the importance of internal communication in an organisation

The Importance of Eye Contact in the Classroom

The Importance of Eye Contact in the Classroom

... The Importance of Eye Contact in the Classroom Teachers often complain about discipline, about lack of attention, about the use of L2 in the classroom and many other problems, many of which ... largely in the context of providing clues to the nature of the learner rather than in terms of a teaching tool. We have recently had the pleasure of observing English language classes at the Izmir ... underestimate the importance of non-verbal communication in their own and their students' performance. One aspect of non-verbal communication is the use of the eyes to convey messages. The eyes...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 10:10

2 699 0
Tài liệu The importance of land tenure in African countries: The case of Uganda doc

Tài liệu The importance of land tenure in African countries: The case of Uganda doc

... mới chứ không chỉ qua giảng dạy. Quan hệ giữa các tác nhân là quan hệ đường tròn chứ không phải đường thẳng. Chuyển giao kĩ thuật dựa trên các cơ quan nghiên cứu thường không được nông ... thống canh tác. Kĩ thuật đáng lẽ được áp dụng từng phần, thay đổi tuỳ theo nhu cầu của nông dân và kĩ năng quản lý và hưởng lợi từ kĩ thuật đó. Một ví dụ tốt là kĩ thuật nông – lâm trong canh ... dãy cây bụi để tạo ra phân xanh cho cây trồng. Ví dụ ở Rwanda, nông dân không cắt tỉa cây vào những thời điểm mà các nhà nghiên cứu đã đưa ra, mà cắt lá cây theo lịch riêng của họ và cho...

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 21:20

6 825 0
Tài liệu On the Importance of Prior Relationships in Bank Loans to Retail Customers docx

Tài liệu On the Importance of Prior Relationships in Bank Loans to Retail Customers docx

... our main instrument. This variable is constructed using the number of all branches of each savings bank and the number of inhabitants of the particular region the bank is operating in. The underlying ... credit assessment of each loan applicant and a recommendation for the loan decision, but the final decision remains with the bank and its loan officers. The final loan granting decision is thus ... banks. The higher the HHI in a given savings bank region, i.e. the fewer competitors operate in that region, the lower is the acceptance of consumer loans within these savings banks. 23 The...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 06:20

58 570 0
The importance of project management in small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) for the development of new products through E-collaboration docx

The importance of project management in small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) for the development of new products through E-collaboration docx

... According to these definitions and the importance of SMEs in manufacturing industries in this research, the author chose these types of companies. Strengths and weakness characteristics of ... reduce time and cost in developing new products in SMEs. To understand the importance of coordinating these sections with the project manager and validated the model, the author interviewed ... video conferencing. The duration of the interviews lasted between 50 min to 1 h. The participants were given an explanation regarding the purpose of the feedback, the purpose of the conceptual...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 00:20

12 982 0


... Specifically, the more ambiguous the meaning of the visual image, the more influence is exerted by the musical score in the process of interpreting the scene. Music can convey the scope of a film, ... sound (including music), taking into account the director’s – and, therefore, the composer’s – intentions, the narrative content of the film, and the overall strategy of the director in constructing ... valid to say that the music projects the meaning of the image or the image projects the meaning of the music), then the multimedia example has passed the similarity test and the relationship...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 14:20

7 773 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "The Importance of Rule Restrictions in CCG" doc

Báo cáo khoa học: "The Importance of Rule Restrictions in CCG" doc

... the corresponding an- notations on the right-hand side. The correctness of the construction of G T can be proved by induction on the length of a transformed derivation of G on the one hand, and ... restricting the use of compositions to categories with the appropri- ate type, and the transformation rules permute the order of the words in the string. There is a chance therefore that a transformed ... derivations of G. As the set of terminals of G T , we use the set of terminals of G . To form the set of nonterminals, we take all categories that can occur in a transformed derivation of G , and mark each...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 23:20

10 419 0
Báo cáo y học: "An unusual case of gout in the wrist: the importance of monitoring medication dosage and interaction. A case report"

Báo cáo y học: "An unusual case of gout in the wrist: the importance of monitoring medication dosage and interaction. A case report"

