the expansion of state power

The reformation of state authority

The reformation of state authority

... invigorated by the finding of fictions and the making of assertions by analogy: for example, the church as the bride of Christ, the king as the head, the pope as the holder of the keys to heaven, the king’s ... in the capacity for peace which the imperial protection of the Roman law offered in the face of the Peasant War of 1524–5 There was also the continued theological association of Rome with the ... longer the vices of the day, the selling of indulgences reflected poorly upon the Catholic church There was much diversity in the practice of the granting of indulgences Alleged relics of holy...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 08:20

27 217 0
Tài liệu Actions Against Abuse of the Global Financial System: Report from G7 Finance Ministers to the Heads of State and Government docx

Tài liệu Actions Against Abuse of the Global Financial System: Report from G7 Finance Ministers to the Heads of State and Government docx

... characterized by the high mobility of funds and the rapid development of new payment tools To secure the benefits of the international financial system, we, the Finance Ministers of the G-7 countries, ... so-called “offshore financial centers” (OFCs) that not comply with international standards In addition to ongoing initiatives in the FATF and the OECD, the Report of the OFCs Working Group of the Financial ... gain access to the financial system If there is obscurity about their ownership, banks and other financial institutions may not be able to discover the identity of the beneficiary of the account...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 21:20

8 485 0
Tài liệu The Expansion Of Europe pdf

Tài liệu The Expansion Of Europe pdf

... success the influence of other civilisations; and it had been, from the time of the Crusades onwards, the most formidable opponent of the civilisation of the West Under the rule of the Turk the Mahomedan ... the development of the new British Empire: the expansion of the independent states which had arisen on the ruins of the first colonial empires in the New World Of the Spanish and Portuguese states ... fields The invention of ocean-going ships, the use of the mariner's compass, the discovery of the rotundity of the earth, the development of firearms these were the things which made possible the...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 11:20

91 296 0


... immediate was the refusal of the slogans of the Marxist left, such as the ideas of the "general strike" or "refusal of work," both of which were never inclusive of house-workers Over time, the realization ... and exploitation of labor Third, the disinvestment by the state in the reproduction of the work-force, [through Structural Adjustment, the dismantling of the “welfare state and state- socialism] ... expressed the interests of a limited sector of the world proletariat, that of white, adult, make workers, largely drawing their power from the fact that they work in the leading sectors of capital...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 17:20

20 594 0
21st Century Welfare: Presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions by Command of Her Majesty pptx

21st Century Welfare: Presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions by Command of Her Majesty pptx

... with their personalised set of commitments For those closest to the labour market this loss of benefit for the period of their non-compliance may be permanent For others, some or all of their ... alongside consideration of reform of the structure of the system Subject to the outcome of this consultation, we hope to bring forward legislation early in the New Year to reform the benefits and Tax ... The previous chapters outlined the kind of approach we are considering to address the failings of the current benefits system These ideas are underpinned by the key aims outlined in chapter of...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 08:20

52 472 0
Case Studies on the Effectiveness of State Financial Incentives for Renewable Energy pdf

Case Studies on the Effectiveness of State Financial Incentives for Renewable Energy pdf

... regions of the state On the other hand, only a small fraction of those claiming the tax credit take advantage of the low-interest loan Furthermore, the property-tax exemption complements the tax-credit ... Brown of the National Conference of State Legislatures, Jane Weissman of the Interstate Renewable Energy Council, Frederick Beck of the Renewable Energy Policy Project, and James Caldwell of the ... interconnection agreement The utility’s support of and cooperation with the Illinois program has smoothed the path to interconnection In fact, utilities in other parts of the state not offer easy interconnection...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 19:20

128 577 0


... What of the Night? I THE MEANING AND THE MOTIVES OF IMPERIALISM One of the most remarkable features of the modern age has been the extension of the influence of European civilisation over the ... on, has made the Reign of Law, and the modes of a single civilisation, the common possession of the whole world Rome made the common life of Europe possible The imperial expansion of the European ... the shores of the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Until the end of the fifteenth century the European trader had no direct contact with the sources of these precious commodities; the supply of...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 13:20

187 341 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Packet-Scheduling Algorithm by the Ratio of Transmit Power to the Transmission Bits in 3GPP LTE Downlink" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Packet-Scheduling Algorithm by the Ratio of Transmit Power to the Transmission Bits in 3GPP LTE Downlink" pptx

