the impact of professional certifications on healthcare information technology use

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article On the Impact of Entropy Estimation on Transcriptional Regulatory Network Inference Based on Mutual Information" potx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article On the Impact of Entropy Estimation on Transcriptional Regulatory Network Inference Based on Mutual Information" potx

... estimator, the impact of the discretization, the impact of the inference algorithm, and the influence of sample and network size The section concludes with the identification of the best combination of ... synthetic data generator, the description of the real data setting, and the related discussions of the results Section concludes the paper Estimators of Information An information theoretic network inference ... and Pearson) on the mutual information computation once a hypothesis of normality is done Interestingly enough, the Spearman- and the Pearson-based information estimators emerge as the most competitive...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 00:20

9 370 0
Ensuring Financial Stability: Financial Structure and the Impact of Monetary Policy on Asset Prices

Ensuring Financial Stability: Financial Structure and the Impact of Monetary Policy on Asset Prices

... countries the existence of cointegration could not be rejected We therefore specify the VAR models in the level of the variables Nevertheless, we neither impose the number of cointegrating relations on ... literature on the estimation of panel regressions and the inconsistency that can arise in that context Much of that literature deals with the bias of the fixed effects 19 The price puzzle arises because ... triggered by the adoption of tight monetary policy in Germany to offset the aggregate demand effects of German Reunification The figure indicates that following the collapse of the “bubble economy”...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2012, 09:40

35 801 0
The impact of extensive reading on students'

The impact of extensive reading on students'

... the questionnaire The results of the questionnaire are presented in the following sections IV.5.1 Result of the first part of the questionnaire Table indicates the results of the first part of ... week the students handed in a “weekly reading log” detailing information on the texts they had read and the amount of time spent on reading during that week The information of the amount of reading ... increase the validity of the later generalization of the result to the population Involving the generalization of the results, extraneous variables need controlling prior to the experimental like the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:54

51 979 3
The Impact of Signal Bandwidth on Indoor Wireless Systems in Dense Multipath Environments

The Impact of Signal Bandwidth on Indoor Wireless Systems in Dense Multipath Environments

... (for the case of swept frequency measurements) to extract the channel impulse response of the channel In theory, convolution of the impulse response with an information signal (such as one used ... Tbb the paths are not completely resolved and the contribution of the second term of (2.47) depends on relative difference in the multipath phases and the value of the autocorrelation function ... propagation were considered separately However, any practical communication system will make use of all of these concepts to facilitate the transfer of information from one location to another Classically,...

Ngày tải lên: 20/11/2012, 11:36

210 713 0


... the sum of all students in the class This then raises the question of the validity and authority of knowledge gained over the Internet How can the learner be sure of the sources of information? ... other in some way The professor's expertise is used to estimate the effects of changing one variable on all the others Users are then asked to input their own data and/or make decisions, and the ... explanations or answers not previously considered by the designer of the multiple choice questions Consequently, a more common form of response is the use of words or phrases, usually typed into the...

Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2013, 20:15

18 454 0
Tài liệu The Impact of HIV/AIDS on the Health Sector ppt

Tài liệu The Impact of HIV/AIDS on the Health Sector ppt

... HIV/ AIDS on professional health Health professionals, i.e., doctors, nurses, workers in the health sector other professionals 3.2 Impact of HIV/ AIDS on non -professional health workers in the health ... practitioners; • 33 other health professionals eg social workers, psychologists; and • 167 non-professionals eg cleaners ©DoH 2003 The Impact of HIV/AIDS on the Health Sector Information on the number ... protect the identity of respondents, the covering sheet of the questionnaire was separated from the rest of the questionnaire because it contained identifying details of respondents The separated...

Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 10:20

181 499 0
Tài liệu The Impact of HIV-AIDS on Land Rights pdf

Tài liệu The Impact of HIV-AIDS on Land Rights pdf

... synthesis report prepared for the Southern African Regional Office of the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations ©HSRC 2004 The Impact of HIV/AIDS on Land Rights • A special concern ... administration and its impact on the tenure security of the vulnerable Forecasting the impact of HIV/AIDS on land rights into the future Why the discrepancy between these findings and the perception at ... that information to the researchers The research team did not find an ideal solution to these challenges but rather a partially satisfactory one On the one hand, there was no concealment of the...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 04:20

224 654 0


... necessary condition for the possibility of aesthetic nature, which is itself vital for a 'rich' life The junction of the ethical and the aesthetic leads Seel to the moral proposition that the conservation ... depend on the degree of freedom but on our ability to acknowledge its freedom Therefore the potential freedom of existing nature is a condition for the imaginative construction of aesthetic nature ... introduction on the subject His description of fantasy brings us closer to understanding the meaning of the term of imagination According to him, the concept of fantasy is nowadays often related...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 17:20

8 569 0
Tài liệu Investigating the Role of Poultry in Livelihoods and the Impact of Avian Flu on Livelihoods Outcomes in Africa docx

Tài liệu Investigating the Role of Poultry in Livelihoods and the Impact of Avian Flu on Livelihoods Outcomes in Africa docx

... scales The duration of the livelihoods impacts of these shocks are assumed to be one year This is because the variables used to derive the impacts of these shocks (which include whether or not the ... mentioned in Section 3, the duration of these shocks on the livelihoods outcomes are assumed to be annual, since the variables used to derive the impact of the shocks (whether or not the household had ... and asset portfolio rather than solely the poultry income, thereby providing a more accurate measure of the impact of the disease If one looked only at the impact of HPAI on the income from poultry...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 01:20

40 760 0
Tài liệu Learning 2.0 - The Impact of Social Media on Learning in Europe ppt

Tài liệu Learning 2.0 - The Impact of Social Media on Learning in Europe ppt

... BRIEF The Use of the Internet for Information and Learning Purposes Over the last few years, the Internet has had a profound effect on the private and professional lives of European citizens, offering ... collaboration with DG Education and Culture, Directorate A, Unit A1 (Lifelong Learning: contribution to the Lisbon process) The IPTS contribution to the strategic policy work of DG EAC consists of techno-economic ... Eurostat data on the use of the Internet for seeking information with the purpose of learning (2009) IPTS LEARNING 2.0 POLICY BRIEF However, only 5% of Europeans used the Internet for doing an online...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 21:20

17 688 1
The Impact of Economic Crisis on Higher Education potx

The Impact of Economic Crisis on Higher Education potx

... org/education/apeid/news/news-details/article/consultation-meeting -on -the- impact- of- theeconomic-crisis -on- higher-education-in-asia-and -the- pacific UNESCO Bangkok 2010 Information Note Regional Seminar on the Impact of the Economic Crisis on Higher Education ... framework containing three basic research questions: ‡ what is the impact of the economic crisis on higher education budgets and government responses to cushion the impact; ‡ what is the impact of the ... staff) The expansion of the role of the private sector has been a key feature in the transformation of the Hong Kong higher education system The system consists of 12 UGC-funded higher education...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 06:20

126 584 0
Working PaPer SerieS no 1272 / DeCeMBer 2010: THe iMPaCT of PuBliC guaranTeeS on Bank riSk Taking eviDenCe froM a naTural exPeriMenT pptx

Working PaPer SerieS no 1272 / DeCeMBer 2010: THe iMPaCT of PuBliC guaranTeeS on Bank riSk Taking eviDenCe froM a naTural exPeriMenT pptx

... Regulation, the CEPR conference on Bank Crisis Prevention and Resolution, the European Finance Association Conference, the Reserve Bank of Chicago Conference on Bank Structure and Competition, the ... in the midst of a crisis, in which case the effects of the guarantees on the portfolio risk of banks are confounded by the effects of the crisis itself on portfolio risk of banks To disentangle the ... spreads of savings banks’ bonds increased upon the announcement of the decision to remove the guarantee, while the yield spread of bonds issued by the control group remained unchanged In light of the...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 10:20