... obtained from the patient. The authors wish to thank Dr. William Hsu and Dr. Tania Pringle for their contribution to the interpretation of the radiographs and providing key information relevant ... competing inter- ests. Authors' contributions CLJ and PJS both contributed substantially to the concep- tion, writing and editing of the manuscript. Both authors read and approved the final manuscript. Acknowledgements Written ... deposits in the wrist due to gout [6,8,9]. The prevalence of gout in the USA ranges between 0.5–2.8% in men and 0.1–0.6% in women [2]. The prevalence rises to 4.4% of men and 1.8% of women over the...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:06

5 801 0
Tài liệu Health Education in Schools – The Importance of Establishing Healthy Behaviors in our Nation’s Youth pptx

Tài liệu Health Education in Schools – The Importance of Establishing Healthy Behaviors in our Nation’s Youth pptx

... Education in Schools – The Importance of Establishing Healthy Behaviors in our Nation’s Youth A Statement from the American Cancer Society, the American Diabetes Association, and the American Heart ... Reducing the health consequences of smoking: 25 years of progress; a report of the Surgeon General. Rockville, MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, CDC, Office of Smoking and Health; ... prevention measures: not smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, and exercising regularly. 11 An investment in prevention is like putting money in the bank. Americans place a $10 trillion dollar...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 13:20

5 462 0


... not the 2 The aim of this study is to investigate (i) whether and how much the Indian public values any efforts to reduce pollution levels in the Ganga via reduction of the amount of untreated ... though the ρ 2 increases from 0.219 in CLM to 0.343 in RPLM. The estimated standard deviations of the RPLM are insignificant for the quantity of treated wastewater and regeneration of the park ... by a random component i . By specifying the distribution of the error terms e and , the probability of choosing j in each of the choice sets can be derived (Train, 1998). By accounting for...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 01:20

40 473 1
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Diversity and junction residues as hotspots of binding energy in an antibody neutralizing the dengue virus doc

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Diversity and junction residues as hotspots of binding energy in an antibody neutralizing the dengue virus doc

... alanine scanning of the L-CDR3 and H-CDR3 loops of antibody mAb4E11. This scanning allowed us to identify the residues of these loops that contributed to the energetics and kinet- ics of the interaction ... available on anti- bodies and their genes, and performed a systematic scanning of the CDR3 loops of mAb4E11 by mutagen- esis of their residues into alanine (Ala scanning). The affinities of the purified ... the numbering of the amino- acid sequences of immunoglobulins and the definition of their CDR loops, as described from 1997 [13]. The number- ing and definition of the L-CDR3 and H-CDR3 loops of mAb4E11...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 07:20

13 659 0
Mechanisms for delayed density-dependent reproductive traits in field voles, Microtus agrestis: the importance of inherited environmental effects doc

Mechanisms for delayed density-dependent reproductive traits in field voles, Microtus agrestis: the importance of inherited environmental effects doc

... important determinant of onset of spring reproduc- tion. On the other hand, since some of the voles had already started to reproduce in the increase area when they were sampled in the field, it may ... (2001) als. In years with increasing population densities, over- wintering animals generally start to breed earlier in the spring and more animals mature in their year of birth than in other years ... 83–105. Bernshtein, A. D., Zhigalsky, O. A. and Panina, T. V. 1989. Multi-annual fluctuations in the size of a population of the bank vole in European part of the USSR. – Acta Theriol. 34: 409–438. Bjørnstad,...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 17:20

13 503 0
Labour Force Participation of the Elderly in Europe: The Importance of Being Healthy doc

Labour Force Participation of the Elderly in Europe: The Importance of Being Healthy doc

... France and Spain) and/or if there are children present in the household. Given the positive impact of the dummy variable associated with living in a couple and the number of children in many of the ... condition. Having restrictions in activities of daily living, on the other hand, has a signi…cant and economically important impact in Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and Sweden, with ... reduced form analysis of the de- terminants of labour force participation of the elderly in Europe. Nevertheless, knowing 2 In the future, there will be a link e stablished between SHA RE and the social...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 18:20

30 580 0