... order of the ratio of the transmit power Ps,n to the number of transmission bits bs,n as follows: (s, n) = arg s,n f bs,n Ps,n = arg , s,n gs,n bs,n bs,n (4) where gs,n is the channel power of the ... denotes the CQI of the PRB n reported from the UE s In other word, the UE with the highest data rate acquires the highest priority The PF algorithm was introduced to solve monopolized situation in the ... to enhance the system performance One of them is the ratio of the transmit power per bit, which has not been considered yet for packet scheduling The transmit power is insufficient when the radio...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 11:20

8 432 0
Carbon Dioxide Emissions from the Generation of Electric Power in the United States ppt

Carbon Dioxide Emissions from the Generation of Electric Power in the United States ppt

... terms of warm weather in the United States The availability of hydroelectric power to displace fossil-fueled power was limited by dry conditions in much of the Nation, with the exception of the ... amount of nuclear power more than offset the loss of some hydroelectric power in 1999 Fuel Quality and Price when considering the capability of some electric plants to burn the least expensive of these ... varies according to the quality of the fuels, defined by their carbon content and the associated heating value (Btu).15 The Btu content of fuels is a determinant of the number of kilowatthours that...

Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 02:20

21 398 0
Báo cáo toán học: " Mesh patterns and the expansion of permutation statistics as sums of permutation patterns" docx

Báo cáo toán học: " Mesh patterns and the expansion of permutation statistics as sums of permutation patterns" docx

... on the relative position of the entries of the occurrence of π in τ These restrictions say that no elements of τ are allowed in the shaded regions of the figure above Formally, an occurrence of ... describing the action of the symmetric group on the maximal chains of the partition lattice, and the number of simsun permutations in Sn is the Euler number En+1 , see [13] Another important class of ... the role of 21 in some occurrence of 213, and let I − (π) denote the set of inversions that not play the role of 21 in any occurrence of 213 Then the first pattern in the right-hand-side of (3)...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 14:23

14 284 0
Báo cáo y học: "The expansion of CD4+CD28– T cells in patients with rheumatoid arthritis" potx

Báo cáo y học: "The expansion of CD4+CD28– T cells in patients with rheumatoid arthritis" potx

... 0.3) The size of the CD4+CD28– T-cell compartment was not determined by the duration of the inflammatory process The relation between the presence of rheumatoid factor and the frequency of the ... leads to the blocking of CD28 transcription [15] Despite the loss of the CD28 molecule, these CD4+ T cells are functionally active and have the ability to release cytokines in the absence of a costimulatory ... cells were present in the synovial tissue, where their frequency correlated with the expansion of the CD4+CD28– T-cell compartment in the periphery [10] The association of CD4+CD28– T cells with...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 01:22

4 400 0
Báo cáo y học: "Japanese Encephalitis Virus wild strain infection suppresses dendritic cells maturation and function, and causes the expansion of regulatory T cells" doc

Báo cáo y học: "Japanese Encephalitis Virus wild strain infection suppresses dendritic cells maturation and function, and causes the expansion of regulatory T cells" doc

... damage Therefore, the up-regulation of IL-10 in P3-infected DCs may partly contribute to the expansion of Treg Based on these results, we suggest that P3 infection may have led to the expansion of ... because of the defect of APCs function for activating T cell [21-23] Therefore it suggested that the impairment of activating of allogeneic naïve T cells of P3 infected DCs could be involved in the ... However, JEV infection of DCs reduced the expression of TNF-a in the current study On one hand, it usually appears of appropriate expression of TNF-a from the innate response of the host when external...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 21:21

11 252 0
The solutions for valuation in the equitization of state enterprises, the case of Vietinbank Insurance One Member limited Company

The solutions for valuation in the equitization of state enterprises, the case of Vietinbank Insurance One Member limited Company

... FIGURES xiii LIST OF TABLES xiii FOREWORD 1 The necessity of the thesis The purpose of the research The objective and scope of research 4 The method of research 5 Outline of the Thesis CHAPTER 1: ... valuation of the firm is the process of determined value of the firm The firm is an operating organism, all assets of the firm are used to the business and to joint the process of making profit of the ... manages, are owned by the firm The asset of the firm (the net asset value of the firm) is the value of the assets of the firm except debt payable Thus, when the value of the firm is determined,...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2015, 13:26

86 483 0
The modelling of state of the art taxi operations and dispatching approaches

The modelling of state of the art taxi operations and dispatching approaches

... within the confidence interval a(t) the decision profile of all taxi agents at time t ai(t) the decision of the taxi agent of VTi(t) a-i (t) the set of decisions of all taxi agents except the one of ... * the delivery location of CBK* pim , the pickup location of ABKim xix pim , the delivery location of ABKim ρ a parameter in the calculation of Di Sj the market share of the operator j sd the ... efficiency of the entire taxi fleet; the other is the Customer Waiting Time (CWT) - the average waiting time of all customers to reflect the satisfaction of the customer to the service provided by the...

