the evolution of computers ppt

Tài liệu Lesson 27-The Application of Computers pptx

Tài liệu Lesson 27-The Application of Computers pptx

... software n. phần mềm 30. program n. chương trình 31. the system software phần mềm hệ thống 32. the application software phần mềm ứng dụng 33. the operation system(OS) hệ điều hành 34. the ... Ngôn ngữ Assemble 36. the data base management system(DBMS) hệ quản lý cơ sở dữ liệu 37. the office automation(OA) tự động hóa văn phòng 38. the graphic processing software phần mềm xử lý ... diệu,thành công rực rỡ 2. as early as ngay từ sớm 3. take the form of dưới hình dạng của 4. let sth. pass cho đi qua 5. vast quantities of lượng lớn của 6. in a word nói tóm lại 7. do one's...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 21:15

4 503 0
Oxygen and the Evolution of Life pptx

Oxygen and the Evolution of Life pptx

... structure of the oxygen atom. As we shall see in Cha p. 2, the existence of oxygen atoms is in turn a necessary result of the evolution of the universe. 1.3 The Dioxygen Molecule Virtually all of the ... H ỵ ẵ: Thus, the higher the pH value, the lower the proton concentration and therefore the degree of dissociation of water. This behavior of water depends strongly on the temperature, the higher the temperature ... of a particular part of the DNA from the cell nucleus to the cytosol. This serves as a matrix for the synthesis of proteins, composed of amino acids. Thus, proteins express the potential of the...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 10:20

177 3,4K 1
Tài liệu The Evolution of Internet Telephony pptx

Tài liệu The Evolution of Internet Telephony pptx

... network. The function of these gateways is to packetize the voice signal on the originating end of a call so that it can be transported over an IP network. At the terminating end of the call, another ... drive the IPT market in the longer run. Indeed the very future of IPT depends in part on the development of compelling applications. There are a variety of potential applications, many of which ... growing market we often find that it changes month by month. All four of these are, however, carrying millions of minutes each of IPT on their networks. Despite the entry of other players, Delta...

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 17:15

25 486 2
Tài liệu The Object Oriented Evolution of PHP5 ppt

Tài liệu The Object Oriented Evolution of PHP5 ppt

... article. Luckily, there are at least another couple of measures that you can take to counter the use of OCR programs. The first consists of changing the “baseline” of the string outputted by the script. If the ... row of a dataset in the content array. In this example, the pattern of creating table rows of two cells apiece is repeated for each ‘name’ and ‘surname’ pair in the content array. The end of the passage ... and then proceeds to process the parents of that state. For each parent, the state variables are URL-encoded and links are pro- duced. Once all of the parents have been processed, the array of...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 18:20

67 984 0
Tài liệu Combat Pair - The Evolution of Air Force-Navy Integration in Strike Warfare ppt

Tài liệu Combat Pair - The Evolution of Air Force-Navy Integration in Strike Warfare ppt

... From the Sea: Preparing the Naval Service for the 21st Century, Washington, D.C.: Department of the Navy, 1992. 22 Combat Pair: The Evolution of Air Force–Navy Integration in Strike Warfare there ... and line aircrews over the issue of whether fleet squadrons should train simply to meet the demands of the most likely threat or instead should train to the limits of their aircraft’s capabilities ... a decade earlier at the instigation of then-Secretary of the Navy John Lehman in response to the flawed Navy performance in the Lebanon strike of December 1983 and to the fleet readiness deficiencies...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 23:20

129 389 0
Tài liệu FINANCIAL ENGINEERING The Evolution of a Profession pptx

Tài liệu FINANCIAL ENGINEERING The Evolution of a Profession pptx

... 1998. All of these events raised fears of a global economic meltdown. Also notable at the end of 1998 was the creation of the financial behe- moth, Citigroup, that challenged the separation of banking ... experience drawn from the publication of numerous past books and articles on many of these topics. His input was invaluable to the completion of this book. The authors also wish to thank the staff at ... with some thoughts on the role of the public sector in the management of systemic risk. At this writing, the world continues its de-risking and de-leveraging. In April of 2010 the IMF revised downward...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 18:20