53 1,4K 0
Accounting for carbon - The impact of carbon trading on financial statements pptx

Accounting for carbon - The impact of carbon trading on financial statements pptx

... and the nature of the process or other conditions of receipt The intention to sell or use the allowances links into the questions regarding provisions and assets in the books of emitters or traders ... – Central allocation by an EU body – i.e no more national allocation plans – Auction process rather than free allocation – Inclusion of other greenhouse gases – Inclusion of other industries such ... schemes These are both part of the regulated trading environment and should not be confused with the voluntary/unregulated sector which is part of the corporate and social ‘greening’ phenomenon of the...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 16:20

22 643 1
The Impact of Social Structure on Economic Outcomes pptx

The Impact of Social Structure on Economic Outcomes pptx

... of the situation The theoretical issue is often not one of economic and sociological arguments conflicting, but rather of the weakness of both in understanding how actors with simultaneous economic ... out others in the bank for information (about the clients or about the details of a certain type of deal) and for approval Under conditions of uncertainty about the nature of the deal or the client, ... “structural holes” in the network 4) The Interpenetration of Economic and Non-Economic Action Much social life revolves around a non-economic focus Therefore, when economic and noneconomic activity...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 07:20

18 715 1
More Better? The Impact of Postsecondary Education on the Economic and Social Well-Being of American Society ppt

More Better? The Impact of Postsecondary Education on the Economic and Social Well-Being of American Society ppt

... heart of the American university is intellectual training, the awakening of the whole [person], the thorough introduction of the student to the life of America and of the modern world, the completion ... address the economic returns of education Our first discussion concerns private returns on education: the economic benefits to the individual We then take a close look at the economic benefits to the ... examination of the human capital foundations of arguments about the contributions of higher education to economic growth, Ashworth (1998) chose an empirical route He tests the presumption of economic...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 08:20

55 473 0
The impact of related variety on regional employment growth in Finland 1993- 2006: high-tech versus medium/low-tech potx

The impact of related variety on regional employment growth in Finland 1993- 2006: high-tech versus medium/low-tech potx

... that the effect of related variety on regional employment growth is conditioned by the technological intensity of the local sectors involved JEL Codes: D62, O18, R11 Introduction In the context of ... recently, the key question was whether regions should be mainly specialized, or whether the economic composition of regions should be mainly diversified Especially, the importance of regional diversity ... regions, particularly related variety Section contains the empirical framework that describes the evolution of the Finnish economy from 1993 onwards in greater detail, and then elaborates on the...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 10:20

35 425 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "The Impact of Spelling Errors on Patent Search" docx

Báo cáo khoa học: "The Impact of Spelling Errors on Patent Search" docx

... 379 of the 538 assignee names These names are not retrievable by the baseline system, and thus form the main target for our classifier The second row of Table reports on the distribution of the ... compiled the corpus in order to assess the impact of misspelled companies on patent retrieval and the effectiveness of our classifier to detect them.3 The corpus is built on the basis of 132 825 ... name q with the first |q| words of the assignee name a: SoftTfIdf The SoftTfIdf metric is considered, since the metric is suitable for the comparison of names (Cohen et al., 2003) The metric incorporates...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 22:20

10 502 0
The Impact of Natural Disasters on Child Health and Investments in Rural India docx

The Impact of Natural Disasters on Child Health and Investments in Rural India docx

... birth Mother: no education Mother: primary school Mother: secondary school Mother: higher education Father: no education Father: primary school Father: secondary school Father: higher education Muslim ... immunization regimen by four months of age, only children up to 15 months of age at the time of survey would have been “at risk” of not receiving the vaccination during the prior 11 months For ... clear On the one hand, infants may be less prone to nutritional deficiencies or adverse health effects from water or food contamination because of exclusive breastfeeding On the other hand, they...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 08:20

37 605 0