Ngày tải lên: 08/09/2015, 19:37

201 1,1K 0
The design of low power ultra wideband transceiver

The design of low power ultra wideband transceiver

... θ is the polar co-ordinate, N is the number of antenna elements, d is the spacing between the antenna elements,  is the angle at which the main lobe of the beam is focused and k=2π/ is the propagation ... 121  Figure 5.6 The frequency response of the proposed LNA 122  Figure 5.7 The simulated S11 and S21 of the proposed LNA 123  Figure 5.8 The simulated noise performance of the proposed LNA ... respectively The horizontal axis of Figure 3.6 represents the input power Its vertical axis is the output power of the fundamental component and IM3 When large signal is present, the gain should...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 09:21

147 293 0
An analysis of the influence of state interventions on NGOs efficacy in china

An analysis of the influence of state interventions on NGOs efficacy in china

... covers both the “efficiency” (the quantity of the output compared to the quantity of the input) and the “effectiveness” (the quality of the output) of an NGO’s performance By synthetically evaluating ... Review of Literature In totalitarian countries, the legal system does not determine the degree of state centralization; rather it is the totalitarian essence of the state that determines the fact of ... According to the new RRASO, the related departments of the State Council, the institutions authorized by the State Council43, and the local government from above the county level can act as the Professional...

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2015, 10:23

139 650 0


... preponderant power, and the ramifications, expressions, or manifestations of power Not all of the titles of these works are couched in synonyms of power or the language of power- whether it is ... fun at the ceaseless monitoring and surveillance of the state on the individual In the cartoon, the officer in charge of monitoring the activities of the citizens report to his boss, the state, ... their estate Out of the 199 residents who participated, only 26.6 % could name at least one of the four MPs representing their estate 37 The weak knowledge of the MPs who represents their estate...

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2015, 10:26

136 446 0
Mafias, machines and mobilization the sources of local power in three districts in north sumatra, indonesia

Mafias, machines and mobilization the sources of local power in three districts in north sumatra, indonesia

... into the third type of coalition As mobilizing coalitions, they must accommodate the expectations of new groups that are neither part of the state nor the constituents of political parties The ... turn, constrains the types of political strategies they are able to utilize in pursuit of power The next section outlines the pressures encouraging the formation of coalitions, while the following ... contrast, they face serious obstacles to following through on their promises because of the numerous constraints limiting the power of the district executive The executive must satisfy the core...

Ngày tải lên: 13/10/2015, 15:57

142 634 0
From the kings house to the reason of state (Pierre Bourdieu)

From the kings house to the reason of state (Pierre Bourdieu)

... understood as the totality of the goods and the totality of the members of the family, were often designated by their forename followed by the name of the house, which implied, in the case of sons-in-law ... mingles the domestic and the political, the king’s house and the reason of state, are no doubt one of the major causes of the strengthening of the bureaucracy, owing to the contradictions they engender: ... asserting the priority of the “public service” with which they were bound up (One thinks here of the attitude of the tiers état during the General Estates of 1614–15 and the policy of the Parliament of...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2016, 09:40

21 760 1
The role of state audit in public debt management in vietnam

The role of state audit in public debt management in vietnam

... Analyze the research result on the roles of State Audit in managing public debt in Vietnam, then summarize the strengths and weaknesses of the State Audit’s role and the causes Step 4: Base on the theoretical ... during the period 2006 to 2013 The new contribution of the research New contribution on the academic and theoretical aspects: The thesis clarified the research rationale of the roles of SAV in ... assess the role of the State Audit page or factors affecting the role of state audit in public debt management to achieve the goal of cost and risk, meet other debt management criteria of the Government"...

Ngày tải lên: 02/05/2016, 23:22

12 504 0