615 735 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Distribution of the extrinsic proteins as a potential marker for the evolution of photosynthetic oxygen-evolving photosystem II ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: Distribution of the extrinsic proteins as a potential marker for the evolution of photosynthetic oxygen-evolving photosystem II ppt

... endosymbiosis. Based on these immuno- logical analyses, together with the current genome data, the evolution of photosynthetic oxygen-evolving PSII was discussed from a view of distribu- tion of the extrinsic ... detect the presence of PsbU in these algae which plays a role in optimizing the availability of Cl – cofactors for water oxidation [5,29]. This may be due to the high species-specificity of the antibody ... University, and PRESTO, JST, Japan The appearance of oxygenic photosynthetic organisms was a key event in the evolution of our green bio- sphere. The organisms developed the machinery using solar energy...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 15:21

11 503 0
The Evolution of the Subprime Mortgage Market pptx

The Evolution of the Subprime Mortgage Market pptx

... necessarily reflect the official positions of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, the Federal Reserve System, the Board of Governors, the Office of Comptroller of the Currency, or other officers, agencies, ... economist at the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. Anthony Pennington-Cross is a senior economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. The views expressed here are those of the individual ... requirements in the stan- dard (prime) mortgage market have greater access to credit in the subprime market. Two of the major benefits of this type of lending, then, are the increased numbers of homeowners...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 01:20

26 382 0
HOMINOID EVOLUTION AND CLIMATIC CHANGE IN EUROPE VOLUME 1 The Evolution of Neogene Terrestrial Ecosystems in Europe ppt

HOMINOID EVOLUTION AND CLIMATIC CHANGE IN EUROPE VOLUME 1 The Evolution of Neogene Terrestrial Ecosystems in Europe ppt

... Press, Palaeogeography of the circum-Mediterranean region 80 to the extremely high annual precipitation (due to the Rockies inhibiting the Xow of maritime air oV the PaciWc into the interior USA). In the southeast, however, ... 1995; Iljina, 1995). These channels may have brieXy acted as barriers for mammal exchanges. The regression of the sea from the Greek mainland and the Aegean landmass at the end of the Burdigalian prevented ... signiWcant role in much of the vegetation that covers the Sahel, Sudano-Zambezian and Kalahari portions of the continent, today, they are probably not the natural dominants in these areas (Fig. 4.5)....

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 17:20

529 432 0
báo cáo hóa học: " The evolution of methods for the capture of human movement leading to markerless motion capture for biomechanical applications" pptx

báo cáo hóa học: " The evolution of methods for the capture of human movement leading to markerless motion capture for biomechanical applications" pptx

... one of the primary technical factors limiting the advancement of the study of human movement is the measurement of skeletal movement from markers or sen- sors placed on the skin. The movement of ... University of Cali- fornia [5,6] provided a tremendous resource of knowl- edge related to the mechanics of human movement. The work at the University of California formed the basis for many of the fundamental ... by the design of the implant [84], and the mechanics of walking influ- enced the disease severity of osteoarthritis of the knee [26,29,80,85]. It should be noted that each of the clinical examples...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 10:20

11 511 0
Regulation and the Evolution of the Global Telecommunications Industry pptx

Regulation and the Evolution of the Global Telecommunications Industry pptx

... application providers. Neither of these models can assure the collection of su cient revenues for capacity expansion or the quality of the transmission of the content. These solutions may be ... technologies, most of which emerge outside the domain of the telecommunications industry. Departing from the self- evident fact that the main objective of innovators is the com- mercialization of their ... questioned the ability of the regulatory agencies and the type of regulation they have put in place to spur innovation. This research purports to examine thoroughly the workings of the ladder of investment...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 21:20

369 329 0
The Evolution of Bridges in the United States pptx

The Evolution of Bridges in the United States pptx

... emerges from a tunnel in the south wall of the canyon splitting rail traffic over the river; one leg heads north to meet with the Burlington Northern Railroad and the other is the main line heading ... any of its predecessors. Built in 1967, it was designed by Bert Bezzone of the California Division of Highways. (Courtesy of California Department of Transportation.) Root, N.F. " ;The Evolution ... overshadow their west suspension span, and aspirations by Oakland that their city is also deserving of a signature span on their side of the Bay. (Courtesy of California Department of Transportation.) ...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 12:20

50 286 0