Báo cáo " The effects of pictures on the reading comprehension of low-proficiency Taiwanese English foreign language college students: An action research study " ppt
... and predict the effects of visuals on reading comprehension, among them, the theory of mental models (Johnson-Laird [20]), the transmediation theory (Siegel [21]), the repetition hypothesis (Gyselinck ... speed on to the main road directly in front of the other car The third picture showed that one car, although it braked hard, hit the motorcycle, and the other car hit the corner of the T-junction ... passage Based on his finding, Hudson concluded that the visuals may have facilitated reading comprehension because they offered additional contextual information to the students, confirming the value...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 12:20
... other others the others another the ones the others the other one / the other ones © Oxford University Press 10 the one E 10 one one both either neither both every/each both other both 7.5 Quantifiers ... pronouns 7.1 Articles Stop & check A B A 10 11 12 13 14 a a the a a a the the a the a the the the © Oxford University Press 15 the B 10 11 12 13 14 15 a a a The the the the a the the the a the ... at the night! I’m far too tired! C 10 11 12 D in at in to the The to the The at the - / to to the © Oxford University Press 10 11 12 – the the / the the -/– the (or -) the / the – – the 7.3 Pronouns,...
Ngày tải lên: 28/07/2014, 12:57
... discovered from the data collected, and compares them with the findings of previous studies Chapter – Conclusion – summarizes the major findings, the contributions, the limitations of the research ... students‟ opinion on what may affect their option of language strategy use 1.4 Organization of the study The first chapter has demonstrated a brief background in theory and practice concerning the topic ... abbreviations/ acronyms vi CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Statement of the problem and rationale for the study 1.2 Aims and objectives of the study 1.3 Scope of the study 1.4 Organization of the study...
Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2015, 10:26
The relationship between language learning strategies and English proficiency of 4th year students at felte, ULIS, VNU
... strategy use 48 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION 5.1 Major findings of the study 69 5.2 Contributions of the study 71 5.3 Limitations of the study 72 5.3 Suggestions for further research 73 REFERENCES 74 ... and rationale for the study 1.2 Aims and objectives of the study 1.3 Scope of the study 1.4 Organization of the study CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Learning strategies 2.1.1 Definition of learning ... tập Content TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Declaration i Acknowledgement ii Abstract iii List of tables and figures iv List of abbreviations/ acronyms vi CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Statement of the problem...
Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 09:41
revised mastermind use of english for advanced and proficiency classes
Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2015, 15:12
To what extent does extensive reading affect the l2 proficiency of students at lower intermediate level of english in vinh phuc high school for the gifted
... and which were employed in the project • The Reader Interview Regular conferencing among students on what they had read and on their opinion on the book • Read Aloud to the Class A student read ... the one By the end of the project, with consent from the students, the researcher read the diary thoroughly and identified the most salient features regarding the participants’ perspectives on ... dependence dictionary on “so different from the texts in the coursebooks I don’t like texts there, I always feel the need to have a dictionary, but reading like this, I feel like I can work out the...
Ngày tải lên: 06/06/2016, 06:20
... in the body part, especially in the news plentiful of content and the content expresses the reaction to the news Like the headline, it attracts the reader’s attentions to the main content of the ... language there is no common situation as there is in face-to-face interaction The situation, therefore, must be interfered from the text Naturally, readers only pay attention to the contents or ... parts: the topic and the controlling idea - The topic sentence is the subject of the paragraph Eg: The color yellow is the color of mental activity The topic: the color yellow - The controlling...
Ngày tải lên: 02/09/2012, 11:12
Flashcard blueup – A bit of English on your journey!
... 600 từ, chia thành với nhiều chủ đề khác thường gặp kỳ thi TOEIC thuộc từ “Barron 600 Essential words for TOEIC” Trong giai đoạn tháng 10 tháng 11 năm nay, blueup khởi động TOEIC Bìa TOEIC Bìa ... Tiên Hoàng Q1, Tp.HCM Thư quán ĐH Kinh tế sở D: 196 Trần Quang Khải Q1, Tp.HCM Kênh trực tuyến online: http://blueup.vn/get Mọi thông tin chi tiết xin truy cập websitewww.blueup.vn Thông tin...
Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2012, 12:02
Cambridge University Press Cambridge Certificate In Advanced English Teachers Book - 4
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2012, 08:21