOOK THAT BEATS THE ... and the lucky Mrs. Jason). Only now THE LITTLE BOOK THAT BEATS THE MARKET [17] *And yes, the dog was fine. 12949 Greenblatt 01.f.qxd 10/7/05 8:47 AM Page 17 The Little Book That Beats the Market Joel ... left with the same $1,000 you put there in the first place. It won’t grow at all. In fact, if the prices of the things you were going to buy with that money go up during the time your money was...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 00:11

178 824 0