... Lehmer’s modification of the Lucas sequences shown in (2.2) and (2.3) was motivated by the fact that the discriminant P − 4Q of the characteristic equation of (2.1) cannot be of the form 4k + or 4k ... Jaroma 147 two theorems pertain to the rank of apparition of a prime of the form 2n p ± in the Lehmer sequences Because of Lemma 3.5, we impose the restriction q RQ∆ Theorem 4.1 Let q = 2n p − be ... ω(p) is odd Then Vn ( R,Q) is not divisible by p for any value of √ n On the other hand, if ω(p) is even, say 2k, then V(2n+1)k ( R,Q) is divisible by p for every n but no other term of the sequence...
Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2014, 00:20
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 15:21
Báo cáo sinh học: " A linear programming approach for estimating the structure of a sparse linear genetic network from transcript profiling data" pdf
... encoding the set of edges The (i, j)th element of the matrix W specifies whether nodes i and j (Wij ≠ 0) or not (Wij = 0) influence each other The degree of node n, kn, indicates the number of other ... en(t) is the abundance of gene n in profile t In most extant profiling studies, the number of transcripts monitored exceeds the number of available profiles (N Ŭ T) In the static setting, the T ... abundances of the remaining N - genes in the same profile In the dynamic setting, the T transcript profiles in E are assumed to form a time series In the linear interaction model, the abundance value of...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 17:20
Báo cáo sinh học: " A criterion for measuring the degree of connectedness in linear models of genetic evaluation" ppt
... notice that the variance Coo.,5 of the conditional distribution of given $ is also the variance of the marginal distribution of under the reduced model (0, A) This leads to view the ratio of determinants ... whatever the distribution of records across herd-year-seasons and other fixed effects Nevertheless, the phenomenon of non orthogonality between the estimation of a contrast of fixed effects and the ... relative ease of computation in large field data sets The extension of the theory to the measure of degree of connectedness of random factors is illustrated in this example by calculations of D and...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 20:20
... Behavior of the sequence of norms of primitives of a function, J Approximation Theory 162 (2010), 1178 -1186 [19] H.H Bang and V.N Huy, Behavior of the sequences of norms of primitives of functions ... 1/|α| = ∞ Φ The proof is complete We consider now the case when f doesn’t have (O)-property and not satisfies the condition in Theorem 19 The following theorem is clear from the proofs of Theorems ... f - the αth primitive of f Theorem 10 Let f ∈ LΦ (Rn ) Then there is at most one sequence of primitives (I α f )α∈Zn+ ⊂ LΦ (Rn ) Proof We have to show that if there exists another sequence of...
Ngày tải lên: 14/10/2015, 15:24
Đề tài " Norm preserving extensions of holomorphic functions from subvarieties of the bidisk " potx
... elegant function theoretic proof of Theorem 1.19 We include his proof in an appendix at the end of the paper 295 HOLOMORPHIC FUNCTIONS The equivalence of the von Neumann inequality and the extension ... disk of type This completes the proof of Lemma 5.17 In light of Lemma 5.17 the proof of Theorem 1.20 will be complete once we have established our final lemma Lemma 5.20 If V satisfies the hypotheses ... sets in the context of the extension property on the bidisk will be revealed in Section where we shall exploit Theorem 1.13 to give an operator-theoretic proof of the following result Theorem...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 23:20
The translation of health insuracne terms of non-equivalence group
... diversity of health plans in the former are the source of nonequivalence problem in the translation of HI terms in the US health plans The following section will focus on the analysis of how the problem ... The translation strategy which involves the deletion of OF 26 II.4 Concluding remark 26 CHAPTER III: THE TRANSLATION OF HEALTH INSURANCE TERMS OF NON-EQUIVALENCE GROUP 28 III.1 The source of ... gap between the SL and the TL text 15 In the view of Koller (1979), there are five types of equivalence: • Denotative equivalence: the SL and the TL words refer to the same thing in the real world...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:44
CHAPTER 5 The Logic of Group Behavior In Business and Elsewhere
... a society of heterogeneous individuals Common Interest Theory of Group Behavior There are almost as many theories of group behavior as there are group theorists However, categorizing theories ... common interest of the unit can be realized In promoting the interest of the small unit to which they belong, people can promote the common interest of the large group The League of Women Voters ... because the group organizers sell their members a service and use the profits from sales to promote projects that are in the common interest of the group The Sierra Club, which is in the forefront of...
Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 15:18
Tài liệu Đề tài " Periodic simple groups of finitary linear transformations " doc
... PERIODIC SIMPLE GROUPS OF FINITARY LINEAR TRANSFORMATIONS 447 The original proofs of the BBHST Theorem 1.2 appealed to CFSG, but the theorem of Larsen and Pink [26] now renders the BBHST theorem independent ... as desired A section of the group X is a quotient of a subgroup That is, for a subgroup A ≤ X and normal subgroup B of A, the group A/B is a section of X We often write the section A/B as an ... (I, ) For us the canonical example of a directed system is the set of all finitely generated subgroups of a group in particular, the set of all finite subgroups of a locally finite group with respect...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 05:20
Tài liệu High-level Expert Group on reforming the structure of the EU banking sector docx
... mandate, the Group also expects the on-going fundamental review of the trading book by the Basel Committee to improve the control of market risk within the banking system The Group sees the Commission's ... together the analysis of the previous chapters It reiterates the importance of banks in the EU economy, summarises the key problems of the EU banking sector, and recalls the extent to which the ... amendments to the use of bail-in instruments as a resolution tool In addition to the use of RRPs, the Group also strongly supports the use of designated bail-in instruments within the scope of the BRR,...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 10:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Unusual metal specificity and structure of the group I ribozyme fromChlamydomonas reinhardtii23S rRNA pptx
... positioned in the catalytic center [9,10] Owing to the complexity of the ribozyme reactions and the polyanionic nature of RNA, the catalytic chemistry and folding of group I ribozymes (and other large ... whereas binding of a minimum of m Mn2+ ions forms the inactive complex The sizes of the active and inactive fractions are the result of competitive metal binding to RNA The values of n and m are ... protected The Cr.LSU pattern is distinct in that the rst three nucleotides of P7, and the 3Â-half of J8 7, are not protected The rst three nucleotides of P7 are part of the G binding site, as are the...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 07:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Oxygen tension regulates the expression of a group of procollagen hydroxylases docx
... chromosomes the question arises concerning the mechanisms underlying the orchestrated expression of these enzymes by the oxygen tension The findings that the effect of hypoxia on the gene expression of the ... 100, : 1000) of a cDNA generated from the pooled RNA of the normoxic (control) cultures (at the different time points) of the respective experimental series (standard cDNA) Analysis of the individual ... thus on the one hand fully support these previous findings and on the other hand extend them by far and set them in a more general context, as both a-subunits of P4h, PDI as the b-subunit of P4h...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 02:21
The work of savings banks in microcredit in Europe (10 May 2011) Joint conference of the European Savings Banks Group (ESBG) and the European Microfinance Network (EMN) held in Brussels, Belgium pot
... MFIs in the provision of microcredit The Commission sees the role of the savings banks as a complementary to non-banking financial institutions, since they often target different segments of the ... costs of serving such clients render them unattractive to the traditional banking sector Some of the challenges in the sector are developing a common definition of the terms used in the microfinance ... such as the JEREMIE and the JASMINE programmes Savings banks have a particular role to play in the development of microfinance, since they finance the local economy in the communities where they...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 10:20
... marks upon the left side of the body, as it lies on the ground, the extent of the incision which is to be made; then another, who is called the dissector, cuts open as much of the flesh as the law ... springes There are two methods of hanging them — in one the twig is bent into the form of the figure six, the tail end running through a slit out in the upper part of the twig The other method ... stone, where they opened it and took out the bowels; then, twice a day, they washed the porous parts of the body, viz., the arm-pits, behind the ears, the groin, between the fingers, and the neck,...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 13:20
Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics Linear and Non-linear Operators, and The Distribution of Zeros of Entire Functions
... order of the sum of two functions is not greater than the larger of the orders of the two summands, and if the orders of the summands and of the sum are all equal, then 21 the type of the sum ... greater than the larger of the types of the two summands In addition, if one of the two functions is of larger growth than the other, then the sum has the same order and type as the function of larger ... analogue of Rolle’s theorem Theorem (Gauss-Lucas Theorem [50, p 8],[57, Theorem 1.2.1]) If p(z) is a non-constant polynomial, then the zeros of p (z) belong in the convex hull of the zeros of p(z) The...
Ngày tải lên: 10/03/2014, 16:15
Báo cáo " On the set of periods for periodic solusions of some linear differential equations on the multidimensional sphere $S^n$ " docx
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 13:20
Báo cáo khoa học: The use of synthetic linear tetrapyrroles to probe the verdin sites of human biliverdin-IXa reductase and human biliverdin-IXb reductase potx
... suggest that they may interact with the ‘roof’ and ‘floor’ of a hypothetical ‘verdin binding site’, with the nicotinamide ring forming part of the floor If the bound conformation is helical, there would ... Franklin et al A Probing the verdin site of BVR-A and -B Fig Spectra of the BVR-A catalysed reactions of the locked conformers of biliverdin-IXa The spectra of the fixed isomers are shown in (A) 15Z-syn ... initiated by the addition of enzyme C Fig Initial rate kinetics of the BVR-A catalysed reactions of the locked conformers of biliverdin-IXa The initial rate kinetics of the fixed isomers are shown...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 02:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Isothermal unfolding studies on the apo and holo forms of Plasmodium falciparum acyl carrier protein Role of the 4¢-phosphopantetheine group in the stability of the holo form of Plasmodium falciparum acyl carrier protein docx
... between the two proteins (as indicated by the values of DGwater, Cm and Tg) hence arise from the changes in the surface of the protein because of the interactions of the cofactor with the protein ... bonds The 4Â-PP group is linked to the protein by the Ser37 O-c atom Only residues 3138 of the protein make extensive contacts with the cofactor For the sake of better understanding of the interactions, ... are comparable, the Tg values of the proteins vary slightly; there is a difference of almost C between the Tg values of the proteins, the value being higher for the holo form There have been...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 10:20