... deployment of Thesis: The Thesis analyzes the explanations of phenomena to understand their status and nature; identify issues to be solved; find out the causes of the status quo and thereby state ... activity, the latter will be the secondary one 2.2 The role of information, documentation and library in the development of society The main purpose of the Thesis is to clarify the role of information ... indispensable strength in the development of contemporary society, has become popular 2.2.2 The role of library for the development of society The role of library in the development of society is reflected...
Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 17:44
... the other end of the scale is petty theft of items such as office equipment and stationary, vehicles and fuel The perpetrators of petty theft are usually middle and lower-level officials, compensating, ... forms of corruption Shared experience "there the patron and client have usually worked together in the past and are on good terms and the patron promotes or has promoted the client on the basis of ... in his theory of the "perverted" constitutions-Democracy, oligarchy, and tyranny-worried that these regimes instead of being guided by the law were serving the interest of the rulers "These fundamental...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 06:20
wonderful life - the burgess shale and the nature of history
... PROBLEMS OF THE BURGESS SHALE -the ORIGIN OF THE BURGESS FAUNA -the DECIMATION OF THE BURGESS FAUNA CHAPTER IV Walcott's Vision and the Nature of History -the BASIS FOR WALCOTT'S ALLEGIANCE TO THE ... expresses the duality of our wonder at the beauty of the organisms themselves, and at the new view of life that they have inspired _Opabinia_ and company constituted the strange and wonderful life of ... about the nature of history and the overwhelming improbability of human evolution under themes of contingency and the metaphor of replaying life's tape It focuses upon the new interpretation of the...
Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2014, 00:54
báo cáo khoa học: " Government use licenses in Thailand: The power of evidence, civil movement and political leadership" ppt
... for political reforms The other points of the triangle were represented by the public and civil society organizations, which mobilized public support for the reforms and the political actors and ... and the bureaucracy, which supported the process of political reform The convergence of the three points of the triangle provided the momentum needed to move forward the process of political reform ... the import and production of generic versions of medicines patented in Thailand The aim is to provide insights into the political context, the roles of key actors and their motivations, and the...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 14:21
Báo cáo y học: " The interplay of inflammation and cardiovascular disease in systemic lupus erythematosus" doc
... increases the level of adhesion molecules on the surface of vascular endothelium and promotes enhanced levels of chemotactic proteins, which allows for recruitment of monocytes and T cells into the ... into whether interactions between endothelial cells and SLE autoreactive T cells result in endothelial damage and an increased risk of atherosclerosis should be considered The roles of other T-cell ... stress Endothelial damage and the initiation of the atherogenic cycle may be influenced by the redox environment SLE patients have increased levels of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species and antibodies...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 15:22
Báo cáo y học: "Regular mosaic pattern development: A study of the interplay between lateral inhibition, apoptosis and differential adhesion" doc
... (the centroid of the cell's lattice sites) of each primary cell Let D be the set of distances between the center of each Voronoi cell and its vertices, then the VRI is the ratio of the mean of ... In the first study, we compared the output of the models to the development of the mosaic of sensory (hair cells) and support- ing cells of the chick basilar papilla reported by Goodyear and ... division in the formation of the polygonal cellular pattern of the avian oviduct epithelium Another notable example is the work of Marée and Hogeweg [10] that investigated how individual cells of Dictyostelium...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21
The interplay of collaborative technology with learner characteristics conceptual and empirical examinations
... (Please see Anderman et al.(2006), Leidner and Jarvenpaa (1995), and Mayes and de Frietas (2004) for further details of learning theories and pedagogies) Before discussing the details of the theoretical ... learning, the relevant knowledge and skills has not been acquired before the launch of the problem The problem questions provide the starting point for the learning activity and the analysis of the ... CT and the newer breeds of CT Chapter elaborates on the overall theoretical framework of the thesis Based on the literature review, a theoretical framework is conceptualized that consists of...
Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 15:51
The interplay of culture and structure in intergenerational underdevelopment the case of working poor malays in singapore
... analysis of the working class in England The institutionalization of the working class as ―an integral, permanent‖ feature of modern society and their worsening standard of living, were the direct ... consists of the lessons of experience of trial and error, of clever skills refined through diligent practice‖ and episteme — ―which embodies awareness of the known, of the knower and of knowing‖ ... 1966 and 1972, due to the loss of Malay occupational niches in law enforcement and the armed forces, and the migration of the tiny educated Malay elite to Malaysia (Ibid: 182 and 186) Other structuralist...
Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2015, 11:58
Ronald bogue deleuzian fabulation and the scars of history
... analysis of the succession of instants in the present, we find hints of what will be identified as the coexistence of moments of the second synthesis of the past and the retroactive delay-effect of the ... the faint index of a configuration of diverse presents of the first synthesis and pasts of the second synthesis, assembled through the searches, interrogations and responses of the third synthesis; ... through the integration of these two temporal models Although the problems of history and those of narrative fiction are not identical, the question of the temporality of events and their recounting...
Ngày tải lên: 20/07/2016, 11:02
... the food stocks, and the mood of the garrison The tactics of the Daily Mail captured the attention of the nation; the newspaper dramatized the situation of the town by emphasizing the danger that ... to the crisis of liberalism as a far-reaching one not simply of the relationship between the state and civil society, but ‘‘rather of the very ideas of state and civil society, of public and ... powerful beginning of the New Journalism at the same time as it marks the beginning of the end of the New Imperialism The coincidence of these occasions arises from the nature of the South African...
Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:54
Báo cáo y học: "An unusual case of gout in the wrist: the importance of monitoring medication dosage and interaction. A case report"
... in the wrist due to gout [6,8,9] The prevalence of gout in the USA ranges between 0.5–2.8% in men and 0.1–0.6% in women [2] The prevalence rises to 4.4% of men and 1.8% of women over the age of ... at the carpal-metacarpal joint at the base of the thumb The report stated that the radiographs were otherwise normal The patient's symptoms worsened with increased pain and swelling over the ... incidence of gout has been reported in the USA and New Zealand over the past 30 years, while the prevalence of gout has been reported to have risen three-fold in the UK over 20 years of follow-up...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:06
Báo cáo y học: "Ultra-low microcurrent in the management of diabetes mellitus, hypertension and chronic wounds: Report of twelve cases and discussion of mechanism of action"
... major role in the pathogenesis of both types of diabetes mellitus High levels of free radicals and the decline of antioxidant defense mechanisms lead to damage of cellular organelles and enzymes, ... current (maximum of milliAmperes) of one polarity for 11.5 minutes, which then switched to the opposite polarity for another 11.5 minutes The device was designed to switch the direction of current ... bilaterally with poor capillary refill The left foot was red and inflamed up to and including the medial malleolus The lateral aspect of the great toe and second toe turned black Laboratory investigation...
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 09:39
Báo cáo y học: "Grb2-associated binder 1 polymorphism was associated with the risk of Helicobactor pylori infection and gastric atrophy"
... increased the risk of gastric atrophy [18] Table shows the age-sex-adjusted ORs of the Gab1 and the combinations of PTPN11 and Gab1 genotypes for gastric atrophy among seropositive healthy controls The ... eradication of the bacteria However, the OR of the A/A genotype for H pylori seropositivity was 0.25 (95% CI 0.09-0.71) So, the Gab1 polymorphism was associated with the low risk of the infection ... and biologically plausible observation would stimulate interest in the study of the molecular mechanisms of action of this polymorphism Because these results were based on the low frequency of...
Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2012, 15:37
An Overview into the Semantic of Questions in English and Vietnamese
... mainly focuses on the semantics of questions that function as a request for information The semantics refers to the close and intense relationship between the form and the meaning of a sentence (Thiêm, ... we can see from the above examples, questions of this type contain two opposite clauses, in which the positive one normally stand at the front and the negative one is often in the back (Thiêm, ... confirmation, we can reverse the position of the tag to the beginning of the question (Thiêm, 2004) The tags can be put at the beginning or function as a new sentence to indicate the speaker’s emphasis...
Ngày tải lên: 22/01/2013, 09:28
The role of advertising in society
... brands are on the store shelves and thousands of new products are introduced every year The opportunity to advertise new brands gives companies the incentive to develop new brands and improve their ... develop the kind of man the goals of the industrial system require-one that reliably spends his income and works reliably because he is always in need of more In the absence of the massive and artful ... acceptable part of the Protestant ethic, which stresses hard work and individual effort and initiative and views the accumulation of material possessions as evidence of success Others argue that the acquisition...
Ngày tải lên: 16/04/2013, 11:05
Cannibals or knights – sexual honor in the propaganda of Arthur Conan Doyle and W. T. Stead
... place in the chivalric world of war marked either the uncontrollable lust of the British soldier in wartime or the self-controlled lust of the British soldier in wartime In one of the last of the ... attention to the camps – they were an important part of his defense of the sexual honor of the British soldier First Doyle gave his version of the origin of the camps: ‘‘Considerable districts of the ... (Majuba was the scene of the infamous Boer defeat of the British in the first Boer War of ).⁵ This kind of slap in the face was pushing the British public a little too far, and sales of Stead’s...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 08:20
The Conduct of Monetary Policy: Strategy and Tactics
... The Price Stability Goal and the Nominal Anchor • Over the past few decades, policy makers throughout the world have become increasingly aware of the social and economic costs of inflation and ... Stability Be the Primary Goal of Monetary Policy? • Hierarchical Versus Dual Mandates: – hierarchical mandates put the goal of price stability first, and then say that as long as it is achieved other ... Education, Inc All rights reserved Other Goals of Monetary Policy • Five other goals are continually mentioned by central bank officials when they discuss the objectives of monetary policy: – – – – –...
Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2013, 20:27
A study of words in the language of sports in english and vietnamese
... ice-hockey instead of go ice-hockey, * when offensive players pay the ball to the basket instead of take the ball to the basket and *have a lot of goals instead of get a lot of goals These errors were ... F, H, I, K) appeared On the basis of quantitative analyses of the collocation test because the students failed to observe the restrictions on the scores and the data of the questionnaire, several ... review of the research indicates that the multiple-choice test, the cloze test, and the writing task are common approaches to testing INTERPRETATION OF THE QUESTIONNAIRES RESULTS The “important” and...
Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:19
A study of difficulties in learning english listening skill for beginners in the asemlink of intrernational languages center and some suggested solutions
... about the thesis First, the rationale is about the main reasons which enhance the author to this thesis Then, the purpose of the study introduces the aims to the thesis And the scope of the study ... expressed in details in the following part of the thesis The results of the study i The results of the questionnaires First of all, the author would like to show the chart of the learners’ purposes ... reading and writing Most of the learners of this program are adults Especially, at the first level, the mojority of the learners are at the age from nineteen to forty Therefore, the author of the thesis...
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 00:41