the historical context of international communication



... 1996:68): The content of benevolence is the serving of one’s parents; the content of dutifulness is the obedience to one’s elder brothers; the content of wisdom is to understand these to hold ... and the tortoise shell (kuei); miscellaneous divine uses, the system of forms (hsing). The combination of these two fundamental systems provides the explanatory basis for the formation of the ... beginning from the right-hand side of the page. A peculiarity of accounting in the Ming-Qing period (1368-1911) was the parallel use of three different kinds of numerals: the caoma numerals (the commercial...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 10:20

28 686 0
The maritime Dimension of International Security docx

The maritime Dimension of International Security docx

... Dimension of International Security who usually operate from a “mother ship” and are equipped with modern weaponry. 2 At the high end of the spectrum are assaults involving the out- right theft of ... variations in the annual incident rate of piracy during this period. While some parts of the world were severely affected (for example, Southeast Asia and the seas off the Horn of Africa), others remained ... debt of gratitude is owed to the editor, Erin-Elizabeth Johnson, for her thor- ough review of the initial manuscript. All omissions and errors are the sole responsibility of the author. 6 The...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 22:20

81 350 0
Project Perspectives The annual publication of International Project Management Association 2012 ppt

Project Perspectives The annual publication of International Project Management Association 2012 ppt

... different types of equipment – from the same fi le. First, this offers the possibility of production of a scale model for the purpose of learning how to put the components together into the designed ... arrive. If the results are bad and prove the inef- fi cacy or the toxicity of the molecule, the project will be stopped. During the whole process, we fi nd examples of the three types of uncer- tainty ... evalu- ate the application of the tool, reinforcing the point that further work often needs to be done in order to strengthen the validity of conceptual models. Such practical questions often...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 05:22

115 396 0
The annual publication of International Project Management Association 2013 pot

The annual publication of International Project Management Association 2013 pot

... on the shoulders of thousands of leaders across the eons who have tested their instincts with little or no framework of knowledge, and either lived to tell the tale for the benefit of others, ... upon. The interest groups for each of these types of projects should expand the sketchy descriptions in this paper of the nature of their projects and required approaches. Another dimension of ... if there are options available to hedge the risk. STEP 2: compute the value of each option The method used to evaluate the option is the binomial tree. The method implies the evolution of...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 05:22

41 516 0
The Economic Structure of International Law potx

The Economic Structure of International Law potx

... maximize their own preferences, rather than those of the citizenry. Often the preferences of these public of- ficials are assumed to be political support, either in the form of votes or in the form of ... equilibria of compliance with a rule of customary inter- national law. This is a general theory of the binding nature of international law, and more specifically of the capacity of customary international ... forms the core of this book looks to public welfare maximization, in the sense that it examines maxi- mization of the achievement of regulatory concerns of states. States enter the market of international...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 10:21

369 413 0
TIME TO LISTEN - Hearing People on the Receiving End of International Aid potx

TIME TO LISTEN - Hearing People on the Receiving End of International Aid potx

... identify the characteristics of all the people who made the point. International Assistance in a Larger Context The international assistance” we discuss is clearly only one aspect of the interaction ... another in the long (and growing) line of damning commentaries about the negative impacts of international assistance. Without doubt, international efforts to be helpful often fall short of their ... missing the larger picture of development.” (Staff of a large international NGO, United States) “I don’t know of another systematic effort to listen to the people, to learn of the experience the...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 05:20

184 578 1
báo cáo hóa học:" The psychological context of quality of life: a psychometric analysis of a novel idiographic measure of bladder cancer patients’ personal goals and concerns prior to surgery" pot

báo cáo hóa học:" The psychological context of quality of life: a psychometric analysis of a novel idiographic measure of bladder cancer patients’ personal goals and concerns prior to surgery" pot

... major motivat ional theme as it demon- strates yet another dimension of the QOL Appraisal Profile and further helps e lucidate the nuances o f the profile. The major theme of reaching an event/ milestone ... examination of patien t character- istics and quality of life, thematic content coding of responses to the Brief Quality of Life Appraisal Profile, examination of the relationship of goal attainment ... needed. Other patients c om- pleted the Quality of Life Appraisal Profile and other measures during the time that they were receiving neo- adjuvant chemotherapy. In order to see whether these confounders...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 15:20

18 580 0
the cognitive neuroscience of human communication

the cognitive neuroscience of human communication

... Cross-linguistic studies of children have revealed selectivesensitivitytotheirmother’svoiceandthesoundsofthemothertongue, suggestingtheinuenceofprenatalauditoryexperience.Therecognitionofthe mother tongue ... toward thesurfaceandwhentheberceasestogrow,havingreachedtheexistingouter layer,thecellbodytravelsalongthebertothesurface,thusparticipatinginthe formation of the cortex. The ber then becomes the ... and inmostspeciesgoesonuntilwellafterbirth. Fromtheeighthtotheninthmonthofpregnancybrainmassincreasesrap- idlyfromapproximately1.5gtoabout350g,whichistheaveragemassatbirth (about10%oftotalnewborn’sweight).Attheendoftherstyear,thebrainmass isabout1,000g.Duringtherst4yearsoflifeitreachesabout80%ofthe adultbrainmass—between1,250and1,500g.Thisincreaseisaresultofthe increaseinsize,complexity,andmyelination—andnotofagreaternumberof neurons...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 15:30

384 230 0
Organizing pairwork and groupwork in the context of high school classrooms at pham van nghi upper secondary school, nam dinh province: A case study

Organizing pairwork and groupwork in the context of high school classrooms at pham van nghi upper secondary school, nam dinh province: A case study

... the success of a pair and group work ? Please, tick one option only. Teaching experience The age of teacher The proficiency of the teacher The hard work of the students The cooperation of ... activities and the ways to carry out these activities, the ways to group the students, the appropriate amount of time for them and the purposes of the activities. They have adapted or expanded the exercises ... organizing 14 11,7 5. The hardship of the students 41 34,2 6. The cooperation of the students 33 27,5 7. The language proficiency of the students 13 10,8 8. Other option 2 1,5 From the above table...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:54

62 1,4K 6
Tài liệu The Mathematics of Persuasive Communication ppt

Tài liệu The Mathematics of Persuasive Communication ppt

... one. Therefore, whilst the underlying principles of good writing and good speaking are constant, the way they are applied can be markedly different. In the 'I' of the Storm: the Simple ... you. They will get lost in your text and either give up or come out the other end not knowing what it is they have read. What about the second element of the formula, de-emphasise what is of ... some of the concepts of mathematics to oral presentations could make them substantially more effective. As they say in the film industry, three key factors go into making a successful movie: the...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 05:15

8 467 0